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Last week, Marshall moderated multiple panels at the Foundation for American Innovation's Reboot 2024: The New Reality. Today's episode is a conversation between Marshall, National Security Institute Executive Director Jamil Jaffer, Galvanick CEO and Trump National Security Council alum Josh Steinman, and SolidIntel CEO and former National Security Advisor to Senator Mitt Romney Megan Reiss. They discuss how America should adapt to an increasingly multipolar world order, what foreign and defense policy should look like in an era of limits, and the prospective foreign policies of former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.
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Stephanie Baker, Bloomberg News reporter and author of Punishing Putin: Inside the Global Economic War to Bring Down Russia, joins The Realignment. Marshall and Stephanie discuss the impact of the sanctions placed on Russia following the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, why initial claims of their impact on Russia's economy were overblown, the long-term costs of economic warfare on Russia's war machine, and the impact of the sanctions debate on a possible conflict over Taiwan.
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Matt Grossmann, Director of the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research, Senior Fellow at the Niskanen Center, and co-author of Polarized by Degrees: How the Diploma Divide and the Culture War Transformed American Politics, joins The Realignment. Marshall and Matt discuss how the growing diploma divide reshaped post-Cold War politics, how Democrats became the party of highly-educated Americans who trust credentialed experts and Republicans became populists supported by voters without college degrees who distrust institutions, why the culture wars increasingly feel perpetual, and how every aspect of non-political American culture politicized over the past 40 years.
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Conor Dougherty, New York Times reporter and author of Golden Gates: The Housing Crisis and a Reckoning for the American Dream, returns to The Realignment. Marshall and Conor discuss how and why the housing crisis became one the 2024 election's biggest policy issues, the proper mix of supply and demand approaches to increasing the overall supply of housing, whether Wall Street investors are responsible for the problem, and the viability of new city projects like California Forever.
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Marshall and Saagar are back for a Labor Day weekend edition of The Realignment's AMA and discussion series for Supercast subscribers. They discuss Saagar's coverage of the Democratic National Convention, analyze the state of the race, answers subscriber AMAs, and more...
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James Pogue: The Senator Warning Democrats of a Crisis Unfolding Beneath Their Noses
James Pogue: Inside the New Right, Where Peter Thiel Is Placing His Biggest Bets
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Foundation for American Innovation: https://www.thefai.org/posts/lincoln-becomes-fai
James Pogue, writer of multiple articles on neoliberalism, the New Right, and America after Neoliberalism, joins The Realignment. James and Marshall discuss his NYT article on Senator Chris Murphy's efforts to realign the Democratic Party, the cost of Neoliberalism, why the New Right has struggled to build a successful political movement, the disillusionment of young men, and why America is facing a crisis of identity and meaning despite material progress and economic plenty.
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Foundation for American Innovation: https://www.thefai.org/posts/lincoln-becomes-fai
Michael Kazin, author of What It Took to Win: A History of the Democratic Party, joins The Realignment. Marshall and Michael review the 2024 Democratic National Convention, discuss the Democratic Party's evolution since 2016, fight for working-class voters, why the party is swinging left on economics, but moving to the center on crime and immigration, and the prospects for economic and cultural populism moving forward.
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NYT on the emerging neopopulist consensus: A New Centrism Is Rising in Washington
Niskanen: Geoff on the Rise of a New Pragmatism
Reformocons: Can the GOP Be a Party of Ideas?
Reihan Salam & Ross Douthat: The Party of Sam's Club
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Geoffrey Kabaservice, Niskanen's VP of Political Studies and author of Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party, joins The Realignment. Geoffrey and Marshall discuss the rise of "neopopulism" and "a new centrism" in Washington, the evolution of the Republican Party since the Obama era, the case for a pragmatic approach to governance, the pros and cons of "moderation," and how the abundance agenda can learn from previous failed reform movements.
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Foundation for American Innovation: https://www.thefai.org/posts/lincoln-becomes-fai
Nicholas A. Lambert, author of The Neptune Factor: Alfred Thayer Mahan and the Concept of Sea Power, joins The Realignment. Marshall and Nicholas discuss why Alfred Thayer Mahan's 19th century work on The Influence of Sea Power Upon was so influential, how today's era of globalization, geopolitical rivalry, and economic entanglement rhymes with the pre-WWI period, the importance of naval power today, and how policymakers and the military consistently fail to focus their attention on the right metrics of success.
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Foundation for American Innovation: https://www.thefai.org/posts/lincoln-becomes-fai
Anupreeta Das, South Asia Correspondent for The New York Times and author of Billionaire, Nerd, Savior, King: Bill Gates and His Quest to Shape Our World, joins The Realignment. Anupreeta and Marshall discuss how the era of internet-driven tech wealth compares to the 19th century Gilded Age, lessons from the rise and fall of Microsoft in the 1990s, the state of antitrust against tech companies, and whether billionaires have had a net positive or negative effect on the U.S. in the early 21st century.
