
  • History unveils prophecy.

    History connects the dots.

    History fills in the lack of knowledge that people are perishing from.

    History MATTERS.

    But here’s the thing...

    Not only does the body not know history, but the body has been told and taught a false version of history that has literally been written by the hands of people who have been used as vessels by the enemy for the spiritual captivity of our minds.

    Yea—it’s deep.

    In repairing this breach, we have to talk about history. This is not an easy task for those who love the truth, because the truth has been covered up. By the grace of Yahuah, He is helping guide my studies so that I can chew on the meat and spit out the bones. He is helping me read between the lines. He is helping me understand prophecy better as I understand the true narrative of history in terms of scriptural context.

    The battle between Jacob and Esau is an everlasting conflict that will rage until the second coming of our Messiah. This is the lens that we must put on in order to understand prophecy and how history has played out its continual fulfillment and how this conflict has been a perpetual attempt to destroy the children of Israel.

    I hope that Episode 16 will continue to help fill in some gaps and give you some key events, people, etc., to help you understand what has led to the deception that is being exposed today.

    The reason this episode is particularly important is because it will help give us the cultural, religious and political climate that was the environment of the Hebrew people before and during the life of our Messiah. It paints the picture of what life was like in Judaea and the surrounding areas that were now under Roman control.

    There is so much that will be discussed in this episode (just like the last episode). Instead of summarizing, it will be easier to give you the list of topics of discussion.

    So, here they are:

    The rise of the Roman EmpireTimeline of Roman Emperors from 1st century BCE – 1st century CEHistorical events that occurred between 420 BCE and 1 CEThe Maccabees & the Maccabean RevoltThe Hasmonean DynastyThe Herodian Dynasty & Edomites The development of the Pharisees and SadduceesImplications and things to consider about the true Israelites and Edomites as it relates to prophecy

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 16 Transcript
    'A History of the Jews' by Solomon Grayzel
    Rome History Timeline
    Esau (the torah.com)
    Hellenistic Judaism

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    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • We are currently 15 episodes into Season 4: ‘Who is Israel?’ on The Promise Perspective Podcast, and we are far from finished with this season. As I have mentioned before, the topics discussed on this season have to be tackled at many different angles and layers. This is incredibly challenging for me, as I desperately want people to know the truth, but I also maintain my plea to not take my word for it.
    We read in Hosea 4:6 that people are perishing from a lack of knowledge. One of the purposes of this podcast season is to help fill in some of these gaps.
    One of the biggest reasons for this is because many people today have been taught to view history through a faulty lens; one that does not represent the truth of how the faith came to be what it is today. This is part of repairing the breach that I am trying to mend with my brothers and sisters today.
    So, for the purposes of Episode 15, I want to discuss A LOT of history with you. Because there is so much that is discussed in this episode, instead of summarizing it all, I want to simply give you a list of what topics will be unpacked. Please also be sure to check out the ‘Supplemental Documents’ in the podcast episode description box for sources to help you test and study these things out for yourself.

    Topics of Episode 15:

    -The difference between a “Jew” (Strong’s H3064) and a “Jew” (Strong’s H3054)
    -The emergence and influence of the Macedonian (Greek) Empire
    -The Phoenicians and Ancient Carthage
    -The Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires
    -A revisiting of the lineage of the Hebrews and the “lost” tribes of Israel
    -Serapis Christus and the origins of Christianity
    -Who are the Natsarim?
    -The next emerging empire: Rome

    “Those from among you shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.”
    Isaiah 58:12

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 15 Transcript
    Serapis and Christians PDF
    Phoenicians Inscriptions of Cyprus Museum
    The Lost Tribes, a Myth: Suggestions Toward Rewriting Hebrew History by Dr. Allen Godbey
    Letter From Aristeas
    Serapis (World History Encyclopedia)
    Epiphanius’ Condemnation of the Natsarenes (Nazarenes)

    Contact me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • In Matthew 22, we read a parable of a man who attended a wedding, in which when the king came in to see the guests, he saw this man who did not have on a wedding garment. He asked him, “how did you come in here without a wedding garment?”
    The man was speechless. Directly after, the king said to his servants, “bind him hand in foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
    All because of a wedding garment!?
    Parables are earthly stories that convey a spiritual reality. They are meant to be understood for a discerning mind, but they will remain a mystery to those without discernment and understanding.
    Our Messiah is telling us something very important regarding the topic of “garments.” And that is what I want to discuss in this episode.
    If we are to understand this parable, surely we should have Scripture to give us an understanding of how we are to have the proper garments for the great wedding day, right?
    The good news is that Scripture actually does tell us exactly what these garments are supposed to look like and what it means to have our garments ready.
    Just as we’ve discussed the need to have oil in our lamps to be prepared, we must also have the proper garments as well.
    I don’t want to be the one found without the right garments when it is time for the marriage supper of the Lamb. Yahusha ends that parable by saying, “many are called, but few are chosen.”

