
  • Welcome to episode 13 of the Sceptic! On the show this week, host Laurie Wastell speaks to the following Daily Sceptic contributors:

    Sarah Phillimore, barrister and gender-critical campaigner, on how the barristers’ regulator is pushing to make lawyers embrace woke ideology;

    Steven Tucker, regular Daily Sceptic contributor and author of Hitler and Stalin’s Misuse of Science, on lefty academics’ mad plans to “decolonise” exams.

    David McGrogan, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Northumbria and author of the Uncibal Substack, on Sir Keir Starmer’s liberal authoritarianism – and why it can only get worse.

    And for our premium subscribers, Laurie speaks to Daily Sceptic’s Editor, Will Jones, on the cynical campaign to silence our sceptical journalism by self-appointed American news reliability index, Newsguard.

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content.

    Follow Laurie on X.

    Read Sarah’s article on the Daily Sceptic here.

    Read Steven’s articles here and here.

    Read David’s articles here and here.

    And read Will’s article on here.

    Produced by Richard Eldred. Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.

  • Welcome to episode 12 of the Sceptic! On the show this week, host Laurie Wastell speaks to the following guests:

    Ben Sixsmith, Online Editor at the Critic and author of the Zone substack, on Keir Starmer’s miserabilist plan to ban smoking outside pubs;

    Len Shackleton, Professor of Economics at Buckingham University and a fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs, on the bizarre equal-pay ruling against Next that spells disaster for British business;

    Reverend Doctor Bernard Randall, on how he’s been persecuted by the Church of England for delivering an LGBTQ-sceptical sermon in line with Christian doctrine – and how he’s fighting back;

    And for our premium subscribers, Laurie speaks to Alan Halsall, a leading volunteer in the Vote Leave campaign, on how his life was made a misery by the Electoral Commission because he campaigned for Brexit.

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content.

    Follow Laurie on X: https://x.com/L_Wastell

    Read Ben’s article on smoking here.

    Read Len’s articles here and here.

    Donate to support Reverend Randall’s legal appeal here.

    Read Alan Halsall’s article on the Daily Sceptic here.

    And get your copy of his book, Last Man Standing: Memoirs from the front line of Brexit, here.

    Produced by Richard Eldred.

    Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.

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  • Welcome to episode 11 of the Sceptic! On the show this week, host Laurie Wastell speaks to the following Daily Sceptic contributors:

    Dr. Freddie Attenborough, Communications Officer at the Free Speech Union, on the Labour Government’s chilling social-media crackdown in the wake of the Southport riots;

    Andy Collingwood, writer and co-host of the Multipolarity Podcast, on the truth about Britain’s immigration history and why the Left’s claim that Britain has always been a nation of immigrants is just pure gaslighting;

    David Turver, author of the Eigen Values substack, on how Britain’s Government of Net Zero-fanatic humanities graduates are running the economy into the ground;

    And for our premium subscribers, Laurie speaks to C.J. Strachan, the Daily Sceptic’s resident HR expert and the founder of Fair Job, on the shocking anti-white employment discrimination at Thames Valley Police.

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content.

    Follow Laurie on X.

    Read Andy’s article on the Daily Sceptic here.

    Read David’s articles here and here.

    And read C.J. Strachan’s article here.

    Produced by Richard Eldred.

    Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.

  • Welcome to this special episode of the Sceptic, with Professor Nigel Biggar.

    Nigel Biggar is Emeritus Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology at the University of Oxford and the author of Colonialism: a Moral Reckoning. Nigel recently delivered the second lecture of Modern Dissent, a London lecture series challenging established ideas run by the Sceptic’s host, Laurie Wastell.

    The title of that lecture was “Deconstructing Decolonisation” and that’s the jumping off point for today’s episode. Laurie speaks to Nigel about what’s driving the decolonisers, both as a social movement and as an ideology; their unacknowledged Eurocentrism; the importance of patient, reasoned argument in the face of woke dogmatism; the influence of Christianity on the decolonise movement; whether a liberal-humanitarian defence of the British Empire can successfully counter the woke decolonial narrative, and the merits of a purely self-interested appraisal of colonialism; his views on how to improve the culture in our universities; and the difference the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act (now halted by the Labour Government) would have made to campus cancel culture.

    Watch Nigel’s full Modern Dissent lecture here.

    Get your copy of Colonialism: a Moral Reckoning

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content.

