
  • With 2023 fast approaching, I thought I would share the 10 essential habits I will focus on for the new year so I can continue to improve on my version of a highly successful body.

    Here are 7 ideas I do a deeper dive on…

    * What my original 10 Essential Habits looked like in 2019.

    * Why habit setting is superior to goal setting.

    * The power of designing one perfect day and repeating it forever.

    * Proactive eating vs reactive eating.

    * How my original habits have evolved over time.

    * My present Essential Habits and how I think about each.

    * My success formula in 6 words.

    Here’s my recommendation…

    * Steal anything you think is game-changing.

    * Put a pin in ideas you like but are not ready to embrace.

    * Ignore anything that sounds like Dean lunacy.

    Enjoy my friend and here’s to making 2023 awesome!

    Dean 🇨🇦

    Want to make 2023 amazing?

    I do premium one-on-one consulting for those looking to lose at least 10% of unwanted body weight.

    Consulting starts at $750/month, but the results you will achieve are priceless.

    I have lost 23% of unwanted Dean at age 57 and it has transformed my entire life in ways I never could have imagined.

    Imagine how your life would change if you could lose 5%, 10% or more of unwanted you?

    Let’s book a time to chat. It’s free.

    To learn more start here.


    PS — Here are two current female clients results over the past 90 days.

    Our focus?

    Designing the perfect eating plan for their DNA that is scrumptious, satisfying, simple and sustainable.

    You would be surprised how a few simple eating changes can spark extraordinary results that are effortless to sustain long term.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • This week I open up my journal and share 5 ideas I’ve been thinking about that are important on our journey to losing weight and keeping it off for good.

    Here are the ideas I do a deeper dive on…

    * Losing weight is hard. Keeping it off is harder.

    * Doing hards things requires us to do hard thinking.

    * The importance of choosing habits that are less vulnerable to disruption.

    * Behaviour is contagious, so who we surround ourself with matters when it comes to losing weight.

    * Why habit setting is more effective than goal setting.

    Here’s my suggestion.

    Listen to this while you are out on a walk. And bring a notebook with you to jot down anything that really resonates.

    Enjoy my friend!

    Dean 🇨🇦

    Need help?

    I do premium one-on-one consulting for those looking to lose at least 10% of unwanted body weight.

    Consulting starts at $750/month, but the results you will achieve are priceless.

    I have lost 23% of unwanted Dean at age 57 and it has transformed my entire life in ways I never could have imagined.

    Imagine how your life would change if you could lose 5%, 10% or more of unwanted you?

    Let’s book a time to chat. It’s free.

    To learn more start here.


    PS — Here are two current female clients results over the past 90 days.

    Our focus?

    Designing the perfect eating plan for their DNA that is scrumptious, satisfying, simple and sustainable.

    You would be surprised how a few simple eating changes can spark extraordinary results that are effortless to sustain long term.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • Here’s some quick back story.

    I have never been a big resolution guy, but in 2022 I set a single resolution. That’s it. just one.

    And that resolution helped me lose 15lbs.

    In today’s episode I share the…

    * discovery I made in 2021 that inspired my single resolution.

    * the book that inspired me to only focus on one resolution.

    * one resolution I am focusing on in 2023.

    It’s 28 minutes long. My suggestion is to listen to this while going for a walk, a run or a drive.

    When you are done, I want to you ponder the ONE THING you are going to focus on in 2023 to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

    Enjoy my friend!

    To thinking greater than your emotions,

    Dean 🇨🇦


    I do premium one-on-one consulting for those looking to lose at least 10% of unwanted body weight.

    Consulting starts at $750/month, but the results you will achieve are priceless.

    I have lost 23% of unwanted Dean at age 57 and it has transformed my entire life in ways I never could have imagined.

    Imagine how your life would change if you could lose 5%, 10% or more of unwanted you?

    Let’s book a time to chat. It’s free.

    To learn more start here.


    PS — Here are two current female clients results over the past 90 days.