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 14 Transcript

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    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • There are so many things in Scripture that teach us the significance of the priestly garments, especially the garments of the High Priest, who is Yahusha now. As we walk through Episode 13, I hope that you will be able to see how, just the like Tabernacle, how these garments also point to the priesthood of our Messiah!
    How is this relevant to His new priesthood (us) today?
    Well, one of the most significant pieces was the turban of the High Priest. In Exodus 28:36, we read that there was a gold plate sewn on the front of the turban of the High Priest with the engraving “QODESH LA YAHUAH,” which means “SET APART TO YAHUAH.”
    Yahuah’s name was to always be placed on the forehead of the High Priest. This was a sign of how the High Priest was set-apart to Yah. And through the blessing pronounced by the High Priest (because he was the appointed mediator between Yahuah and the children of Israel), Yahuah also placed His Name on the children of Israel.
    Numbers 6:24-27 - “Yahuah bless you, and keep you. Yahuah make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. Yahuah lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.
    This was a priestly blessing.
    Yahusha, our new High Priest, is authorized to mediate this blessing, just as the Levitical High Priest was. To be blessed by Yahuah is to have His NAME placed on you. It is more than just a name—it is to be identified with and be a representation of who He is.
    The High Priest carried Yahuah’s name and he also carried the names of the 12 tribes as 12 stones were put on the breastplate of his garment. The High Priest was always Yahuah’s representative to Israel and Israel’s mediator before Yahuah.
    Comparatively, Israel carried Yahuah’s name into the world and represented the Most High to the nations. What made Israel set apart from everyone else is that they had commandments that showed the world who they worshipped. We are to be representatives of who our Creator is, to be a light to the world, and to be in covenant with Him means that we have commandments that help us to be successful in our calling.
    When Yahuah was revealing His Name to me, I read the passage in Exodus 28 about how the gold plate which had Yah’s Name on it was placed on Aaron’s forehead, and the Ruach literally took me straight to the Book of Revelation.
    Revelation 14:1 - Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.
    Revelation 22:4 - They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads.
    Our new High Priest is authorized to mediate this blessing now, to place the Father’s name on His children. He said He “came in His Father’s Name” for a reason.
    2 Timothy 2:19 - Nevertheless the solid foundation of Elohim stands, having this seal: “The Master knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Messiah depart from iniquity.”
    “Yahusha” means “Yahuah is salvation.” Every time the Messiah’s Name departs from your lips, you are confessing that Yahuah is your salvation. And Yahusha was sent to do the will of the Father.
    The priestly garments teach us how important the Father’s Name is.
    And if you didn’t already know, the woman riding on the beast in Revelation 17 had a name on HER forehead too:
    Let’s study.

    Episode 13 Transcript

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  • As I prepare to do some heavy unpacking on Episode 12 of Season 4 of “Who is Israel?” I want to start out by quoting Revelation 20:6...
    “Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power, but they shall be as priests of Elohim and of Messiah, and will reign with Him a thousand years.”
    The word I want to focus on here is “priests.”
    We know that Yahusha is our new High Priest.
    Peter tells us that we are a part of a “royal priesthood.”
    Scripture even gives us prophecy that points us to a time in which we will be called “priests” (Exodus 19:5-6 & Isaiah 61:6).
    My question I want to pose to you as I approach the content of Episode 12 is, do you know how to apply this to your life?
    Do you know what it means to be a part of the priesthood that will get to reign with Yahuah and our Messiah for a thousand years?
    Do you know that there are two resurrections?
    What if I told you that Scripture gives us the blueprint to teach us how to be priests?
    The answers we desperately need are found in the front of the Book that man has deemed to be an “old” testament.
    The body is missing out on some of the most beautiful, fundamental truths because it is not common knowledge to how the physical design of the earthly tabernacle prophetically points to the fulfillment through Yahusha and teaches us about the call we have now to minister and serve the Most High now “as living stones being built up as a spiritual house” (1 Peter 2:5).
    The priesthood training is now.
    I pray that this episode helps to prepare, equip and encourage the body.
    I pray that Yahuah pours His truth into you so that you can fully understand and embrace the call He has on your life and what it means to answer that call.
    If we are to be priests, we need to know what that really means according to Scripture.
    His tabernacle is our blueprint and illustrates the call to the priesthood in the most beautiful way that could only be fulfilled by our Messiah.
    Bring your shovel. It’s time to dig in.

