
  • It's 4th of July week, which means that many of us at the school of doza are taking a break to better serve you. So we decided to do a re-release of 2 of our most popular episodes - both from the standpoint of listens and the number of questions we get from them. Hope you enjoy and Happy Independence Day!

    In this episode of the School of Doza, Nurse Doza discusses the power of knowledge and how this podcast can help listeners transform their lives, starting with a healthy diet and promoting a healthy liver for overall health. The host then shares the top five foods for a healthy liver, encouraging listeners to prioritize their health to achieve their goals in life.

    00:00 Podcast starts

    01:45 Healthy liver for a healthy life.

    04:13 Turmeric: a golden magical food.

    08:05 Avocados for a healthy liver.

    12:03 Avocado and liver health.

    16:05 Broccoli and liver health.

    20:43 Coffee and liver health.

    23:53 Foods for liver health.

    27:50 Benefits of eating eggs.

    31:23 Liver Love supplement.

  • MASA Chips - Churro Flavor: These chips are not only tasty but also include cinnamon, which can help manage blood sugar levels. This makes them an ideal snack for health-conscious individuals. Learn more and purchase at https://www.masachips.com/products/masa-churro



    1. Cinnamon’s Impact on Blood Sugar: Cinnamon is not just a flavorful addition to foods but plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels. This makes it a significant choice for those looking to manage or improve their metabolic health.

    2. Importance of Healthy Snacking: With blood sugar issues prevalent in a significant portion of the population, choosing snacks that support blood sugar management is crucial. Masa chips with cinnamon offer a tasty and healthier alternative to traditional high-sugar snacks.

    3. Benefits of Masa Chips - Churro Flavor: These chips offer the delightful taste of churros with the added health benefits of cinnamon, making them a perfect snack for health-conscious individuals or those looking to manage their glucose levels.

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  • In this episode, we feature Liver Boost, a vital supplement from MSW Nutrition. Perfect for travelers, Liver Boost supports your liver in detoxifying and managing stress more effectively, ensuring you remain energized and healthy throughout your travels.



    1.Vitamin Vigilance: Packing and taking your specific vitamins, like Liver Boost and Vitamin D, is crucial to fend off illnesses during travels.

    2.Hydration and Healthy Snacks: Carrying a water canteen and healthy snacks like masa chips and sardines helps maintain energy levels and avoid unhealthy food options.

    3.Movement Over Gym: Opting for physical activities like walking and cycling rather than gym workouts can be more enjoyable and effective during travels.

    4.Meal Discipline: Sticking to your meal plan and avoiding deviations ensures you enjoy your trip without dietary regrets.

    5.Reflective Journaling: Keeping a travel journal aids in processing experiences and learning from them, enhancing personal growth.


    00:00 - Start

    02:00 - Importance of taking vitamins on trips

    08:00 - Benefits of carrying a water canteen and healthy snacks

    12:00 - Choosing physical activities over traditional gym workouts

    16:00 - The significance of adhering to a meal plan

    20:00 - The therapeutic benefits of journaling during travel


    1.Vitamin D and Immune Function - Provides insight into how Vitamin D supports the immune system. Link

    2.Liver Boost and Detoxification - Discusses the role of supplements like Liver Boost in detoxification. Link

    3.Glucagon and Blood Sugar Regulation - Explains how glucagon helps in regulating blood sugar levels during physical activities. Link

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:

    YouTube: Channel Link Instagram: Profile Link Website: Website LinkedIn: Profile Link TikTok: Profile Link Twitter: Profile Link
  • Boost CF Multivitamin Energy Drink: Packed with Vitamin E, Boost CF supports not just the heart and brain but also provides a safe, antioxidant-rich energy boost for children. Make it a part of your family’s daily routine to harness the full benefits discussed in today’s episode.



    1.Essential Nutrient: Vitamin E is a vital fat-soluble vitamin necessary for the proper function of many organs in the body.

