
  • There is a process to sales. Amazingly, most salespeople don’t know what it is. They are either ignorant, because they haven’t been trained or arrogant, arguing they won’t be entangled by any formulistic wrangling. They say they follow their muse and let the sales conversation go where it may, because they are “spontaneous” creatures, residing in the “here and now”. Both answers are rubbish. There are professional salespeople and there are dilettantes. Let’s be professionals and master the sales process. We are going to go deeper into the sales process and look at some of the inner workings. Gluing the whole process together are seven bridges to move us through the sales continuum

    Bridge number one is the move from casual chit chat at the beginning of the sales meeting to a business discussion with the buyer. When is the best time to make that move and what do you say? The opening conversation will flow to and fro, as various small talk questions are answered and everyone becomes comfortable with each other. Let the buyer finish their point. Pause to make sure they have actually finished and are not about to expand their point. Then we simply say, “thank you for your time today”. This signals, now is the time to get into the sales conversation proper.

    Bridge number two comes after we have explained our agenda and after checking if they have any extra points, we start to move through the points we have chosen. The agenda gives the sales call structure and helps to control where the conversation will go. We must ask the buyer if they have any points of their own. This is important because it gives them control over what we will discuss and that makes them feel better about owning our agenda.

    Bridge number three is when we ask for permission to ask questions. We have outlined the agenda and now it is time to get down into the murky depths of their business. Never forget we are “blowins” off the street, the great unwashed. They are about to be asked to open up the kimono and share all of their mysteries and secrets with a total stranger. We need to point to some evidence showing where we have been able to help a similar company, in the same industry. We then proffer, “maybe we could do the same for you. In order to understand if that is possible or not, would you mind if I asked you a few questions?”.

    Bridge number four is what we say after hearing all of the answers to our questions. We are now in a position called the “moment of truth”. We have to make the decision for them concerning if they can buy and what they should buy. We know our line-up of solutions in depth, to a degree they never will. If we decide we don’t have the proper solution for them, we should fess up now and then hightail it out there, to find the next prospect. If we can help them, then we need to announce it clearly and loudly. We need to reference some of the things they told us in the questioning phase. They mentioned to us the key thing they are looking for and also why achieving that is important to them personally. We now wrap our “yes we can do it” answer around those two key motivators for the sale.

    Bridge number five comes after we have gone through (a) the facts, (b) the benefits, (c) the evidence and then (d) the application of the benefit. This will be news to a lot of salespeople in Japan, because they have never gotten beyond (a), the detail, the spec, the nitty gritty of their widget. After we have told the story of how wondrous things will be for them after purchasing our widget, we then ask the trial close question. It is not complicated and anyone can memorise it. Here it is, “how does that sound so far?”.

    Bridge number six comes after the buyer answers our trial close with an objection. There has been a gap in our process located in the questioning component. We have not flushed out their concern and dealt with it already, so that is why it pops up here at this point. We ask why it is an issue for them and we keep asking if there are any other issues. We need to do this in order to know which key concern we need to answer. Once we have prioritised their concerns, we then give our answer to the major objection. We then ask, “does that deal with the issue for you?”. We do this to check we don’t have any residual resistance preventing them from giving us a “yes” answer when we ask again for the order. We just say, “shall we go ahead then?”, or “do you want to start this month or next month?” or “do you want the invoice sent to you by post or can we send it by email?”.

    Bridge number seven comes after they say, “yes” they will buy. We must be very careful what we say next. We must bridge across to the delivery discussion of how and when they will receive their purchase. Under no circumstances keep selling at his point. Random things blurted out after receiving their “yes” may sidetrack them to a concern they hadn’t thought about. Or it may get them confused about whether now is the time to buy or should they wait until a bit later? Rather, get deep into the detail of the next steps immediately and stop selling.

    Salespeople need to know the sales process and the glue that holds it all together. That is the mark of the professional and the path to sales success.

  • A stranger contacts you out of the blue or you meet them fleetingly at an event and they call you afterwards. They are a salesperson and they want to sell you something. Our typical reaction is one of caution. Why is that? We have all become addicted to technology which has sped everything in business up to warp speed, but somehow we are all perennially time poor. We don’t want to be distracted from our tasks or waste our time listening to what someone else wants. We are also not sure if we can trust this salesperson. Why would that be? Maybe we were duped or heard of someone we know being duped by a “salesperson” in the past, so we are permanently suspicious of anyone we meet in sales.

    This is not a great start is it. We have to deal with all the baggage that our buyers have accumulated over the years. Japan is a brutally vicious sales environment. We are all in a street fight with our competitors and like in a physical street fight, there are no rules and little mercy shown. Rivals will lie, disparage, spread false rumours, make nasty insinuations about us and our company. “They are having financial trouble and won’t be around much longer”, “all I ever hear are complaints about their bad after sales service”, “their representative keeps getting fired from companies, so he won’t be around for long”, etc. “But Greg, Japan is such an honest country, would rivals lie so brazenly?”, you might be thinking. Yes, some of them will do so without any shame or guilt. I have heard these wild stories myself, shared by buyers, so from my own experience I know this happens.

    How do we start the sales call in Japan? We chit chat a little, then we get into the sales discussion. If we don’t know what we are doing, we are launching straight into our pitch about our wonderful widget. If this is you, please stop doing that. Rather we should be asking questions to completely understand the needs of the client. We can do this through just asking for permission to ask questions and then going for it. Another way we can do it is to propose an agenda for the meeting. This provides the same content, but it is a more structured approach. Japanese buyers love to be given the agenda to look at, because they love data and the more the merrier.

    The questions we are going to ask about needs are all there of course, but we add one more. We ask, “what are your impressions of our company?”. Why would we do that, why not just blast off into the nitty gritty detail of the wonders of the widget? Remember we are either a total stranger coming in off the street or a fleeting acquaintance from an event. If I visited your home and sat down and said, “tell me all about the problems inside your family?”, I don’t think you would want to share your dirty laundry with someone you hardly know. Company representatives feel the same about sharing the dirty laundry of their firm.

    If our rivals have been stabbing us in the back or if the client has some incorrect information about our company, we need to get that out early and deal with it. In our case, as an expert soft skills training company, our history of over 108 years can be a double edged sword. It means we have stood the test of time and yet, for some buyers they may think we are old fashioned and not current enough for the modern market. Chit chat is pretty thin gruel to establish trust with, so we need to work on establishing the credibility of our company. Rather than random selection in the chit chat content about what trust buttons to push, we ask this impressions question. This allows us to zoom right into the core concerns and deal with them.

    Now when they give me their concern, I don’t immediately answer it. I cushion it instead. That is, I put up a neutral statement, that neither inflames nor tries to argue with their comment. This neutral cushion buys my brain some thinking time about what I am going to say and how I am going to say it. Rather than giving the first answer that suddenly pops into my head, I can give a more considered answer. I could say, “It is important to consider perspectives on the brand”. Those three or four seconds are enough to drill down to a more polished answer. I would then say, “The balance to our longevity is that we are a global organisation. That means that every second of the day clients, somewhere around the world, are asking us to address their most pressing problems. In this way, dealing with client demands always keeps us fresh and current in the market”.

    Are you ready with your answers for some curly questions your client may have for you? More importantly, are you trying to flush out these secret resisters, before you try to introduce your solution? Let’s not assume we are on a level playing field here. Accept that for whatever reason, there may be some hidden obstacles to trusting us and so let’s get those out of the way early, so that we can properly serve the client.

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  • A stranger contacts you out of the blue or you meet them fleetingly at an event and they call you afterwards. They are a salesperson and they want to sell you something. Our typical reaction is one of caution. Why is that? We have all become addicted to technology which has sped everything in business up to warp speed, but somehow we are all perennially time poor. We don’t want to be distracted from our tasks or waste our time listening to what someone else wants. We are also not sure if we can trust this salesperson. Why would that be? Maybe we were duped or heard of someone we know being duped by a “salesperson” in the past, so we are permanently suspicious of anyone we meet in sales.

    This is not a great start is it. We have to deal with all the baggage that our buyers have accumulated over the years. Japan is a brutally vicious sales environment. We are all in a street fight with our competitors and like in a physical street fight, there are no rules and little mercy shown. Rivals will lie, disparage, spread false rumours, make nasty insinuations about us and our company. “They are having financial trouble and won’t be around much longer”, “all I ever hear are complaints about their bad after sales service”, “their representative keeps getting fired from companies, so he won’t be around for long”, etc. “But Greg, Japan is such an honest country, would rivals lie so brazenly?”, you might be thinking. Yes, some of them will do so without any shame or guilt. I have heard these wild stories myself, shared by buyers, so from my own experiencE I know this happens.

    How do we start the sales call in Japan? We chit chat a little, then we get into the sales discussion. If we don’t know what we are doing, we are launching straight into our pitch about our wonderful widget. If this is you, please stop doing that. Rather we should be asking questions to completely understand the needs of the client. We can do this through just asking for permission to ask questions and then going for it. Another way we can do it is to propose an agenda for the meeting. This provides the same content, but it is a more structured approach. Japanese buyers love to be given the agenda to look at, because they love data and the more the merrier.

