
  • The conversation delves into the themes of love, sex, and marriage, emphasizing how societal and demonic influences can distort these concepts away from their intended meaning as defined by God. The hosts highlight the simplicity and complexity of human sexuality, noting that while temptations are numerous and often easy to succumb to, a broader understanding of love and marriage is essential.

    They discuss the dilemma men face regarding monogamy and the ease of falling into temptation, particularly in a culture that often romanticizes love. The hosts critique the notion that marriage should be based solely on emotional feelings, arguing that this leads to a misunderstanding of the commitment involved in marriage. They reference the biblical concept of "one flesh," pointing out that the essence of marriage lies in unity and mutual support rather than fleeting emotions.

    The hosts stress that true love is about prioritizing the well-being of one's partner above one's own desires. They emphasize that the emotional highs associated with love can fade, and couples must learn to navigate the challenges of marriage without relying solely on feelings. They share personal insights, noting that many relationships experience phases where emotional connections wane, but these can be overcome through commitment and perseverance.

    Additionally, they discuss the detrimental effects of competition within marriage, advocating for cooperation as a means to strengthen the relationship. The conversation concludes with a reminder that the essence of love, as modeled by the Trinity, involves selflessness and the joy of serving one another, which ultimately fosters a deeper bond in marriage.

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  • Brought to you by your friends at The Screwtape Letters Podcast – Confronting Evil in Our Time. Subscribe and join us and our guests on this journey.

    The “Screwtape Letters Podcast: Confronting Evil in Our Time” has a mission at its core, to shed light on the evil that consumes people’s lives so they can confront it and heal through faith. Inspired by C.S. Lewis, who had a vision that persists today for illuminating dark forces through his writings, Ian Faith and Galen Balinski’s podcast amplifies that message in their latest bonus episode, tackling the grave issue of sex and human trafficking.

    Ian and Galen’s interview with Jenny Barber, an incredibly courageous woman, Jenny has a mission from God to save young women and men from sex and human trafficking by bringing awareness to this abhorrent evil. With a deep passion, built from a horrific personal experience, Jenny was determined to make a positive difference after witnessing first-hand the devastating, intergenerational impact of the issue from a young age.

    In this compelling interview, Jenny courageously shares her story, driven by what she describes as a God-given mission to protect young people from sex and human trafficking.

    She offers crucial insights into:

    How trafficking can affect children in any community Warning signs that trafficking may be occurring The role of drugs and alcohol in exploitation The daily reality for victims of abuse Long-term physical and emotional impacts of trafficking Paths to escape and recovery for survivors The role of faith and Jesus Christ in her journey of healing and grace Her involvement in founding Talitha Coffee, a venture combining survivor support with ethical business

    Through Jenny’s powerful testimony, the podcast sheds light on this critical issue, offering listeners valuable information to recognize and combat trafficking in their communities.

    Support this great coffee company

    Use coupon code STLPOD at checkout and save.


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  • The podcast centers around Letter 17 from C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters," particularly focusing on gluttony and chastity. The hosts discuss how gluttony is often misunderstood, emphasizing that it encompasses not just overeating but also habitual greed and a fixation on having food prepared in a specific way. This fixation can lead to a broader pattern of selfishness that disrupts relationships and community interactions.

    Key points from the discussion include:

    Gluttony as Habitual Greed: The hosts highlight that gluttony is not merely about excess eating but involves a deeper issue of greed and the need for food to meet specific desires. This can manifest in behaviors like being a picky eater, which reflects a lack of appreciation for others and can create tension in social settings.Impact on Relationships: They argue that such behaviors can be detrimental to community dynamics, as individuals who are overly focused on their own preferences often neglect the needs and efforts of others, including service staff.Link to Chastity: The conversation pivots to how gluttony can serve as a precursor to more serious sins, such as issues surrounding chastity. The hosts suggest that indulgence in any desire, whether for food or otherwise, can lead to a pattern of behavior where one feels compelled to satisfy all cravings, potentially opening the door to other sinful behaviors.Balance and Control: The hosts stress the importance of maintaining control over desires and impulses, advocating for a disciplined approach to life that honors both personal enjoyment and communal responsibility. They reference the idea that true enjoyment of life includes appreciating the good things God has created without allowing them to become idols.