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 12 Transcript
    Tabernacle Blueprint Renewed Through Yahusha

    Contact me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • We have a new High Priest.
    It is prophesied that those in covenant with Yahuah will become a kingdom of priests.
    It is only those who take part in the first resurrection that will serve in this new priesthood during the Millennial Reign.
    What does this mean to Believers today?
    How are we supposed to apply this understanding to our own lives?
    More so, how are we to function, since the body is currently the new Temple/Tabernacle of Elohim, yet with the understanding that we are also anticipating the Tabernacle not made with human hands to dwell with us in the New Jerusalem?
    Do we know what it means to be a part of a “royal priesthood?”
    These are all questions I hope to address over the next several episodes.
    If we don’t understand this fundamental piece of the gospel message, how do we expect to reign with our Messiah as priests?
    This is not explicitly stated in Scripture, but this is our training period, beloved.
    This is one of the reasons why ‘Season 4: Who is Israel?’ has been so focused on covenant thus far. But now it’s time to switch gears. We have a renewed covenant, but we also have a renewed priesthood.
    The focus of Episode 11 today is on the role of the Levitical priesthood and the Tabernacle built by the children of Israel under the guidance of Moses. While we are not under the order of Aaron anymore, and while many of the commandments concerning Levites do not apply to us at this particular moment in Yah’s timeline of redemption, this has led many to believe that the priesthood in the Tanakh is no longer relevant to our understanding of our call to the priestly office today.
    I find it interesting that the Bible only has two chapters devoted to explaining how Yahuah created the entire world. But it devotes dozens of chapters to the tabernacle and the priesthood. The amount of space that Yahuah devotes to the instructions of building His earthly Tabernacle should grab our attention.
    But if we’re being honest (I’ve been guilty of this too), we either skip through those chapters or skim them just briefly. I am here to tell you that these chapters are more important than you think or have been led to believe. This is something that will take a couple more episodes to thoroughly unpack.
    As we go through more detail on the new priesthood next time, I want you to first be able to see how this blueprint of the Tabernacle given to Moses was revealed in the sacrifice of our Messiah, and illustrates the purpose and role of the new priesthood we are called to be a part of today.
    It is such a beautiful truth that the body needs. I pray this helps to repair that breach.
    The earthly tabernacle was a physical blueprint of a spiritual reality, in which the “pattern” Moses was shown on the Mount was a resemblance of Yahuah’s Tabernacle, aka “Dwelling Place” in heaven, in which is woven all throughout Scripture.
    Let’s study.

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 11 Transcript
    Blueprint of the Sanctuary & Tabernacle

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  • So far on Season 4, we have talked about the word "covenant" in many episodes. To understand what it means to be in covenant with the Most High is fundamental to our understanding of Scripture. To be in covenant with Yahuah also means being "marked" by Him.
    On today's episode, we are going to break down the word "covenant" in its Hebrew origin to gain even more clarity and understanding of the depth, beauty and significance of this word.
    I encourage you that if you haven't already done so, please make sure you start at the beginning of Season 4 as we go through these studies. Each episode truly builds off of one another and there are some historical and scriptural precepts I want you to have, as we have been building on this word "covenant" over the majority of the episodes on Season 4.
    I pray that your studies are so, so blessed!

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 10 Transcript

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    Visit my website: www.promise-perpsective.com

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  • There has been a fundamental teaching left out of mainstream Christianity today that is crucial to our understanding of Scripture, the will of Yahuah and the message of our Messiah. And that is the understanding of what it means to be in covenant with our Creator.
    The entire theme of reconciliation and restoration talked about in Scripture has everything to do with being in covenant and staying in covenant.
    Without understanding the scriptural definition of the “covenant,” it has allowed for a misunderstanding of what an “old” versus “new” covenant is. The truth is that there is only ONE covenant given to Yah’s people, in which the Father calls “everlasting” and one in which the Bible teaches that He has historically renewed over and over with His people.
    You often hear the words like the “Noahic covenant,” the “covenant of Abraham,” the “law of Moses,” and “the law of Christ” mentioned in many teachings. Many people are getting confused over these terms because they’ve been taught that the covenant and the torah meant different things to different people at different moments in time. But the truth is that those words are not indicating different “covenants,” but are actually indicating the mediator in which Yah chose to minister His covenant through at that particular moment.
    Yahuah chose different mediators in which to reveal and renew His covenant through, but still—there is only one covenant.
    Our new mediator is our new High Priest, Yahusha! It says in Hebrews that He is the mediator of a better covenant, in which the Father’s commandments (because of the gift of the Holy Spirit) would be written on our hearts.
    It is time to restore people to the truth of the Father and the testimony of our Messiah.
    It is time to return to Him and His covenant.
    Let’s talk about it.