    2.Heart Health: Supports heart health by enhancing blood circulation.

    3.Brain Function: Plays a key role in maintaining brain health.

    4.Antioxidant Properties: Acts as an antioxidant, helping to mitigate inflammation and protect against cellular damage and free radicals.

    5.Daily Importance: Vitamin E should be a staple in your daily diet for long-term health and vitality.

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:

    YouTube: Channel Link Instagram: Profile Link Website: Website LinkedIn: Profile Link TikTok: Profile Link Twitter: Profile Link
  • Have you heard of the actual School of Doza? It's an online community offering live health classes each week to help you on your journey to better health.

    Explore more and sign up today for just $5 for the first month at www.schoolofdoza.com/sign-up


    1. Longevity of EMFs: EMFs have been around as long as the universe itself, emitted by both natural sources like the sun and man-made devices including mobile phones and Wi-Fi routers.

    2. Health Implications: Various studies indicate that EMFs can affect brain function and fertility, potentially leading to symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and hormonal imbalances.

    3. Safe Practices: Keeping electronic devices at a distance can significantly reduce EMF exposure. Simple actions like not carrying phones in your pocket or using wired headphones can make a big difference.

    4. Regulations and Recommendations: Understanding and adhering to safety recommendations, such as SAR limits set by regulatory bodies, can help minimize risks.

    5. Proactive Measures: Utilizing radiation blocking devices and supporting the body’s natural defenses with antioxidants can mitigate some of the negative effects of EMFs.

    Have you tried MSW's Zen - Featuring bovine adrenal gland extracts, Zen is designed to naturally support adrenal function, helping improve your stress response and boost energy levels. Ideal for those looking to enhance their daily well-being through targeted nutritional support. Learn more here...https://www.mswnutrition.com/products/zen


    00:00 Start

    01:00 Introduction to making habits stick

    02:00 Importance of hydration and how to integrate it into your life

    03:00 Benefits of scheduling workouts

    04:00 The impact of starting your day with water

    05:00 Practical tips for habit persistence











    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:

    •YouTube: Channel Link

    •Instagram: Profile Link

    •Website: Website

    •LinkedIn: Profile Link

    •TikTok: Profile Link

    •Twitter: Profile Link

  • FInd DIM in supplements like Liver Boost at MSWNutrition.com

    In today’s episode, we delve into the benefits of Diindolylmethane (DIM), a potent antioxidant derived from cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts. We explore how DIM contributes to estrogen balance, which is crucial for many women, and discuss its broader impacts on liver health, inflammation, and overall wellness.


    1. Source of DIM: DIM is extracted from cruciferous vegetables, known for their health benefits.

    2. Estrogen Balance: DIM plays a crucial role in promoting estrogen balance, making it particularly beneficial for women.

    3. Liver Health: Beyond hormonal balance, DIM supports liver function, essential for detoxification.

    4. Inflammation Reduction: DIM’s anti-inflammatory properties contribute to overall health and wellness.

    5. Broad Appeal: While especially helpful for women, DIM’s health benefits extend to all, making it a recommended supplement for general health.

  • Today’s episode is sponsored by School of Doza, an online community offering live health classes each week to help you on your journey to better health. Explore more and sign up today for just $5 for the first month at community.schoolofdoza.com


    1. Longevity of EMFs: EMFs have been around as long as the universe itself, emitted by both natural sources like the sun and man-made devices including mobile phones and Wi-Fi routers.

    2. Health Implications: Various studies indicate that EMFs can affect brain function and fertility, potentially leading to symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and hormonal imbalances.

    3. Safe Practices: Keeping electronic devices at a distance can significantly reduce EMF exposure. Simple actions like not carrying phones in your pocket or using wired headphones can make a big difference.

    4. Regulations and Recommendations: Understanding and adhering to safety recommendations, such as SAR limits set by regulatory bodies, can help minimize risks.

