The Contributions of the Jewish People to the Construction and Functioning of the Mishkan
"The Work in the Mishkan Does Not Override Shabbat."
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The Pattern of Anointment Oil Used for the Kohanim and Vessels of the Mishkan
Explaining the Meaning of Hashem Showing Moshe a Coin Made of Fire
Moshe Rabeinu’s Day of Passing – Foreshadowed in Tetzaveh, Where His Name Is Absent but His Presence Is Profound
The Ephod According to Rashi and Rambam: Defining the Garments of the Kohen Gadol
The Two Steps in Elevating the Gifts to Become a Sanctuary
Discussion: Whether the Kapores and the Aron Are Part of the Aron or if the Kapores Is Separate. Also, Are the Keruvim Part of the Kapores and the Aron?
The Two Aspects of Matan Torah: 1. The Commandments 2. The Covenant – As Reflected in the Two Sections of Yisro and Mishpatim
Understanding Our Responsibility for One Another: Exploring the Differences Between the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud
Explains the statement "אשר הוצאתיך מארץ מצרים" to mean that we are not only supposed to listen to Hashem but be enslaved to Him.
Explaining that the Mitzvah of Believing in Hashem Includes Learning and Understanding Basic Aspects of Hashem
The Difference Between Belief in Hashem and Trust in Hashem
The Essence of Yosef Accompanied the Bnei Yisroel in the Desert
Explaining How Remembering the Exodus from Egypt Is Similar to Remembering Shabbat
The Special Function of Witnesses in Sanctifying the New Moon
Explaining Why the Alter Rebbe Uses the Language of the Haftorah About Nevuchadnezzar in Reference to a Tzadik
The Lesson from the Haftorah and Torah Portion of Vaeira: Action is Most Important
How All of Creation, Even Those Seemingly Extra Items, Adds to the Glory of Hashem
The Relationship Between the Jewish People and Hashem as His Children
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