
  • What can science tell us about how animals see the world? Independent journalist Brandon Keim meets Sentient’s Ana Bradley and Jenny Splitter to discuss his new book, “Meet the Neighbors,” and how our understanding of animals is evolving in episode no. 36 of Sentient: The Podcast.

    Brandon Keim is an independent journalist specializing in science, nature and animals.

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/8bzBPKHaTCQ

    Buy Meet the Neighbors here: https://wwnorton.com/books/9781324007081

    Follow Brandon here:

    Substack: https://brandonkeim.substack.com/X: http://twitter.com/9brandonInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/9brandon/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brandonkeimauthor

    Links for further reading:

    https://brandonkeim.net/https://ig.ft.com/ai-animals/https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2020-25935-010 Hobaiter, Catherinehttps://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2024/06/new-anthropomorphism/678611/
  • Since May 2020, the instance of orcas ramming boats, biting off bits of vessels, sinking yachts, has off the coast of Portugal and Spain in the Gibraltar Strait has gone from a handful of encounters to 100s. In this episode, Sarah DeWeerdt explains what might be happening and reflects on the tragic death of the captive orca known many as Lolita.

    Sarah DeWeerdt is a freelance science journalist in Seattle covering biology, medicine and the environment. She is working on a book of essays about the family history of the southern resident orcas of the Salish Sea.

    Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/E21BOxagB2k

    The conversation:

    Overview.The number of orcas in the gibraltar strait in Portugal and Spain has gone from a handful of incidents to getting into the hundreds.About 20% of these orca boat interactions have resulted in enough damage to the boats that they couldn't get back to port on their own.A total of five boats have sunk as the results of these interactions, but there have been no human fatalities.The media’s perception of orcas as rebels.There has been an increase in interactions between orcas and boats over the years. The media attention is making people aware of the phenomenon.The role that orcas play in society.Scientists are calling orcas gladiators. The idea that orcas are doing this to punish and target the rich is often tongue in cheek.The southern resident killer whale population of orcas in the waters around Seattle and British Columbia is the most talked about.Scientists have identified three threats to the iberian orcas at the moment, lack of food, toxins and vessel noise.Females are thought to be able to live for potentially as long as 100 years, while males tend to live shorter than 50 to 60 years.How did the orcas react to the quieter ocean?It is feasible that there are workers who remember when the ocean was quieter and there was less human activity.In the north sea, there hasn't been a healthy calf in over a decade.Is there any evidence to back up the idea that the COVID-19 lockdown was a good thing for the orcas?There was an increase in boats around the southern residents during lockdown.Are the orcas playing with the boats?There is no evidence that their interactions could just be them playing with the boats, but scientists suspect that it might be play.One of the orcas, gladys nigra, has been injured.There has been a lot of whale news this summer and throughout the year. Here are a few examples of whale stories that have been in the media.There has also been a sea otter in Santa Cruz who was labelled as a menace.How do we frame the orca uprising?The idea of an orca uprising is often couched in positive terms. It is a different culture, especially as a positive thing, is a really different narrative for western culture.Orca scientists are becoming increasingly concerned about the media framing of the narrative and the way that it has been presented.The boat was recorded to have been shooting something at the orcas, which is evidence that they are sentient.Orcas are highly social creatures. They are also very tactile, constantly in touch with members of their families, and they have very sensitive skin.The story of the orca known as LolitaToki, the southern resident killer whale, passed away recently in her tank in Miami, after 53 years in captivity.Toki was captured in 1970 in penn cove, seattle.Toki was named after the nabokov novel. She performed with hugo for 10 years and never had a calf.Toki is the oldest southern resident killer whale at the moment, 95 years old.Retirement and release to a sea pen.Toki was finally retired from doing shows in 2022, and then the Sea Aquarium announced an agreement with a nonprofit called friends of toki.A strange phenomenon happened in the time leading up to her death.These gatherings would have been more common in the past as the salmon populations chinook salmon population that the southern residents rely on has declined.Very few of the southern resident killer whale population were alive at the time of the capture of her mother.Sarah wants to hold open a space for the unexplainable. She wants to take her rage and grief and use it to end cetacean captivity and ensure the continued survival of the southern resident killer whale population.Sarah shares her thoughts on the death of her mother.