    Follow Laurie on X.

    Produced by Richard Eldred.

  • Welcome to episode ten of the Sceptic! On the show this week, host Laurie Wastell speaks to the following Daily Sceptic contributors:

    Claire Fox, the cross-bench peer and founder of the Academy of Ideas, on the fallout of the Southport attack and the crisis of multicultural Britain;

    Dr. James Alexander, Professor of Political Science at Bilkent University, Turkey, on Labour’s devolution agenda and the real meaning behind its radical ‘New Britain’ document;

    And for our premium subscribers, Laurie speaks to J. Sorel, the pseudonymous Daily Sceptic columnist, on what we’ve learnt from Labour’s first few weeks in office and the tyranny of the Blob.

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content: www.dailysceptic.org/donate/

    Follow Laurie on X: https://x.com/L_Wastell

    Read Claire’s article on the Daily Sceptic here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/08/01/on-southport-why-censorship-is-the-enemy/

    Read James’s article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/07/09/how-seriously-should-we-take-labours-new-britain/

    And read J. Sorel’s article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/07/25/the-conservative-party-fought-against-the-blob-and-lost/

    Produced by Richard Eldred.

    Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.

  • Welcome to episode nine of the Sceptic! On the show this week, host Laurie Wastell speaks to the following Daily Sceptic contributors:

    Toby Young, Daily Sceptic Editor-in-Chief and the founder of the Free Speech Union, on Labour’s outrageous attack on free speech in universities;

    Our special guest this week Andrew Montford, Director of Net Zero Watch, on the Government’s heat pump con and why it threatens our whole energy grid;

    And for our premium subscribers, Laurie speaks to eugyppius, the pseudonymous commentator and author of the Substack, eugyppius: a plague chronicle, on the palace coup against Joe Biden, the coronation of Kamala Harris and whether the U.S. corporate media is drinking its own Kool-Aid.

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content: www.dailysceptic.org/donate/

    Follow Laurie on X: https://x.com/L_Wastell

    Read Toby’s article on the Daily Sceptic here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/07/29/bridget-phillipson-has-shown-the-tories-how-to-win-the-culture-war/

    Read Andrew’s article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/07/18/dont-fall-for-the-governments-latest-heat-pump-con/

    And read eugyppius’s articles here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/07/22/joe-biden-out-in-apparent-palace-coup/


    Produced by Richard Eldred

    Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio

  • Welcome to episode eight of the Sceptic! On the show this week, host Laurie Wastell speaks to the following Daily Sceptic contributors:

    Dr David Livermore, microbiologist and Daily Sceptic regular, on the growing concerns about the Lucy Letby verdict, and how the Daily Sceptic led the world in raising them;

    Dr Angus Dalgleish, emeritus professor of oncology at the University of London and co-signatory of the Great Barrington Declaration, on how the first report of the Covid Inquiry has blown up the establishment’s pro-lockdown consensus;

    And for our premium subscribers, Laurie speaks to Steven Tucker, author and regular Daily Sceptic contributor, on French politics, immigration and the West’s “post-human” elites through the eyes of the celebrated French novelist, Michel Houellebecq.

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content: www.dailysceptic.org/donate/

    Follow Laurie on X: https://x.com/L_Wastell

    Read David’s article on the Daily Sceptic here: https://dailysceptic.org/2023/09/11/lucy-letby-must-be-allowed-an-appeal/

    Read Angus’s article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/07/18/the-covid-inquiry-is-right-to-name-and-shame-matt-hancock/

    And read Steven’s articles here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/07/11/alienation-in-an-alien-nation-michel-houellebecq-explains-the-true-horror-of-french-politics/


    Produced by Richard Eldred.

    Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.

  • Welcome to episode seven of the Sceptic! On the show this week, host Laurie Wastell speaks to the following Daily Sceptic contributors:

    Special guest Ross Clark, Spectator columnist and author of Not Zero, on why Ed Miliband’s crusade against oil and gas could put Britain’s economy 6 feet under;

    Tony Morrison, who writes on US politics for the Daily Sceptic, on the shocking assassination attempt against President Trump and what it means for America;

    Dr Carole Sherwood, founder of Save Mental Health, on the trans-activist psychotherapists refusing to accept the findings of the Cass Review;

    And for our premium subscribers, Laurie speaks to Dr Gary Sidley, co-founder of the Smile Free campaign, on the technocratic tyranny of “nudge”.