    Overall, the conversation encourages listeners to reflect on their relationship with food and desires, advocating for a balanced approach that promotes self-control and community harmony.

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    #screwtapeletters #podcast #merechristianity #church #cslewis #wormwood #congregation #gratitude #glutony #chastity

  • In this conversation, hosts Galen Balinski and Ian Faith from the "Screw Tape Letters" podcast express their gratitude to their audience for their support. They reflect on the deep insights they've gained from studying C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters and discuss how the podcast explores the themes of confronting evil in today's world. They encourage listeners to engage more with their content by visiting their website, screwtapeletterspodcast.com, and sharing the podcast. They also thank their guests, including Corey Hirsch and William O'Flaherty, for contributing their knowledge and insights. The hosts express excitement about the future of the podcast and look forward to continuing the journey with their listeners.

  • The podcast discusses Letter 16 of C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters, which critiques the nature of churchgoing and the potential pitfalls that believers can fall into, particularly when their faith becomes more about routine or preference rather than genuine spiritual growth.

    The conversation emphasizes the importance of community in the church, noting that the church is not merely a building but a gathering of people united in faith. The hosts discuss how the demonic forces, as portrayed in Lewis's work, aim to disrupt and weaken the bonds within this community by encouraging believers to focus on superficial aspects of churchgoing—such as personal preferences, the style of worship, or minor theological differences—rather than on the core teachings of Christianity, like the death and resurrection of Jesus.

    One key point made is the danger of becoming a "connoisseur" of churches, where individuals move from one church to another, critiquing each based on personal likes and dislikes rather than seeking spiritual nourishment. This critical spirit can lead to disillusionment and a weakening of faith, as opposed to fostering a humble and receptive attitude toward God's word.

    The hosts also touch on the importance of discernment versus criticism within the church. They argue that while it's necessary to discern whether a church is faithfully teaching the Bible, it's also important not to become overly critical of minor differences that don't impact core Christian beliefs. The conversation concludes with a reflection on the broader issue of how some churches may compromise biblical teachings to align with cultural trends, which the hosts see as a significant concern.

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  • In Letter 15, the conversation revolves around the concept of living in the present versus being consumed by anxiety about the future. The Host notes how C.S. Lewis masterfully intertwines deep philosophical insights into his narrative, emphasizing that anxiety—often a more subtle but pervasive form of fear—is a tool of the devil. This anxiety often stems from an unhealthy focus on the future, leading to either excessive worry or complacency.

    The discussion highlights that God's desire is for people to live in the present, fulfilling their duties and appreciating their current blessings. The patient in the story is experiencing a lull in his anxiety, which allows him to enjoy his work and health, but there's a danger in becoming complacent. The demonic forces aim to stir up either a tortured fear of the future or a stupid confidence, both of which distract from the present moment and God's will.

    The Host also draws parallels to biblical teachings, such as the Israelites receiving manna daily, and Jesus' teachings on not worrying about tomorrow. The importance of gratitude, love in the present, and proper planning for the future without becoming consumed by it is emphasized. The conversation concludes by reflecting on the importance of balancing a healthy relationship with the past, present, and future, and living a life that leaves a meaningful legacy aligned with God's will.

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  • In this conversation, the hosts discuss Letter 14 of "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis, focusing on the theme of humility. They emphasize its relevance to their current life situations and explore how the concept of humility is portrayed in the book.

