Everyone's journey before and after abortion is different.
For some, the days before and after their abortion have been reduced to a fuzzy haze, where the mother or father may struggle to recall almost any detail, large or small, as their mind and body has attempted to erase the entire event from their memory. For others, these memories are crystalized in their mind, and may return with a flood of emotion at a moment's notice.
In today's episode, host Cam is joined by Janelle Stickell, who courageously shares about her own journey through having three abortions before finding forgiveness and healing in the arms of Jesus. Her powerful recounting of her heart-breaking years as an isolated and abused youth, before her three abortion, and finally her heart-warming recovery through her new-found faith are sure to not only bring a tear to your eye, but help each of us better understand the journey so many in our communities are on.
Please like and subscribe to help the PLG podcast reach more people with valuable tools for changing hearts and minds!
Reach out to Cam with your comments, questions, and ideas at [email protected]
The goal for many pro-life ambassadors is to have meaningful conversations about abortion, changing hearts and minds and mobilizing men and women. But what do you do if you need to end your conversation?
Whether you're team needs to be wrapping up for the day, you've progressed as far as you can, or you are ready to engage a new person with the truth about abortion, ending conversations about abortion require clarity and grace. In today's episode, Cam talks through a few simple tools for how you can ensure that you're not ruining the team's schedule or investing more time than you should in any individual conversation.
Don't forget to like and subscribe!
Contact Cam at [email protected] with your questions, comments, and ideas!
Saknas det avsnitt?
The show is literally called "The Pro-Life Guy's Podcast", so let's review how to respond to the statement/accusation, "No uterus, no opinion!"
While many in the pro-abortion movement (women, as well as men, somewhat ironically...), would love it if pro-life men would stay silent, or better yet, become pro-abortion, it is vital that pro-life men not only hold fast to their pro-life worldview, but also speak and act publicly in defense of the weak and vulnerable.
In today's episode, Cam talks through the straight-forward response to the challenge that if you cannot become pregnant yourself, you shouldn't have an opinion on abortion (though again, you're welcome back into the debate if you happen to support abortion...!).
Don't forget to like and subscribe, especially to the PLG YouTube channel, which can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/@TheProLifeGuysPodcast
Connect with Cam with all of your questions, comments, and suggestions at [email protected]
While many people have an opinion on abortion (with varying degrees of depth...), there are many who wish to remain neutral, at times claiming, "Abortion doesn't impact me!".
Whether said by someone who is pro-life, someone outside of traditional child-bearing age, a guy who can't bear a child, or someone else who may not be personally impacted by abortion access, it is important to engage them none-the-less, as many don't realize how influential their support, or tragically lack of support, may be for the lives of those around them.
In today's episode, host Cam talks through the background and tools you need to clearly and concisely respond to this attempt to avoid engaging on this issue which results in the death of tens of thousands of little boys and girls in Canada every year.
Don't forget to like and subscribe, especially to the PLG YouTube channel to make sure that more people are reached with this important content: https://www.youtube.com/@TheProLifeGuysPodcast
Connect with Cam at [email protected] with your ideas, suggestions, and questions!
In today's bonus episode, host Cam is joined by Sandra Gullacher, director of The Life Room, who shares about their wonderful ministry uniting likeminded pro-lifers in prayer for all those impacted by the abortion crisis in Canada and around the world.
Please like and subscribe to The Pro-Life Guy's Podcast to help us reach more with this important message of life!
Check out the PLG Podcast YouTube channel and help us reach 1,000 subscribers at https://www.youtube.com/@TheProLifeGuysPodcast
Connect with Sandra and the team at the Life Room at https://www.liferoom.ca/
As always, connect with Cam with your ideas, questions, and comments at [email protected]
First and foremost, merry Christmas and happy new years! From all of us at CCBR and The Pro-Life Guy's Podcast, we hope that you had a blessed Christmas, and that 2025 is off to a great start!
