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  • Welcome to "The Real Estate Templet" podcast, where we dive deep into the world of real estate with experts who bring valuable insights and experiences to the forefront. In this episode, we're thrilled to introduce our guest, Brandon Epley, a seasoned Loan Officer with an impressive journey through the real estate landscape. Brandon's story is nothing short of inspiring, and we're excited to share it with you.Brandon began his real estate journey in the world of wholesaling, where he cut his teeth in the industry. His journey took a significant turn when he was asked to step into the role of an acquisition manager, where he honed his skills and even ran his own wholesaling company. However, life often takes unexpected turns, and Brandon's path led him to a pivotal meeting with Capital Fund 1. http://www.capitalfund1.comThis encounter marked a new chapter in his real estate career as he joined their ranks and began contributing his expertise to their mission. 🤝Not content to rest on his laurels, Brandon also embarked on his own entrepreneurial venture, establishing his wholesaling company about a year ago. In this capacity, he's been helping fellow investors discover fantastic real estate opportunities. 🌟Join us as we sit down with Brandon Epley, who will share his wealth of knowledge, insights into real estate financing, and the lessons he's learned along the way. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting in real estate, Brandon's experiences and wisdom are sure to provide valuable takeaways. Stay tuned for this enlightening episode of "The Real Estate Templet." 🎧✨

  • Meet Emad Lubbad, a dynamic entrepreneur and hardworking first-generation American based in Durham, North Carolina. Eleven years ago, he embarked on a journey of growth and transformation when he took over the reins of his family’s business, the International Delights Restaurant. With a passion for both culinary excellence and real estate, Emad’s journey has been nothing short of inspiring. While successfully managing the restaurant, Emad’s vision extends beyond the culinary world. He’s set his sights on expanding his real estate portfolio over the next decade, exemplified by his current venture of constructing 40 new apartments. His commitment to growth and innovation is a testament to his determination to achieve new heights in the real estate sector. Emad’s dedication to personal development led him to connect with like-minded individuals at an event known as The Collective. At this gathering of high net worth individuals, Emad formed a meaningful connection with Winston, a fellow entrepreneur who shares his values and work ethic. Their mutual respect for hard work has solidified a strong bond, and their collaboration promises exciting prospects for the future. Emad Lubbad’s story is one of resilience, ambition, and the pursuit of excellence. He continues to leave an indelible mark on both the culinary and real estate industries, inspiring others to chase their aspirations with unwavering determination.Lets Go!

  • Welcome to The Real Estate Templet podcast.In this episode, we have a special guest, Rob Dold. Join us to hear how Rob, a South African who used to work as a deckhand on luxury yachts, came to live in the USA and invest across single family, small multi-family, short-term rentals, land and commercial real estate.Today Rob works in sales for an engineering consulting company and continues to grow his real estate portfolio. He joins our host to share his journey and provides his practical insights and first-hand experiences for investors, both new and experienced.

  • Welcome to "The Real Estate Templet," the podcast that takes you on an exhilarating journey into the dynamic world of real estate, where we explore the remarkable stories of individuals who have achieved extraordinary success. In each episode, we unravel the captivating tales of these real estate visionaries, providing our listeners with invaluable insights and inspiration.In this episode, we have the privilege of featuring the incredible story of Billy Bland, a trailblazing entrepreneur who defied conventional career paths to carve out his own unique destiny. Beginning his professional journey in the field of landscaping, Billy's passion for creativity and craftsmanship led him on an unexpected trajectory—a venture into the enchanting realm of aquarium building.However, Billy's multifaceted talents didn't stop there. Alongside his pursuits in aquarium construction, he also made a profound impact as a dedicated teacher. Drawing upon his extensive knowledge and passion for sharing, Billy became an influential figure in the realm of education, empowering aspiring individuals to pursue their dreams and realize their full potential.In this episode of "The Real Estate Templet," we delve into the remarkable life of Billy Bland, exploring the pivotal moments that guided him towards the world of real estate. With an astute eye for opportunity and an unwavering determination to succeed, Billy leveraged his expertise in aquariums and his financial savings to embark on a new chapter in his career—real estate investment.Join us as we unravel Billy's inspiring narrative, tracing his humble beginnings in landscaping, his transformative experiences as an aquarium builder, and the profound impact of his teaching career. Through engaging conversations with our host, we uncover the challenges he encountered, the lessons he gleaned, and the strategic approaches he employed to develop an awe-inspiring real estate portfolio."The Real Estate Templet" invites you to embark on a captivating adventure, where we uncover the extraordinary journey of Billy Bland—a man who transcended conventional boundaries, defied expectations, and thrived in the real estate industry. As we delve into his experiences, you'll gain invaluable insights, actionable advice, and a renewed sense of inspiration to elevate your own real estate pursuits.Join us as we unlock the secrets to success through captivating storytelling, thought-provoking discussions, and Billy's firsthand accounts. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just beginning to explore the world of real estate, "The Real Estate Templet" equips you with the knowledge and motivation to achieve your goals.Tune in to "The Real Estate Templet" as we uncover the extraordinary journey of Billy Bland—an entrepreneur, teacher, and real estate mogul who dared to forge his own path, inspire countless individuals, and build an exceptional portfolio. Prepare to be captivated, inspired, and armed with the wisdom to transform your real estate endeavors.

  • Travis Hasse Is awesome guy who has made a great living for himself in a few various ventures he has embarked on and is very grateful where he has gotten himself financially. He is a good guy with alot of very smart ideas and methods to what he does and just likes to share his thoughts. He has a couple businesses such as a full Amazon Trucking Route Company, a liquor brand, Real Estate, and his public teachings. Take notes and listen carefully this guy knows his stuff! Enjoy! @TravisHasse On Instagram Instagram = https://www.instagram.com/realestatetemplet/ TikTok = https://www.tiktok.com/@realestatetemplet?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089362954113 Email us if you have any questions at [email protected]

  • Welcome to The Real Estate Templet Podcast! In this episode, we have a special guest, Brian Boyd, an attorney, and real estate investor with years of experience in the industry. He joins our host to share his journey in the real estate business and provides valuable insights into the industry for investors, both new and experienced.

    Brian shares his experiences buying and selling rental investments and the strategies he uses to make smart purchases. He explains how he evaluates a property, conducts due diligence, and mitigates risks to ensure the investment is sound. He also shares some of the challenges he has faced in the industry and how he has overcome them.

    Our host and Brian delve into various topics, including legal considerations for real estate investors, market trends, and the impact of COVID-19 on the industry. They discuss various investment strategies, such as flipping, wholesaling, and rental properties, and the pros and cons of each.

    Listeners will gain insights into the importance of networking in the real estate industry, and how to build a team of professionals, including real estate agents, attorneys, and contractors to ensure success. They will also learn about the importance of staying up to date with laws and regulations affecting the industry.

    If you're interested in investing in real estate, this podcast is a must-listen. Brian Boyd shares his wealth of knowledge and experience to help investors navigate the industry and make smart decisions. Join us for this informative episode of The Real Estate Templet Podcast.

    Instagram = https://www.instagram.com/realestatetemplet/

    TikTok = https://www.tiktok.com/@realestatetemplet?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

    Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089362954113

    Email us if you have any questions at [email protected]