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 9 Transcript

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    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • After King Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylon, he issued a decree that would allow the Yahudim to return to their homeland. Isaiah and Jeremiah were both prophets that had witnessed to the people of this coming event (Isaiah 13:17 & Jeremiah 51:11).
    “Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the Levites, with all them whose spirit Elohim had raised, to go up to build the house of Yahuah which is in Jerusalem.”
    Ezra 1:5
    In this episode, we reach a point in time in which the Babylonian captivity was over and it was time to return home and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. While the majority of the Yahudim (Jews) chose to stay in Babylon at the time, Yahuah strengthened the hands of the spirit-filled minority of those who chose to return through the guidance of people like Ezra, Nehemiah and Haggai.
    If there is one word I could use to summarize the heart and motive of those Yahuah chose to oversee the rebuilding of Jerusalem, it would be “reconciliation.”
    I want to summarize this episode by listing some highlights that this episode will cover. Yahuah is leading me to sit with this episode for a bit and unpack some more things with anyone who wants to listen.
    Here are the main points of this episode:

    The Medo-Persians and the extent of the Persian EmpireThe call to rebuild and the return from Babylon The work of Ezra and Nehemiah How Yah’s covenant was made possible with GentilesEsther 8:17 (this is a big one)A preface to how history of a specific group of people has been erased

    I hope and pray that the Father is using this season to edify you and pour into you in your studies.

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 8 Transcript
    1650 African Map (Nicolas Sanson)

    Contact me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • Today’s episode is entirely dedicated to the impact and influence that Babylon had on the captivity of the Yahudim (Jews).
    The way that the Babylonian captivity affected their worship of Yahuah was monumental to how their faith would be shaped once they returned from their captivity to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.
    Because the Yahudim no longer had a Temple, even though they were free to practice their own religion, everything about the way they worshipped Yahuah had been changed. There was a zeal to return to Him and His torah, however there was no way to properly worship anymore. Their Temple was destroyed prior to the last wave of deportees arriving in Babylon.
    Here are the things that Episode 7 is going to cover:

    The reasoning behind why there was a zeal to return to Yahuah and His commandmentsThe biblical definition of the word “torah”The difference between the Talmud and the Torah The early beginnings of what would give rise to Judaism and the development of Pharisees & SadduceesChanges that happened as a result of the Babylonian captivity:Reinstitution of Sabbath observanceEstablishment of synagoguesModernizing of the Hebrew alphabetRemoval of Yahuah’s name from manuscripts and prohibition from speaking His nameAn emphasis on circumcisionTransition from prophets to scribes Transition from priests to rabbis

    These changes did not happen overnight. By studying history, we can get an idea of what led them to institute all of these things and how they had a desperation to return to Yah’s Word and repent, yet they had no way to do it the way Scripture prescribed. However, in an attempt to preserve the true faith, it would end up leading and paving the way for more corruption.

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 7 Transcript
    What is God's Name? E-Book
    John Punnett Peters, The Religion of the Hebrews, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1914.
    The Influence of the Babylonian Captivity on the Religion of the Jews (Article)
    Metzitzah B'peh link
    Ancient Hebrew Research Center: What is Torah?

    Contact me: [email protected]