    Screwtape, a senior demon, is concerned because the "patient" (a human) is becoming humble. The hosts describe how Screwtape wants to corrupt this humility by making the patient proud of being humble, which would turn the virtue into a vice. They discuss the analogy of life’s ups and downs becoming less extreme as one grows in faith, leading to more stability and consistent humility.

    The conversation also delves into the balance between humility and pride, noting that true humility is not about belittling oneself but recognizing and using God-given talents appropriately. They highlight the parable of the talents, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and utilizing one's gifts for God’s glory.

    The hosts reflect on personal experiences with humility and pride, discussing how false humility can be a form of pride. They encourage listeners to self-reflect on their tendencies towards pride or false humility and to seek a balanced, authentic humility.

    Overall, the episode offers practical insights, urging listeners to appreciate their own and others' talents as God-given, and to walk in their authority with a genuine sense of humility.

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  • In this episode of the Screwtape Letters Podcast,” the hosts focus on letter 13, where the patient experiences a significant spiritual renewal. This change is brought about through a moment of joy and reflection during a walk and reading a book, leading him to reconnect with God and repent. The hosts discuss the importance of such moments of clarity and their potential to realign one's life with spiritual values. They emphasize the necessity of turning these moments into actionable habits, arguing that repetition strengthens positive behaviors.

    The discussion also touches on how even seemingly mundane activities can have spiritual significance and how God can use various aspects of life to draw people back to Him. The hosts encourage listeners to seek solitude for spiritual reflection and to actively engage in practices that strengthen their faith, highlighting the difference between isolation and solitude. They also discuss the impact of one's social circle on spiritual well-being and the importance of making conscious changes to support one's spiritual journey.

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  • In this conversation, the hosts Ian and Galen discuss Letter 12 from C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters," focusing on the subtle ways demonic forces aim to pull a person away from their faith. They highlight how Wormwood, the junior demon, is having some success in distancing his "patient" from God, comparing it to a planet being pulled out of orbit. This separation is described as a slow and subtle process, leading to a life of uselessness and spiritual idleness.

    They discuss the notion of becoming a "part-time" Christian, where one's religious life is compartmentalized and separated from daily life. This slow drift away from faith is marked by a gradual increase in distractions and a decrease in spiritual fervor, leading to what they describe as "dim uneasiness" or becoming a lukewarm Christian.

    The hosts emphasize the danger of this gradual decline, where small, seemingly insignificant actions and distractions accumulate over time, leading to a state of spiritual numbness. They relate this to modern distractions like social media and emphasize the importance of maintaining a strong, active faith.

    Ian and Galen stress the need for Christians to be fully engaged in their faith and to seek joy rather than mere happiness. They discuss the importance of integrating faith into all aspects of life and not succumbing to societal pressures to keep religion separate. They also touch on the power of prayer and the importance of community and support in maintaining a strong faith.

    The episode serves as a call to action for listeners to examine their own lives for areas where they may be drifting away from their faith and to take steps to reignite their passion for God. They conclude with a powerful reminder that the safest road to hell is the gradual one, urging listeners to pursue joy and spiritual growth actively.

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  • This conversation is a podcast discussion unpacking C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters, Letter 11” focusing on the topic of joy and humor in Christianity and the lines where it can cross into the demonic or be used for extending joy and happiness. The hosts Ian Faith and Galen Balinski are joined by a Professor of Music at Arizona Christian University, Corey Hirsch.

    Corey is a graduate of the Juilliard School (B.M. Composition) and the University of Southern California (Adv. Cert. Scoring for Film and TV), Corey is a commissioned composer/arranger. Corey teaches composition, voice, and conducting at ACU and serves as musical director for Patriot Productions in Phoenix but his greatest opus, however, is his family of two magnificent children Kaydence and Camden, and his beautiful wife Kimberly.

    Throughout the discussion, they emphasize the significance of joy in Christian life and its power to overcome negative circumstances and emotions. The conversation touches on the presence of demonic influences in the music industry and the importance of making moral choices in one's career.