    The questions we are going to ask about needs are all there of course, but we add one more. We ask, “what are your impressions of our company?”. Why would we do that, why not just blast off into the nitty gritty detail of the wonders of the widget? Remember we are either a total stranger coming in off the street or a fleeting acquaintance from an event. If I visited your home and sat down and said, “tell me all about the problems inside your family?”, I don’t think you would want to share your dirty laundry with someone you hardly know. Company representatives feel the same about sharing the dirty laundry of their firm.

    If our rivals have been stabbing us in the back or if the client has some incorrect information about our company, we need to get that out early and deal with it. In our case, as an expert soft skills training company, our history of over 108 years can be a double edged sword. It means we have stood the test of time and yet, for some buyers they may think we are old fashioned and not current enough for the modern market. Chit chat is pretty thin gruel to establish trust with, so we need to work on establishing the credibility of our company. Rather than random selection in the chit chat content about what trust buttons to push, we ask this impressions question. This allows us to zoom right into the core concerns and deal with them.

    Now when they give me their concern, I don’t immediately answer it. I cushion it instead. That is, I put up a neutral statement, that neither inflames nor tries to argue with their comment. This neutral cushion buys my brain some thinking time about what I am going to say and how I am going to say it. Rather than giving the first answer that suddenly pops into my head, I can give a more considered answer. I could say, “It is important to consider perspectives on the brand”. Those three or four seconds are enough to drill down to a more polished answer. I would then say, “The balance to our longevity is that we are a global organisation. That means that every second of the day clients, somewhere around the world, are asking us to address their most pressing problems. In this way, dealing with client demands always keeps us fresh and current in the market”.

    Are you ready with your answers for some curly questions your client may have for you? More importantly, are you trying to flush out these secret resisters, before you try to introduce your solution? Let’s not assume we are on a level playing field here. Accept that for whatever reason, there may be some hidden obstacles to trusting us and so let’s get those out of the way early, so that we can properly serve the client.

  • “I like talking with people, so I want to be in sales” is a terrifying conversation to have with one of your staff. They are not doing so well in their current role, so they imagine they will just glide across to sales to have an easier time of it. They may try and do it internally as a switch of roles or they may quit their current job and go and try to get a sales job somewhere else. Given the shortage of salespeople in Japan at the moment and from now on ad nauseum, there is a strong chance they will be picked up by a competitor or another company quite easily.

    They are partially correct. Yes, it helps if you like people as a salesperson. Also, having good communication skill is a definite requirement. Talking to someone and persuading them to hand over their hard earned cash is a different equation. What do we talk about, how do we talk about it, when should we be silent, when should we speak up? These are important questions about which they are ignorant.

    When I hear people say they like “talking to people” that sets off an alarm in my head. One of the biggest issues with salespeople is that they talk too much. I am guilty of it too. I am passionate about helping people to grow their businesses and their careers, so I bring a lot of belief and energy to the conversation. That is all good, but it is also dangerous. If I am doing all the talking, I maintain possession of what I already know but I don’t gain any additional knowledge of the client and their problem.

    Sometimes, I catch myself and realise the only noise in the room is me talking, so I should ask the client a question, shut up and get them talking instead. I want them to tell me about their current situation and where they want to be. In Japan, you can’t do that. Clients are passively expecting your pitch, so they can destroy it and assure themselves this is a low risk transaction they are considering entering into. So, the first thing out of our mouths here has to be a question seeking permission to ask questions. People who like talking will have no problem with this traditional pitch approach. In fact they will probably be happy, to get straight into the pitch.

    Fine all around except for one small thing. What are you pitching to the client? How do you know what solutions from your line-up will best match the client’s need? What normally happens is the salesperson blunders on, talking about things which are irrelevant to the client. They completely squander their client facing time and leave the meeting with nothing. This is not good.

    Get permission first, then ask those first two questions – where are you now and where do you want to be? We are trying to gauge urgency on the buyer’s part. If they think they can bridge this gap, then they will try and do it themselves and not involve any external parties. That means no business for us and we are wasting our time to continue sitting there chatting with them, no matter how much we enjoy a good chat.

    If they can’t do it by themselves, then we want to know why? There is no point going straight into solution mode at this point, talking, talking, talking. We should ask that exact question: “if you know where you want to be, why aren’t you there now?”. What a pearler of a question. In this answer lies our raison d’etre. Maybe we can’t do it for them. That is good to know, because we have to high tail it out of there and go and find someone we can help. No point hanging round for more chatting with a business dead end in front of you. Another other issue is talking past the deal. When the buyer agrees, only talk about the follow up and stop selling. People who like talking get themselves into trouble by saying too much and opening up a Pandora’s box of deal breakers.

    If we are doing our job, we are hardly talking at all during the meeting, except to ask a few clarifying questions. “Liking to talk with people” is a mirage, would-be salespeople see about what is involved in a professional sales life. This is their uniformed illusion about the job. Instead, I want to hear, “I like asking people questions”. In all my years in business though, I have never heard that lucid comment emerge as a precursor to a life in sales. If you want a career in sales, now you know what to say to a prospective boss to get them interested in hiring you.

  • “I like talking with people, so I want to be in sales” is a terrifying conversation to have with one of your staff. They are not doing so well in their current role, so they imagine they will just glide across to sales to have an easier time of it. They may try and do it internally as a switch of roles or they may quit their current job and go and try to get a sales job somewhere else. Given the shortage of salespeople in Japan at the moment and from now on ad nauseum, there is a strong chance they will be picked up by a competitor or another company quite easily.

    They are partially correct. Yes, it helps if you like people as a salesperson. Also, having good communication skill is a definite requirement. Talking to someone and persuading them to hand over their hard earned cash is a different equation. What do we talk about, how do we talk about it, when should we be silent, when should we speak up? These are important questions about which they are ignorant.

    When I hear people say they like “talking to people” that sets off an alarm in my head. One of the biggest issues with salespeople is that they talk too much. I am guilty of it too. I am passionate about helping people to grow their businesses and their careers, so I bring a lot of belief and energy to the conversation. That is all good, but it is also dangerous. If I am doing all the talking, I maintain possession of what I already know but I don’t gain any additional knowledge of the client and their problem.

    Sometimes, I catch myself and realise the only noise in the room is me talking, so I should ask the client a question, shut up and get them talking instead. I want them to tell me about their current situation and where they want to be. In Japan, you can’t do that. Clients are passively expecting your pitch, so they can destroy it and assure themselves this is a low risk transaction they are considering entering into. So, the first thing out of our mouths here has to be a question seeking permission to ask questions. People who like talking will have no problem with this traditional pitch approach. In fact they will probably be happy, to get straight into the pitch.

    Fine all around except for one small thing. What are you pitching to the client? How do you know what solutions from your line-up will best match the client’s need? What normally happens is the salesperson blunders on, talking about things which are irrelevant to the client. They completely squander their client facing time and leave the meeting with nothing. This is not good.

    Get permission first, then ask those first two questions – where are you now and where do you want to be? We are trying to gauge urgency on the buyer’s part. If they think they can bridge this gap, then they will try and do it themselves and not involve any external parties. That means no business for us and we are wasting our time to continue sitting there chatting with them, no matter how much we enjoy a good chat.

    If they can’t do it by themselves, then we want to know why? There is no point going straight into solution mode at this point, talking, talking, talking. We should ask that exact question: “if you know where you want to be, why aren’t you there now?”. What a pearler of a question. In this answer lies our raison d’etre. Maybe we can’t do it for them. That is good to know, because we have to high tail it out of there and go and find someone we can help. No point hanging round for more chatting with a business dead end in front of you. Another other issue is talking past the deal. When the buyer agrees, only talk about the follow up and stop selling. People who like talking get themselves into trouble by saying too much and opening up a Pandora’s box of deal breakers.

    If we are doing our job, we are hardly talking at all during the meeting, except to ask a few clarifying questions. “Liking to talk with people” is a mirage, would-be salespeople see about what is involved in a professional sales life. This is their uniformed illusion about the job. Instead, I want to hear, “I like asking people questions”. In all my years in business though, I have never heard that lucid comment emerge as a precursor to a life in sales. If you want a career in sales, now you know what to say to a prospective boss to get them interested in hiring you.

  • We often hear that people buy on emotion and justify with logic. The strange thing is where is this emotion coming from? Most Japanese salespeople speak in a very dry, grey, logical fashion expecting to convince the buyer to hand over their dough. I am a salesperson but as the President of my company, also a buyer of goods and services. I have been living in Japan this third time, continuously since 1992. In all of that time I am struggling to recall any Japanese salesperson who spoke with emotion about their offer. It is always low energy, low impact talking, talking, talking all the time. There are no questions and just a massive download of information delivered in a monotone delivery.

    As salespeople, our job is to join the conversation going on in the mind of the buyer. But it is also more than that. The buyer’s mental meandering won’t necessarily have the degree of passion we need for them to make a purchasing decision. So we have to influence the course of that internal conversation they are having. This is where our own passion comes in.