    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • The neo-Babylonian empire established itself as the dominant world empire from 586 – 539 BCE.
    There has been a lot of history left out of our Bible studies that gives us important information as to the political, biblical and religious changes that happened as a result of the Babylonian captivity.
    Moreso, not understanding these changes that happened during the physical captivity in Babylon has damaged our understanding of the spiritual Babylonian captivity that many are living in today, and that few will heed the warning to “come out of.”
    I know that this is hard for many to wrap their minds around, which is why I have felt led to take my time and unpack this as thoroughly as I possibly can. It is really important to understand how this captivity affected the Yahudim (Jews) in all of these ways because the Babylonian captivity was a watershed moment for not only Judaism, but Christianity as well.
    And when I say watershed, I mean that this is THE TURNING POINT in which things were never the same after this moment/event in time.
    This captivity changed everything for the Hebrew people, and it has influenced the Christian faith today, yet most don’t realize it. This is why I have mentioned before that part of my “plowing season” comes with the intention of pulling the metaphorical weeds from their roots. This is what Yahuah has shown me in what it means to “labor for the harvest.” The weeds have to be pulled before anything can be planted, or else my labor will be in vain.
    The other thing that is important to remember is that as we will discuss in upcoming episodes, when the 70-year prophesied captivity ended for the Yahudim, the majority of people did not return to rebuild the Temple.
    They did not want to leave Babylon.
    They had adapted to being held captive.
    It’s very interesting how the spiritual climate in Babylon is similar to the climate in the hearts of Believers today. We don’t want to see Babylon for what it is because we’re comfortable where we’re at. We don’t want to leave; we don’t want to come out of it. Many people are unable to recognize the real spiritual war for our souls because they’ve adjusted to living in it.
    However, I believe as we learn and discern the roots of how we got to where we’re at today, many more will realize what has happened and what it means to be in the spiritual captivity of Babylon today, and once they do, they will quite literally flee from it. This was certainly the case for me, and I haven’t looked back since.
    I stand in faith and prayer, believing that as we continue to unravel history, it will fill some serious gaps of the lack of understanding and knowledge in the body of Messiah.
    The goal is always reconciliation.

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 6 Transcript
    "What is God's Name?" E-Book
    'The Influence of the Babylonian Captivity on the Religion of the Jews' by Arthur C. Dueker
    'History of the Jews' by Solomon Grayzel

    Contact me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • The prophetic books in Scripture can be best read in context of whether they were written before, during, and/or after the Assyrian exile and the Babylonian captivity. Prophecy and promises were given to us in those moments on the historical timeline of the nation of Israel and Judah.
    The whole house of Israel had been divided into two kingdoms after King Solomon, and we saw how quickly both kingdoms fell into apostasy.
    The prophets were sent to bring awareness to the spiritual condition of the people and give warnings of repentance.
    There are three major words that Episode 5 is going to elaborate on. Those words are:
    Covenant, divorce, branches and covenant (again).
    Yahuah’s people broke their covenant with Him, which were His commandments. He forgave them over and over, yet they kept committing spiritual adultery. Eventually, He divorced the northern Kingdom of Israel and cut off her branches.
    Restoration came through our Messiah, to bring us a new covenant, in which Yahuah would, through the power of the Set-Apart Spirit, write His commandments on our heart so that we would learn how love and obedience work together.
    There is a promise of restoration talked about in the Old Testament that points to the regathering of the nation of Israel and Judah back to the land Yahuah promised them through their ancestors. This is something that hasn’t happened yet.
    For those who are “Israel,” we get to take part in those promises. This great restoration will happen when our Messiah returns. However, the majority of teachings today teach us that the church is separate from Israel, or that the church replaced Israel. The problem with that separation, is this:
    1. That teaching is not found anywhere in Scripture
    2. Believing this actually cuts ourselves off from the prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled.
    This regathering of Israel and Judah (all 12 tribes) marks the moment in time when Yahuah comes to make a full end of the nations and set His sanctuary in the midst of His people forever. He has only made this promise to the House of Jacob (Israel)—not to the Gentiles.
    How is one no longer a Gentile?
    The same way they did it in the “Old” Testament: By committing themselves to the same covenant terms and conditions as the Israelites did and becoming grafted in, as Paul beautifully confirmed in Romans 11.
    If you really want to believe that the Church is separate from Israel, and if you believe that the promises made to the House of Israel is entirely separate from the New Testament Church, then you have to exclude yourself from the prophecies and promises that were ONLY made to the whole House of Israel. We don’t get to pick and choose what applies to us. The only choice we must make is whether or not we want to be a part of those promises. And if you want to be a part of those promises, you must understand what it means to be “Israel.”
    After all, when the New Jerusalem is brought down to earth, there will be 12 gates that allow entrance into the city (Revelation 21:12). Each of those 12 gates are named after the tribes of the children of Israel. If you aren’t part of Israel, how will you enter?
    Let’s clear up some confusion and take a deep dive into history and prophecy in Episode 5 of Season 4: Who is Israel?