    Further Reading:

    Sentient Media Coverage:

    Inside the Fight to Release the Orca Some Called Lolita. By Grace Hussain.

    Are Orcas Smart Enough to Plot Against Humans? Their Intelligence, Explained. By Björn Ólafsson

    Are Orcas Endangered? Some Are, and the Species Appears to Be Fighting Back. By Björn Ólafsson


    orcaiberica.org -- info about the Iberian orcas, their boat interaction behavior, and efforts to reduce human-orca conflict in this area.

    Essays by Emily Gambone: https://www.nonhumanrights.org/blog/lolita-orca-part-1/




    Snake River dams work: https://damsense.org/

    Open letter to media: https://awionline.org/sites/default/files/uploads/documents/Open-Letter-Iberian-Orcas.pdf

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  • In this episode of the Sentient Media Podcast, host Ana Bradley interviews Dr. Jennifer Jacquet about the controversial topic of octopus farming. Dr. Jacquet discusses the reasons behind the resistance to octopus farming in the 21st century and the ethical implications of mass-producing a beloved animal species. They explore the current status of proposed octopus farms in different countries, including the world's first factory farm for octopuses in Gran Canaria. Dr. Jacquet shares insights into what an octopus factory farm might look like and the potential impact on the animals' well-being. They also discuss the reasons for choosing a land-based facility for octopus farming and the public's response to this issue. This episode provides valuable perspectives on the challenges and ethical considerations surrounding octopus farming.

    Dr. Jennifer Jacquet is a professor in Department of Environmental Science and Policy at the University of Miami. She is the recipient of a 2015 Alfred P. Sloan research fellowship and a 2016 Pew fellowship in marine conservation. Along with Becca Franks, Peter Godfrey-Smith and Walter Sanchez-Suarez, she published an article on “The Case Against Octopus Farming” in 2019.

  • In this conversation, @moby — musician, songwriter, producer and animal rights activist — and Sentient Media’s founder, Mikko Järvenpää discuss punk rock’s tie to veganism, animal agriculture’s impact on the world around us, American media’s coverage of animals (or lack thereof) and Moby’s new film.

    Watch the interview here: https://youtu.be/1BNTBjjMKL8


    Punk Rock Vegan Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9q1IidazY8

    Moby’s website: https://moby.com/

    Follow Moby on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moby/

    Follow Moby on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thelittleidiot

  • George Monbiot and Sentient Media Executive Director, Ana Bradley, discuss in detail the link between the far-right and farming and why these conspiracy theories being spread by influencers like Brand are so damaging.

    Watch the video short here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=khAs-mpZ0nU

    Monbiot’s work:

    Monbiot’s column in the Guardian

    Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet

    TED Talk: Can We Feed Ourselves Without Devouring the Planet

    Feral: Rewilding the Land, Sea and Human Life

    The Age of Consent; Heat: How to Stop the Planet Burning

    Out of the Wreckage: A New Politics for an Age of Crisis

    TED Talk: "How Wolves Change Rivers"

    Follow Monbiot on Twitter

  • Leah Garcés is CEO and President of Mercy for Animals and author of "Grilled: Turning Adversaries Into Allies To Change the Chicken Industry". She has nearly 20 years of leadership experience in the animal protection movement and has partnered with some of the world's largest food companies on her mission to build a better food system. She's overseen international campaigns in 14 countries at the World Society for the Protection of Animals and launched Compassion in World farming in the U.S. And her work has featured in national and international media outlets —she has been in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Vice, Chicago Tribune.

    In this conversation, Leah discusses how the media can help shift narratives around animal agriculture, how farmers suffer at the hands of corporations and why focusing on removing cages for laying hens is so important today.


    Mercy for Animals: https://mercyforanimals.org

    Grilled, book: https://mercyforanimals.org/grilled/

    True Cost of Your Cheap Chicken @New York Times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6xE7rieXU0

    Deloitte study on plant-based consumer trends referenced: https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/industry/retail-distribution/future-of-fresh-food-sales/plant-based-meat-sales.html

  • In this episode of the Sentient Media Podcast, we meet Nicholas Carter to tackle the myths around animal agriculture.

    Watch the interview on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/jl8xG6TVhyc

    Nicholas is an ecologist and co-founder of PlantBasedData.org, a library of peer-reviewed articles and summaries on the environmental, health, economic, and zoonotic disease evidence to shift to plant-based diets. He’s recently prepared a scientific report for World Animal Protection, including a contribution to carbon modeling with Navius Research, on the impacts and opportunities with agriculture in Canada.

