As we creep closer to the 20th anniversary of The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd, we're digging up some rare audio from our past that hasn't been heard in years! This episode is an interview with the cast & crew that was done on Sirius Radio back in 2008!
©2008 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
Here's a rare piece of Dr. Floyd audio! Some outtakes from our recording session with Don Novello. These were previously only available to Imagination Rangers years and years ago. To celebrate 20 years of The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd, we're finally releasing them to the public! Enjoy!
©2006, 2024 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
In this special edition episode that takes place before C.H.I.P.S. was able to talk, Dr. Steve plans on causing trouble at the opening day of Disneyland in 1955. Can Dr. Floyd and crew stop him?
Written by Tony Foster
Chris Sheets as Walt Disney©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
Merry Christmas 2013! Unfortunately we were unable to prevent Dr. Steve fomr going into Saddle River Recording Studios and recording a new Christmas Song. His version of George Strait’s Christmas Cookies. We are hoping this doesn’t ruin your holiday season
©2013 Saturday Morning Media, Grant Baciocco, Doug Price
In what may be a musical first, Dr. Steve makes a song out of his mother’s cranberry Sauce recipe. We’re told that if you follow these steps, you’ll actually make Cranberry Sauce. Let us know how it tastes!
©2013 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
Dr. Steve and Fidgert are back with a brand new song for Thanksgiving 2011! Listen in as our resident evil mastermind sings all about…Black Friday! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
©2011 Saturday Morning Media
It's almost Turkey Day and to celebrate, Dr. Steve & Fidgert are back with another Thanksgiving classic! Hide in the cellar and enjoy...The Ballad of the Giant Turkeys!
And Happy Thanksgiving!
©2010 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
In this episode...
The End.
EPISODE TITLE: "Where It All Ends...Again!"
WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco
RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CAREGULAR CAST:
Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Floyd - Himself Dr. Steve - Himself Dr. Grant - Himself Fidgert - Himself Ensign Tim Porary - Himself Flight Attendant Krystee - Herself Mr. Beardychins - MurphSPECIAL GUESTS:
Dr. Floyd J. Floyd Sr. - Chuck McCann Mrs. Floyd - Leslie Carrara-Rudolph C.H.I.P.S. - Moira QuirkMUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides
Thank You For Eight Great Seasons!
©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
In this episode...
Dr. Floyd has been zapped into the future! What are Dr. Grant and C.H.I.P.S. going to do about it? Find out in this episode!
EPISODE TITLE: "Preparing For The Future!"
WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco
RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CAREGULAR CAST:
Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Floyd - Himself Dr. Grant - Himself Ensign Tim Porary - Himself Dr. Dougg - Himself Flight Attendant Krystee - HerselfSPECIAL GUESTS:
C.H.I.P.S. - Moira QuirkMUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides
©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
STARRING: Vanessa Whitney
In this episode...
This is it! This is the episode that gets us all caught up to the events in EPISODE #801! The beginning of the end all starts at Dr. Floyd's Key To The City Ceremony!
EPISODE TITLE: "All Caught Up!"
WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco
RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CAREGULAR CAST:
Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Floyd - Himself Dr. Steve - Himself Dr. Grant - Himself Fidgert - HimselfSPECIAL GUESTS:
C.H.I.P.S. - Moira Quirk Mayor Marjorie Pennypacker - Vanessa WhitneyMUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides
©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
STARRING: Vanessa Whitney
In this episode...
Dr. Steve tests out his newly finished secret device while Dr. Floyd get huge news!
EPISODE TITLE: "The Key To Success!"
WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco
RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CAREGULAR CAST:
Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Floyd - Himself Dr. Steve - Himself Dr. Grant - Himself Fidgert - HimselfSPECIAL GUESTS:
C.H.I.P.S. - Moira Quirk Mayor Marjorie Pennypacker - Vanessa Whitney The Newsboy - Jonah GoldmanMUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides
©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
STARRING: Jordan Black
In this episode...
Dr. Steve and Fidgert meet Benjamin Banneker and begin to carry out their evil plot! Will Dr. Floyd, Dr. Grant & C.H.I.P.S. make it in time to thwart them?
EPISODE TITLE: "Stealing Time!"
WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco
RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CAREGULAR CAST:
Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Floyd - Himself Dr. Steve - Himself Dr. Grant - Himself Fidgert - HimselfSPECIAL GUESTS:
C.H.I.P.S. - Moira Quirk Benjamin Banneker -Jordan BlackMUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides
©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
In this episode...
