Jeremy Bradley talks to "influencers" and encourages them to view their 15 minutes of fame as just that: fleeting and temporary. Many people with a social media platform see the likes, clicks and cash now but is it something sustainable for the rest of their life? JB talks about his retirement from a successful radio career and how he can look at the current generation of broadcasters (podcasters, YouTubers, TikTokers, etc.) and wonders if most of them have figured out the long-term business side of their content offerings. Sure, free stuff and some money now are great, but will it still be lucrative in 10 years? And can they (read as: willing to) get a "regular" job after?
Content is king. That's an old saying but it's more relevant than ever thanks to today's social media world. Jeremy Bradley talks about his early days in internet radio that later turned into a syndicated radio company, producing audio programming for outlets around the world. JB encourages people who want to start creating (podcast, YouTube, etc.) to think about their content before launching a platform. It's one thing to say, "I want to do a podcast" or "I want to write a book" but there's a helluva lotta planning before anything should launch.
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It's the day you're going to see social media pages full of flowers, romantic dinners and paragraphs of people professing their love. And it makes Jeremy Bradley want to puke. JB talks about how Valentine's Day went from being a commercial "holiday" to now being a show for social media where people broadcast the day with their partner. (Remember, your partner gave you those flowers today because it's kind of expected. Ditto on the "romantic" dinner.) JB, who's been married for several years, says every day is like Valentine's Day in his relationship because they constantly go for dinners and are together all the time. "People ask why I never post about how much I love him," JB says. "Because I talk to him and don't need to communicate with him publicly on social media. I don't need that attention and validation from the public."
Is it getting worse? Is the quality of customer service at an all-time low? And the new glammed-up way of referring to it as "customer experience" isn't helping most companies. Jeremy Bradley talks about the frustration of big businesses moving away from actual human contact and interaction, and relying more and more on technology to assist customers. Gone are the days of calling an 800-number and having your problem resolved in minutes. Now, it's chat bots and spotty English, irrelevant template replies and plenty of "no"s and "I'll transfer you"s. JB reflects on his time working in customer service and how employees had to own each interaction... because it was their job.
Nobody wants to think about death but it's something that's, well, inevitable. Jeremy Bradley talks about his thoughts on funerals as various family members are battling illness. He shares stories about recent family funerals and how relatives felt about the departed and what it's made them think about life and death. Later, JB talks about a time when he couldn't stop saying the wrong thing at a funeral. He recognized his misstep in the moment, told himself to correct his wording, but every time -- wrong, wrong, wrong.
The old saying is "blood is thicker than water." It's often used to declare that family is -- or should be, at least -- the most important thing in a person's life. But what if it's not? Should someone feel bad about that? Or is it better not to have family in your life? Jeremy Bradley talks about how the closeness of families during the holiday season -- especially broadcast on social media -- seems to be meant to make you feel bad if you don't have the closeness that others do. JB explains why he doesn't buy into that and how not being close with family is OK. Later, he shares about how critical opinions from parents drove him away from family as he got older.
There's so much emphasis on education but it's such a broad term that we need to take a step back on what people, namely kids, are learning. Jeremy Bradley, who has a family full of teachers, looks back at his elementary school through high school years and comments about what he learned and where it's got him in life. For instance, JB talks about his friend graduating high school without knowing the spelling of basic words but had to spend three years studying Shakespeare and other stuff she's never used in the 25 years since graduating.
Do you remember the first time you saw porn? Or the bigger question is what did/do you consider porn? Jeremy Bradley talks about how his opinions on nudity have changed with age. As he's matured, social media platforms -- ahem, Meta -- seem to be slow on their stance on "nudity" and "sexual activity." Moreover, says JB, the social media giant doesn't even have the same definition of "nudity" as a basic dictionary. Also, JB opens up about his first experiences seeing nudity and porn as a teen.
A new year but same ol' family drama during the holidays. Jeremy Bradley talks about the whispering and gossip at family gatherings and how it's enjoyable to trash-talk relatives with other relatives. It ends up almost being a game of telephone when someone opens up as you sit beside them and you leave the room and tell someone else what you just heard and they tell someone and so on and so on. When there are competitive siblings raising kids, it's delicious to hear how they try to one-up each other to each other and on the side with other relatives.
It's a new year and people seem to think all of their problems from the past 12 months will suddenly go away simply because the calendar turns a new page. Who are they trying to kid? Jeremy Bradley talks about his unique way to celebrate the year behind him. It's a moment of reflection to have some laughs about what happened. Let's be honest, everything in your life on Tuesday, Dec. 31, will follow you into Wednesday, Jan. 1; the new year doesn't change your life.