    5. Proactive Measures: Utilizing radiation blocking devices and supporting the body’s natural defenses with antioxidants can mitigate some of the negative effects of EMFs.


    00:00 Start • 02:31 Understanding EMFs and Universal Forces •

    04:36 How EMFs Impact Our Health •

    09:20 Differing Frequencies of EMFs and Their Effects •

    14:59 Practical Tips for Reducing EMF Exposure •

    24:23 EMFs and Fertility •

    31:02 Concluding Thoughts on EMFs and Health

    FEATURED PRODUCT • Zen Supplements: Featuring bovine adrenal gland extracts, Zen is designed to naturally support adrenal function, helping improve your stress response and boost energy levels. Ideal for those looking to enhance their daily well-being through targeted nutritional support.

    \Learn more about the effects of EMFs and how to protect yourself at EMF Academy. • Detailed insights on radiation and SAR limits can be found on Apple’s Regulatory Information.

    REFERENCES • For in-depth studies and additional reading on EMFs and their effects, visit PubMed.

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza: •

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwcKyagDi468WscAOWM5VHA •

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nursedoza/ •

    Website:http://www.nursedoza.com/ •

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-mendoza-dc-aprn-np-c-0609a038/ •

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nursedoza •

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/nursedoza

  • Zen Supplements: Featuring bovine adrenal gland extracts, Zen is designed to naturally support adrenal function, helping improve your stress response and boost energy levels. Ideal for those looking to enhance their daily well-being through targeted nutritional support.


    Welcome to our Supplement Ingredient Series on today’s episode about bovine adrenal gland supplements.


    1.What It Is: Bovine adrenal gland extract comes from the adrenal glands of cattle.

    2.Benefits for Adrenals: It supports low adrenal function, which is crucial for managing stress and maintaining energy.

    3.Dosage Tips: Start with one or two capsules daily, adjusting based on your body’s response.

    4.Best Times to Take: Consider taking it in the morning or before bed to optimize its effects on energy and stress.

    5.Potential Effects: Users might notice improvements in energy levels and stress management.

  • Mega-Os by MSW Nutrition - High-quality omega-3 supplements designed to support reproductive health and overall wellness.


    🎙 INTRO: Welcome to today’s episode of the School of Doza podcast! Today, we’re diving deep into female fertility, exploring practical steps and scientific insights to empower women in their journey towards conception. If you're in Austin, don't forget to visit Nurse Doza Clinic for a personalized health experience!

    🌟 5 Key Takeaways:

    Hormone Testing: Early testing of hormones like estradiol (E2), FSH, and LH can provide crucial insights into a woman’s fertility potential.Liver Health: The liver plays a pivotal role in regulating hormones; maintaining liver health is essential for balancing estrogen levels and enhancing fertility.Nutritional Support: Incorporating omega-3 fatty acids and specific vitamins can significantly impact fertility by improving hormonal balance and overall reproductive health.Male Fertility: Fertility is a shared journey. Male health and lifestyle also significantly impact the couple’s fertility, emphasizing the need for mutual health optimization.Personalized Approach: Customized lab tests and tailored supplementation, like MSW Nutrition’s liver boost and Mega-Os, can support individual health needs, enhancing fertility outcomes.

    ⏰ Timestamps:

    00:08 - Introduction to the episode02:27 - The importance of getting hormone tests09:28 - The role of liver health in hormone regulation17:23 - The impact of liver health on estrogen and fertility24:14 - Nutritional advice for boosting fertility31:07 - The importance of supporting male fertility32:34 - Conclusion and final thoughts

    🔗 Resources Mentioned:

    MSWNutrition.comSchool of Doza newsletter and online resources at nursedoza.com

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:

    YouTube: youtube.com/nursedozaInstagram: instagram.com/nursedozaWebsite: nursedoza.comLinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jonathan-mendozaTikTok: tiktok.com/@nursedozaTwitter: twitter.com/nursedoza

    📚 References:

