With the season finale quickly approaching, we're clued into what is going on with the Incel Brigade! They are on the yam, and things are NOT so peachy-keen! Distrust and angst are definitely contributing to the pressure cooker that is their living situation
To avoid Buffy finding their hideout, Andrew unleashes a demon that stings Buffy, giving her INTENSE hallucinations of an alternate reality where Sunnydale doesn't exist, and the Scoobs NEVER were.
Rewatch, Listen & Laugh as Alaina turns into a wish version of a Scottish person, Mikie talks about his two bands, and Ash hopes that Anya will unleash vengeance upon Xander's dumb ass.
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Riley's visit MAY have renewed Buffy's hope in her happy ending, but it seems to have caused ripple effects in Xanya's Relationship!
It's the BIG DAY, and everyone is getting ready for Xanya to walk down the aisle and make it official! Well.. all except for some old dude that looks like Daddy from this season's "All the Way". When he pulls Xander aside and cautions him to NOT marry Anya- the day gets SUPER messy!
Rewatch, Listen & Laugh as we laugh about an old man's magic ball, Ash gets crestfallen about the state of our friends in Sunnydale, and Alaina & Mikie put on their best game faces to avoid spoilers!
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Saknas det avsnitt?
You know those messages that you get all the time, the ones that pop up out of nowhere? They could be real, but something about them seems fishy. You likely dismiss these texts and emails as mere annoyances, thinking you’ve stopped some random stranger from ripping you off. But the shocking truth is, the person behind that message might be trapped inside a “scam factory” on the other side of the world and forced to scam others against their will. From Wondery, comes a new series about the brutal reality behind these operations, where one family discovers a horrifying truth: the only way out is to scam their way out.
Listen Now: Wondery.fm/Scam_Factory
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REWATCHERS!!! We will be taking next week off, but will return with S6E16: Hells Bells on 2/26/25!
So we THOUGHT that last week was a new beginning, but within a few minutes Buffy is romping in the grass with Spike and continuing her downward trajectory. #SadTrombone! She can't seem to catch a break! Her job sucks. She got rejected by UC Sunnydale AND a certain cornfed failure is back in town, and she's wearing an ugly cow hat. Watch Buffy TRULY hit rock bottom! (We hope???)
Rewatch, Listen & Laugh as Mikie dives deep into Riley & Buffy's past, Ash gives Riley and Sam a spicy nickname, and everyone begrudgingly agrees that there's more to this episode than we caught on our previous watch(es)!
And don’t forget to follow us at the_rewatcher on Instagram for special bonus content!!
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Even after Dawn's call for help last week, the gang proves they STILL don't have their listening ears on. But luckily for Dawn, there is a new Guidance Counselor who is HERE to listen to her concerns, her troubles, her wishes.
In other news, it's Buffy's 21st birthday, and it's a full house! They have conveniently invited Tara. Xanya has invited a dudebro that he works with. Buffy has invited someone with gastrointestinal issues, and Spike is crashing with his card buddy, Clem. But when no one is able to leave, the gang quickly realizes that there might be something magic afoot!
Rewatch & Listen as we talk farty walls, Ash worries about her laugh, and we express our undying love for our guy Clem!
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Warren and his incel brethren move onto another nefarious plot by creating a magical orb with the capability to force people into being their plaything. Warren seizes that fish- and uses it on his ex Katrina- forcing her into servitude. Meanwhile Buffy has some complex thoughts about fooking Spike and what that means about her.
Rewatch & Listen as we talk about changing perceptions of the Trio, Ash relates to Dawn, and we all side with SMG on a hot take about a scene from this episode.
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Grab your abomination hat and terrible uniform and get ready to clock into a TERRIBLY long shift at the Doublemeat Palace! This week Buffy joins the workforce again, and is faced with MORE than just the monotony of employment when she finds something under the meat grinder- A FUCKING FINGER! She behaves appropriately and has a menty-b (there Buffy.. have a menty-b!) but Buffy is determined to save her coworkers from MORE than ear grease plugs. In other news, Willow AND Anya both get visits from people from their past who attempt to bring back old habits.