Are holiday traditions something to uphold or is it OK to change things up? Jeremy Bradley talks about overcoming the pressure -- and imposed guilt -- for wanting to break family tradition and do his own thing during the holiday season. JB talks about getting enjoyment out of different experiences than what had always happened in his family for 40 years. But, not everyone in a family welcomes such change -- in fact, they might take offense to it. JB discusses how putting your own feelings and comfort first isn't as selfish as people might make you feel.
Finders keepers, right? If you find something in public, is it fair game to keep? Jeremy Bradley talks about how he's recently discovered items and decided -- after a fair amount of time waiting for the original owner to reclaim -- that he could take them. Is that the right thing to do? JB talks about an L.A. TV news anchor who was arrested for "finding" and "taking" headphones at an airport security checkpoint. Perhaps that's a different scenario than discovering an item in an open field with nobody around. Would you take it or leave it?
During the pandemic, many people started home businesses for extra income -- or just something to do. That's definitely something that can test your relationships with family members. What about going into full-time business with your partner? Jeremy Bradley shares his experience working with his husband and how it affects their personal and professional relationships -- because those end up being two different things. Is it a good decision to spend all day working with your partner and then all night living with them? JB talks about how it plays out in his house... and office, respectively.
In a world full of "influencers," Jeremy Bradley still struggles (maybe refuses) to understand the fascination with the social media concept. JB recalls the time he was called an "influencer" simply because he has an audience. Are "influencers" given too much credit these days? Or, are the audiences too easily influenced simply because someone is popular? (Spoiler: numbers don't equal credibility!) JB shares his first encounter with "influencers" and his takeaways about their present and their future. He also wonders if these people think "influencing" will be their job forever because of the ego rush they get from their "power." (Do people really stay at the same job for 30 or 40 years anymore? Not usually.) So, what's next when the "influencing" is over? Can they resort to working for someone or are they too caught up with being in charge?
At what age do you start to embrace your age? Jeremy Bradley wonders if it's a gender difference or even dependent on your sexuality. JB says as a gay man in his 40s he's expected to feel -- and possibly viewed as -- over the hill. But, does he? He explains how even in his 30s he never shied away from telling people how old he was. Later, JB talks about how he doesn't relate to the gay community and largely distances himself from it because of how it's changed since he was, well, "in his prime."
It's one thing to enjoy the comfort of your own backyard, it's another to see the world and experience as many things as you can. Jeremy Bradley talks about his travel like and how it's completely different than what his Brazilian husband experiences. Part of the fun, he says, is seeing someone else experience new cultures and lifestyles. Exploring them together as a couple is even wilder. JB shares how one of his Brazilian employees experienced the ultimate culture shock (in a good way) with some of the things most of us in North America might take for granted.
Americans are funny. This week's presidential race proved to the rest of the world that comedy is alive and well. Canadian Jeremy Bradley talks about how it's fascinating as an outsider to watch such a divided nation go through another roller coaster presidential campaign. He also reads social media posts from people who are so disgusted by the thought of another Trump administration that they're swearing off social media. (They're only depriving themselves of their daily habit/addiction, right? That kind of self protest isn't going to change anything.) JB also shares how the Canadian mindset surrounding politics is completely different and almost not understood by outsiders.
They say you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. But does that include online reviews? How much merit do they get in your mind? Jeremy Bradley shares his thoughts about online reviews and also his experience with decision making. JB talks about "gig work" and how people rely on apps but also why he's suspicious about testimonials for service providers. Why? He had a major strikeout that's soured him on finding help online.
It's Halloween time again. Is your response: "Yaaaaaaaas" or "who cares" though? Jeremy Bradley talks about how his reaction has changed over time. He recalls trick-or-treating with his brothers and later how he began celebrating Halloween as a homeowner in his community. Perhaps it was the first year that set him off from making it an annual event. Is Halloween the same in your neighborhood as it was when you were growing up? JB shares how it's completely different where he lives.
Dreams really do come true. That's how it feels with Air Canada's Dreams Take flight. Jeremy Bradley has been a media guest for 12 years as the charity gives kids a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience Disney for the day. Yes, for a full day. JB talks about how the fun begins at 2 a.m. at the airport in Canada, continues on the plane and the adventure gets into full swing at Disneyland in California. It's literally 24 hours of pure magic as the kids experience the park like not many get the chance to.
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