    American College of Cardiology - An Update on Lipoprotein(a)PubMed Central - Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2WebMD - Homocysteine and Heart DiseasePubMed - Leptin and Heart FailureWebMD - How Insulin Resistance Affects Heart HealthMayo Clinic - hs-CRP TestCleveland Clinic - Adiponectin
  • Take a look at Berberine Plus by MSW at https://www.mswnutrition.com/products/blerberine-plusIn this episode of our Supplement Ingredient Series, we delve into the powerful effects of berberine, a compound that's gaining traction for its metabolic benefits. Particularly effective in managing blood sugar and aiding weight management, berberine is a must-know for anyone looking to enhance their metabolic health. Learn about its forms, particularly dehydroberberine, known for its high bioavailability.

    🌟 Key Takeaways:Metabolic Enhancement: Berberine is celebrated for its ability to improve metabolic processes, crucial for blood sugar management and weight control.Bioavailability: Not all berberine supplements are created equal. Dehydroberberine stands out due to its superior absorption and effectiveness.Health Benefits: Regular intake of berberine can lead to significant health improvements, especially for those struggling with metabolic syndrome or diabetes.
  • Welcome back to our Product Ingredient Series! In today's episode, we're diving into the world of sardines, an underrated powerhouse in the realm of nutrition. Packed with essential nutrients, sardines are not just a snack but a superfood that supports various aspects of health, from the brain to the heart. Join us as we explore why incorporating sardines into your diet can be a game-changer for your health.

    🌟 Key Takeaways:Nutrient-Rich: Sardines are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, which is crucial for brain health.Heart and Eye Health: The omega-3s in sardines support cardiovascular health and maintain good vision.High Protein: Each can of sardines offers a whopping 19 grams of protein, making it an excellent choice for muscle building and maintenance.Simple and Pure: Typically containing just three ingredients—sardines, olive oil, and salt—sardines are a clean food that's great for maintaining a healthy metabolism and staying lean.

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:

    YouTube: Nurse DozaInstagram: Nurse DozaWebsite: www.nursedoza.comLinkedIn: Jonathan MendozaTikTok: @nursedozaTwitter: @nursedoza
  • 📚 Featured Supplements:

    MegaOs: High-quality Fish Oil for optimal heart function.Mitochondriac: A mitochondrial rejuvenation supplement, akin to NAD, for enhanced cellular health.Vitamin K2 and D3 Combo: Essential for preventing arterial calcification and ensuring proper calcium distribution in the body.

    Use code NURSEDOZA at mswnutrition.com for a discount on your purchase.

    This episode is a deep dive into practical and often overlooked aspects of heart health. It's packed with actionable advice that could potentially save lives by fostering a more informed approach to heart health maintenance. Join us at the School of Doza for even more detailed discussions and personalized guidance. Your heart health journey starts today!

    💡 Key Takeaways:

    Cholesterol Misconceptions: Discover why cholesterol has been wrongly vilified and learn about the real culprits like processed sugars that contribute significantly to heart disease.Dietary Insights: From debunking the DASH diet to praising the Paleo diet, we navigate through various dietary frameworks to identify the best heart-healthy practices.Supplement Spotlight: Uncover the benefits of Fish Oil, Resveratrol, and Vitamin K2 in managing and improving heart health.Innovative Practices: Learn how tracking your heart rate variability (HRV) with devices like the Apple Watch can provide profound insights into your heart health.

    🕒 Timestamps:

    00:00 START

    02:33 The Sugar Industry's Impact on Heart Disease Perception

    07:20 Dietary Recommendations for Heart Health

    12:29 Benefits of the Paleo Diet

    16:56 Key Supplements for Heart Support

    21:27 The Significance of Tracking HRV

    28:32 Closing Thoughts and Call to Action

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:

    YouTube: Nurse DozaInstagram: Nurse DozaWebsite: www.nursedoza.comLinkedIn: Jonathan MendozaTikTok: @nursedozaTwitter: @nursedoza

    🎧 Listen and Subscribe: Ensure you rate, review, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help us reach and assist more listeners in their health journey!