    I always thought Japanese people were unemotional before I moved to Japan the first time in 1979. The ones I had met in business in Australia were very reserved and quite self contained. They seemed very logical and detail oriented. After I moved here I realised I had the wrong information. Japanese people are very emotional in business. This is related closely to trust. Once they trust you, they have made an emotional investment to keep using you. No one likes to make a mistake or fail and the best way to avoid that is to deal with people you can trust. How do you know you can trust them? There is some track record of reliability there, that tells you the person or company you are dealing with is a known quantity that will act predictably and correctly every time.

    The problem with this approach though is that you will only ever be able to sell to existing accounts. What about gaining new customers? You have no track record and no predictability as yet. When you meet a new customer they are mentally sizing you up, asking themselves “can I trust you?”. Naturally a good way to overcome the lack of track record is to create one. Offer a sample order or something for free. This takes the risk out of the equation for the person you are dealing with. To get involved with a new supplier means they have to sell the idea to their boss, who has to sell it to their boss, on up the line. No one wants to take the blame if it all goes south. A free or small trial order is a great risk containment tactic and makes it easy for all the parties concerned to participate in the experiment.

    The other success ingredient is passion for your product or service. When the buyer feels that passion, it is contagious and they are more likely to give you a try to at least see if there is some value to continue working with you. When he was in his mid-twenties, my Japanese father-in-law started a business in Nagoya and needed to get clients. He targeted a particular company and every morning he would stand in front of the President’s house and bow as he was leaving by car for the office. After two weeks of this, the President sent one of his people to talk to him to see why he was there every day bowing when the President left for work. When he heard that my father-in-law wanted to supply his company with curtain products, he told him to see one of his subordinates in his office to discuss it. That company eventually became a huge buyer and established my father-in-law’s business.

    Was that a logical decision, just because some unknown character is hanging around your house everyday like a stalker? No it was an emotional decision. What my father-in-law was showing the President was his passion, belief, commitment, discipline, patience, seriousness, earnestness and guts. That is a pretty good line-up for a new supplier in order to be given a chance. We need to remember that buyers are wanting to know our level of belief in what we are selling. The way we express that is through our passion and commitment to the relationship and the product or service we supply. Is our demeanour showing enough passion, without it seeming fake or contrived? Do we have enough faith in what we are selling, that it naturally pours out of the pores of our skin? Are we painting strong enough word pictures to get the buyer emotionally involved in a future involving what we sell?

    Audit your own levels of passion when you are in front of the buyer. Do you sound sold on your own offer? Do you sound committed to go the extra mile? Do you sound confident and assured, showing no hesitation? Are you honest about what is possible and what is not possible? Always understand that buyers, whether for themselves or for the company, buy on emotion and justify it with logic. Make sure you can supply that emotional requirement as well as the strong rationale for them to buy your offer.

  • Generally speaking, we mainly have failures of follow up in B2B sales. The conduct of the sale’s meeting is normally done professionally. Perhaps the salesperson could have asked better questions or presented the application of the benefits of the solution better. Maybe they could have dealt more professionally with objections or closed the deal more effectively. In B2C though, the troubles start from the point of contact. Getting this wrong means no meeting, let alone no sale.

    I blame the managers for these issues. If they were doing their job properly, then there wouldn’t be these customer facing problems. We are salespeople and we are also buyers. We go shopping, we eat out, we buy lots of stuff in the face to face environment. Maybe not as much as before, because of Covid-19, but we still we do engage in some B2C activities. When the whole hospitality industry is on its knees, you expect that those survivors still operating, are really maximising their opportunities to build their clientele.

    Imagine my surprise when I called a restaurant in Midtown for a lunchtime booking and bumped into some idiocy that flies in the face of the current reality. It was around 11.31am and I was calling to make a booking for a 12.00 luncheon. The staff member who answered the phone told me that all bookings for lunch close at 11.30am. I could just show up at 12.00 and take my chances with the rest of the punters. It is 11.31am when we are having this conversation. I asked him does that mean I should book at another restaurant instead of his. There are tons of restaurants in Midtown by the way. Irony and sarcasm aren’t really features of the Japanese language, so my obtuse point went straight over his head.

    He had been told that bookings for lunch close at 11.30am and that was that. The idea that we are in the middle of a pandemic and that many enterprises in his industry are closing for lack of business, would warrant additional flexibility wasn’t one that had ever crossed his mind. He couldn’t connect the dots and realise that what his job depends on are customers. It was not clear to him that every restaurant wants to build new clients and to boost the spending of their regular clients. He is just an employee, so building the business isn’t part of his work remit.

    Well it should be. He could have been focused on grabbing my booking, guaranteeing two covers at lunch, rather than relying on providence to supply walk-ins off the street. He could have made me feel special by telling me that although 11.30am is the cut off point, he would take the booking anyway and really looked forward to meeting me at 12.00, “Ask for Taro and I will take care of you”, he could have said. How would I have felt? Would I have become more likely to go back again in the future? Could I become a valued customer? The answers are obvious to me but the concept was not in his mind.

    By way of contrast, I like Elios in Hanzomon, which is across town for me. I have been going there with clients and with my family, since 2001 when I came back to Tokyo from Osaka. What is my lifetime value as a customer? Elio certainly knows this equation and so do his staff. That is one of the reasons why I keep coming back.

    So I was wondering what is the difference and the reasons are obvious. The leadership outlook and work culture of the restaurants are different. The bosses determine the way the staff think about the business and the customers. So, the natural extension of this reflection is to move to self reflection. Are my staff flexible when dealing with our clients? Are they just following the rule book and not using their brains? Do they feel trusted enough to take responsibility to fix an issue for a client or are they ninjas, hiding behind the rules. As the boss, you cannot be in every client conversation, so you have to delegate client care to your team. Let’s all take another look at the culture we have created. Are we allowing individual decision making based around a common understanding of how we think about our clients?

    One of the things we quickly learn as leaders is that telling people something once, almost guarantees no one will remember it. It becomes annoying to have to keep repeating the same things over and over, but you find you have to do it. So, it always a good practice to remind everyone about how we think about serving the client. Explain where this aligns with the value system, the vision and the mission of the enterprise. There has to be a symbiotic relationship between our teams and the clients. The boss determines how that plays out at every micro-interaction, every day.

  • Most of the time in Japan, I attend client meetings alone. This is not how the Japanese do it. The President going to a meeting alone, without some staff in attendance is rather rare. Presidents have degrees of prestige and one of the indicators is how many flunkies they have in attendance. My ego is big enough already to have to worry about people carrying my bag around for me. The Japanese client meeting can often be quite an affair though with many people seated around the room, waiting to hear what you have to say. Invariably, you have no idea who is turning up on their side, who they are or what they do.

    The key word there is “waiting”. They expect this to be a presentation from me to them, with zero interaction, no questions and then they go away and thrash it out internally on what they want to do next. The punters in the room are the earpieces of their respective sections, there to record and then report what was said and who said it. There will usually be one or two designated interlocuters on their side who will engage with the seller to facilitate the meeting. That facilitation is usually to insist we give them a presentation on our offer, done passively, without any insight into what they need.

    You can see the problem immediately. We have many solutions, so which one is the best for them? To know this we need to be asking questions. The buyer side don’t quite see it that way and we can have a tense standoff. We ask seller style consultative questions. No one answers them from the buyer side and the silence hangs heavy in the air, trying to strangle the seller. If we hang tough and let that silence hang around for a long time, eventually someone on the buyer side will say “give us your pitch”. When we hear this we know things are not going well.

    Being on our own is not a big deal, because usually we can make decisions on our own. We don’t need to work the idea through the system to get some type of convocation to agree to it. What is not good though, is to squander our time before the meeting. We should be pumping whoever is organising the meeting logistics, for information ahead of time on who will be attending. Who are they, what do they do, what rank are they, etc., are key things we want to know before we turn up. We shouldn’t presume there will only be a couple of people we already know in the meeting, if it is an important stage or the first meeting.

    If this doesn’t happen, then after the initial exchange of business cards with the big boss, quickly dart around the room and exchange cards with everyone else there. This way you can arrange the cards on the table in front of you, according to where they are sitting, to see who is who and you can check their rank and area of responsibility. These are generalisations, but the CEO will be thinking strategy going forward, the CFO will be thinking protecting cash flow, the technical people will be thinking fit for purpose and the users will be thinking ease of application of the solution.

    Knowing roughly what the audience interests are is only a start. To avoid giving a pitch into the void of not knowing what they want, you need to set up permission to ask questions. They are expecting you to tell them about what your company does and what you can do for them. Here is an example of how this could go. “Dale Carnegie Training has been around for 109 years world wide and nearly 60 years here in Japan. We are soft skills training experts covering sales, leadership, communication and presenting. We have had a lot of success in Japan helping our clients to improve their effectiveness and grow their market share. Maybe we could do the same for you, I am not sure. In order for me to know if that is possible or not and to know which part of our line up best suits your internal needs, would you mind if I asked a few simple questions. The answers will guide me on what I should present to you regarding which parts of our line-up will be the best match for your business?”.