    Key points include:

    The importance of joy in Christian life, particularly in worship music.The hierarchy of joy, fun, jokes, and flippancy as described in "The Screwtape Letters".The distinction between joy and happiness, with joy being deeper and able to transcend circumstances.The power of worship music to bring joy and combat anxiety.The connection between joy and strength in Christian faith.The importance of pursuing joy and being in environments where it's present, such as energetic church services.The role of laughter in Christianity and how some churches have historically viewed it with suspicion.The contrast between genuine joy and manufactured flippancy.

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    #screwtapeletters #podcast #ACC #Arizonachristianuniversity #Joy #Johncleese #montypython #Worship #flippancy #lifeofbrian

  • “Don't take the path of the wicked; don't follow those who do evil. Stay away from that path; don't even go near it. Turn around and go another way. The wicked cannot sleep until they have done something evil.” Proverbs 4:14-19 ERV

    The attempted assassination or murder of President Trump was truly evil on so many levels, we talk about confronting evil in our time, and if we had nothing to say about this event, one that if successful would have led to the deaths of a lot of people and a potential civil crisis, then our podcast would be worthless.

    We look forward to hearing your response and feedback.

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  • In this podcast episode discussing letter 10 of "The Screwtape Letters," the hosts explore the themes of friendship choices, time management, and worldly vanities, highlighting the tension between living a Christian life and societal expectations. They emphasize the challenge Christians face in maintaining their faith at work, where religious expression can be suppressed compared to other beliefs. The hosts discuss the struggle of leading a consistent Christian life both in private and public spheres without becoming hypocritical.

    The conversation touches on domestic tensions, particularly in maintaining Christian values amid societal pressures, like those from diversity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives that can indirectly challenge religious expression. They also discuss the tendency to seek acceptance in intellectual and social circles that may mock religious beliefs.

    The hosts address the concept of puritanism, noting its historical context and how it’s often used negatively to describe overly strict religious behavior. They caution against becoming judgmental or oppressive in one's faith expression.

    The episode concludes with advice on navigating friendships and social interactions while staying true to one's Christian identity. They suggest identifying and categorizing friends based on their influence on one's faith and being proactive in maintaining a balance between engaging with the world and upholding Christian values.

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  • Monday July 8th at 5am our guest William O'Flaherty discusses C.S. Lewis' writing of the Screwtape Letters on our podcast.

    More about William O'Flaherty at www.essentialcslewis.com

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  • In this episode, letter 9 C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters, the hosts explore the strategies that Screwtape, a senior demon, advises his nephew Wormwood to employ against humans during their low points in life. This letter continues themes from Letter Eight, focusing on the ups and downs of life, which Lewis refers to as the "law of undulation."

    Screwtape emphasizes that during these troughs, people are more vulnerable to temptations like alcohol, sex, and pornography, seeking momentary escapes that lead to deeper emptiness. The concept of "the law of undulation" is key—recognizing life's natural highs and lows and how the enemy uses these troughs to his advantage.

    We discuss the importance of community and avoiding isolation during tough times. Screwtape advises against "religion in moderation," pushing the idea that full engagement in faith is crucial, especially when facing challenges. Stay connected, seek support, and remember, your faith can thrive even in the darkest times.

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  • In Letter 8 of "The Screwtape Letters," Screwtape warns Wormwood not to get overly optimistic about his patient's discouragement, even in the demonic realm they have ups and downs. This concept, referred to as the law of undulation, signifies the natural ebb and flow of life. The hosts, Ian and Galen finds this idea deeply insightful, noting its presence in the Bible, especially in the life of King David, and others.

    The hosts emphasize that understanding and accepting these cycles is crucial, as life's struggles are part of the peaks and valleys journey. Screwtape’s advice illustrates for Christians that low points can be moments of divine intervention, making it difficult for demons to exploit human weakness. This ties into the story of Jesus calming the storm, highlighting the importance of faith during turbulent times.

