
  • In an effort to not oversell and under-deliver, this week's episode is about like last week's, and to prove it, Raven and Feeney take a deep dive into Klaatu. Which Klaatu? Yes; What's the Genesis of Genesis and which Genesis lineup was the best? Feeney gets accused of being a Raven ass-licker, agree or disagree? The pondering of Macho Man's voice and whether or not he hurt his throat doing it; Breaking down the difference between Looney Tunes and Disney cartoons and which one has the better characters; Feeney is looking for convention advice and Rich is hot for Geena Davis; Raven wonders how rich Rich would be if he never spent a penny on music; FINALLY the return of Fanmail, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    Sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month! Get extra content AND watch the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • Hide your kids, hide your wives, Raven and the eenie meanies get crazy this week and give their reactions to John Cena turning heel; We learn some of the craziest shenanigans in battle royale history; What events are going on around Wrestlemania and will Raven be in Las Vegas during that weekend? Feeney is either telling the truth, or trying to stir the pot by revealing that Rich has X (Twitter) heat with Ricky Starks (Saints); There are some great orators out there and Raven reveals the people at the top of his list; Feeney decides to bring the show's mood down talking about being a total failure at life and is soliciting advice on what his next career should be; Have a great weekend and all the usual perversions ... Call back.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    Sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month! Get extra content AND watch the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

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  • Rich is missing again, or is he? We find out at some point, maybe; Feeney is blown away to learn about the Curse of Oak Island and the connection to FDR; Happy belated Birthday Selina; The little known connection between Antonio Inoki and Fidel Castro; RIP Gene Hackman; How was Rich's trip to Qatar? Proper protocol for shoot interviews and failed wrestling podcasts; Remembering WrestleFanFest Malice in the Palace and the shitshow it was; A UFC fight gets stopped due to an eye poke, which leads to an interesting conclusion on fight etiquette; The news reading/watching habits of Feeney and Rich leads to wondering how much longer people will actually watch or read the news, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @k100konnan @thccnetwork1

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    Sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month! Get extra content AND watch the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • Rich is on the other side of the world this week, so it's Raven and Feeney providing the slapdashery this week; They immediately start asking the big questions, like what's Grimace's purpose and do you remember the old McDonald's playsets? Raven reveals how werewolves REALLY got their name, maybe; From there, it's interspecies erotica stories, fingers being jammed into asses and Feeney reveals he's a thumb guy, whatever that means; Feeney FINALLY catches the show up on Fanmail, and botches every punchline; Rich decides to surprise everyone by making an appearance from Qatar, making this episode a multi-national and multi-day broadcast, as Rich is broadcasting from the future; Raven and the eenie meanies examine just how exactly the international date line works and learn about nautical measurements, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    Sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month! Get extra content AND watch the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • White people used to be cool, but that's been ruined; Feeney's having all sorts of problems this week, which isn't anything new, but worth mentioning nonetheless; Guys can be facing a $10,000 thanks to an Ohio bill that would ban ejaculation without intent to conceive; Bryan Adams cancels a concert after a 'fatberg' causes sewage overflow; We rank the world's currencies and check the exchange rate with the dollar; Rich is going to Qatar for QPW's Super Slam III and is not liking the travel arrangements; Buckle your seatbelts kiddos because Raven and the eenie meanies talk some wrestling, sharing some back in the day stories and looking at the recent departures at TNA; Feeney gives his take on the current TV product; What happened to Gable Steveson? College athletes getting paid, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    Sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month! Get extra content AND watch the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • This week the eenie meanies trade spots, as Rich is out and Feeney is back from his deathbed, or from the pink eye he had, or whatever; Raven asks possibly the most important question a person could ever ask, would you want to stay alive for the apocalypse? A pharmaceutical company claims to have developed an addiction-free non-opioid pain medication, and we're left wondering how does it work? Hear the heroic tale of how a doctor became ECW's ringside doctor after treating Raven for an unexpected bout of the gout; Denis Leary has a new army comedy on TV and Raven offers his slapdash review and gives it his approval; The recent epidemic of hot moms and teachers banging their students gives rise to a new rule for becoming a teacher; Feeney white knights it for women; The debate of the '90s hotties: Carmen vs. Jenny, who's hotter and better? Raven and Feeney take a trip up the poop chute to talk about anal sex, who likes it and why? Picking out UFC winners on a subpar card; How you win an argument when the topic is purely subjective, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    Sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month! Get extra content AND watch the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • This week it's short and sweet, as we're down a man because Feeney's wife says he has Bronchitis; The kids of today are screwed when it comes to telling time without a digital clock and writing in cursive; Rich proves that he's better than Feeney by showing up with a list of the funniest baseball player names; Secrets of the shocker revealed, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    Sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month! Get extra content AND watch the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • This week we're taking a look at the curse of Colonel Sanders, the Japanese baseball team the Hanshin Tigers and what happens when you try to get KFC's 11 herbs and spices; Raven wins the show's fit contest with his Doctor Who robe, which leads to an intense discussion of the various show writers and strong women characters in TV; Through the course of the absurdity, the guys get deep and ask what created the big bang? The greatness of Monty Python's sketches; What it's like to live in Connecticut; Feeney gives us an update on his cat and his latest vet visit; The great Lord of the Rings vs. Game of Thrones debate, which one reigns supreme? Ever seen a guy hanging by his balls? You want to? Get Patreon for $5 a month and you can see it; Fanmail, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    Sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month! Get extra content AND watch the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • This week we're asking the big questions people need the answers to, such as how many wrestling moves have you seen used in a bar fight? Rich shares stories about the intricacies of hockey fights while Raven breaks down the various types of fights and brawls one could find themselves in; Speaking of fights, Feeney and Raven provide an update on their UFC betting and Feeney is considering using AI to place his bets; It's that time of year again, Feeney is trying to figure out travel plans for Vegas and needs help deciding what to do; Is there an on-screen duo better than Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau? What's going on with Corey Graves and WWE and the revolving door of commentators in wrestling today; The ideal bathroom schedule, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    Sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month! Get extra content AND watch the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • Raven's keeping this week's shenanigans casual; Feeney is trying to become either Lisa Left-Eye Lopes or a pirate; Great morning radio bits and awesome band names; The show then takes a turn, becoming the podcast equivalent of ESPN 8 "The Ocho" and Raven explains the sport of Roller Derby to Feeney, while Rich schools everyone on hockey fights in various minor leagues; What's the perfect depth for a vagina, and other important questions about sex get answered by the "expert" panel of Raven, Rich and Feeney; How many Fs are really given about the NFL Pro Bowl? Keeping the show wrestling adjacent, Feeney tells his story of being at NWA's 50th anniversary show from 1998; What's the proper way to say ESPN? Classic performances by actors and Alexandra Daddario's Hall of Fame worth performance in True Detective; Raven and the eenie meanies engage in a celebrity battle of who'd you rather; Hulk Hogan gets booed out of the building on Raw, and of course, all the usual perversions.
    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @k100Konnan & @theccnetwork1