    Nicholas is also on the advisory board of the Eco Cooks Club, an educational program to empower youth to take climate action by connecting how our food choices impact the planet. He’s also helped launch and leads climate communications for a data center that’s part of the Canadian Centre for Climate Services. He was recently a Center for Biological Diversity panelist alongside Dr. Tara Garnett from Oxford University, and a speaker at the launch of the documentary Meat the Future along with the Jane Goodall Institute, the Good Food Institute, and BluNalu. His research during his master’s degree in environmental practice focused on the global greenhouse gas emissions that are attributed to animal agriculture. He's since written and been interviewed for The New Republic, Plant Based News, Plant Proof, Sentient Media, Forbes, The Globe and Mail, Macleans, and Planet Friendly News. Transitioning to plant-based farming systems has also been a focus where he’s written about regenerative plant farming practices with A-Well-Fed World.


    Coverage of the Nexus report by Jessica Scott-Reid: https://sentientmedia.org/canadians-meat-dairy-climate-goals/Dairy campaign advert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_NII-LL9kwArticle by Jenny Splitter on Frank Mitloehner, money and miscommunication: https://sentientmedia.org/frank-mitloehner/Coverage of Frank Mitloehner in Unearthed and New York Times: https://unearthed.greenpeace.org/2022/10/31/frank-mitloehner-uc-davis-climate-funding/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/31/climate/frank-mitloehner-uc-davis.htmlGeorge Monbiot’s book, Regenisis: https://twitter.com/georgemonbiot/status/1522851257794318336Achieving climate targets in Canada with a shift to plant-based: https://www.worldanimalprotection.ca/news/canadas-2030-climate-targets-are-achievable-if-canadians-move-more-plant-based-dietWe will not achieve the Paris 1.5 degrees C climate goal without addressing animal agriculture:https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aba7357?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmedhttps://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(18)31788-4/fulltexthttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-018-0594-0"If global trends in meat and dairy intake continue, global mean temperature rise will more than likely exceed 2° C, even with dramatic emissions reductions across non‐agricultural sectors." https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286920313_The_Importance_of_Reducing_Animal_Product_Consumption_and_Wasted_Food_in_Mitigating_Catastrophic_Climate_Changehttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32474248/Largest meta-analysis on our food system to date looking at over 38,000 farms in 119 countries representing 90% of all foods: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aaq021683% of all agricultural land is used for animal agriculture. Shifting entirely away from animal agriculture would free up more than 3 billion hectares of land, equivalent to the continent of Africa.As covered here as well: https://ourworldindata.org/meat-productionCycling crops through animals at about a 10% conversion rate: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/8/3/034015/metaEven the best type of grazing that can draw down some carbon relative to more intensive uses of land, doesn't offset the methane emissions or other tradeoff environmental concerns: https://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/downloads/reports/fcrn_gnc_report.pdfMore myths around Grazing: https://grazingfacts.com/Nationwide shift to grass-fed beef requires larger cattle population, emits more methane, and would use far more land than is available: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37260135Kiss the Ground analysis and podcast: https://plantbasednews.org/opinion/kiss-the-earth-last-ditch-effort-keep-meat-relevant/Rewilding documentary and research from Dr. William Ripple https://www.rewildingamountain.com/ Stock-Free or Veganic Farming: https://sentientmedia.org/farming-for-the-planet/ and https://awellfedworld.org/issues/climate-issues/farming-for-climate/Biodiversity:

    "The livestock sector is currently the single major driver of habitat loss and degradation, which is in its turn a leading cause of species decline and extinction worldwide."https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2530064420300614#bib0085 Perspectives in Ecology and ConservationThe “past and present processes by which human carnivory threatens the world's biodiversity makes it arguably the most detrimental aspect of our ecology, from a conservation point-of-view."https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969715303697 Science of the Total EnvironmentGrazing & Biodiversity - Possibly some more birds and insects vs. an intensive feedcrop, but far less than rewilding: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ele.13527 & https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1011013108Highly paid beef industry academics: https://sentientmedia.org/frank-mitloehner/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/31/climate/frank-mitloehner-uc-davis.htmlThis study showed doubling the proportion of veg meals offered increases veg sales by between 41%-79%: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1907207116Nudge and increase accessibility to plant-based foods: https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/43/2/392/5637580?login=false#.Xeom9b_uTbw.twitter

    Find @NicholasDCarter on social:





  • Brian Kateman coined the term “reducetarian” to describe a person who is deliberately reducing their consumption of meat. In 2015, Kateman founded the Reducetarian Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to reducing societal consumption of animal products.