    The letter also discusses humans being made in God’s image, which demons despise, and the importance of self-determination within God’s guidance. God's forgiveness and the significance of “free will” are key points, with God allowing humans to choose freely, even if it means stepping back at times.

    Prayer, especially during low times, is crucial as it strengthens the connection with God. Screwtape warns Wormwood to disrupt this, as maintaining faith and prayer can help individuals emerge stronger from their struggles.

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  • In this episode of "The Screwtape Letters -“ Confronting Evil in Our Time” the speakers discuss various themes, notably how demons work strategically to influence humans. They highlight the notion that demons prefer to remain hidden to manipulate humans more effectively. They also explore the idea that demons exploit human weaknesses, such as lust, intoxication, and the pursuit of power, often attacking individuals at their most vulnerable moments.

    The conversation touches on the importance of recognizing external demonic influences rather than solely blaming oneself for personal failings. It also underscores the need for spiritual vigilance and reliance on Jesus to combat these influences.

    The discussion moves on to the dangers of extreme ideologies, such as extreme patriotism or pacifism, and how these can divert individuals from their faith. The speakers stress the importance of keeping God at the center of one's life and avoiding the elevation of any cause or ideology above religious devotion.

    They also examine how the church can become fragmented into factions, which can lead to divisiveness. They discuss the historical context of such divisions and the importance of maintaining unity within the church despite differing interpretations and practices.

    The conversation concludes by reflecting on how demonic strategies can exploit these divisions, drawing parallels to historical conflicts like the sectarian violence in Northern Ireland and the origins of Mormonism. They emphasize the need for Christians to prioritize their faith and avoid getting caught up in ideological extremes or divisions that detract from their devotion to God.

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  • The early success of our Screwtape Letters Podcast has humbled us. It has also connected us with some wonderful people of faith and C.S. Lewis acolytes. We are so grateful for the opportunity to interview William and we hope to have him back as a regular guest. We appreciate the depth of William's knowledge and his contributions to C.S. Lewis scholarship.

    Introducing to our audience the esteemed C.S. Lewis author and scholar William O'Flaherty. William, who has a background as a family counselor and was recently diagnosed as autistic, has an extensive career that includes radio announcing, school counseling, and pertinently authorship and study on C.S. Lewis.

    William shares his knowledge and journey into the world of C.S. Lewis, and his love for the Screwtape Letters. He began his C.S. Lewis journey with "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" in high school, which ignited his profound interest in Lewis's work. He delves into influential books like "The Screwtape Letters" and "Mere Christianity," and discusses his engagement in the Lewis scholarly community through podcasting and speaking engagements. The discussion underscores Lewis's broad appeal and the deep spiritual insights found in his writings, extending beyond the well-known Narnia series.

    William encourages younger audiences to explore Lewis's works for their profound insights, emphasizing Lewis's skill in weaving Christian themes into fiction without being overtly preachy. He highlights his current focus on "The Screwtape Letters" in preparation for an upcoming speaking engagement in Indiana and his enjoyment of Lewis's science fiction trilogy.

    William can be found through his website, EssentialCSLewis.com, and his various online platforms including his “All About Jack Podcast.”

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  • In this podcast episode, Galen and his co-host Ian delve into a particularly profound letter from C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters." They sense that the gravity of the European war deeply influenced this letter, which is dense with meaning despite its brevity.

    The hosts discuss how Lewis uses this letter to explore themes of fear, fantasy, and courage. They note that the demonic forces in the narrative exploit human fears, especially in the context of war, to induce anxiety and prevent people from focusing on their real challenges. The conversation emphasizes that fear can become overwhelming and paralyzing, distracting individuals from their duties and from living a virtuous life.

    The discussion touches on how fear can manifest irrationally, often spurred by distant or unlikely threats, and how the demonic aims to keep people in a state of anxiety and irrational fear. They compare this to modern examples, like fears induced by sensational news stories, and stress the importance of facing real fears directly rather than succumbing to a constant state of worry.

