Remington Rawlings is a Revenue Operations Manager at Snowflake, the founder of OneView, and former Head of Marketing Operations and Global Territory Operations Manager at Workfront.
Highlights from the episode:
How to prepare now for what's going to happen in 3 years. You'll learn how to find out what's important to you and why to avoid flashy goals How to overcome discrimination in the workplace How to use milestones to level up your career AND MUCH MUCH MORE!Connect with Remington:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/remingtonrawlings/
Email: remington@seeoneview.com
Jesse On Fire is the host of two successful YouTube channels and was the top-performing AE at his previous company.
In this episode, you'll learn how Jesse leveraged :
- Why being intentional is so important
- If you're not being strategic, you're not trying
- Make your current situation move you toward your ultimate goal
- And MORE...
Jesse On Fire
Jesse On Fire After Hours
Jesse IRL Exclusive Group
Saknas det avsnitt?
Welcome back to the Sales Leader Show! Joining us today is a marketing titan, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur. He is the founder of Titan Marketer and Youth in Business. He's the first international guest on the show. Joining us from Dudley Park, Western Australia, is Ben Jones!
In this episode, you’ll learn:
1. Why you should leave your job
2. If you can sell, you can start a business
3. You can sell it before you build it
4. How Ben has taught kids to earn $10,000 in their first month of business
Connect with Ben Here:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/%F0%9F%94%A5-ben-jones-%F0%9F%9A%80-234090a8/
Titan Marketer: https://titanmarketer.com/
Youth in Business: https://youthinbusiness.com/
Feel like you're barely keeping your head above water trying to hit quota every month? There's good news and better news...
The good - there's a cure for your quota anxiety.
The better news is - career and life fulfillment are within reach!
Highlights from this episode:
- Hustle and grind culture is hurting your performance at work and in life
- Why connecting with people is fundamental
- Focusing on quota doesn't lead to a great life (or to career fulfillment)
- Your health comes before the sale... Listen to find out how to make it work in real life
Connect with Brandon
Learn More and Get Involved
In part two with James Thompson, we pick up right where we left off. James starts out by talking about how it impacted him when his friend was willing to give up partying (and even their friendship) to go after his goals. His friend’s drive inspired James to commit to greater heights in his own life. James’ decision to remain friends instead of continuing to party continues to pay big dividends in his life today.
Listen to the full episode to learn:
· The importance of Drive and Purpose in Sales
· Why your “Why” matters
· The benefits of Being True to Yourself
· How Insatiable Curiosity affects your ability to Sell
· And MORE!
SaaS Sales Society: https://saassalessociety.com/
Connect with James: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdthompson1/
James Thompson is a Strategic Account Executive at DigitalRoute. He's worked for companies like AbacusNext, Benevity, Chargebee, and now DigitalRoute. He is also a founding member of the SaaS Sales Society which is an exclusive club for insatiably curious Million Dollar and Enterprise Account Executives. He closed the largest deal in North American Chargebee history and has been the recipient of many awards including Highest Total Annual Contract Value, Partner Channel Champion of the year, and the annual Outstanding Performance Award. And today we're going to learn how he has made his career choices and stayed at the top of his game.
James discusses how he made the decision to turn down an offer from a great company because they did not include enough PTO. His wife noticed this first and pointed it out to him. This made him realize that there were some other red flags with that company. He ultimately decided to take an offer with a different company that gave him more PTO days.
James also discusses the importance of family and how it motivates him to achieve success. Like James, you will encounter many challenges in your career. Choosing a job that aligns with your values will help you avoid many problems.
Listen to the full episode to hear how James went from getting busted for selling weed to being a successful family man.
SaaS Sales Society: https://saassalessociety.com/
Connect with James: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdthompson1/
Danilo Capric is a Commercial Account Executive at Databricks. He's closed deals in the multiple six figures and is on his way to closing regular million-dollar deals. He's worked for companies like Gartner, New Relic, and now Databricks. He is also an Adjunct Sales Coach at Satellite helping aspiring SDRs gain the skills they'll need. This episode digs into the purpose that keeps him sharp through the ups and downs.
Danilo’s father passed away unexpectedly when he was in college. This led to many changes in his life. He had to find a new way to fund his education, change his job, and support his family.
After his father’s passing, he immediately took on the responsibility of maintaining his family’s financial stability. This was a difficult time for him, but it also allowed him to find his purpose in life and gave him the motivation to invest in himself.
Much of Danilo’s ability to handle pressure and stay focused comes from his cultural background. He comes from a culture where your word is your bond, and he takes pride in being dependable and honest. This attitude has helped him throughout his life, especially when it comes to handling pressure and meeting deadlines.
Listen to the full episode to discover Danilo’s advice about:
1. Finding your purpose
2. Achieving strong mental health
3. Staying ahead of the curve with your sales craft
Connect with Danilo: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danilo-ca...Danilo's Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/danilocapric
Dale Dupree is the founder of the Sales Rebellion. In a former life, he was the Copier Warrior and top copier sales rep 10 times over! He's closed over $1MM in a single month selling copier machines! Not exactly the sexiest product to sell... He is an author, speaker, and sales coach.
Dale's perspective and authentic method have changed many salespeople's careers. It can turn sales from a chore into a life mission.
Here are a few highlights from the conversation:
Why quota is a trap How to give your customers an experience Why choosing legendary is so important How changing your processes will give you purpose BONUS! He announced his new site first on this episode!EPIC LINKS:
Connect with Dale: https://www.linkedin.com/in/copierwarrior/
The Sales Rebellion Site: https://www.thesalesrebellion.com/
The Sales Rebellion Slack Channel: https://salesrebels.slack.com/signup#/domain-signup
Lorri Kane is the Digital Engagement Manager of Sweater; the Director of Community Growth at Tacos Together; a member of the invite-only private community of marketing leaders, Peak Community; and to top it off she's a crazy ultra runner!
What she has to share with you could change your career and your life. Lorri teaches you how to create meaningful relationships online that will guide your future. Here are a few highlights:
How to be interesting on LinkedIn What to post? Hint: the good, the bad, and the awesome Why you shouldn't focus on being an "influencer" How to get content ideasLorri would love to connect:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/lorrikane
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lorri_learns?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Today we're joined by the VP of Sales at Revity, Benji Smith! He's been in sales and leadership for 14+ years. While at Revity, he’s had an active role in doubling revenue!
Here’s a quick overview of what you have to look forward to:
· Why you shouldn’t simp during the interview process
· Stop talking so much. And what to do instead
· How to engage the buyer to sell more
· How to find the company that brings out the best in you
· The surprising results from the “2 Second Lean” book (listen to the audiobook for free here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbL4LwmWAy0)
Connect with Benji on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-smith-195a55167/
Today we're joined by Jake Wilson. He's been in sales for 10+ years. He has worked for incredible companies like InsideSales.com, SilverVue, and now Scratchpad. Not to mention that Jake has closed multiple six-figure deals!
In this episode, Jake shed's like on the following:
· Why you need to STOP Pitching Features
· How to support the buyer’s process while prospecting
· How to Access People with Unbudgeted Funds
· The surprising results he got when he started speaking up more and driving value for others internally
Connect with Jake on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jake-wilson-21ab5247/
This is the episode for you if you want to advance your sales career, but you're not sure how to get to the next level. Steven was promoted from SDR to AE in only 9 months. He's worked with incredible companies like Podium and Lucid Software. He's the example to follow if you want to be more intentional about your sales career.
Connect with Steve: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steven-michael-harper/
In this episode, I talk about why I started this podcast in the first place. This short episode will help you determine if it is the right fit for you.