    Once you have permission to ask questions, start with the people tasked with facilitating the meeting. If they need more detail to answer your questions, they will involve some of the other experts in the room. We won’t get a lot of time to do this, as everyone is sitting there expecting a pitch which they can then flagellate within an inch of its life, by asking mean and nasty questions. They won’t be denied their Colosseum moment of throwing you to the lions for too long.

    You will at least get enough information to know what to present and how to present it. You won’t get an answer at that meeting on whether there is any interest or not so don’t push it. They need to harmonise opinions on their approach and they will do this after the meeting. Someone will be tasked with getting all of the feedback and bringing this to the most senior person.

    Japan teaches you many things, especially patience!

  • We often hear that people buy on emotion and justify with logic. The strange thing is where is this emotion coming from? Most Japanese salespeople speak in a very dry, grey, logical fashion expecting to convince the buyer to hand over their dough. I am a salesperson but as the President of my company, also a buyer of goods and services. I have been living in Japan this third time, continuously since 1992. In all of that time I am struggling to recall any Japanese salesperson who spoke with emotion about their offer. It is always low energy, low impact talking, talking, talking all the time. There are no questions and just a massive download of information delivered in a monotone delivery.

    As salespeople, our job is to join the conversation going on in the mind of the buyer. But it is also more than that. The buyer’s mental meandering won’t necessarily have the degree of passion we need for them to make a purchasing decision. So we have to influence the course of that internal conversation they are having. This is where our own passion comes in.

    I always thought Japanese people were unemotional before I moved to Japan the first time in 1979. The ones I had met in business in Australia were very reserved and quite self contained. They seemed very logical and detail oriented. After I moved here I realised I had the wrong information. Japanese people are very emotional in business. This is related closely to trust. Once they trust you, they have made an emotional investment to keep using you. No one likes to make a mistake or fail and the best way to avoid that is to deal with people you can trust. How do you know you can trust them? There is some track record of reliability there, that tells you the person or company you are dealing with is a known quantity that will act predictably and correctly every time.

    The problem with this approach though is that you will only ever be able to sell to existing accounts. What about gaining new customers? You have no track record and no predictability as yet. When you meet a new customer they are mentally sizing you up, asking themselves “can I trust you?”. Naturally a good way to overcome the lack of track record is to create one. Offer a sample order or something for free. This takes the risk out of the equation for the person you are dealing with. To get involved with a new supplier means they have to sell the idea to their boss, who has to sell it to their boss, on up the line. No one wants to take the blame if it all goes south. A free or small trial order is a great risk containment tactic and makes it easy for all the parties concerned to participate in the experiment.

    The other success ingredient is passion for your product or service. When the buyer feels that passion, it is contagious and they are more likely to give you a try to at least see if there is some value to continue working with you. When he was in his mid-twenties, my Japanese father-in-law started a business in Nagoya and needed to get clients. He targeted a particular company and every morning he would stand in front of the President’s house and bow as he was leaving by car for the office. After two weeks of this, the President sent one of his people to talk to him to see why he was there every day bowing when the President left for work. When he heard that my father-in-law wanted to supply his company with curtain products, he told him to see one of his subordinates in his office to discuss it. That company eventually became a huge buyer and established my father-in-law’s business.

    Was that a logical decision, just because some unknown character is hanging around your house everyday like a stalker? No it was an emotional decision. What my father-in-law was showing the President was his passion, belief, commitment, discipline, patience, seriousness, earnestness and guts. That is a pretty good line-up for a new supplier in order to be given a chance. We need to remember that buyers are wanting to know our level of belief in what we are selling. The way we express that is through our passion and commitment to the relationship and the product or service we supply. Is our demeanour showing enough passion, without it seeming fake or contrived? Do we have enough faith in what we are selling, that it naturally pours out of the pores of our skin? Are we painting strong enough word pictures to get the buyer emotionally involved in a future involving what we sell?

    Audit your own levels of passion when you are in front of the buyer. Do you sound sold on your own offer? Do you sound committed to go the extra mile? Do you sound confident and assured, showing no hesitation? Are you honest about what is possible and what is not possible? Always understand that buyers, whether for themselves or for the company, buy on emotion and justify it with logic. Make sure you can supply that emotional requirement as well as the strong rationale for them to buy your offer.

  • Japan loves the Devil they know over the Angel they don’t know. Change here is hard to achieve in any field, because of the inbuilt fear of mistakes and failure. This country takes risk aversion to the highest heights in business. There are no rewards for salaried employees to take risk. There are massive career downsides though, if things go wrong, due to an initiative they introduced. Personal accountability is not very popular here.

    The decision-making system here is also a nightmare in this regard. Who is the decision-maker? Probably no single person. The meeting we attend may have one to three people present in the room, but they are the tip of the iceberg. An iceberg we will never get to meet by the way. Behind the walls of the office, sit their other colleagues who will have to sign off and agree on the change.

    The checks and balances of Japanese organisations guarantee a few things. One is it makes for good communication internally. No one faces an unpleasant surprise. I have found most Japanese, as individuals, are not good at dealing with the unexpected. The sudden emergence of something that had not been previously factored in, has these staff rushing for emergency exits in fear.

    The other thing this system supplies is the opportunity for all the vested interests to have their say. Fast action is not viewed as a plus. Reaching a consensus is very important in Japan and people expect to have input into any new arrangements. The piece of paper suggesting the change physically moves around the section head’s desks and each one applies their hanko or stamp to the document, indicating they are okay with the change. Nothing will happen until all of those stamps are there.

    Turning up and finding the buying team are already quite happy with their current supplier, means a lot of work has to be done internally by the people we are meeting, to make a change away from the known and established order. Who wants more work? No one in Japan, that is for sure. When you are dealing with small to middle size firms the supplier arrangements can be even trickier. They often have a strong owner running the show. They make a lot of the key decisions and then everyone else does the execution of the decision. You may not get to meet with the dictator directly.

    In many cases, the current supplier company was supplying their grandfather who started the business. Many a good time was had on the golf course, being entertained in the Ginza by geisha and visiting expensive cabaret clubs together in the good old days. Gifts flowed thick and fast as well, to cement the relationship. The current generation of the heads of the respective businesses may have been at school together, have marriage links between their two families or belong to special clubs as members. I see these connections at my very exclusive Rotary Club here in Tokyo. These are successful families who move in the same circles. The third generation of family business heads have deep links together built up over the last generations. Why would they change their trusted supplier to you?

    Be it a big corporate or a smaller concern, there are a lot of barriers to change in supplier relationships in Japan. Frankly, we have few levers at our disposal as a result. The one thing that companies fear in common though is getting left behind by their competitors. The globalisation of business has meant these harmonious relationships between supplier and buyer are getting shaken up.

    Just explaining the details, benefits, quality and pricing advantage of the solution you provide are not enough. We need to lob some dynamite into their current cozy little supplier arrangements, by bringing up their exposure to being blindsided by a competitor. We need to remind them that the best solution will win in the market or at least reduce their market share. We need to point out that in a competitive industry, no one cares about the depth of the existing relationships, because they are fully focused on their survival. Rivals will make key supplier changes and these will trigger changes across the industry, as everyone else has to adjust accordingly. By getting ahead of the curve, they can win time to adjust and win market share for themselves, vis-à-vis their rivals.

    Price and quality differentials only become meaningful in this light in the current market. Just talking about price or quality in isolation won’t move the buyers to make any changes. The effort to make new or change supplier arrangements needs a strong reason in Japan or else everyone just defaults to a “do nothing” stance.

    This requires we come armed with examples of where a change in supplier arrangements wiped certain companies out. The best option is relating changes in their industry, but even if we don’t have that, we need to show evidence of how dangerous it can be to avoid change. The drivers of change are plain to see: globalisation changing supply options, Japan’s declining population driving companies to take desperate measures to stay afloat, technical advances challenging existing business relationships, currency movements impacting pricing, etc.

    We say fear and greed drive behaviour. Well in Japan, the fear factor is certainly more pronounced than the greed factor, so lead with the downside of non-action rather than the upside of a new initiative. Paint a picture of how the advantages of your solution could become dangerous in the wrong hands, that is to say, their competitors. Advise them to not give an unfair advantage to their rivals by not making the change today. Express the importance of urgency, the time factor exigency to take action right now.

    We need to do this to drive the imperative of all those characters sitting behind the wall of the office, to get their hanko out and stamp the recommendation, showing their support for it. The people we are meeting are not the final decision-makers, so we need to arm them with the required nuclear harpoon to break through all the inertia and resistance to change, that is the hallmark of business in Japan.

  • I have been in sales since 1988, with a slow, then fast migration of skills. I started my own small one-man consultancy in 1988 in Brisbane to assist businesses wanting to create revenues with Japan. I moved into commercial real estate in 1989, then into market entry in 1992, retail banking in 2003 and then selling soft skills training in 2010.