Dr. Steve continues work on his evil plans to get rid of Dr. Floyd! Meanwhile things get noisy over at Dr. Floyd's secret lab!
EPISODE TITLE: "One Door Opens!"
WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco
RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CAREGULAR CAST:
Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Floyd - Himself Dr. Steve - Himself Dr. Grant - Himself Fidgert - HimselfSPECIAL GUESTS:
C.H.I.P.S. - Moira QuirkMUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides
©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
STARRING:Jackie Kashian
In this episode...
Dr. Floyd, Dr. Grant and C.H.I.P.S. desperately try to get onto the MGM Studios Lot to catch up with Dr. Steve and Fidgert who are on a mission to find Hedy Lamarr!
EPISODE TITLE: "Not Just Another Pretty Face!"
WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco
RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CAREGULAR CAST:
Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Floyd - Himself Dr. Steve - Himself Dr. Grant - Himself Fidgert - HimselfSPECIAL GUESTS:
C.H.I.P.S. - Moira Quirk Hedy Lamarr - Jackie Kashian MGM Security Guard - Chris SheetsMUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides
©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
In this episode...
While Dr. Floyd, Dr. Grant and C.H.I.P.S. discuss the finer points of space travel, Dr. Steve begins work on a dastardly plan and Fidgert, unknowingly, helps him through his creative block!
EPISODE TITLE: "Hurry To Hollywood"
WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco
RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CAREGULAR CAST:
Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Floyd - Himself Dr. Steve - Himself Dr. Grant - Himself Fidgert - HimselfSPECIAL GUESTS:
C.H.I.P.S. - Moira Quirk MGM Security Guard - Chris SheetsMUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides
©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
NOTE: Joke line is no longer active. Please do not call.
Dr. Grant is back with another batch of jokes, including a Joke Jamboree first!
©2010 Saturday Morning Media
In this episode...
Dr. Steve & Fidgert try to figure out a way to get off The Rock! They run into someone who may be able to help but will there be any honor among thieves? This episode also includes a special Learning More After The Episode segment with Part 2 of out talk with Ranger Craig Glassner who is a Park Ranger on Alcatraz Island! Get your own key to Alcatraz Island by Clicking Here!
EPISODE TITLE: "Inmates AZ0405 & AZ0405 1/2!"
WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco
RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CAREGULAR CAST:
Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Floyd - Himself Dr. Steve - Himself Dr. Grant - Himself Fidgert - HimselfSPECIAL GUESTS:
C.H.I.P.S. - Moira Quirk Frank Morris - J. Elvis WeinsteinMUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides
©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
In this episode...
Dr. Steve and Fidgert are headed to San Francisco to swipe the keys to Alcatraz Island! Dr. Floyd, Dr. Grant and C.H.I.P.S. are right behind them and Dr. Floyd comes up with a solution to ALL their problems! This episode also includes a special Learning More After The Episode segment where we talk with Ranger Craig Glassner who is a Park Ranger on Alcatraz Island! Get your own key to Alcatraz Island by Clicking Here!
EPISODE TITLE: "Between The Rock And A Hard Place!"
WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco
RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CAREGULAR CAST:
Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Floyd - Himself Dr. Steve - Himself Dr. Grant - Himself Fidgert - HimselfSPECIAL GUESTS:
C.H.I.P.S. - Moira Quirk Warden Olin G. Blackwell - Frank ConniffMUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides
©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
In this episode...
Dr. Floyd, Dr. Grant and C.H.I.P.S. have come across some strange happenings in Saddle River City! They figure out it must be due to Dr. Steve and wait till you hear what they have to do to defeat his evil plan!
EPISODE TITLE: "Fighting Choir With Choir!"
WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco
RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CAREGULAR CAST:
Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Floyd - Himself Dr. Steve - Himself Dr. Grant - Himself Fidgert - HimselfSPECIAL GUESTS:
C.H.I.P.S. - Moira Quirk Mrs. Dunlop - Donna Kimball Agnes The Barista & Various Townsfolk - Alison MorkMUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides
©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
In this episode...
In order to begin to understand why Dr. Steve shot Dr. Floyd with some sort of mysterious weapon, we need to go back in time to right after the close of season 7!
EPISODE TITLE: "A City Corrupted!"
WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco
RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CAREGULAR CAST:
Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Steve - Himself Fidgert - HimselfSPECIAL GUESTS:
Mrs. Dunlop - Donna Kimball Various Townsfolk - Alison MorkMUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides
©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price
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