    Our focus?

    Designing the perfect eating plan for their DNA that is scrumptious, satisfying, simple and sustainable.

    You would be surprised how a few simple eating changes can spark extraordinary results that are effortless to sustain long term.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • 2023 is fast approaching so in today’s show I am going to suggest you do something radically different to finally lose that weight you have so desperately tried to lose.

    And it doesn’t involve any of the usual extreme manoeuvres you are accustomed to like…

    * joining a gym

    * a bootcamp

    * a fast

    * a detox

    * or some other extreme unsustainable solution.

    Instead, I am going to suggest you find a weight loss mentor.

    We have them in other areas of life, yet we don’t have them in this area.

    And we should.

    It’s one of the fastest ways to learn so we can achieve long lasting success.

    In today’s episode I share the 5 critical boxes that must be checked when you are looking for your weight loss mentor.

    * Box #1 — Has a weight loss story that is similar to what you are looking to lose.

    * Box #2 — Has sustained that weight loss for at least 3 to 5 years and counting.

    * Box #3 — Has a methodology that would fit into the context of the life you lead.

    * Box #4 — Has a program based on principles not prescriptions.

    * Box #5 — Has a philosophy and values that fits with yours.

    I share some entertaining stories for each in my attempt to build my case for finding your weight loss mentor.


    To thinking greater than your emotions,

    Dean 🇨🇦

    Want me to be your weight loss mentor?

    I do premium one-on-one coaching for those looking to lose at least 10% of unwanted body weight.

    I have lost 23% of unwanted Dean and it has transformed my entire life.

    Imagine how your life would change if you could lose 5%, 10% or more of unwanted you.

    Let’s book a time to chat.

    To learn more start here.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hey there,

    Welcome to another episode of The Psychology of Weight Loss.

    In today’s show I share the 3 habits I have bundled together that are largely responsible for my 43.8 lb weight loss success.

    * Habit #1 — Weigh myself.

    * Habit #2 — Log my foods.

    * Habit #3 — Stay within my calorie sweet spot (CSS).

    By sharing not only what I do, but why I do these habits, my hope is that you will steal these and begin incorporating them into your daily life.


    Because weight loss follows habits.

    And these habits have created remarkable success for me.

    They will absolutely create remarkable success for you as well.

    To thinking greater than your emotions,

    Dean 🇨🇦

    Want more help?

    I do premium one-on-one coaching for those looking to lose at least 10% of unwanted body weight.

    I have lost 23% of unwanted Dean and it has transformed my entire life.

    Imagine how your life would change if you could lose 5%, 10% or more of unwanted you.

    Let’s book a time to chat.

    To learn more start here.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hey there,

    Welcome to another episode of The Psychology of Weight Loss.

    Today’s show is about the necessity of investing in reasonable habits vs radical ones.

    As a recovering radical junkie, I can tell you that radical solutions never work.

    Why? Because they…

    * are really hard to do

    * require a lot of time, energy and motivation to do

    * are not enjoyable

    * burn us out

    * do not scale long-term

    Ironically, by defaulting to reasonable solutions, I have been able to create remarkable results.

    Why? Because they...

    * focus on doing less to achieve more

    * are within our level of competence

    * don’t require a lot of time, energy or motivation

    * fit into the context of the life we live

    * are enjoyable

    * don’t burn us

    * get results

    * scale long-term.

    In today’s episode I share an example of a recent radical error I made and how I quickly corrected it.

    It’s me thinking out-loud so you can hear my thought process in terms of why I made the mistake and how I went about correcting it.

    Listen with a pen and jot down any mindsets, strategies and insights that you feel will be useful on your journey.

    To thinking greater than your emotions,


    Ps. To all my awesome American friends, Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • So I’m launching a new season of the podcast — with a twist.

    It’s going to have a new name — The Psychology of Weight Loss.

    Why psychology you ask?

    Because weight loss is a soft skill where how you behave is way more important than what you know.