    I began my personal study of sales around 1990. The company didn’t provide any sales training, so I had to source it myself. I attended Tom Hopkins two-day Sales Seminar in Brisbane and that considerably boosted my understanding. The organisation I worked for in Japan brought in a sales trainer and I worked with him as his assistant for delivering sales training through N.E. Asia. When I joined Dale Carnegie I undertook the sales training they had and that further refined my skills to the point where I was able to certify as a sales trainer.

    If there is one area I see as a weakness in myself and for most people in sales it is asking for referrals. Japan shouldn’t make any difference when it comes to asking for referrals so I don’t think there is an market specificity preventing us from doing it.

    I had an uncomfortable experience when someone supplying me with personal services did a hard sell to me on referring him to other potential buyers. I had bought from him a few times, so there was a relationship there, but I always felt a bit wary about him. He is clearly focused on the money and fair enough, but I shouldn’t be feeling that. So when he pushed me hard on getting new business from him I didn’t like it at all. It felt dirty and unnecessary. Why do I owe him anything and have to introduce my contacts to him to grow his business. What had he ever done for me to grow my business - a big fat zero? He presumed that because I was a client, he had the right to ask me for referrals, but I didn’t feel he had won that right at all.

    So where is the line where we can comfortably ask the buyer for introductions to other people to get new business? I think the personal relationship is important, but they don’t have to be your bosom buddy in order to ask. Of course, if that is the case then it is easier.

    Firstly, we have to have built the trust with the buyer by delivering value for them. I try to make the buyers my friends, but that doesn’t happen in every case. The buyer becoming a friend shouldn’t be part of the qualifying process to be to ask for a referral. As long as we have delivered value we have a starting point.

    The way of asking is critical. The person I referred to, asked me in an extremely aggressive way and I didn’t like that at all. One of my failings is if people become aggressive with me, I instantly respond in kind. As I get older though, I am getting better at dealing with this flaw and when he was aggressive with me I didn’t say anything, so that is progress.

    The takeaway for me was never ask for a referral in an aggressive to too assertive fashion. Keep in mind the buyer doesn’t owe us anything. We need to remind them of the value we have provided. With this platform we can ask for their help. We should never ask a very broad request such as , “Do you know anyone who would benefit from our training?”. We have just opened the floor gates for them and they have so many possibilities they can’t fix on any that are helpful. It is like those consumer experiments where counterintuitively they have found reducing the number of choices on the shelves helps to move more product.

    We need to zero in on some choices for them to make from a limited number of people. We can say, “You have mentioned to me that you felt you received value from the training we provided. I wonder amongst your circle of family, friends, colleagues or business contacts, you can think of someone who would equally get value?”. We have reduced the entire Universe of people down to four buckets. We want them to be able to see the faces ion their minds eye so that the process is controllable. If they are struggling then we zero in on one of the buckets to see if we can spark some recognition of who might benefit.

    If they have someone on mind, we have to make the follow-up super easy and a light touch for them. If we ask them to call that person for us, while we feel this is perfect, they will feel that is too much. After all, they don’t work for us. However, if we say, “would you mind if I mentioned that we did some training with you and you thought they might also benefit from the same training?”. That is a light touch and easy for them to agree to. We might also ask them for the contact details of the person they have in mind and again that is an easy ask.

    We can copy them in on the email if we send an email and then that tells the person we are contacting that we have permission to make contact. If we do it by phone then we need to drop the name of the person who gave us the referral to add trust to the basis of the call.

    My parents thought the flow of Philip Gregory Story was better than Gregory Philip Story, so they made that choice as my official name order and had always called me Greg. I have had the experience of people calling me up saying, “Hi Phil, XZY suggested I give you a call”. I instantly know they are lying to me and cannot be trusted.

    Most people won’t have that handy device available, so we have to assure the person that the referrer did genuinely make that suggestion. In my case, I would say, “Tony Smith was in my High Impact Presentations class last Thursday and Friday and he really made some great progress in just the two days of that programme. It was clear to both Tony and me how much he gained from the training. I asked him if there were others he thought might equally get value for the course and he gave me your name, hence the reason for my call”. By being so specific it is easier for the person I am trying to sell to, to know this is genuine.

    If we deliver value for the buyer, then we should make that extra effort to see if there are others we can help, who they know. Not everyone will want to do that, but even so, if we ask in a gentle way, we won’t create doubt and destroy the relationship. The worst thing we can do is to continue not asking. There are simple ways to do this and we should start doing them – including me!!!

  • Storytelling is usually associated with novels of hundreds of pages, movies lasting two to three hours, television drama series fifty minutes long per episode. In sales in Japan we get a mini window to the buyer that, hopefully, in the first meeting will last an hour. During the second meeting, to present the solution, we will also get around the hour the buyer has allocated for the meeting with us. In both cases, we have to make sure the buyer, rather than us, is doing most of the talking.

    That is especially the case in the first meeting, because we don’t actually have any clear, in depth idea about what they need. The time should be spent in two phases – one establishing credibility and trust and the second phase devoted to asking questions to uncover their needs.

    The main opportunity for telling micro stories in phase one is around our background and experience. The buyer wants to know who they are dealing with. They want someone who knows what they are doing, someone who can help them and we need to fill in those details for them.

    We have all had the experience of buying something, we ask a question and the clerk says, “one moment please” and then disappears to ask someone else the answer. This is never a confidence builder. We immediately recognise we are being served by the clueless. That is the danger for us in sales in B2B situations, where we have to answer their questions without having to get the answer from someone else. We need to tell stories which will assure the buyer we are an expert in this field and we can give them concrete and valuable assistance to solve their complex problems.

    Usually, there is a rapport building phase at the start and this is where we can package up a mini-bio of who we are. Remember, we are a stranger to the buyer, yet we expect them to unveil all of their corporate problems and challenges. Recall what your parents told you: “don’t talk to strangers”, yet here we are trying to sell them something and they don’t know who we are.

    In Japan, in that rapport building phase, I am often asked about why I came to Japan. I have a plan for that question and so should you. I mention I came for two years to study Japanese at Jochi University as a Japan Education Department scholar and this has turned into 40 years. This gives the listener a lot of confidence that I know Japan and that I am an “insider” not just a gaijin or “outsider”.

    I also make a subtle point that actually the real reason I came to Japan was to study traditional Shitoryu karate. This reinforces for the listener that I know Japan at the deepest level having trained in the martial arts here – one of the last bastions of old style traditional culture.

    Establishing my Japan credentials isn’t enough though, because the issues at hand are commercial and I need to demonstrate that I know what I am doing so that I can help them. Having a strong brand like Dale Carnegie is helpful because I always mention that we started the training in Japan in 1963. This tells them we have a lot of experience in Japan, so we can understand their problems. I give them a very brief bio of Mr. Mochizuki, who launched Dale Carnegie in Japan, to personalise the point.

    In the second meeting, when presenting the solution, it is vital to have stories of how other buyers succeeded with the solution. These don’t have to be long stories, but they need to do three things: one, put flesh on the bone of what the solution does for the buyer in application; two, explain how that buyer was able to adapt the solution to their business specificities; and three, talk about the success they had with it.

    We may not be able to mention the name of the other buyer, for confidentality reasons, and we should definitely point that out. No buyer wants to hear all about the juicy details of another company and then hand over the details of their own company to you, knowing you have such a big mouth and will go around telling everyone about their secret business, if they do business with your firm.

    We just have to make the point it is a company very similar to the current buyer. We should talk numbers, best expressed as percentages of growth, or speedy turnaround or major cost reductions, etc. Japanese companies rarely want to be the first mover because of their risk aversion. They prefer others to trial it first and then they can study the results to see if it is for them.

    We don’t have that much speaking time with the buyer, so we need to have micro stories we can draw on to bolster our credentials as a reliable, trustworthy partner. We also need to allay their fears that what we have won’t work for them, by telling micro stories of where it has worked for other buyers. These stories can’t be just pulled together out of thin air in the moment. We need to have worked these up for meetings with clients before we meet them, so that they are lean and pared down for easy, yet fast retelling. Stories need data and data needs stories in sales. We should never forget this golden rule when selling in Japan.

  • Bosses love hunters.

    They beat the bushes and find new clients for the business.
    Usually, they love the thrill of the hunt and wrestling the buyer down to do the deal. CRM systems, paperwork, boring follow-up detail—not so much.

    This is the preserve of the farmer. That person you can entrust the client to, knowing that they will be well taken care of. The follow-through will be well executed and, in a fair wind, will remain a repeat buyer.

    I'm a hunter and easily bored with the mundane aspects of sales.
    I'm also the boss, so I know how we need both hunters and farmers operating at peak performance levels.

    Here are some aspects of the farmer we need to perfect.

    1. Building and Maintaining Strong Relationships

    Trust based on a track record of reliability and predictability is crucial.
    This calls for clear, frequent, and transparent communication with the buyer's side.

    Omotenashi—service—means anticipating and exceeding the client's needs. Client needs change, their internal structures change, and we must be on top of those changes in order to remain relevant.Farmers are good at the detail and at scheduling regular contact. Hunters have already moved on to the next exciting deal.