Rewatch, listen and laugh as we talk about trash fucking, undesirable color pallets, and we worship at the altar of she who is called Halfrek.
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Willow starts her first steps without magic as Buffy spirals after an awful visit from CPS. After having a manic hair moment, she gets zapped by the Tiny Dicked Trio's invisibility ray, and loses her damn mind becoming a bobbed haired bandit. Finally relieved of the pressure of being SEEN and expected to fix everything, Buffy goes off the deep end until she is faced with her own mortality.
Rewatch, listen and laugh as we talk AWFUL wigs, we are shook by Xanders powers of "suspension of disbelief" and we wonder is UPN is poopin' us!
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Fresh off separate nights of debauchery, Buffy and Willow realize they made a HUGE oopsie-daisy! They sort of have a minor that depends on them, but NEITHER made it home to care for her! Instead of taking it as a sign to rethink things, Willow continues her downward trajectory, fixating on magical thrills to escape painful realities. Buffy decides to fixate on how Willow's irresponsibility is mirrored by Willow's and makes excuses for their bad behavior.
Rewatch, listen and laugh as Ash promotes relaxation, Alaina speculates if the big bad of the week had any work done and Mikie is amazed by Alyson Hannigan's powerhouse performance!
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Willow avoids accepting responsibility OR REALITY and leans hard into magic. Out of nowhere , she realizes that SHE KNOWS how to get Rat/Amy back into human form! With a new friend who is fully onboard with fucking with ALL the magic. Meanwhile, Buffy attempts to give Spike a gentle let down, but he is unwilling to take the freaking hint!!
Rewatch, Listen and laugh as Ash makes wooden stakes stabs to the sound of crickets, Alaina tries to reason out Willow’s shitty behavior, and Mikie realizes something new during this rewatch!
And don't forget to follow us on Instagram at @the_rewatcher for special bonus content!
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Rewatchers! We're taking a short break to spend time with our loved ones for the holidays, but enjoy this Classic Episode where we had a chance to talk about one of the most iconic episodes of the entire series- HUSH! We had the pleasure of sitting down with Doug Jones and hearing about the filming process, as well as his incredible career!
We hope that you all have a safe and happy holiday week for all that celebrate, and look forward to getting into the season six NEXT WEEK!
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Rewatchers!! We hit ANOTHER banger of an episode!
Willow is feeling sad that she fucked up SO HARD and accidentally snatched Buffy out of Heaven- but you know what? she knows a spell to fix shit. Tara is FUCKING horrified, and challenges Willow to go cold turkey with magic for a single week! BUT! Willow decides that a dash of memory modification for Tara AND Buffy will untuck the situation. Unfortunately for everyone, shit goes awry to both Hilarious, Heartbreaking & unexpected results!
Rewatch, Listen and laugh as Ash HOPEFULLY inspires rewatcher art, Alaina gets furious about careless fire safety and Mikie finally moves on after moving Snakey-Wakey last year!
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Rewatchers! We did it!! We made it to another milestone in the series- Once More with Feeling!
Still yearning for the calm of heaven, Buffy has some serious difficultly readjusting to the fuckshit called life, ESPECIALLY when she starts to randomly burst into choreographed song! But it's not just her- the entire population of Sunnydale has joined in creating one of the most iconic episodes of Buffy ever!
Rewatch, Listen and laugh as Mikie admits his undying love for Anya and her nonsense quotes, Alaina has about 45 different choices for 'quote unquote" FAVORITE SONG, and Ash admits that she is a low key theater kid now!
And don't forget to follow us on Instagram at @the_rewatcher for special bonus content!
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Halloween has the Magic Box looking like Black Friday 2004! It's a big day for Anya, made even bigger when Xander FINALLY gets the nerve to spill the beans about their engagement! Reactions are mixed, but the gang throws a party to celebrate the news, as Dawn steps out for a bit of teenage rebellion.