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 5 Transcript
    Timeline of the Prophets Infographic

    Contact me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • You know how when you start reading a book, you’re eager to get to the “good part?”Sometimes, especially as newbies to Bible study, the Old Testament books can seem a little dry with history. As we start to learn the Word, there’s a lot we don’t understand and it can be overwhelmingly and daunting to stare at the pages of thousands of years of history and genealogies, not knowing how to begin, when you know that the good news of the Messiah is just page flips away.
    But the problem is that too many of us (I did this myself) try to understand the back of the book without having an understanding of the front of it. But what we don’t realize that we miss out on, is that there are still prophecies spoken by many prophets in the “Old Testament” that still haven’t been fulfilled. There are many prophecies that point us to the great and terrible “Day of Yahuah,” in which is a reference to the Messiah’s return.
    The greatest restoration in the history of the world has yet to be fulfilled, and it has everything to do with the events that will happen that will usher in the 1,000-year Millennial Reign. This will mark the moment in time of Messiah’s Second Coming, in which those who get to take part in the first resurrection will rule and reign with Him for 1,000 years. But the problem is, is that through the error of dispensationalism, which teaches us that the church will be raptured away before He comes back, it has poked holes in our understanding of Scripture, and because of this, many people are going to be unprepared for His return.
    This is why history is important. This is why your foundation of truth must be rooted in the books of the Old Testament. The Bible is actually one book—not two separate books with two sets of promises for two sets of people. Scripture doesn’t teach that. Men were the ones who added the subtitle pages of old and new testament.
    If you were to read your favorite fictional novel and you started at the back of the book, how much of your understanding do you think would be skewed because you didn’t understand the events leading up to the climax and the ending?
    The Bible is no different.
    So, I say all of that to say that Episode 4 as well as the next several episodes are going to be jam packed with unpacking the history of the books that may seem intimidating to many. This isn’t meant to be an exhaustive study of history, but it is to help give you context that will prayerfully allow you to better understand history and prophecy, as well as fall in love with becoming a student of the Bible.
    I can only speak for myself, but studying the history of what I’m reading has made the Word come alive for me in so many ways that have only created a deeper hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness.
    Bible history is world history and world history is Bible history.
    I pray that this episode and season blesses you and edifies you.

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 4 Transcript
    King History of Israel & Judah Chart

    Contact me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • If there is one thing I’ve learned since I started studying the Bible for myself, it’s this:
    Don’t skip over the genealogies and locations!
    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read my Bible in the past, and every time it came to that long list of names and places, I just skimmed right past it.
    The people and places that Yahuah lists for us to read may be more important than you think. I’ve certainly learned this for myself. As we continue on in Season 4 of this podcast, this will become more and more evident of why understanding the roots and history of these people, tribes and places is so important. There are some fundamental truths about biblical history that have been suppressed for so long, which is why I’ve felt led to go back to the beginning and share what I’ve learned.
    In this podcast episode, we’re taking it all the way back to Noah’s three sons: Shem, Ham & Japheth.
    It’s often times the so-called “boring” or “unimportant” things in Scripture that will actually provide us with the understanding needed to solidify the foundation of our faith. Because to put it quite bluntly, the way that we have been taught world history and biblical history has been wrong. Entirely wrong. And this is something that has been so divinely orchestrated by the powers of darkness, that only those who truly love the Light will be awakened from.
    Believe it or not, learning more about history has deepened my love for the Scriptures, because through these studies, I have learned just how powerful Yahuah is and just how much the Bible has unfolded and will continue to unfold exactly as He said it would.
    It has edified my faith in ways that I can’t even explain.
    If there is a word, person, or place you are unfamiliar with in Scripture, I encourage you to look it up! Find the original word used and make note of it. The Bible truly comes alive as you start studying history by unpacking the people and places, one at a time.
    This is something that has become so fascinating to me. As a student of the Bible, the topics of history and geography have become some of my favorite things to study. I think this is because this is something that has been entirely neglected as a part of our discipleship.
    I pray that this episode will be the first of many to help fill some gaps in our biblical and historical timeline, as well as bring you into a deeper love for His Word.
    Because it certainly has done that for me.

    Supplemental Documents:
    Episode 3 Transcript
    Table of Nations-Lineage Breakdown
    12 Tribes of Israel Map
    Episode 3 Sources