  • Welcome to today's episode in our product ingredient series! In this episode, Nurse Doza dives into the benefits of a common, yet powerful ingredient—garlic. Known for its potent health benefits, especially for liver health and digestion, garlic is a staple that goes beyond just adding flavor to our meals.

    🥄 Featured in This Episode: MASA Chips While discussing the wonders of garlic, Nurse Doza enjoys MASA chips, crafted to revolutionize how we think about snacking. These chips are made with organically grown corn and grass-fed tallow, free from inflammatory and artificial ingredients. MASA chips are designed for health-conscious snack lovers who don’t want to compromise on taste or crunch. https://www.masachips.com/discount/NURSEDOZACLINIC20

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:

    YouTube: Nurse Doza ChannelInstagram: Nurse DozaWebsite: www.nursedoza.comLinkedIn: Jonathan MendozaTikTok: @nursedozaTwitter: @nursedoza

    Thank you for tuning in, and remember, incorporating natural ingredients like garlic into your diet can make a significant difference in your health. Enjoy the crunch with MASA and the health benefits of nature’s best. See you in the next episode!

  • Bliss by MSW: Enhance your mood and recovery with Bliss, a serotonin and dopamine booster perfectly aligned with your needs post-C-section. Discover how Bliss supports your mental well-being during the crucial recovery phase. For more details and to purchase, visit MSW Nutrition.

    📌 Key Takeaways:C-Section Overview: C-sections are the most common major surgeries worldwide, with a significant number not leading to reduced maternal or neonatal mortality.Post-Surgery Recovery: Understanding the necessity of a tailored recovery plan that addresses both physical healing and emotional well-being.Nutritional Support: Emphasizing the role of specific vitamins and supplements in healing and recovery.🎧 Episode Timestamps:

    00:00 - START

    02:17 - Personal insights from clinical experiences with post-C-section recovery

    04:37 - The critical role of nutrition and supplements in healing post-surgery

    09:32 - Strategies to manage and get ahead of post-surgical pain

    17:09 - The importance of addressing mood and psychological impacts post-C-section

    28:29 - Long-term considerations for both mother and baby post-C-section

    🔗 Additional Resources:Detailed guide on C-section complications and care: American Pregnancy AssociationScientific studies on post-C-section recovery: Journal of Surgery

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:

    YouTube: Nurse DozaInstagram: nursedozaWebsite: www.nursedoza.comLinkedIn: Jonathan MendozaTikTok: @nursedozaTwitter: @nursedoza
  • Welcome to another insightful episode of the Supplement Ingredient Series. Today, we're focusing on Pterostilbene (pronounced tero-STILL-bean), an active and methylated form of Resveratrol. Learn how this powerhouse antioxidant can help support your cellular health and promote longevity.

    Featured in the podcast - Mitochondriac by MSW Nutrition.


    📌 Key Takeaways:

    What is Pterostilbene?

    A naturally occurring compound and a methylated form of Resveratrol.Found in various supplements for its potent antioxidant properties.

    Health Benefits of Pterostilbene:

    Cellular Support: Helps support mitochondrial function, promoting energy and metabolism.Antioxidant Production: Increases antioxidant production in the body, reducing free radical damage.Longevity Support: Assists in improving cellular health for overall longevity.Stress Reduction: Helps your body cope with oxidative stress and maintain cellular health.
  • 🎓 Remember to join our School of Doza for more insights and support as you navigate life post-hysterectomy. Stay strong, stay informed, and take control of your health journey. Thank you for tuning in, and we look forward to seeing you in the next episode!MSW Nutrtition's Metabolic pack pairs very well with this episode. FInd it at https://www.mswnutrition.com/collections/bundles/products/metabolic-pack

    This episode is crafted for those who have recently undergone this procedure, as well as those who have lived with its effects for years. Join us as we explore vital wellness strategies and share the knowledge you need to improve your quality of life post-hysterectomy.