    He is the author of The Reducetarian Solution, The Reducetarian Cookbook, and Meat Me Halfway and is the lead producer of the documentary version of Meat Me Halfway released and streamed on Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, Google Play, and more. He is a regular contributor to Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and Forbes, and his writings have appeared in The Atlantic, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, among others. Kateman lives in New Jersey with his wife Isabel and rescue dogs Tobey and Cooper."

    Watch the interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/33ID5ecPOLo

    Find Brian's work:




  • Jasmin Singer is co-host of the Our Hen House Podcast, editor at large for VegNews, Vice President of Brand Editorial at Kinder Beauty, author of ‘The VegNews Guide to Being a Fabulous Vegan, TEDx Speaker, mentor at Sentient Media, and all round social justice powerhouse.

    Watch to the podcast on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/XlB_XqoWe00

    Read more here: https://sentientmedia.org

    Find Jasmin:







    Jasmin’s TEDx talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ1Q2wRoYzQ



    Farmer John’s article: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-06-11/farmer-john-plant-to-close

    Ringling Brothers article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/marisadellatto/2022/05/18/ringling-bros-circus-returns-without-animals-five-years-after-closing/

    C Lou Hamilton https://www.ourhenhouse.org/episode-524-c-lou-hamilton-on-veganism-sex-and-politics/

    Jasmin’s piece in Yahoo Life: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/spent-82000-making-my-new-home-eco-friendly-131755566.html

    Encompass Essays series: https://sentientmedia.org/category/encompass-essays/

    Apex advocacy: https://www.apexadvocacy.org

  • Monique Koch is the host of the award-winning Brown Vegan Podcast which she started to help everyday people learn about the benefits of vegan life with tips, recipes, and encouragement. Monique has built a powerful community and platform which effortlessly highlights all kinds of vegan voices in a celebratory and non-judgemental way. This conversation offers a snapshot of her life, bringing up kids, starting a podcast, and why veganism intersects so many of Monique’s values, from human rights to the future of life on earth.

    Find Monique:


    Monique on Good Morning Washington https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnnd05TGuv4&t=25s

    Monique in the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/28/dining/black-vegan-cooking.html

    The Brown Vegan Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/brown-vegan/id718175915

    Monique on Twitter: https://twitter.com/brownvegan

    On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrownVegan

    On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI86qvo4zcnq4KIXREP6-3w


    Reducetarian: https://www.reducetarian.org

    Sistah Vegan: http://sistahvegan.com

    Skinny Bitch: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/556b2542e4b02fd687fb4fa7/t/565b8a37e4b0f60cdbbab6e4/1448839735462/skinny+bitch.pdf

    Nama Juicer: https://namawell.com/products/nama-j2-cold-press-juicer

    Destiny: https://www.eatyodestiny.com https://www.instagram.com/lezgo_tiny/

    Destiny on The Brown Vegan Podcast: https://www.brownvegan.com/podcast/tiny-house-living-lez-go-tiny

    Todd Anderson AKA Turnip Vegan: https://www.instagram.com/turnipvegan/?hl=en

    Plant-Based Tamika: https://www.instagram.com/plantbasedtamika/?hl=en

  • Pete Paxton is an active undercover investigator who has been involved in animal cruelty investigations since 2001. He has worked all over the world including the US in Canada and Mexico, Brazil, India, and the Philippines where his investigations have led to changes in legislation, convictions, and the rescue of countless victims of animal cruelty. He has also been awarded a coin of excellence from the US Attorney's Office in Arkansas for his role in shutting down an operation selling dogs and cats to research labs.