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  • History was never of much interest to me until I started to read the Bible.
    One of the most unique characteristics about the time we live in is that we are in, as most call it, the “Information Age.” Computer technology has given us the ability to have history at our fingertips. What makes the time we live in so much different than any other time period, is the ability to research through the internet.
    While there are pros and cons to the world wide web (as well as a level of caution and discernment that is needed when using it), I have sought to use this to my advantage to gain a deeper understanding about the Bible. I’ve sought to understand what our Bibles have gone through, and how the roots of the Christian faith grew and spread, specifically over the last 2,000 years. What started as a study of the faith, quickly turned into a deeper study of world history.
    This has been a sobering and humbling journey for me. What I thought I was going to learn about my faith as a great evangelization movement, actually exposed itself to be a dark and wicked movement that has quite literally conquered the world (until Messiah returns, of course).
    Yahuah has shown me how the ancient serpent of old has gained his ground into truly being the “god of this world.” Unpacking how this has happened is something only history can teach us. I will explain this deeper as we go through Season 4.
    The reason that history is so important, especially when it comes to the nation and people of Israel is because there is a deeper understanding that the body needs in order to navigate this topic biblically, historically, physically, and spiritually. History has been taught to us wrong, and because of this, it has created a narrative around a false prophecy regarding the end times that has deceived even the most earnest, zealous Believers into not knowing who they really are or Yahuah’s plan of redemption for mankind.
    Because of this, and without having the right perspective, people are unable to be prepared for His return. They will find themselves to be the foolish virgins with no oil in their lamp. This is why this season is so dear to my heart. My goal is to help prepare the body, and I believe that we must study our history in order to put prophecy into context.

    Episode 2: Why History Matters (Transcript PDF)

    Verses Used:
    -2 Corinthians 4:4
    -Isaiah 5:13
    -Hosea 4:6
    -Isaiah 27:11
    -Jeremiah 13:17
    -Joel 2:32
    -Isaiah 29:11-13
    -Revelation 14:8-10

    Contact me: [email protected]

    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • I felt led to start Season 4: Who is Israel? by sharing the intentions and expectations for this season. For those who choose to go on this deep dive with me, especially on a topic such as this, there may be different expectations people might have, depending on where one is at in their walk of following our Messiah.
    I believe there are certain biblical truths and perspectives that are necessary to have in order to have a better understanding of the Bible, your identity as a child of the Most High, and the prophecies that play a role in the redemption of mankind and the Kingdom that is coming. We must be prepared for this Kingdom, and there is a gap of knowledge the body needs right now. This season is my attempt to bring reconciliation.
    The truth is that the people who have told us how history has happened, whether that’s through public education, seminary schools, the media, Christian pastors and even online Christian sources, has all been orchestrated to fit the agenda of the enemy. While that may be a hard pill to swallow for some, I ask for patience as I attempt to connect many of these dots.
    I pray that through this season, each episode will be like a piece to the puzzle to help give us a better understanding of who Israel is and how the world has been set up through a hijacking of our identity, a hijacking of what it truly means to be in covenant with our heavenly Father, and a mishandling of Scriptures and other historical information.
    The goal is reconciliation, and the narrow path that leads there deserves some serious attention. I hope you enjoy this episode and this season and that your studies are tremendously blessed!

    Verses Used:
    -John 3:30
    -Ezekiel 34
    -1 Corinthians 3:6
    -Genesis 11:7
    -Jeremiah 13:13
    -Jeremiah 6:21
    -Isaiah 29:10
    -Romans 11:8
    -Isaiah 66:3-4
    -2 Thessalonians 2:10-11
    -Hosea 10:12-13

    Contact me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • There are many words in our Bibles today that have been translated to English, and in doing so, has completely changed the meaning and implications behind the Hebrew and Greek words that were originally used. Those who have gone before us in the Christian faith have literally created doctrines and beliefs around misinterpretations of Scripture. The Christian faith today has a complete set of beliefs, yet their beliefs are missing the appropriate context and proper definitions of the words being used. Because of this, the doctrines we've created have taught us that certain Scriptures mean something that they actually do not. Many of these modern “New Testaments” compared to the ancient Aramaic and Greek texts clearly indicate that there are many “new ideas” out there which were never a part of the early Believers values.
    This is an issue today because this has massively affected our theology. The words have been mishandled and translated to mean something that they are actually not and this has damaged our understanding so deeply. The ancient serpent of old has no new tricks—just as he twisted Yahuah’s word in the Garden of Eden, he is doing the same today.
    We can’t help what has happened. We can’t help what we don’t know. But the bigger issue is that there are a remnant of voices today who are crying out, trying to breach this gap and tell people and warn people of what has happened, provide the verses and sources to back it up, yet they choose not to listen. Many don’t want to deal with the thought that maybe, just maybe, everything they’ve been taught to believe has been a lie.
    Most Christians realize that while they read and study from Bibles that came from Greek and Hebrew text and terminology, very few give second thought to what the original words’ meaning and intention behind them actually was. The enemy knows that the only weapon we have to fight with is the Word—don’t you think his main strategy of deception would be to twist the very Word we are told to fight with and use it against us to “deceive the whole world?”
    Because that is precisely what has happened.
    The time of ignorance is over.
    And the times of this ignorance Yahuah winked at; but now commands all men everywhere to repent: Because he has appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he has ordained; whereof he has given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