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In the latest edition of The Realignment's weekend Ask Me Anything and discussion series, Marshall and Saagar discuss Tim Walz's VP selection, the Trump campaign's struggles, the overall state of the race, answer subscriber questions, and more...
Inclusive Abundance Initiative: What is Abundance
Derek Thompson: A Simple Plan to Solve All of America's Problems
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Foundation for American Innovation: https://www.thefai.org/posts/lincoln-becomes-fai
Derek Kaufman, Founder and CEO of the Inclusive Abundance Initiative, joins The Realignment. Following up on The Realignment's episodes with Niskanen's Steven Teles, Marshall and Derek flesh out the components of the abundance agenda, discuss why defining abundance as the central policy objective can sidestep culture war dead ends and build new coalitions, and explore opportunities for abundance minded politicians, activists, and staffers.
Nationaly Podcast: Nationly - Immigrantly (immigrantlypod.com)
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Foundation for American Innovation: https://www.thefai.org/posts/lincoln-becomes-fai
Professor Sara Sadhwani and journalist Juan Diego Ramirez join Marshall to discuss the role of race and identity in the 2024 election. Sara and Juan co-host Nationly, a limited election series podcast covering critical swing states through the lens of minority communities. They discuss why America is slowly but surely starting to depolarize away from race towards class identity, the contradictory roots of increasing Latino support for Trump, and the tension between individualism and the wider community.
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Foundation for American Innovation: https://www.thefai.org/posts/lincoln-becomes-fai
Justin Slaughter, Policy Director at Paradigm, joins The Realignment. Marshall and Justin discuss the role that crypto currency policy will play in the 2024 election, whether "crypto" voters exist, why it seems like the crypto space increasingly leans to the political right, and how the government's regulatory approach to the space should evolve.
Trump’s pick of J.D. Vance as his running mate is seen by many as the culmination of a years-long realignment of Republican and conservative politics—away from trickle-down economics toward a more populist, worker-oriented direction. While the pick ushered in a flood of reactions and think pieces, it’s unclear at this stage what Vance’s impact would truly be in a Trump second term. Will Vance be able to overcome some of Trump’s more establishment-friendly positions on taxes and regulation? Will he advocate that Trump continue some of Biden’s policies on tech policy, particularly the administration’s actions against companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple? How might Vance influence policies on high-tech manufacturing, defense technology, and artificial intelligence?
Evan is joined by Oren Cass, Chief Economist and Founder of American Compass and the author of The Once and Future Worker: A Vision for the Renewal of Work in America. Read his recent op-ed in the New York Times on populism and his recent piece in Financial Times on Vance. Subscribe to his Substack, “Understanding America.”
Evan is also joined by Marshall Kosloff, co-host of The Realignment podcast, sponsored by FAI, that has been chronicling the shifting politics of the U.S. for several years, as well as by Jon Askonas, professor of politics at Catholic University and senior fellow at FAI.
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In the latest edition of The Realignment's weekend Ask Me Anything and discussion series, Marshall and Saagar return from The Realignment's wedding summer break to discuss the state of the Democratic Party after VP Kamala Harris secured the nomination from Biden, the prospect for Senator JD Vance's VP nomination, the state of the Republican Party, and respond to subscriber Ask Me Anything Questions.
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Foundation for American Innovation: https://www.thefai.org/posts/lincoln-becomes-fai
In a cross-over episode with Hudson's Arsenal of Democracy podcast, Raj Shah, former Director of the Defense Innovation Unit, Managing Parter at Shield Capital, and co-author of Unit X: How the Pentagon and Silicon Valley Are Transforming the Future of War, joins The Realignment. Raj and Marshall discuss the evolution of Silicon Valley's relationship with the U.S. military since the 2010s, his time directing the Defense Innovation Unit, where D.C. stands in the way of innovation, and how lessons from today's current conflicts should shape our approach to the future.
In this quick audio essay, Marshall reacts to President Biden's exit from the 2024 campaign, analyzes the prospects for Vice President Harris, and wonders whether former President Trump is prepared for an election that could no longer be a referendum on Biden's unpopular presidency.
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Foundation for American Innovation: https://www.thefai.org/posts/lincoln-becomes-fai
Zack Beauchamp, Vox Senior Correspondent and author of The Reactionary Spirit: How America's Most Insidious Political Tradition Swept the World, joins The Realignment. Zack and Marshall discuss the American origins of the reactionary backlash against liberal democracy, the difference between conservatism and reactionary thought, and the case studies of Hungary, Israel, and India.
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