    Watch the conversation on Youtube here: https://youtu.be/3TLwOHmApD8

    You can read more here: https://sentientmedia.org

    Sign up for our Writers’ Collective to take Pete’s Course: https://sentientmedia.org/writers-collective/

    Rescue Dogs by Pete Paxton and Gene Stone: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/599676/rescue-dogs-by-pete-paxton-with-gene-stone/

    Dealing Dogs: @HBO documentary via Alliance for Animals and the Environment:


    Where Pete works at time of filming:




    Interviews with Pete:

    Sentient Media events: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS10Uz136Vo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWoe7nwEySY&list=PL4GpfPIoHqcV8hI4bhHPWP4bE1KRvRN_j&index=6&t=2748s

    Interview with Lex Rigby: https://sentientmedia.org/exposing-the-secretive-world-of-animal-exploitation-with-pete-paxton/

    Articles/points referred to:

    Gentle Barn: https://www.gentlebarn.org/california/

    Butterball case:


  • Watch the conversation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41sUr1CAxhw

    Read more on https://sentientmedia.org

    Find Kenny:





    Articles/points referred to:

    Henry Mance article: https://www.ft.com/content/8f50f2da-2862-4ec1-977f-2eda85890402

    Temple Grandlin quote: https://blog.humanesociety.org/2013/07/ag-gag-bills-bite-the-dust.html

    Month in a Minute with Sentient Media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ytqJfelHLY

    Pete Paxton: https://sentientmedia.org/exposing-the-secretive-world-of-animal-exploitation-with-pete-paxton/

    Future Perfect: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect

    Kenny’s piece on the Mayor of New York: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/22927412/eric-adams-fish-vegan-plant-based-new-york

    Kenny’s piece on the future of food: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/23065941/vegan-vegetarian-plant-based-food-tech-bad-products

    Bryant Terry: https://www.bryant-terry.com/allbooks

    The Korean Vegan: https://thekoreanvegan.com

    The Meat Paradox article: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2022/2/24/22947967/why-we-love-animals-and-love-to-eat-them-meat-paradox

    Gene editing article: https://www.vox.com/22994946/gene-editing-farm-animals-livestock-crispr-genetic-engineering

    The Outlaw Ocean: https://www.theoutlawocean.com

  • Watch our conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/c1A2YTDfYK8

    Find Jessica on Twitter and Instagram:



    Jessica’s author page at Sentient Media:


    Jessica’s articles about horses:



    Jessica’s articles about Greenwashing:



    Jessica’s articles about ag-gag laws:


    More on the horse Carriage issue in New York:



    More on the horse hormone issue:



    ‘The beef with fake meat: Dairy and meat lobbies take aim at plant-based products’ By Jessica Scott-Reid https://www.corporateknights.com/food-beverage/meat-companies-undermine-plant-based-products/

    ‘Are sustainable poultry claims all they’re cracked up to be?’ By Jessica Scott-Reid https://www.corporateknights.com/food-beverage/sustainable-poultry-claims/

    ‘One Study, Five Headlines’ By Caroline Christen https://sentientmedia.org/one-study-five-headlines-how-to-deal-with-conflicting-diet-news/

    ‘Critics explode over Niagara Falls nightly fireworks plan’ By Jessica Scott-Reid https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2022/05/16/critics-explode-over-niagara-falls-nightly-fireworks-plan.html

    Nicholas Carter & co. at plant-based data for climate science: https://www.plantbaseddata.org

    Faunalytics study into effective advocacy: https://faunalytics.org/relative-effectiveness/

    ‘How a Vegan Diet Takes the Joy out of Life’ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/doctors-diary/vegan-diet-takes-joy-life/ by James Le Fanu

    Tenderly Magazine: https://tenderly.medium.com

    Documentary ‘Meat Me Halfway’ https://www.meatmehalfway.org

  • Award-winning journalist Jenny Splitter shares her experiences with us. Her work covers food, agriculture, science, climate and health for outlets including Vox, The Observer, The Guardian, Everyday Health, The Washington Post and New York Magazine.

    Watch the interview on YouTube:


    Additional Links:

    FutureFeed Newsletter: https://futurefeed.substack.com/?r=426r3




    Articles we discussed:




    Jeff Sebo’s piece in Aeon: https://aeon.co/essays/on-the-torment-of-insect-minds-and-our-moral-duty-not-to-farm-them

    Breakthrough Institute Report on Alternative Protein: https://thebreakthrough.org/issues/food/case-for-public-investment-in-alt-proteins

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    Newsletter: https://sentientmedia.org/newsletter

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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sent...