    The Raven Effect has been nominated for an award in the Best Sports Comedy podcast category. Go vote for us: https://www.sportspodcastgroup.com/sports_category/best-sports-comedy-podcast/

    Raven has some action figures available for purchase at https://www.majorbendies.com/ so go buy them.

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    Sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month! Get extra content AND watch the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • Happy New Year! The musical genius of Jackal; Patreon subscriber Zach rejoins the show; Tales of Raven's debauchery are teased and even shared; Fanmail, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    The Raven Effect has been nominated for an award in the Best Sports Comedy podcast category. Go vote for us: https://www.sportspodcastgroup.com/sports_category/best-sports-comedy-podcast/

    Raven has some action figures available for purchase at https://www.majorbendies.com/ so go buy them.

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    Be like Zach and sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month! Get extra content AND watch the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • The Raven Effect is an award nominee, go vote for us by clicking the link below; Raven shares his favorite comedy podcast, featuring all of the late-night tv show hosts; RIP Jax Dane; What is Kari Wuhrer up to? A movie remake that nobody has asked for, Liam Neeson is starring in a new 'Naked Gun' movie; The peculiar world of goats climbing trees in Morocco; The shocking similarities between wrestling and daytime TV shows; Feeney is a fake intellectual and his 'studio' proves it; Revisiting the vintage SNL skit 'Lord and Lady Douchebag' and how The Who slipped the F-bomb into 'Who are you?' ... except we don't, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    The Raven Effect has been nominated for an award in the Best Sports Comedy podcast category. Go vote for us: https://www.sportspodcastgroup.com/sports_category/best-sports-comedy-podcast/

    Raven has some action figures available for purchase at https://www.majorbendies.com/ so go buy them.

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    If you want all the uncensored goodness AND watch The Raven Effect, sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • Happy Holidays from the Raven Effect Podcast! This week it's Raven and Feeney providing all the slapdashery as Rich is out with his kids Trick or Treating and is missing Raven's review of a Simpsons episode; Raven shares stories about wrestling venues in Pennsylvania from back in the day; Holiday traditions and gatherings are discussed, and you won't believe the hidden talent Raven has when it's family game time; The keys to proper gift giving; Getting older isn't for pussies and learning things that now hurt you is not for the weak; Raven tells us about trying aqua physical therapy for the first time; All of the adulting things you don't think about that need to be taken care of; Terrorists are taking out tires of Raven and the eenie meanies, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    The Raven Effect has been nominated for an award in the Best Sports Comedy podcast category. Go vote for us: https://www.sportspodcastgroup.com/sports_category/best-sports-comedy-podcast/

    Raven has some action figures available for purchase at https://www.majorbendies.com/ so go buy them.