Rewatch, Listen and laugh as Ash gets red faced about unintended euphemisms, Alaina makes a rewatcher comment Cannon in her heart, and Mikie does an impression that gives Ash the ICK.
And don't forget to follow us on Instagram at @the_rewatcher for special bonus content!
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Rewatchers! We're taking a short break to spend time with our loved ones for the holidays, but enjoy this Classic Episode where we had a chance to talk about one of the most iconic episodes of the third season- BAND CANDY! We had the pleasure of sitting down with Kristine Sutherland to get all the deets!
We hope that you all have a safe and happy holiday week for all that celebrate, and look forward to getting into the GREAT episodes of season 6!
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Fresh back from a mysterious rendezvous with Angel, Buffy settles back into daily life, attempting to try on different hats to figure out where she fits! Unfortunately for her, the Tiny-Dicked Trio have some technological, and mystical hoops for Buffy to jump through. Buffy HATES this fuckshit, especially when she phones a friend to figure out WTF is going on, and people think that it's just STRESS. Ummm... Scoobies? DO BETTER!
Rewatch, Listen and laugh as we not-so-begrudgingly laugh at dick jokes, Alaina draws a line in the sand against Willow, and we have a PSA for all people going out to shop for the holidays!
And don't forget to follow us on Instagram at @the_rewatcher for special bonus content!
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Now that Buffy has been ripped out of heaven by her friends, they are adding some fresh heap of fuckshit onto Buffy's plate in the form of a growing heap of unpaid bills. The house needs updating, and Joyce's life insurance money is nearly exhausted. Like.. what the fuck!? Buffy attempts to problem solve, stepping into the role of provider not ONLY for Dawn, but ALSO WILARALOW too! To add to the mounting stress, a new demon is in town robbing banks and looking foine!
Rewatch Listen & Laugh as we meet some new foes, we LOVE on Giles, and Willow steps out of line. And don't forget to follow us on Instagram at @the_rewatcher for special bonus content!
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Coming hot off of the UPN Series Premiere, We start RIGHT where we left off. Buffy is BACK IN DA HOOOOUSE, but she's not right! Wil feels a little hurt that Buffy isn't falling over herself with gratitude, Spike is FURIOUS at the betrayal of it all, and Buffy thinks that she might be cracked. Fuckshit is afoot when things start popping off at bedtime, with phantom Buffy calling Wilaralow bitches, and Anya getting all slicey on her cheeks! Yikes ! Things actually get scary!
Rewatch Listen & Laugh as Alaina finds the perfect way to undo her enemies, Mikie talks sentient fart bubbles, and Ash still dreams of throwing ass in a corn costume.!
And don't forget to follow us on Instagram at @the_rewatcher for special bonus content!
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TRIGGER WARNING: Discussion of threats of sexual violence discussed in this episode.
Rewatchers!! We're back with the SECOND PART of the UPN SERIES PREMIERE!
We start RIGHT where we left off. Fuckshit is afoot at Buffy's grave. Buffy's stuck in a JigSaw Game, the scoobs try to flee from the biker demons, and Spike is being the sweetest babysitter around. Join us as we talk about an episode that's heavy on montages, false endings, and short of metaphorical nuance.
Rewatch Listen & Laugh as we say goodbye to another character, John joins the chat for a hot minute, and Ash scats like she's in Korn.
And don't forget to follow us on Instagram at @the_rewatcher for special bonus content!
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Rewatchers!! Season Six is upon us!!
Time has passed since Buffy sacrificed herself to save the world, and the Scoobs are unwell. They are scraping by with the help of Buffybot, standing in for sister and slayer duties. Giles feels useless without Buffy to mentor, and sets his sights on moving on. Xanya has a spat about coming clean about their engagement, and Wilaralow cook up some spells to raise the dead.
Rewatch Listen & Laugh as we mourn the loss of Anthony Stuart head as a series regular, Alaina gets defensive, and Ash screeches the call of her people.
And don't forget to follow us on Instagram at @the_rewatcher for special bonus content!
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