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCudaVg7_tLsKzdg0fWko2bg

  • Kathy Stevens co-founded Catskill Animal Sanctuary in 2001 where she brings together her love of animals and her belief in the transformative power of education. She's also the author of ‘Where the Blind Horse Sings’ and ‘Animal Camp’. Catskill Animal Sanctuary is a 150-acre refuge in New York’s Hudson Valley for 11 species of farmed animals rescued from cruelty, neglect, and abandonment. Over the years, thousands have come to this place of profound peace.

    In the first episode of 2022, Kathy and Ana discuss febudairy, the transformative power of rescue sanctuaries, and how non-human animals grieve.

    Watch the interview on our YouTube channel:

    Kathy's work:






    Hit subscribe and find us here:

    Newsletter: https://sentientmedia.org/newsletter

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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sent...

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCudaVg7_tLsKzdg0fWko2bg

  • In this episode of the Sentient Media Podcast, we meet Dr. Aysha Akhtar and hear about her work building a world where animal testing is no longer the default. Join our conversation and find out the facts about animal testing and what the future looks like without it.

    Aysha's work:



    Aysha's articles on Sentient Media:




    Hit subscribe and find us here:

    Newsletter: https://sentientmedia.org/newsletter​

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    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCudaVg7_tLsKzdg0fWko2bg

  • In this episode of the Sentient Media Podcast, we meet Christopher "Soul" Eubanks and hear about his work in animal advocacy, the intersections between human, environmental, and animal rights, and his new nonprofit: Apex Advocacy.

    Read Christopher's essay:

    'As a Black Man, I Felt Uncomfortable Becoming an Animal Activist' https://sentientmedia.org/as-a-black-man-i-felt-uncomfortable-becoming-an-animal-activist/

    Apex Advocacy: https://www.apexadvocacy.org

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCySbtj5v8K2AOyBMuJBW2xg

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulEubanks/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soul_eubanks/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/soul_eubanks

    Website: https://www.souleubanks.com

    Hit subscribe and find us here:

    Newsletter: https://sentientmedia.org/newsletter​

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/sentientmediaorg​

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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sent...​

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCudaVg7_tLsKzdg0fWko2bg

  • Cheryl Leahy, Executive Director of Animal Outlook, has been shedding light on the exploitation of animals in our food system since 2006. In this deep dive interview, Sentient Media’s Executive Director Ana Bradley explores the role of investigations and the law in building a better future for all and uncovers hidden suffering in the pet food industry as the pair discuss the role of animals in society, from "crush videos" to food.

    Find Cheryl and Animal Outlook here:






    Hit subscribe and find us here:

    Newsletter: https://sentientmedia.org/newsletter​

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/sentientmediaorg​

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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sent...​

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCudaVg7_tLsKzdg0fWko2bg

  • Welcome to another episode of the Sentient Media Podcast where we meet the people who are changing the way we think about and interact with animals and our world. In this episode, we meet the incredible Chef AJ: host of Chef AJ Live on YouTube and Healthy Living with Chef AJ on Foody TV, author of best-selling books like Unprocessed and The Secrets to Ultimate Weight-loss.
    Previously, Chef AJ was the executive pastry chef at Santé Restaurant in Los Angeles where she was famous for her sugar-, oil-, salt- and gluten-free desserts.

    In this episode, we talk about the future of food, if cultivated meat provides a real alternative to traditional meats, and of course get some tips about how we can optimise a healthy plant-based diet without compromising on taste.

    Watch the interview on YouTube

    Find Chef AJ here:



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  • Jo is a social psychologist with a decade of research experience, with scientific journals and publications covering a huge range of topics from retention in the reserve force to how much consumers will pay for ‘clean meat’.

    She’s been with Faunalytics since 2017, a little over 4 years, and today we’re going to chat about her work and newest report: “Going Vegan or Vegetarian: Many Paths to One Goal”

    Watch the interview on YouTube

    The study Jo mentioned, Reduce or Eliminate by Sparkman, Macdonald, Caldwell, Kateman, & Boese (2021): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272494421000451 https://faunalytics.org/meeting-meat-eaters-halfway/

    The AfroVegan Society: https://www.afrovegansociety.org

    Find Jo's work here:

    Going Vega*n: many paths to one goal study


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