    2. Deep Understanding of the Client

    Every industry and every sector is different, and every firm is unique.
    So the ability to tailor services specifically for that buyer is needed. That means keeping up to date with changes in the industry, economic growth rates, currency rates, inflation rates, supply chain, etc.

    The farmer knows who the players are on the buyer's side and what interests and concerns them. The key decision-makers can also change. Farmers keep abreast of these changes, always sensitive to wind direction fluctuation, which could eject them from the ongoing business.

    They know what their counterparts' KPIs are and how they are measured and rewarded. They have to know what the personal interests of the buyer are in order to provide a holistic solution for them.

    3. Strategic Account Planning

    Design-in is the holy grail in manufacturing. It means your component or service is designed into the product or process from the start. To get to that stage, we have to know the client's plans, objectives, timelines, milestones, quality thresholds, price points, etcetera.

    To keep the relationship humming along, we have to stress the value we bring and accommodate the needs of the buyer from the point of view of lifetime value and not this month's sales quota.

    Not always easy, though. Headquarters mandate cost-cutting, and things go south very rapidly. That agreed deal is now shattered on the rocks, and the details are now flotsam and jetsam being pounded by the surf.

    We serve a lot of folk in the automobile sector, and we have had two major clients really pull back on their spending. They're being hammered by their Chinese EV competitors. One recently celebrated the appointment of a new CEO and promptly ceased all training and froze their programs. Ouch.

    The other recently informed us that the next contract will be decided by Dutch auction. The last thing you want to hear in a sales negotiation is the phrase "Dutch auction." The new contract bid starts at zero and goes up, and whoever raises their hand first gets the deal at that price point.

    There's no differentiation here for a quality-versus-price comparison. It is a very unsophisticated methodology but highly in favour of the low-price buyer. Procurement department buyers, who see all items like nuts and bolts—basically undifferentiated—love it.

    If you're in the service sector, where there are vast differences in quality provision, you are not going to love this way of thinking. Ouch.

    4. Collaborative Problem-Solving

    The farmer sees themselves as an extension of the client's firm and gets involved to help solve their problems. They do this through the prism of their product or service. They become an outside consultancy looking for areas where they can add value. Often, as salespeople, we see across many industries. Companies in industry A hardly ever mix with companies in industry Z, but we do.

    We see what works and doesn't work across the range of our clients and their problems. We can bring in things we've seen work well elsewhere and help the buyer achieve the goals they have set.

    Let's remember that farmers are important in any sales team. Hunters may be very flashy, flamboyant, and exciting, but they often create chaos and despair. They often lose repeat business because of their lousy follow-up and poor personal organisational skills. Farmers can glue the customer to us and keep that flywheel turning.

    Bravo to the farmers out there.

  • I received this note following my attendance at a networking event run by one of the foreign Chambers of Commerce here in Tokyo.

    “Dear Greg Story , I hope this message finds you well. It was a pleasure meeting you, and I truly enjoyed our conversation and the valuable insights you shared. Please feel free to reach out if there is anything I can assist you with. I would be delighted to stay connected and explore potential opportunities for collaboration. Thank you again for your time, and I look forward to speaking with you in the future. Best regards,”.

    Frankly, I was shocked to get this note. It was from a Japanese businessman, so bravo on the quality of the English. It was sent that same afternoon, so well done on the cadence. My shock was induced by the fact that we didn’t have anything even faintly resembling an insightful conversation. Our conversation, such as it was, can be recorded as relatively brief. This note, upon receipt, came across as a “canned” response which felt as if he probably sends this out to every man and his dog, so totally non-tailored or personalised and therefore a comprehensive fail.

    He was in the property management field, he told me, and he made no effort to filter me to see if I was a prospect who could become a client. Yet he bothered to send me this note. What was the point? Honestly, when we are networking, we need to do much better than this.

    In my case, I only send follow-up notes to people who are high possibility prospects. How do I know that? I filter them during our conversation. I only need a few pieces of information to work out if there is any potential gold in this conversation for my business.

    Their meishi or business card is the first filter. What is their position inside the company? Are they a decision-maker who can buy my training? For me, the second filter is company size. If they are under thirty people, then the chances of us doing any in-house training delivery is slight. The modest numbers of staff make it hard to justify the expense. However, they could be a candidate for sending even just one person to our public classes – a light and inexpensive option. If they have over thirty, then in-house delivery is a possibility.

    The next filter is, do they have any need? On the back of my card, I list the following information: “Soft skills” training, so that it is clear we are doing corporate training. I have these categories: Leadership, Sales, Presentations, Communication, DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and Executive Coaching, all prominently displayed. On the spot, I go through these with the person I have just met explaining what we do. In a light-hearted manner, I then ask them if they need any of these? But I am deadly serious about trying to unearth any hints regarding what would help them grow their business.

    Some people flippantly say, “we need all of them”. That is okay, because I am not so easily deflected. I then push them for which one in particular would be the best for their people. I am trying to filter to see if there is a real need there or not. If there is, I will tell them I will get back to them after the meeting and mention “let’s get together”. I am conditioning them to have no surprise or resistance when my email turns up trying to set a time and date for our meeting.

    If my filters eliminate them as a potential client, then I am pleasant, but I move on and try and find someone who is a buyer. Some people say to me they find they get stuck at networking events and spend the whole time talking to one person because they don’t know how to break off the conversation and meet other people. Here is how I do it: “It has been a pleasure chatting with you. Why don’t we try to meet some other people while we are here? I look forward to catching up again in the future” and I shake their hand and simply walk away.

    For networking and follow-up, the process has to be well organised and congruent. There is no point sending a follow-up email to someone who is clearly not a prospect. There is no point sending a follow-up email unless you have already set it up that you will do so, rather than doing it out of blue like this gentleman did with his all weather template.

    I have used the example of my training company for the filters, but take your own industry sector and work out what you need to know to succeed in your business. What would be some relevant filters you can apply to strangers to know which basket to place them in?

    People who don’t make their living selling, hearing this brutal clarity, may feel this seems mercenary. Trust me, they have no idea they are alive. Sales is a rough and tough profession and a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll. Our most important tool is our time and how we use it. We cannot be dilettantes and swan around in a daze, like most people I meet at networking events. We have to be laser focused on getting new clients and we must let nothing distract us from that pursuit.

    When civilians criticise me for this hardheaded businesslike approach, I just ask sweetly, “how do you find new clients when networking?”. I then ask whether they think their own salespeople are strong enough in finding new buyers, and are they committed enough to growing the company by finding new clients? Finally, I ask “what would be the impact if your salespeople adopted this approach and used their networking time as effectively as possible?”. They go very quiet in response and cease their uneducated critique of this pro-salespeople’s hard won expertise, as they should.

  • “Thank you for submitting your proposal for our capability development project. We appreciate the time and effort your team invested in preparing the proposal. After careful consideration, we have decided to proceed with another vendor whose proposal more closely aligns with our current needs and strategic direction. This decision was not easy, given the high quality of all the submissions we received.”

    I have stopped crying now, but this is the response I got from the buyer. Obviously, I have looked back on this deal and have tried to fathom what went wrong. They contacted us, so that means they were a hot prospect looking around for possible providers. I met with them face to face to ascertain what they wanted. This proved to be a little tricky because they were a bit vague on what they actually wanted. As is often the case with HR people, they are casting a broad net to see what they can drag in, because they themselves don’t have a lot of expertise regarding possible content.

    I duly took copious notes, suggested some things during that first meeting to see if there was any interest. There was interest, but looking back, I wonder now if that was only because they didn’t have a clear idea of what they wanted, so everything sounds good in that case.

    I didn’t just send them the proposal by email. I organised a second face-to-face meeting to walk them through the proposal, so I could gauge their body language and deal with any issues on the spot if they were unclear or uncertain about the contents. All textbook stuff. I left that meeting feeling like I had the winning formula for them, so I was devastated when I got this rejection.

    Was it the money? It could have been, because my pricing was 16% higher than what they spent with another company for the previous year’s training. I didn’t think that was outrageously different though, and I tried to assuage the price rise with loading on the value we provide. When the HR people see the training supply as a commodity, however, with no differentiation, then price becomes the easiest tool to wield. I could have just matched the price with what they paid the previous year, but if you believe in what you are doing, you have to defend the quality, the brand, and the differentiation you bring to the equation. It is a risk and in this case, it didn’t fly.

    Was it the content? This is hard to say because their needs were open and broad. They didn’t really have a clear picture of what they wanted, which was good and bad. Good, because it opened up a lot of possibilities and bad because it opened up too many possibilities. We all have our limitations as suppliers and our areas of strength. We tend to work within certain frameworks, because that is the content we are most familiar with and most confident in. It is always better to have a buyer who is very specific about what they want, and there is the downside that you don’t have it at all. That is okay, because that at least tells you why you failed to get this deal. It is that buyer vagary which is frustrating, because you could have made the deal but you are never really sure at the end as to why you didn’t.