    Acts 17:30-31

    Verses Used:
    -Zephaniah 3:9
    -Jeremiah 1:10
    -Jeremiah 31:28
    -Hosea 10:12-13
    -Jeremiah 8:8
    -Joel 2:32
    -Romans 10:13
    -John 10:9
    -John 3:16
    -Psalm 3:8
    -Romans 10:4
    -Romans 7:12
    -Matthew 5:17
    -Jude 1:4
    -Regarding the Sabbath: Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:2, Mark 16:9, Luke 18:12, Luke 24:1, John 20:1, John 20:19, Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2

    Contact me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.promise-perpsective.com

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  • The Father created a deep void in my heart around 2 years ago that caused me to dig deeper into the origin and meaning behind the Christmas holiday. Christmas seems to be one of the most religious holidays in the western world today, but the truth is that many people know little about its history.

    It's time that we investigate this holiday and examine what Scripture has to say about it. We must seek to worship in spirit and in truth, the way the Father commands. We must learn how to discern the difference between truth and tradition.

    This subject may poke at your flesh, but I'd rather poke your flesh than tickle your ears.

    Download "The Christmas 'Spirit'" E-Book for free here: https://www.promise-perspective.com/products/the-christmas-spirit-e-book-3

    Contact me: [email protected]

    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

    Verses Used:

    Proverbs 26:11
    Matthew 7:22-23
    1 John 2:3
    Mark 7:7-9
    Exodus 32:5
    Leviticus 10
    Leviticus 23:2

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  • What if I told you that I could prove to you in Scripture that the majority of Christian pastors today are wolves in sheep's clothing?

    Do you know how to biblically test someone’s fruit?

    “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravaging wolves. You will know them by their fruits.”

    Matthew 7:15-16

    Our Messiah is telling us that by their fruits, you will know whether or not someone is a false teacher or if they are a true follower of Him.

    These are very important instructions, wouldn’t you agree?

    But how do we do that? What “fruit” are we told to test? What does Scripture have to say about this?

    We have a precious, beyond gracious heavenly Father who does not want His children to be confused. It is not His intentions to leave us with an ambiguous understanding of these critical instructions—that’s not how He works.

    The answers that the body needs on how to test someone’s fruit are right here in the Word. And I want to give you the Scripture you need to equip yourself on how to discern this.

    The answers might disturb you, because the biblical understanding of how to test someone’s fruit will change everything you thought you knew and everything you’ve been taught by mainstream Christianity.

    We must let the Scripture do the talking, because the Word is loud and clear.

    Verses Used:

    “You will know them by their fruit:”

    Matthew 7:15-20
    Ezekiel 22:23-27
    Zephaniah 3:3-4
    Galatians 5:22-23

    The John 15 Test:

    John 15
    1 John 3:24
    1 John 2:4
    1 John 2:6
    Mark 7:8-9
    Matthew 23:3
    Matthew 22:37-40
    Leviticus 19:18

    The Deuteronomy 13 Test:

    2 Thessalonians 2:9
    Exodus 7:8-13
    Acts 16:16
    Deuteronomy 13:1-3
    Deuteronomy 13:4
    Matthew 7:21-23
    Ecclesiastes 12:13
    1 John 5:3
    Psalm 119:172
    Psalm 119:142

    The Wheat & the Tares:

    Luke 8:11
    Matthew 13:24-30
    Matthew 13:36-43
    John 10:35

    Contact me: [email protected]

    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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  • There is a growing number of Believers who are truly trying to be like the Bereans that we read about in Scripture. Additionally, we are trying to put the Scriptures into context by studying history, language and culture through a Hebrew lens in order to get a better understanding of the original context so that we can have a better understanding of Scripture.
    However, in doing this, I've seen labels such as "Hebrew Roots Movement" and "Sacred Name Only Movement" float around and are being used in a way to be applied to Believers who are obedient to the Father’s commandments out of love. It seems to give people the justification to assume something about someone without having talked to the individual first. For the same reason that just because someone calls themselves a Christian, it doesn’t mean that they are followers of Messiah.
    And that’s why labels are dangerous. Labels don’t do anything except divide. At the end of the day, labels don't prove anything to you. It's the fruit we are told to test.
    So, let's talk about it.

    The Tetragram and the New Testament Article

    Contact me: [email protected]

    Visit my website: www.promise-perspective.com

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