    And behaviour is hard when emotions get in our way.

    The goods news is we can learn to think greater than our emotions so we don’t get derailed on our weight loss journey.

    I know this first hand.

    I was an utter failure at this weight loss thing for the first 53 years of my life.

    And I can also tell you with absolute certainty that if you don’t like what you look like, it will negatively impact how you show up in every other area of your life.

    I finally figured some things out that have allowed me to lose almost 45lbs and get to 9.6% body fat at 57 — an age people think such things are not possible.

    But here’s what makes my approach different from everyone else…

    * I don’t restrict calories (2200/day)

    * All my meals spark joy

    * I only do 10 minutes of training a day

    * I don’t go to a gym

    * I do mostly body weight exercises

    * I train in the clothes I’m wearing

    * I don’t break a sweat

    * I don’t do cardio

    * Everything I do is simple

    * It works no matter where my feet are

    * I don’t take supplements

    * My only expense is the food I buy

    * I treat myself every single day

    Here is the best part about all those I just listed — it puts me in the 1% of the 1% because I have sustained that success for the last 1217 days.

    Ideas worth stealing…

    I am going to use the show to take you inside my head and share how I think about the things that trip most people up.

    And it won’t just be psychology.

    Habits and mindsets also play a critical role in my success and I will be offering insights on how I have successfully transformed each of those on my journey.

    Here’s a master list of topics I will be sharing insights on…

    * Psychology

    * Habit design and development

    * Mindset design

    * Languaging - Talking successfully

    * Systems, frameworks and mental models

    * False beliefs

    * Measurement and self-management

    * Writing for weight loss

    * Weight loss laws

    * Simplicity

    * Continuous self-improvement

    * Deliberate practice

    * Neuroplasticity

    * Decision making

    * Self-discipline

    * Resilience/failure recovery

    * 10-minute training

    * Sparking joy

    * Strategies to think greater than your emotions

    There will be plenty of ideas worth stealing.

    Episode Notes…

    So let’s break down today’s show,

    Here are a few big ideas I talk about that you will want to be listening for, taking notes on and stealing for yourself.

    * The 20/80 Rule.

    * Why I am qualified to talk about the psychology of weight loss.

    * How my failed podcast efforts parallels failing at the weight loss journey.

    * Explain what a Big Domino Mindset is.

    * Introduce the phrase “cautious optimism” and explain what it is and why it is important.

    * Why having a healthy obsession for succeeding at weight loss is essential.

    * How I landed on the name for the show.

    * Resource I reference — The Psychology of Money.

    * Why we have to learn to think greater than our emotions.

    Enjoy my friend.

    To thinking greater than your emotions,


    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hey — Dean here!

    So today’s episode is being recorded while I deal with COVID.

    I thought it would be a good episode to share how, or if, my successful body habits are holding up.

    You have heard me say before that I design my habits to work on my worst day vs my best. While this is definitely not my worst day, it’s not my best either.

    I share how my habits are holding up and how luck factors into this journey.

    Enjoy the show and hey — keep being awesome my friend,


    —>PS. I’m now posting tweets and threads on twitter about my journey. If you would like to get daily bite-sized tips come follow me on Twitter.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hey! Dean here. Three quick things.

    One. I changed the name of the Podcast to “The Habit Show” and the newsletter to “Habit Secrets.”

    I quickly explain why in today’s show.

    Two. To help identify my emails in your inbox moving forward, I will be adding the shush emoji 🤫. It’s in reference to habit secrets.

    Three. Today’s show is about the Will Smith Oscar slap.

    But with a twist. That was an unpredictable outcome that no one could foresee.

    I talk about dealing with the unpredictable vs. the unexpected on your journey to building remarkable habits.

    It’s a different take on a hot topic that will help you redefine what failure is and how you can successfully deal with it.

    Enjoy and thank you for your support.

    Keep being awesome 😎,

    Dean 🇨🇦

    Podcast Master List…

    Here’s a list of every episode done so far.