    The hosts also talk about how the letter addresses the tendency to misdirect anger and hatred. They reflect on the irony of people who are harsh in fantasy but soft when faced with real enemies, and vice versa. This inconsistency, they argue, is a tactic used by demonic forces to undermine true virtue and character.

    The conversation highlights the importance of courage and acting rightly despite fear. They discuss how true courage involves addressing real fears head-on and maintaining consistency in one's actions and character, rather than allowing fear to dominate one's mind.

    In summary, the hosts appreciate the depth of this letter and its exploration of fear and courage. They encourage listeners to reflect on their own fears and to strive for consistent virtue and bravery in the face of real challenges.

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  • In this discussion of "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis, Letter 5 deals with the outbreak of war in Europe. The letter reflects on the historical context of England's declaration of war against Germany, highlighting C.S. Lewis's contemplation of war's ramifications and its impact on faith and human suffering.

    Ian and Galen discuss how the junior demon, Wormwood, is excited about the war, believing it will lead to widespread human suffering and thus benefit the devil's cause. Screwtape, the senior demon, cautions Wormwood, pointing out that war can also draw people closer to God, as suffering often leads people to seek spiritual meaning and redemption.

    The conversation touches on the dual nature of war's impact on faith—how it can either weaken or strengthen it. The hosts reflect on the historical and biblical contexts of war, noting that God's people have always faced conflicts and that these moments can bring people closer to divine truths.

    They also discuss the role of Christians in responding to evil, emphasizing the need for discernment and active engagement in fighting against it. This includes understanding the balance between extreme patriotism and pacifism, and the importance of Christians being involved in societal and political issues without losing sight of their faith.

    The hosts further delve into the concept of suffering as part of redemption, noting that it is through suffering that people often find a deeper connection with God. They caution against being deceived by seemingly good causes that might actually be evil and stress the importance of maintaining focus on God and seeking wisdom in all actions.

    Overall, the episode underscores the complexity of war and suffering, the challenges to faith they present, and the need for Christians to navigate these issues with wisdom and a steadfast commitment to their beliefs.

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  • In Letter #4 of "The Screwtape Letters," C.S. Lewis delves into the topic of prayer, emphasizing its significant role and the discomfort it causes demons. Your hosts note Screwtape's advice to discourage structured prayers from childhood and promote spontaneous, informal prayers to prevent the patient from developing a strong relationship with God. They discuss the balance between spontaneous and structured prayers, emphasizing that both are important in a Christian's life. They stress that genuine prayer should focus on truly seeking God as He is, rather than conforming to personal expectations or emotions. Ultimately, they agree that a disciplined and heartfelt prayer life is essential for a deep relationship with God and that demons aim to prevent this depth by keeping prayers shallow.

    Screwtape, the senior demon, chastises his nephew Wormwood for misunderstanding how to manipulate their human patient’s prayers, especially those concerning his mother. He advises against focusing on her physical ailments and instead directs attention to her soul and salvation.

    Screwtape encourages Wormwood to ensure the patient dismisses structured prayers from his childhood, promoting instead spontaneous and informal prayers. The goal is to keep the patient’s prayers superficial, based on feelings rather than deep, disciplined communication with God. Screwtape fears that a deep, structured prayer life will lead to a stronger relationship with God, making the patient less susceptible to demonic influence.

    The letter highlights the importance of both spontaneous and structured prayers in the Christian life. It warns against reducing prayer to a mere emotional experience and stresses the need for genuine, disciplined prayer to develop a true relationship with God. The demons' strategy is to prevent this depth by keeping the focus on immediate feelings and informal prayer practices.

    In summary, Letter #4 underscores the power of prayer and the demons’ efforts to trivialize it, emphasizing the need for Christians to engage in both spontaneous and structured prayer to foster a genuine relationship with God.

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