    📌 Key Points Covered:

    Understanding Hysterectomy: A surgical procedure that involves the removal of the uterus and possibly other reproductive organs. This operation results in the inability to menstruate or become pregnant, often leading to significant physical and hormonal changes.

    Dietary Changes for Better Health: Insights into how altering your diet can manage insulin levels and help mitigate menopausal symptoms that often follow a hysterectomy.

    The Importance of Brown Fat: Discussion on how maintaining or increasing brown fat can influence weight management and overall metabolic health after hormonal changes.

    Liver Health: Strategies to support liver function, which plays a crucial role in hormone regulation, especially after losing estrogen production capabilities.Adrenal Support: Tips on supporting adrenal health to manage stress and hormone production, critical after significant surgeries like a hysterectomy.Heart Health: Understanding the relationship between estrogen, heart health, and how to support cardiovascular function post-hysterectomy.

    🎧 Episode Timestamps:

    00:00 - START01:43 - Deep dive into what a hysterectomy entails and its long-term implications06:20 - Dietary adjustments to improve post-surgery health08:20 - The critical role of insulin and estrogen in post-hysterectomy health15:05 - Benefits of developing brown fat through diet and cold exposure27:10 - Practical tips for using cold therapy to improve metabolism36:03 - The importance of supporting adrenal health for hormone balance

    🔗 Useful Resources:

    Detailed Hysterectomy Information: Cleveland Clinic on HysterectomiesUnderstanding Estrogen and Its Functions: National Institutes of Health on Estrogen

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwcKyagDi468WscAOWM5VHAInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/nursedoza/Website: http://www.nursedoza.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-mendoza-dc-aprn-np-c-0609a038/TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nursedozaTwitter: https://twitter.com/nursedoza

  • Explore essential daily supplements that support overall health, from promoting metabolic function and supporting the adrenal glands to boosting immunity with MSW Nutrition’s specialized products. Find them at mswnutrition.com

    📌 Show Notes:Resveratrol (Mitochondriac):Discussing the benefits of Resveratrol for insulin regulation and metabolic health. An antioxidant-rich compound that supports mitochondrial function and promotes longevity.

    Adrenal Support (Zen):Exploring the importance of adrenal health for stress management and overall well-being, highlighting the benefits of Zen for maintaining calm and resilience against daily stressors.

    Vitamin D3 & K2 (The D):The crucial roles of Vitamin D3 and K2 in immune health and bone density, and their preventative benefits against a variety of chronic illnesses.

    Omega-3 DHA (Mega O's):The cognitive and cardiovascular benefits of Omega-3 DHA, emphasizing its essential role in brain health and inflammation reduction.

    Liver Support (Liver Boost): A comprehensive look at how Liver Boost supports detoxification and liver health, crucial for hormone balance and overall body function.📚 URL References:

    Detailed Studies on Supplement Efficacy and Health Impacts: Resveratrol and Metabolic Health: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6165300/

    The Role of Vitamin D3 and K2 in Health: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5613455/

    Benefits of Omega-3 DHA: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9641984/

    🎧 Key Timestamps:

    00:00 - START00:06 - Introduction and importance of tailored supplementation.02:29 - Discussion on personal experiences and the science behind each supplement.13:53 - In-depth analysis of each supplement's role and benefits.28:33 - Personal anecdotes and practical advice on supplement usage.

    Supplement Spotlight:Resveratrol, Zen, Vitamin D3 & K2, Omega-3 DHA, Liver Boost:Explore the transformative effects of these key supplements designed to enhance your daily health regimen. Learn more about each product at MSWnutrition.com

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwcKyagDi468WscAOWM5VHA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nursedoza/ Website: http://www.nursedoza.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-mendoza-dc-aprn-np-c-0609a038/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nursedoza Twitter: https://twitter.com/nursedoza

  • Featured in this episode: Defender Shield Total Protection. Ultimate Safety.Their scientifically-tested range of shielding blocks more frequencies than any other shielding in the world. Feel secure in knowing that you are shielded anywhere, anytime with DefenderShield EMF radiation protection.