    * Episode 20: Good habits must work on bad days.

    * Episode 19: The best advice I smartly ignored (that you should ignore also.)

    * Episode 18: The compounding magic of 100 consecutive days.

    * Episode 17: Is it possible to only eat one meal a day. Yup!

    * Episode 16: The false thinking behind cheat days.

    * Episode 15: The secret to remarkable self-discipline? Decide in advance.

    * Episode 14: Customize for the context of your life.

    * Episode 13: The Habit Ladder.

    * Episode 12: The power of doing less more often.

    * Episode 11: 10 apps that have been critical to my success.

    * Episode 10: You don’t fail. Your systems do.

    * Episode 9: A simple framework to build successful habits.

    * Episode 8: The elegant simplicity behind 10-minute body.

    * Episode 7: Why weighing yourself everyday will change your life.

    * Episode 6: How to teach yourself resilience.

    * Episode 5: Why smart people are often dumb eaters.

    * Episode 4: Why you should think of your brain as an untrained dog.

    * Episode 3: The mindset I used to quit refined sugar for good. (No sugar since July 19th, 2019.)

    * Episode 2: How to create Essential Habits that last a lifetime.

    * Episode 1: How to become unrecognizable.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • Aloha!

    Let me start by sharing a mistake I made in this episode. At around the 5:15 mark I said…

    Products are designed to work on our worst days. They are not designed to work on our worst days.

    Unfortunately, that’s an example of how my brain likes to mess with me. Here’s what I wanted to say.

    Products are designed to work on our BEST days. They are not designed to work on our worst days.

    Whew! That feels good to get that out in the open.


    Here’s the gist to today’s show.

    We should be looking to design good habits that work on our bad days.

    I think of bad days like a pyramid.

    At the bottom are simple things that throw us off like a bad sleep or sleeping in.

    As we creep up the pyramid we see things like someone hijacking our time with something they “think” is urgent.

    Higher up is an argument or disagreement that derails us by throwing us into emotional turmoil.

    At the very top of the pyramid is the worst kind of days possible: dealing with loss and grief.

    That last one is something I have been thinking a lot about lately. I have been very lucky and fortunate that I have not had a lot of that to deal with yet. But I will and I am trying to prepare myself for that.

    In the episode, I talk about that and share a story about why I think good habits are important to dealing with the devastation that comes with loss and grief.

    It’s a good listen with lots of takeaways for you to noodle on as you rethink how you design and adopt habits.


    Enjoy and thank you for your support.

    Keep being awesome 😎,


    PS. I mention in the show that I coach people on how to build good habits to build their version of a highly successful body. If you are someone who wants to work with me so you can finally get the results you have long desired, click here to book your free call.

    Podcast Master List…

    Here’s a list of every episode I have done so far.

    * Episode 19: The best advice I smartly ignored (that you should ignore also.)

    * Episode 18: The compounding magic of 100 consecutive days.

    * Episode 17: Is it possible to only eat one meal a day. Yup!

    * Episode 16: The false thinking behind cheat days.

    * Episode 15: The secret to remarkable self-discipline? Decide in advance.

    * Episode 14: Customize for the context of your life.

    * Episode 13: The Habit Ladder.

    * Episode 12: The power of doing less more often.

    * Episode 11: 10 apps that have been critical to my success.

    * Episode 10: You don’t fail. Your systems do.

    * Episode 9: A simple framework to build successful habits.

    * Episode 8: The elegant simplicity behind 10-minute body.

    * Episode 7: Why weighing yourself everyday will change your life.

    * Episode 6: How to teach yourself resilience.

    * Episode 5: Why smart people are often dumb eaters.

    * Episode 4: Why you should think of your brain as an untrained dog.

    * Episode 3: The mindset I used to quit refined sugar for good. (No sugar since July 19th, 2019.)

    * Episode 2: How to create Essential Habits that last a lifetime.