    Was the chemistry not there with the buyers? I would say in this case I was too confident about the chemistry. I thought I did a good job in both meetings with connecting with the two HR representatives. One of the problems with chemistry, though, is that it isn’t a huge differentiator and it is easy for a rival to match you in this element. Salespeople, by definition, are good with people, good communicators and we are all the same in that regard. Maybe my successful rival was equally charming and engaging and what I was doing wasn’t a big enough differentiator to make a difference in the end.

    One thing which on reflection may have been a mistake is we spoke in English. We could have chosen either language, but one of them seemed to want to speak in English and the more junior person in Japanese. It may have been better for me to speak in Japanese with them. There were no communication issues with our conversation, but it may be a comfort factor which I could have paid more attention to. This was a multinational company so English is expected by people in their roles, but we are still in Japan. I don’t believe this was a deal breaker at all, but it is something to consider. The argument can both ways also that speaking in English with a multinational company emphasises your suitability for them over a pure Japanese domestic supplier. It is not definitive, but something I will pay more careful attention to going forward.

    Can I get a clear answer as to why the deal didn’t get done? Basically no. The buyers don’t want to get into justifying their decision for you. They have taken it and they have told you there were multiple options and they chose another one rather than you. In these cases, I just write back and say, “thank you for letting me know. I look forward to the next opportunity to work together with you”. I leave it at that and accept the umpire’s decision and move on.

    Getting rejected has a negative psychological effect on all of us in sales, so we have to be very careful we don’t let it impact our confidence or self-belief. In my case, I always say to myself, “they are stupid not to take my offer”. I reflect on what I did and what happened, but I always put the blame on the buyer. This may seem irrational and delusional at one level, but it makes a lot of sense for when you fall down seven times and need to get up the eighth and keep going.

    My psychological equilibrium in sales is more important than accuracy about who is to blame for this failure. Sales is rough and mean and we have to protect ourselves because most times we don’t get the deal. We cannot allow that to impinge on our optimism that we will get the next deal.

  • n the West, we often emphasise that inaction doesn’t necessarily mean safety for the buyer, and there is a real cost to taking no action. We talk about the “opportunity cost” of doing nothing. A buyer’s competitors aren’t stagnant; they’re actively seeking new advantages with something better or more advanced. The market is never still either, as it’s always shifting, and companies need to be agile to keep pace. Economic conditions are equally unpredictable, with movements in currency, oil, gold, agribusiness etc., and other factors creating constant change.

    In this volatile environment, companies can’t afford to stand still. Innovation, adaptation, and flexibility are essential. Any opportunity to strengthen an offer relative to competitors must be seized and maximised. The ideal outcome is one where our offer can’t be easily compared to what salespeople know as the “Matrix from Hell.” This matrix, favoured by procurement departments, lists items to be purchased down the vertical axis and supplier names across the top on the horizontal axis. Prices are then compared, and the cheapest option is chosen.

    We don’t want our offer to fall into this pricing matrix. Instead, we aim to differentiate our offer so that it defies easy comparison. We need to add value beyond price alone. If our offer lacks the necessary depth, we need to think creatively about what we can provide to stand apart, avoiding price reductions or loss-leader tactics. Our goal is to create “apples to oranges” comparisons, making it impossible for price to be the only factor in the buying decision.

    As a result, we constantly highlight the downside of inaction to the buyer. In this VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous), how can any company feel confident doing things as they have always done them? The ground is shifting beneath our feet, and companies need to be capable of responding. As salespeople, we represent something new and different for the buyer, offering them a lifeline to navigate the daily VUCA challenges.

    Do Japanese buyers see it this way? Unfortunately, they don’t. Change in Japan is a double-edged sword. Intellectually, it’s acknowledged as necessary, but buyers instinctively resist it. They closely associate change with risk. Culturally, Japan emphasises group dynamics, partly to disperse any risk among all members, so no individual is held accountable if things go wrong. Japanese salespeople, for instance, prefer bonuses over individual commissions, as they feel more comfortable being rewarded as a group.

    Buyers share this perspective. They don’t want to be singled out over a purchasing decision. Collective agreement to change suppliers or add a new supplier feels much safer. The ringi seido system of collective decision-making perfectly suits this desire to spread accountability. By obtaining the seals or hanko of all key decision-makers on a proposal, the potential blame is shared if something goes wrong.

    A salesperson parachuting in with their shiny idea about the opportunity cost of doing nothing quickly finds themselves in a thorny position in Japan. No one here is likely to get fired for missing an opportunity. Buyers fear mistakes far more than they fear a lack of urgency. With no pressure to act, talk of “missing out” seems quaint. Here, doing nothing isn’t equated with loss; in fact, it’s often praised, as it avoids risk and keeps the enterprise safe.

    This cultural inertia partly explains Japan’s relatively small venture capital market, the lack of unicorns, and the many “zombie companies” that neither thrive nor disappear but manage to survive. Everyone involved seems determined to make no changes, ignore opportunity costs, and look away from change, hoping it will pass them by.

    If you’re passionate about motivating buyers to embrace change or realise the consequences of opportunity cost, be prepared to feel like you’re talking to yourself. Japanese buyers see no upside to making changes and plenty of downsides, so they tend to hold their ground. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, but we should avoid making opportunity cost our primary “hail Mary” play to close the deal.

  • One of the worst combos in sales is a virtual meeting online and the buyer says, “send me your proposal” or even more insane, you volunteer to send it. Even if you managed to sit down face-to-face with a buyer, do not under any circumstances finish up the meeting with this sentence, “I will send you my proposal”. Sale is hard enough as it is, so why do salespeople decide they are not living on the edge enough and make these types of ludicrous statements?

    We usually get one hour in the first meeting to go through the first part of the sales cycle: build rapport with small talk, get permission to ask questions, ask questions to understand 1. where they are now, 2. where they need to be, 3. why they aren’t there already and 4. what will it mean for this individual if it all goes swimmingly?

    This requires that as the salesperson, we shut up and let the buyer do most of the talking and that we take very good notes. One handy note taking technique is to divide the note page into four quarters representing these four questions and then write the answers in the corresponding quarter of the page. If you have missed something, it becomes immediately obvious, because there are few or no notes in that quarter.

    In our proposal, we will outline what we have understood is their need. We will then outline what we suggest is the best solution to deliver on this need and then explain what it will cost. Of course we never ever use words like “price”, “cost”, etc and instead we only refer to the “investment”.

    This sounds infinitely simple, but have we understood their need? Have they actually been totally forthcoming about the full gamut of their need? Are they holding back key information we need to know in order to provide the best solution for them? Why would they not share that critical information with us? We assume they want to buy something. Maybe they have a vague interest. We have managed to blag our way into a meeting with the buyer, but their motivation isn’t high. They may have a mild dose of curiosity or they may be a psychopath who loves to torture poor, unsuspecting salespeople.

    Salespeople generally have poor listening skills. They are often not really listening completely, because they hear one piece of the puzzle and their brain inflames with an internal conversation about the clever next thing they are going to say. At this point, they actually stop listening to the buyer. Or they may hear an objection and the brain goes into overdrive with what they are going to say to destroy that objection. They stop listening to all the other vitals hints from the buyer about what they need, in order to concentrate on their sparkling riposte.

    Consequently, what they regurgitate in the proposal may have missed the mark or more likely, missed key bits which the buyer needs to hear about in order to organise the Purchase Order. Given this likelihood, imagine what a disaster it is to send the document off and allow the buyer to sit there and silently think, “I am dealing with an idiot who has not understood fully what we need”.

    Here is Dr. Story’s iron discipline sales requirement. When wrapping up the meeting, grab your schedule and make them open theirs and find a date and time for the next meeting. In that meeting, you will bring the proposal and go through it with them to make sure you have correctly and fully understood their needs. Get into their diary right there and then, because trying to do it later can be difficult and sometimes it never happens at all.

    If they say, ‘just send it to me”, under no circumstances accept that statement. Instead, say “I will need to show you something, so let’s find a time for me to do that”. Do not dilute the power of what you have just said by adding to it with more justifications. Keep the strength of that bold statement intact, break eye contact, hold your pen at the ready, look down at your diary, and suggest dates and times.

    We want to be sitting right across from them when we go through the details to read their body language reaction to what we are outlining. We want to make sure we have properly understood their needs and that our solution is attractive to them. We want to tease out any doubts so that we can deal with these spiky porcupines on the spot.

  • Hunting for new clients is difficult and expensive. Marketing tries to drive people who are seeking our solution to our door through the website, advertising, search words and SEO. That all costs a lot of money and the success ratio can be quite low. We attend networking events and these usually cost money too. Now our most fundamental sales goal is not a sale. We are desperately looking for the reorder. If we can get that, it means we don’t have to spend any more money on getting this client on board. We can amortise the acquisition costs across a stream of orders which brings our per buyer acquisition costs down substantially.

    Another source of clients are clients. These people have bought from us in the past, but the trail has gone cold. Maybe they stopped and never resumed because of an internal crisis around money and they had to cut costs. Perhaps our champion got moved and their replacement has their preferred list of suppliers and we are not on their list. Maybe we screwed up an order and got cut. There are so many reasons to have lost touch with a buyer in Japan. It is made more difficult here because of the rotation of staff through different sections of the company, as they try to create an army of generalists.