    📌 Show Notes:Understanding Radiation Risks:Discussing the health implications of prolonged exposure to EMFs, 5G, and Wi-Fi, and the importance of proactive measures.Protection Strategies:Exploring practical solutions for reducing exposure, including the use of radiation shielding devices for devices like laptops and smartphones.

    🎧 Key Timestamps:00:00 - START00:04 - Introduction to the Wellness Tech Series and today's focus on radiation shielding devices.00:30 - Discussion on the ubiquity of EMFs and their health implications.01:15 - Importance of using radiation shielding devices with laptops and other tech.

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwcKyagDi468WscAOWM5VHAInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/nursedoza/Website: http://www.nursedoza.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-mendoza-dc-aprn-np-c-0609a038/TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nursedozaTwitter: https://twitter.com/nursedoza

  • Explore the integration of MSW Nutrition's supplements, including Gut (an L-glutamine powder) and Mega O's (high DHA fish oil), to support and enhance gut health. Visit MSWnutrition.com to learn more.

    Introduction to Gut Health: Discover how everyday foods and proper supplementation can profoundly impact your gut health, leading to improved overall health.

    📌 Show Notes:

    Key Foods for Gut Health:

    Apples: A simple, nutrient-packed fruit that supports gut lining repair.Cacao: Rich in polyphenols, cacao fosters beneficial gut bacteria and minimizes harmful ones.Sweet Potatoes: Their high inulin content promotes healthy gut bacteria and soothes the digestive tract.Salmon: A fantastic source of omega-3 fatty acids, which enhance gut microbiota and reduce inflammation.Sauerkraut: Fermented cabbage that introduces beneficial probiotics into the gut.

    📚 URL References:

    Gut Microbiota and Health: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6537941/

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Diet: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9862683/

    Foods for Gut Health: Apple Polyphenols and Gut Health - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4488768/

    🎧 Key Timestamps:

    00:00 - START01:47 - Discussion on gut health and importance of diet02:39 - Effects of processed foods on the gut05:00 - Benefits of apples for the gut12:18 - Role of cacao in supporting gut health16:55 - Sweet potatoes and their benefits for gut health19:08 - Salmon's impact on gut microbiota23:56 - Overview of MSW Nutrition supplements for gut health28:43 - The surprising benefits of sauerkraut

    Supplement Spotlight - MSW

    Gut (L-glutamine powder): Helps maintain the integrity of the gut lining and supports digestive health. https://www.mswnutrition.com/products/gut Mega O's (High DHA fish oil): Aids in reducing inflammation and improving gut microbiota balance. https://www.mswnutrition.com/products/mega-os?_pos=8&_sid=f6763064c&_ss=r

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwcKyagDi468WscAOWM5VHA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nursedoza/ Website: http://www.nursedoza.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-mendoza-dc-aprn-np-c-0609a038/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nursedoza Twitter: https://twitter.com/nursedoza

  • Learn how incorporating choline into your daily diet can enhance longevity and organ health, especially important in counteracting depletion from unhealthy lifestyle choices such as high sugar intake, fast food, and alcohol.https://www.mswnutrition.com/products/boost-caffeine-free

    Product Spotlight - Caffeine Free Boost with Choline: Enhance your family’s health with MSW Nutrition's Caffeine Free Boost, a kid-friendly, fruit punch-flavored supplement that's perfect for providing a healthy energy lift without caffeine.

    🔗 Connect with Nurse Doza:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwcKyagDi468WscAOWM5VHA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nursedoza/ Website: http://www.nursedoza.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-mendoza-dc-aprn-np-c-0609a038/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nursedoza X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/nursedoza