    * Episode 1: How to become unrecognizable.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • How are you my friend,

    Today’s episode is all about how I have ignored really dumb advice that some really smart people continue to trumpet on the internet.

    And ignoring this advice has played a monumental role in helping me generate remarkable results for myself on my successful body and life journey.

    Have a listen to discover what that advice is so you can steal it and apply it on your journey to building a successful body, business and life.

    To getting better at getting better,


    PS. If you are a parent, the message in this episode is absolutely something you should teach your kids how to master.

    Free Ear Candy…

    For your listening convenience, here is a master list of every episode I have done so far.

    * Episode 18: The compounding magic of 100 consecutive days.

    * Episode 17: Is it possible to only eat one meal a day. Yup!

    * Episode 16: The false thinking behind cheat days.

    * Episode 15: The secret to remarkable self-discipline? Decide in advance.

    * Episode 14: Customize for the context of your life.

    * Episode 13: The Habit Ladder.

    * Episode 12: The power of doing less more often.

    * Episode 11: 10 apps that have been critical to my success.

    * Episode 10: You don’t fail. Your systems do.

    * Episode 9: A simple framework to build successful habits.

    * Episode 8: The elegant simplicity behind 10-minute body.

    * Episode 7: Why weighing yourself everyday will change your life.

    * Episode 6: How to teach yourself resilience.

    * Episode 5: Why smart people are often dumb eaters.

    * Episode 4: Why you should think of your brain as an untrained dog.

    * Episode 3: The mindset I used to quit refined sugar for good. (No sugar since July 19th, 2019.)

    * Episode 2: How to create Essential Habits that last a lifetime.

    * Episode 1: How to become unrecognizable.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • A better way to experience Unrecognizable!

    You can now read and listen to Unrecognizable in the new Substack app for iPhone.

    With the app, you’ll have a dedicated Inbox for my newsletters and podcasts and any others you subscribe to. New posts will never get lost in your email filters, or stuck in spam. Longer posts will never cut-off by your email app. Comments and rich media will all work seamlessly.

    The Substack app is currently available for iOS. If you don’t have an Apple device, you can join the Android waitlist here.

    Now go download. I did and it’s awesome!!!

    Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

    This episode is about the power of compounding.

    Einstein is often attributed with saying that compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. (Fun fact: It turns Einstein never said that at all. Go figure!)

    Regardless of who said it, compounding is a profound principle that applies not only to interest, but to habits as well.

    Great achievement is not a result of a 30 day sprint, but rather a lifetime of compounding behaviours, which start with days, then turn into weeks, months, years and decades.

    Today’s show is about the first magical milestone on your journey to compounding essential habits: the first 100 days!

    Enjoy my friend.

    Ask any questions in the comment section below. Each week I will choose one to answer in my weekly newsletter.

    To becoming unrecognizable,


    Podcast MasterList…

    Here’s a list of all the previous shows just in case you want quick access to any show you may have missed.

    * Episode 17: Is it possible to only eat one meal a day. Yup!

    * Episode 16: The false thinking behind cheat days.

    * Episode 15: The secret to remarkable self-discipline? Decide in advance.

    * Episode 14: Customize for the context of your life.

    * Episode 13: The Habit Ladder.

    * Episode 12: The power of doing less more often.

    * Episode 11: 10 apps that have been critical to my success.

    * Episode 10: You don’t fail. Your systems do.

    * Episode 9: A simple framework to build successful habits.

    * Episode 8: The elegant simplicity behind 10-minute body.

    * Episode 7: Why weighing yourself everyday will change your life.

    * Episode 6: How to teach yourself resilience.

    * Episode 5: Why smart people are often dumb eaters.

    * Episode 4: Why you should think of your brain as an untrained dog.

    * Episode 3: The mindset I used to quit refined sugar for good. (No sugar since July 19th, 2019.)

    * Episode 2: How to create Essential Habits that last a lifetime.

    * Episode 1: How to become unrecognizable.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • You can now read and listen to Unrecognizable in the new Substack app for iPhone.