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content: www.dailysceptic.org/donate/

    Follow Laurie on X: https://x.com/L_Wastell

    Purchase your copy of Ross Clark’s book, Not Zero: How an Irrational Target Will Impoverish You, Help China (and Won't Even Save the Planet) here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Not-Zero-Irrational-Target-Impoverish-ebook/dp/B0B5W4F157

    Read Tony’s article on the Daily Sceptic here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/07/17/there-can-be-only-one-winner-now/

    Read Carole’s article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/07/10/will-labour-protect-gender-confused-children-from-the-trans-ideologues-the-signs-arent-looking-good/

    And read Gary’s article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/26/how-government-psychological-manipulation-of-the-public-became-normal/

    Produced by Richard Eldred.

    Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.

  • Welcome to this special episode of the Sceptic with Professor Eric Kaufmann, on his new book, Taboo: How Making Race Sacred Produced a Cultural Revolution.

    Eric is Head of the Institute of Heterodox Social Science at the University of Buckingham, a member of the advisory board of the Free Speech Union and a senior fellow at Policy Exchange.

    Host Laurie Wastell speaks to Eric about the thesis of this book, that what we know today as wokeism stems from the emergence of the race taboo in the 60s; what people get wrong about woke; its origins in the West’s Christian heritage; its impact on the immigration debate; why Conservative politicians won’t talk about demographics; why younger generations are woker, why that’s a problem, and the ‘Zoomer Right’ phenomenon; the culture war under a Labour government and how to fight back; and the need for a counter-narrative to woke.

    Get your copy of Taboo: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Taboo-Making-Produced-Cultural-Revolution/dp/1800752660

    Sign up for Eric’s 15-week open online course on woke at the University of Buckingham: https://www.buckingham.ac.uk/courses/occasional/woke/

    Visit Eric’s research centre at Buckingham: www.heterodoxcentre.com

    Visit Eric’s website: www.sneps.net

    Follow Eric on X: https://x.com/epkaufm

    And find him on substack: https://erickaufmann.substack.com

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content: www.dailysceptic.org/donate/

    Follow Laurie on X: https://x.com/L_Wastell

    Produced by Richard Eldred.

    Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.

  • Welcome to episode six of the Sceptic! On the show this week, host Laurie Wastell speaks to the following guests:

    Frank Haviland, editor at the New Conservative and author of The Frank Report substack, on Labour’s shallow election victory and the grim rise of Muslim sectarianism;

    Special guest David Frost, the Conservative peer and former chief Brexit negotiator, for a deep-dive into what the Tories’ calamitous defeat means for the future of the party and British politics;

    And for our premium subscribers, Laurie speaks to the Daily Sceptic’s editor-in-chief Toby Young, on his trip down under to spearhead a global movement for free speech.

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content: www.dailysceptic.org/donate/

    Follow Laurie on X: https://x.com/L_Wastell

    Produced by Richard Eldred.

    Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.

  • Welcome to episode five of the Sceptic!

    On the show this week, host Laurie Wastell speaks to the following Daily Sceptic contributors:

    CJ Strachan, Daily Sceptic regular and the founder of the Fair Job initiative, on how “Equality, Diversity and Inclusion” took over the workplace – and how he’s fighting back;

    Andy Collingwood, writer and co-host of the Multipolarity podcast, who gives us a deep dive into the Labour Party’s radical social agenda;

    And for our premium subscribers, Laurie speaks to journalist and Daily Sceptic regular Ben Pile, on how the BBC is trying to smear a Kenyan farmer as a shill for big oil and the menace of the Green Blob.

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content: www.dailysceptic.org/donate/

    Follow Laurie on X: https://x.com/L_Wastell

    Read CJ Strachan’s articles on the Daily Sceptic here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/05/14/how-edi-took-over-the-workplace/https://dailysceptic.org/2024/05/30/how-edi-took-over-the-workplace-part-two/

    and find out more about his Fair Job initiative here: http://www.fairjob.co.uk/

    Read Andy’s article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/27/keir-starmer-wont-just-enact-a-radical-progressive-agenda-hell-change-the-constitution-to-make-it-irreversible/

    And read Ben Pile’s article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/23/why-is-bbc-verify-smearing-a-kenyan-subsistence-farmer-as-a-climate-change-denier-in-the-pay-of-big-oil/

    Produced by Richard Eldred.

    Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.

  • Welcome to episode four of the Sceptic!

    On the show this week, host Laurie Wastell speaks to the following Daily Sceptic contributors:

    The mysterious and ever-incisive Daily Sceptic columnist J Sorel, on Keir Starmer’s technocratic plan to end parliamentary democracy;

    David McGrogan, associate law professor at Northumbria University, on a recent Supreme Court ruling that puts the future of UK oil and gas in question and the “tyrannical tendency” of BBC disinformation reporter Marianna Spring;

    And Alex Kriel, the founder of thinkingcoalition.org, on the elephant in the room in the General Election campaign: lockdowns.

    And for our premium subscribers, Laurie speaks to pseudonymous commentator Eugyppius, author of the influential Substack, eugyppius: a plague chronicle, who gives us a deep-dive into German politics and the right-wing wave sweeping Europe.

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content: www.dailysceptic.org/donate/

    Follow Laurie on X: https://x.com/L_Wastell

    Read J Sorel’s article on the Daily Sceptic here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/21/starmerism-means-the-wholesale-transfer-of-power-from-parliament-to-civil-servants-judges-and-quangocrats/

    Read David’s article on Marianna Spring here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/21/springtime-for-tyrants/

    Read Alex’s article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/18/nhs-waiting-lists-dont-mention-lockdown/

    And Eugyppius’s articles here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/17/after-months-of-freaking-out-about-the-right-the-german-government-inches-towards-collapse-as-the-social-democrats-realise-theyre-wildly-unpopular/


    Produced by Richard Eldred.

    Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.

  • Welcome to episode two of the Sceptic!

    On the show this week, host Laurie Wastell speaks to the following Daily Sceptic contributors:

    Ben Pile for a deep dive into the recent European elections and what it means for the EU’s Net Zero crusadeJournalist Charlotte Gill on the madness of taxpayer-funded woke wasteDr. Noah Carl, Editor at Aporia, on the Lancet’s worrying embrace of gender ideology

    And for those donating £5 a month or more to the Daily Sceptic, Laurie speaks to Molly Kingsley, the founder of UsForThem, about the infected blood scandal and its lessons for the Covid vaccines.

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our donor-only content.

    Follow Laurie on X.

    Read Molly Kingsley’s article on the Daily Sceptic here.

    Read Charlotte Gil’s article here.

    Read Dr. Noah Carl’s article here.

    And read Ben Pile’s article here.

    Produced by Richard Eldred. Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.

  • Welcome to episode three of the Sceptic! On the show this week, host Laurie Wastell speaks to the following Daily Sceptic contributors:

    David Turver, author of the Eigen Values substack, on the elites’ Net Zero delusions and Labour’s ‘GB Energy’ plan;

    the Daily Sceptic’s Environment Editor, Chris Morrison, on how the Met Office is gaslighting us about the weather;

    and Dr. Freddie Attenborough, Research and Communications Officer at the Free Speech Union, on the Australian Government’s bid to censor the entire Internet.

    And for our premium subscribers, Laurie speaks to Daily Sceptic regular Steven Tucker, on the paranoid woke inquisition’s attempts to find racism everywhere, from tabloid coverage of the England team to gardening.

    Donate to the Daily Sceptic to access our premium content: www.dailysceptic.org/donate/

    Follow Laurie on X: https://x.com/L_Wastell

    Read David’s article on the Daily Sceptic here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/10/labours-claim-that-net-zero-2030-will-cut-energy-bills-doesnt-add-up/

    Read Chris’s article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/09/met-offices-risible-claim-of-warmest-may-points-to-massive-urban-heat-corruptions-in-database/

    Read Freddie’s article here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/06/free-speech-prevailed-says-elon-musk-as-australia-drops-bid-to-censor-internet-globally/

    And Steven’s articles here: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/13/euro-2024-special-why-is-printing-images-of-black-footballers-after-they-have-lost-now-suddenly-racist/


    Produced by Richard Eldred.

    Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.

  • Welcome to episode one of the Sceptic!

    On the show this week:

    Toby Young explains how the Sceptic will look going forwards.

    Our environment editor Chris Morrison on why the mainstream media so often overlooks good news about the climate.

    Norwegian journalist Kathrine Jebsen-Moore on why she feels ashamed at Norway’s recent decision to recognise Palestine as a state.

    And Dr David McGrogan on the problems with human rights law.