Hello everyone, here is a long overdue podcast about my birth story and experience postpartum- kindly interviewed by the amazing Erin Myers.
My wish is that my story brings hope to all the scoliosis and spinal fusion ladies who wish to become a mother, or are currently expecting. You can do hard things!
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Welcome back Scoli Friends :)
Today I am having an informal chat with my good friend and scoli sister Erin Myers on the topic of Scoliosis and Pregnancy.
As I am currently in the 35th week of my first pregnancy, and Erin has been blessed with two healthy and happy teenage boys- we thought it would be interesting to share our experiences of being pregnant with Scoliosis.
In this episode delve into topics such as
The fear of getting pregnant while having Scoliosis The fear of your child getting Scoliosis Does pregnancy make your scoliosis/pain worse? Labour and Scoliosis How to manage back pain in pregnancy when you have Scoliosis -
To find out more about the ScolioStrong coaching program mentioned in this episode, click this link - HTTPS://M.ME/SCOLIOSTRONG - then send a message with the world SCOLIOSTRONG.
Hello my friends!
Today on the podcast I had the great pleasure of speaking to one of my favourite scoliosis women- Erin Myers from Spiral Spine Pilates.
This is one of my favourite podcast style formats- a casual chat between two ladies in the scoliosis industry. Some of the topics we cover today include:
1. How to regulate your energy when you have Scoliosis.
2. The power of functional medicine and Scoliosis.
3. How to age gracefully with Scoliosis .
4. How to start running as a beginner with Scoliosis.
5. Finding the joy in movement when you have Scoliosis.
Find Erins new book 'I have Scoliosis. Now what'? on Amazon
Free virtual lesson:
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”- Viktor Frankl
Hey guys and dolls,
Sorry it's been so long since i've recorded an episode!
I wanted to start the podcast back with my own personal experience dealing with anxiety, and the different ideas, tools and techniques I have used over the years to help overcome it.
I must preface this episode by saying that I'm not a trained mental health professional. I am just a person who has personally dealt with anxiety, and these are the most effective ways I have found of overcoming it.
If you need to talk to someone, below are a number of helplines you can contact for confidential non-judgemental support.
Aware: Freephone 1800 80 48 48 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm)
Pieta House: T: 1800 247 247
Hello, my friends!
Today on the show we have my client, 20-year-old Laura Heneghan bringing us through her journey with Scoliosis and Spinal Fusion. This episode may be of particular benefit to those who are of a similar age and contemplating spinal fusion surgery.
If you would like to get in touch with Laura:
Back today with another solo cast from Eva! Today I am answering 2 questions that came in on my Instagram page this week
1. What is the best type of exercise for __________ type of Scoliosis?
2. What is your favourite thing about having Scoliosis?
If you guys have a wee second, I would really appreciate if you leave the podcast a review on I-tunes- thankyou so much xx
Welcome to another episode, my friends! A lot of people with Scoliosis struggle with poor body confidence and low self-esteem. Today we are going to talk about my top 5 actionable tips to help you become more comfortable and confident in your own skin :)
1. Stop obsessing over how your body looks (actionable tips in the episode)
2. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and flatter your shape
3. Spend less time on social media and more time out in nature
4. Reflect on all the awesome things your body is capable of doing (that has nothing to do with how you physically look)
5. Remember that feeling comfortable in your body is a journey and takes time to develop
Today on the show I chat with the owner and operator of online studio Build and Breathe Pilates - the lovely Emily Hale.
Emily was first introduced to Pilates to complement her rehab from spinal fusion surgery to correct scoliosis. She gained her Level 3 Matwork Pilates qualification to better understand her own body and give her the confidence to get back to being active and strong.
Emily loves working to help clients who are on a similar journey, growing their ability and connecting with their body.
To find out more about Build and Breathe Pilates:
Website: https://buildbreathe.co.uk/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buildbreathepilates
Welcome to another episode of the show my friends! Today we have my good friend and client Mr John Warda on the show.
John shares his experience of overcoming the mental obstacles of growing up with physical limitations such as scoliosis and muscular dystrophy.
"The person that you are is not determined by your height, weight or disability- try to stay focused and try to be the best person you can possibly be"
Happy Scoliosis Awareness Month Everyone!
Back on the show today we have the wonderful Niamh McGowan: clinical spinal specialist physiotherapist at the Scoliosis Academy in Beacon Hospital Dublin, Ireland. Some of the topics covered include:
1. Breath and rib cage expansion to de-rotate the thorax
2. Niamh's top advice for Scoli patients during Covid19
3. The importance of hamstring lengthening and strengthening
To find out more about Niamh and the Scoliosis Academy:
Welcome back to another episode! Today on the show I am interviewing Dr Domingo Molina- a fellowship-trained orthopaedic spine surgeon based in Springfield, Ohio.
Some of the topics covered on the show include:
1) Dr. Molina's Philosophy 'Less is more'- what can I do for a patient that is the least invasive?
2) Pain neuroscience education- why is your brain telling you you are in pain, and how to raise a patients pain threshold?
3) Dr Molina's best advice for managing scoliosis
“Feel better, move stronger, thrive longer”
Dr. Reid Briglia is a physical therapist who helps adolescents, athletes and adults with scoliosis, kyphosis and other spine-related disorders get back to the physical ventures they love…all while avoiding the use of pain medication and unwanted surgeries.Website: https://www.spinestrongpt.com/
Email: Reid@spinestrongpt.com
Facebook Group: Scoliosis Exercise for pain and performance
Today on the show I have EFT Coach, Life Coach and Energy Healer Tania Lopez-Cepero. She was diagnosed with Scoliosis at age 12. Her back pain left her often for days in bed. At age 13 she had 2 Harrington rods fused along her spine. For the following 20 years, she had pain on and off. She tried different things like physical therapy, massages, medication etc, but then she would have back pain return.
One day she found out about Emotional Freedom Technique aka tapping. Initially, Tania used EFT for her anxiety but quickly saw that it was helpful for pain as well. As Tania released the emotional components related to her back pain, she saw that her flare-ups were occurring less frequently and with less intensity. Since finding EFT, she rarely gets back spasms as she used to.
Tania liked this technique so much that she is now an EFT coach. She helps people finding the emotional causes of their pain and helps them release their stuck energy so they can enjoy fulfilling lives. If you want to check out her page, her website is www.tanialopezcepero.com
If you want to check out her Instagram: Say_Yes_To_Your_Best_Life
Today I have the fabulous Spinal Spine Founder Erin Myers back on the show for a chat. Topics we cover include
1) How Society Perceives Scoliosis in the East Vs. The West.
2) The Powerful Effect of Positive Reinforcement for your Scoliotic Children.
3) Is Your Scoliosis a Physical or Emotional Issue?
4) Why You Should Create a Scoli Management Schedule & How to Find Your Dream Team
Today on the show I am chatting with Registered Dietitian & Health Write Harriet Smith. Harriet shares her journey with Scoliosis and spinal fusion, as well as her experience managing other chronic health conditions such as joint hypermobility syndrome.
To find out more about Harriet, check out her website
Other websites mentioned on the show:
Healthline: www.healthline.com
The British Dietetic Association: www.bda.uk.com
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