    With the app, you’ll have a dedicated Inbox for my Substack and any others you subscribe to. New posts will never get lost in your email filters, or stuck in spam. Longer posts will never cut-off by your email app. Comments and rich media will all work seamlessly. Overall, it’s a big upgrade to the reading experience.

    The Substack app is currently available for iOS. If you don’t have an Apple device, you can join the Android waitlist here.

    Last week I started doing something I never thought I could do or even wanted to do. I started eating all my calories within a 90-minute window.

    In this podcast, I share how that accidental idea came to be a thing I am presently experimenting with.

    I also share the details of the evolution of this idea. And that’s important. I have been working at getting my eating right for the past decade. Understanding my journey will help you understand how seemingly impossible goals can become reality when you give yourself enough runway.

    Enjoy my friend.

    To becoming unrecognizable,


    PS. Here’s a master list of all the previous shows just in case you want quick access to any show you may have missed.

    * Episode 16: The false thinking behind cheat days.

    * Episode 15: The secret to remarkable self-discipline? Decide in advance.

    * Episode 14: Customize for the context of your life.

    * Episode 13: The Habit Ladder.

    * Episode 12: The power of doing less more often.

    * Episode 11: 10 apps that have been critical to my success.

    * Episode 10: You don’t fail. Your systems do.

    * Episode 9: A simple framework to build successful habits.

    * Episode 8: The elegant simplicity behind 10-minute body.

    * Episode 7: Why weighing yourself everyday will change your life.

    * Episode 6: How to teach yourself resilience.

    * Episode 5: Why smart people are often dumb eaters.

    * Episode 4: Why you should think of your brain as an untrained dog.

    * Episode 3: The mindset I used to quit refined sugar for good. (No sugar since July 19th, 2019.)

    * Episode 2: How to create Essential Habits that last a lifetime.

    * Episode 1: How to become unrecognizable.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • Want to know something I have not done in the 951 days I have been on my Successful Body Journey?



    Because when you actually break down the thinking, you realize it’s a ridiculous idea that defies common sense.

    In this episode I’m going to share 3 reasons the cheat day concept is incredibly poor thinking that dramatically decreases your chances of building a highly successful body.

    To hammer home the ridiculousness of the idea, I compare it to drug use and cheating on a romantic partner. You’ll understand once you listen to the show.

    It’s worth noting that these views are my own. Your job is listen with an open mind, steal what you think is useful and discard everything that you think is useless.

    Enjoy my friend.

    To becoming unrecognizable,


    PS. Here’s a master list of all the previous shows just in case you want quick access to any show you may have missed.

    * Episode 15: The secret to remarkable self-discipline? Decide in advance.

    * Episode 14: Customize for the context of your life.

    * Episode 13: The Habit Ladder.

    * Episode 12: The power of doing less more often.

    * Episode 11: 10 apps that have been critical to my success.

    * Episode 10: You don’t fail. Your systems do.

    * Episode 9: A simple framework to build successful habits.

    * Episode 8: The elegant simplicity behind 10-minute body.

    * Episode 7: Why weighing yourself everyday will change your life.

    * Episode 6: How to teach yourself resilience.

    * Episode 5: Why smart people are often dumb eaters.

    * Episode 4: Why you should think of your brain as an untrained dog.

    * Episode 3: The mindset I used to quit refined sugar for good. (No sugar since July 19th, 2019.)

    * Episode 2: How to create Essential Habits that last a lifetime.

    * Episode 1: How to become unrecognizable.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hey - It’s Dean.

    So I’m up at a friend’s cottage this weekend. They are all off skiing so I thought I would use the quiet time to record a podcast episode for you on the power of “Deciding in Advance.”

    One of the common mistakes people make on their journey to achieve their version of a highly successful body is they show up somewhere then decide what they are going to eat. I do the exact opposite.

    I decide and then I show up.

    The distinction between the two approaches may sound trivial, but the impact of the latter is tremendous.