    Trying to get back on the bronco after having been bucked off is extremely tough. The people there now may not remember us at all. In effect, this becomes a cold call and we have to start again. We need some powerful tools to get back on their buying list.

    Hopefully, we have a good record keeping system and we can pull up what we supplied previously, how long they were our client, who we were dealing with on their side etc. We will need to reference all of these details to gain credibility as a supplier. If they have never done any business with us, then there are many hoops to jump through, whereas being a previous supplier clears a lot of those hurdles.

    We may have introduced a new product or solution since we last communicated. Often, we may have numerous solutions and they only selected one, when in fact we can solve a broad range of issues for them. This is the time to introduce any new products and also the range of existing products to them. What wasn’t required before may now be of interest. Perhaps a rival supplier isn’t doing a great job and we turn up as an alternative.

    If we have something we can demonstrate or show as a solution that is helpful. In our case, as a training company, we can offer free refresher classes for their staff who are our graduates. The price is right, they know who did the training previously and in most cases those same people will still be working there. As we rerun what we previously supplied the people involved recall how good our solution was. They are possibly in more senior roles now and they may want this solution for their team. They may also be stimulated to look for what else we can do for them, as they recall their satisfaction with us a supplier.

    If it happened that we screwed up previously, there may be a chance that the people who recall those details are no longer there and we can start with a clean slate. Japan, however, is pretty good at record keeping and our beautiful name may be mud and still listed on their blacklist of people to never use again and the conversation will go nowhere. I called on the same company after a couple of years break. The people I met were new, but I was amazed when they consulted their records and perfectly quoted what had been discussed in the previous meeting. Don’t underestimate Japanese record keeping prowess.

    If they have a good memory of us and we have developed something new, then that can often be the hook to get us the meeting. They may be curious about what we have come up with and be prepared to hear us out. It is not easy, but it is easier than trying to blag our way into a meeting with total strangers, who have no knowledge of us and what we do.

    We all have buyers who have fallen by the wayside and it is worth the effort to rekindle those relationships and try and restart the business. We could be leaving a lot of money on the table by not trying to reconnect. Chasing new buyers is expensive and hard so let’s get out our records and go back and touch base again and try and get some deals going.

  • We know that there are a lot of salespeople who are totally untrained. They have cobbled together bits and pieces of the sales process but they don’t have the whole picture in their brains. I remember when Dave Stearns, a Carnegie Master Trainer came to Tokyo to certify us a Sales Trainers. He started with the top right hand corner of the whiteboard and then he slowly outlined every single aspect of the sales process and the flow filled the whiteboard from top to bottom, from left to right. It was an amazing tour de force from someone who is a real master. At the time, was sitting there thinking that I could never do that. Well today I am using our sales process and doing the exact same thing in my head when I sit across from the client.

    The only difference is that in Japan it is rare to get through the whole process in one sitting. Here it is more likely we get up to the point of the questioning model and the explanation of the solution comes in the next meeting as we present our proposal. At this point we go into handling any objections and then closing the sale. Again in Japan, that closing of the sale part of the process may not trigger an agreement, but it will set off an internal process to look at what we are suggesting.

    The decision-making process here is complex and glacial with many actors involved. Most of the key decision makers we will never meet, and it is up to the people sitting in front of us to become our champions and push the deal though. This internal harmonisation process though takes a lot of time and we have almost no leverage. Telling our champions to “speed it up” is a like a sick joke, because they don't have any capacity to do that as they seek internal agreement to move forward.

    In the Ringi Seido decision-making system, the Section Leaders and Division Heads who will be impacted by the deal though the changes it will trigger attach their hanko or seal on the proposal document to signal agreement. When there are enough of these achieved the document gets elevated to the Directors level and usually they rubber stamp approve it because they know all the due diligence has been completed down below.

    To bridge between the questioning component and to be invited to propose our solution, we have to move into the suggestion phase. There is no great detail required at this point. What we are doing here is to try and make sure that what we are thinking will be a good fit for what they are after. We have heard their story, we know what they want to achieve and mentally we are rummaging around our magic solutions box to see if we have what they need. We explain in rough terms what would be involved and check to see if that sounds directionally correct. If we do get it right, then we talk in general terms about the outline of the possible solution and see if they think that is a match for what they want. If it is and they think that will work then we are invited to submit our proposal along with the other potential rival suppliers they are talking to.

    The Proposal will go into much greater depth and detail about what is involved and how it will work in practice. It may not be precise enough, but if we are most of the way there, we can still refine it further according to their feedback and we are not out of the running yet. Naturally pricing has to be attached and it we are higher than our rivals, which hopefully we are, because our quality is better, then we submit and see if they go for our ideas. This is important because at this point they are just ideas and until we get the business and can execute, the buyer has to take our word for it that we can do what we say we can do and at the quality level we say we can provide. There is a lot of trust included at this point.

    This is why the way we present has to be very well executed. We have to be making suggestions and constantly checking back to see if there is a match. If it isn’t we need to know that information early and redirect to something else we think may. The level of confidence we have and the degree of detail we can provide off the top of our head, without referring to any materials is important. It sends a message to the buyers that we know what we are doing, we have done this before and we know they results we can deliver.

    Mentioning previous projects for other clients is important because it means we are not using them as the test bed. Japanese firms don’t want to be the guinea pigs for anything. They want to know that it works already. We may not be able to drop the names but when we describe what we did and what happened they are relieved to hear there is a track record of successful implementation already. The way we describe it is so key. We have to do it with supreme confidence, belief and knowledge to demonstrate we know our stuff.

  • Basically, we know that a third of the potential buyers we meet will never buy from us, another third will buy, but not right now and the remaining third are ready to go, if they can be convinced to take action right now. The issue though is when we meet them for the first time, we don’t know which bucket they fit into and we can waste a lot of time and energy thrashing around before we work it out. The knowledge gain process is not straightforward and there are a lot of traps and feints ahead of us, as we make our way forward into the impenetrable jungle. Is there a faster way? Perhaps if we can plumb the depths of our experience and identify some buying or non-buying signals this will help us speed things up.

    Being salespeople, buying signals are difficult for us because we don’t take “no” for an answer. We will push for the meeting even in the face of resistance. Our sales exploits have informed us that the buyer who assures us he has absolutely no more than fifteen minutes to meet with us, will spend ninety minutes talking to us if we have what they need. We also know that “no” isn’t a permanent feature and things can change, so we never give up hope. It also means we go up a lot of dead ends and have to extract ourselves for the waste of time, black, smelly, squelchy bog we have become trapped in.

    Let’s look at some loser situations we will encounter, when meeting potential buyers, as warnings to weight up the investment of our valuable time with them. I had a great lunch with the ebullient foreign President of this firm, which had been bought by a very large Japanese enterprise a few years earlier. He was excited about bringing our training into the firm to strengthen the sales team and to deliver the sales numbers the headquarters wanted. His Japanese CFO had been sent in from the mothership. That snippet of information should have sounded a warning bell for me. The lunch went well, he was excited and I was excited to get things going, so I ignored that deadly little trip wire.

    That ebullience I should have realised was built on a foundation of sand within his own organisation and that the Japanese CFO actually pulled the strings not him. The lesson here is that when you know the firm has been purchased by a larger entity, or is a joint venture of some type, definitely check who has come across from the mothership and what positions they hold.

    Look at the President you are talking to through that lens and ask some subtle but important questions about how decisions are made. What I should have done was to ask about how he was going to get the people to whom he reported to okay the purchase of the training I was proposing and then settle back and very carefully analyse his answer. I needed to strip his ego and bold front out of the equation and take a good look behind the velvet curtain to try and get a sense of who had the real power.

    In the end, despite our conviviality at lunch, he just kept peppering my follow-up attempts with a string of excuses and stalls. The penny dropped eventually and I realised this deal was never going to happen, because he couldn’t convince his CFO to okay the expenditure. His ego can’t allow him to admit to me that he has little or no power within his own organisation, despite have the grand title “President” on his business card.

    Another President who I have been chasing after for a long time now, tells me he wants our training, but my follow-up emails and calls never get a response. When I collar him at an event, we are both attending, he pleads he is so busy with this or that and so couldn’t get back to me, but he is still interested. Here it the conundrum. Yes, he is interested, but can he translate that interest into a deal with his firm? I know his industry is in turmoil and although the technical changes don’t directly affect his business, the overall industry direction does.

    The chances of a deal happening seem slim, but the price of a regular follow-up email is not high. However, I shouldn’t invest any emotional energy into him whatsoever because only pain is in that future. What I don’t want though is he eventually gets religion about doing the training and wanders off with a competitor, because they were the last contact he had from a provider. That would really hurt if that happened. Things can change rapidly in business, but we just don’t know enough about the buyer’s internal situation to know when. Can you imagine if I finally corner him at some future event and he says, “Oh yeah, we did the training with XYZ company”. Would that be grounds for justifiable homicide?