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    If you want all the uncensored goodness AND watch The Raven Effect, sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • On this, the latest edition of the now award nominated Raven Effect, Raven and the Eenie Meanies share stories of chance airport encounters, proving you never know who you'll see; What people consider to be peak Simpsons viewing; Feeney educates everyone about that time Egypt sued Netflix; the impact of Michael Keaton on films; A road story from Raven leads Rich to ponder would you rather spend your own money on a rental car, or ride with discarded hamburger buns covering the back seat? The shady stuff celebrities get themselves into and other scandals; AI applications continue to grow; Feeney gives us a Dexter the cat update; Disney Alligator lore and other Disney tidbits; Rich poses a moral question and is looking for answers, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    The Raven Effect has been nominated for an award in the Best Sports Comedy podcast category. Go vote for us: https://www.sportspodcastgroup.com/sports_category/best-sports-comedy-podcast/

    Raven has some action figures available for purchase at https://www.majorbendies.com/ so go buy them.

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    If you want all the uncensored goodness AND watch The Raven Effect, sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • This week we're giving you a collection of slapdashery like none other, from the latest news and happenings with Raven's upcoming documentary, which you can see the trailer for here; Who's hotter and who's got more talent, Maggie Gyllenhaal or Kristen Schaal? Feeney is a fickle bandwagoner fan of the Eagles, much like the rest of Philly and Rich has an issue with baseball; Feeney examines the TV writing genius of Taylor Sheridan; Raven and the eenie meanies give everyone fashion tips; The hard-knock dating life of 17-year-olds; Adult star Nadia White struggling to get wrestling gigs booked and there are opinions thrown around; Showering, along with shampoo and conditioners are a work; Weather Channel co-founder says climate change is BS, and of course, all the usual perversions.
    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Raven has some action figures available for purchase at https://www.majorbendies.com/ so go buy them.

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    If you want all the uncensored goodness AND watch The Raven Effect, sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month!

    In case the embedded link for the trailer doesn't show up, you can just put this link somewhere in the description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXeIhzjNs-0

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • Last week Rich was missing in action, and this week Feeney is claiming a union holiday which Raven DID NOT approve of; Raven and Rich share crazy casino gambling stories and how gambling led to marriage; Unusual family dynamics get examined as the guys share odd connections; Weed prices then vs. now and what the kids are going for these days; All about Soleil Moon Frye's breasts, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Raven has some action figures available for purchase at https://www.majorbendies.com/ so go buy them.

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    If you want all the uncensored goodness AND watch The Raven Effect, sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • Rich is MIA, but Feeney's got his cat with him; Are the Jake Paul fights a work and all about the life and career of Jake and Logan Paul; Movies that critics hated that people actually liked; Thriller scared Feeney and when MTV was at its peak; All about Spitting Image, a British satirical puppet show and their Chicken Song; What's going on with Joe Rogan? How fan edits of movies like Prometheus can make the story better, and a deep dive into the Alien movie universe; What's the color of Uranus, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Raven has some action figures available for purchase at https://www.majorbendies.com/ so go buy them.

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    If you want all the uncensored goodness AND watch The Raven Effect, sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • We're revisiting our conversation about the various generations, or at least we think we're revisiting it, and why Raven's generation is the best; Rich has a thing against sports teams that don't end in S; The best things about being in a fraternity, according to Feeney's fantasies about being in one; How exactly did Hollywood cook up the plot for Gladiator II? What's the difference between a chyron and a graphics page? Patreon subscriber Zach joins the show for his 15 minutes of fame and shares his perspectives on topics like cybersecurity, fandoms, and his time in the Air Force, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Raven has some action figures available for purchase at https://www.majorbendies.com/ so go buy them.

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    Be like Zach: If you want all the uncensored goodness AND watch The Raven Effect, sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • Feeney is MIA, which means Raven and Rich have to handle the recording themselves, can they handle it? The Electric Slide is nothing but a ripoff; Do fans feel ripped off when old bands that don't play their hits at shows and other concert experiences; We finally get to learn some of the family dynamic with Rich's new wife; Raven gives us an update on Konnan after texting him during last week's show; We get a lesson in culture from Raven and Rich, this week we learn about Japan, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Raven has some action figures available for purchase at https://www.majorbendies.com/ so go buy them.

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    If you want all the uncensored goodness AND watch The Raven Effect, sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.

  • Elon Musk is doing Elon Musk things; Raven and Feeney break down the current state of the MCU; Mens grooming tips and habits; Raven reveals there's a documentary about him coming out, and you can get details and watch the trailer now if you go to his X page; Get well soon Konnan; Raven is learning how to play chess online and has some tricks for beginners; WWE launches a new indie program and the guys give their opinions on it; Fanmail, and of course, all the usual perversions.

    Follow the guys on X!
    Raven - @theRavenEffect
    Rich - @RichBocchini
    Feeney - @jffeeney3rd

    Raven has some action figures available for purchase at https://www.majorbendies.com/ so go buy them.

    Buy some of Raven's old comics and other goods. Check out the store by Ask Danna at https://www.ebay.com/str/askdanna

    Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to http://www.cameo.com/ravenprime1

    If you want all the uncensored goodness AND watch The Raven Effect, sign up for Patreon by going to http://www.patreon.com/TheRavenEffect it's only $5 a month!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-raven-effect--5166640/support.