    I share the details in this episode and it relates to this picture I took of the foods I was bringing with me for my trip.

    It only takes one idea to transform your body and your life. It would suck to miss it.


  • Hey - It’s Dean.

    I just recorded a quick spontaneous episode of the show based on a profound insight a new coaching client of mine shared.

    It only takes one idea to transform your body and your life. It would suck to miss it.


  • Welcome to another episode of the Unrecognizable Podcast. It’s a show dedicated to teaching successful body habits to late-bloomers; people like me, who are older, and have not yet had the success they desire, but are relentless in their pursuit to finally figure it out.

    If you are not a subscriber yet, I would kindly ask you to consider becoming one to fast-track your habit apprenticeship.

    In today’s episode I talk about a concept I created for myself that has been crucial to my success. It’s called…

    I share the 8 steps to creating an effective habit ladder, and I give you an example of how I am using it to train myself to get up earlier.

    *Please note the concept of the habit ladder can be applied to any habit you are looking to develop in any area of life your wish.

    The 8 steps I will discuss in further detail are…

    1. Establish your why.

    2. Speculate on potential outcomes.

    3. Identify the endgame goal.

    4. Start where you are at.

    5. Establish in-game goals.

    6. Create rules for success.

    7. Measure and track your progress.

    8. Grow as you go.

    I hope you enjoy my friend.

    Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

    And hey…keep being awesome,


    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • Welcome to another episode of Unrecognizable Podcast. Each week I share thoughts, experiments and resources on how to build Habits of Character that will transform your body, business and life. To get updates right to your inbox, subscribe below.

    In today’s episode I share the counterintuitive approach of doing less, but doing it more often. To illustrate the point, I share the strategy I have used to go from doing 20 pull ups a day to 80 and how that will help me accomplish my one-year project of doing 10,000+ pull ups in 2022.

    Listen with an open mind. Be willing to challenge your assumptions. And remember that knowledge is useless until it is turned into behaviours.

    Have an awesome rest of your day my friend.


    PS. Here are the resources referenced in this show.

    * Daily Stoic: A little adds up to a lot.

    * My pull ups evidence.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hey. Each week I share thoughts, experiments and resources on how to build Habits of Character that will transform your body, business and life. To get updates right to your inbox, subscribe below.

    In today’s episode I share the 10 apps I presently use to successfully manage my Successful Body Journey. Feel free to steal any and use them on your Successful Body Journey.

    Enjoy my friend.


    Psst! Stop keeping this show a secret. Share it with your peeps.

    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe
  • Welcome to Unrecognizable with Dean Dwyer.

    The purpose of this show is to teach you THE GREATEST skill you have never been taught…

    The ability to change your worst behaviours by investing in and mastering Essential Habits that will transform your body, business and life.

    It’s the ultimate secret to happiness.

    And if you are like me and are on a journey of self-discovery and self-mastery, then subscribe so you can accelerate your progress and your results.

    What you can expect in this episode.

    The main takeaway from today’s show is that what you think are character flaws are actually system failures. I share a few awesome and embarrassing stories to highlight how I uncovered this insight and how I retroactively removed a character flaw I lugged around with me for more than a decade. I also share a few simple examples of systems I have adopted to…

    * floss every day

    * leave the house without forgetting anything

    * remember to check my “To do” list app every day

    What to expect from yourself.

    * Think of the podcast as a course not a show. This simple mindset reframe will help you value the information more and nudge you towards acting on any ideas that hit home.

    * Schedule a time in your calendar to listen to this episode. (That’s a system!!)

    * Steal any ideas that resonate.

    * Pay attention to any other thoughts that bubble to the surface as you are listening. They bubble up because they matter.

    * Take action!!! Take action!!! Take action!!!

    Psst! Stop keeping this show a secret. Share it with your peeps.

    That’s it my friend. Keep being awesome!


    Get full access to The Mindset Secret at unrecognizable.substack.com/subscribe