Inspired by the wisdom of Mike Schouten and his team at ARPA Canada, for this year's new year's resolutions, host Cam focuses on the importance of building relationships, While it can be easy to grow frustrated when our requests for church support, volunteer recruitment, or cultural change are not immediately met with resounding involvement, it is so important to invest into meaningful relationships with those in our community.
Whether they are our church or political leaders whom we'd love to collaborate with to bring about sweeping change, our volunteer teams whom we're hoping to further mobilize, or those whom you are speaking to at outreach, change is so often expedited when it interactions start with and build upon relationships. So give it a shot!
Thanks for your participation in this journey, and as always, don't hesitate to reach out to Cam at [email protected]!
For some, Christmas cooking, church services, and family get togethers are enough to keep conversations about abortion to a minimum, whereas for others, it's a time to discuss and debate the happenings of our world, more and more of which seem to be touching the abortion crisis.
In this episode, host Cam talks about how to navigate conversations about abortion over your Christmas break, whether you are initiating the conversations, or whether you are being invited (or even forced) into them!
Starting with the principle of not being weird, Cam talks through different strategies not only for starting conversations with friends and family about this cultural crisis, but often even more importantly about how to manage the conversation in such a way that it leaves the door open for more productive conversations in the future.
Please like and subscribe to the PLG podcast on both your favourite podcatcher and on YouTube, at https://www.youtube.com/@TheProLifeGuysPodcast
Contact Cam with ideas, questions, and comments at [email protected]
While following the road map and having productive conversations can be quite manageable and straight-forward when you're only talking to one or two people at a time, things can get a lot more complicated when you're talking to a large group of people (especially high school students) who all have different questions. Often, pro-lifers end up answering countless questions, only to have the end-of-lunch bell ring and realize that while they bridged the gap really well 100 times, they didn't make a tremendous amount of progress beyond that.
In today's episode, host Cam lays out several principles for how to ensure that if you are talking to a group of people, you still make meaningful progress with as many as possible, while also ensuring that the people who are the most receptive are the ones whose questions you respond to the most readily.
Don't forget to like and subscribe to the podcast, particularly on YouTube to help the show reach more people and hit 1,000 subscribers!
Contact Cam with questions, ideas, and comments at [email protected]
For pro-life and pro-choice advocates alike, the question, "What if the child has a disability?" often results in a moment's pause, as the focus appears to have shifted from the pregnant mother to now include the developing child.
While there are countless heartbreaking cases of young children growing up with regular or even constant pain and suffering, it is vital even (and arguably especially) now that we do not attempt to "solve" these difficult situations by intentionally killing innocent humans.
In today's episode, host Cam explores the profound pain and suffering that not only children may encounter, but also by extension their parents and others in their lives. He talks about how recognition of these realities is essential, and advocates for effective and compassionate solutions which do not include killing children, whether before or after birth.
Don't forget to like and subscribe on your favourite podcatcher, as well as on the PLG YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@TheProLifeGuysPodcast
To check out Emily Perl Kingsley's touching poem entitled, "Welcome to Holland", go to: https://www.dsasc.ca/uploads/8/5/3/9/8539131/welcome_to_holland.pdf
Contact Cam with ideas, suggestions, and questions at [email protected]
In today's bonus episode, host Cam sits down with Hugh Brown, Vice President of the American Life League, to talk about his journey in the pro-life movement, the important work of the American Life League, and many considerations regarding engaging youth and young adults in this important conversation.
Hugh had a successful 25-year career as a corporate executive managing one of the nation’s most well-known direct mail marketing firms. He has real world experience to speak on regarding the practical and spiritual means of handling the daily stresses that work and the secular world can have on family life and fatherhood.
Hugh consistently writes for American Life League on the most important and timely pro-life topics, and appears regularly on “Trending with Timmerie”, a popular show broadcast on the national Relevant Radio network.
Hugh and his wife Ann have five children. In 2004, motivated by his desire to ensure that his children and other students could receive a quality Catholic high school education within his community, when none then existed, Hugh worked to plan and open St. Michael the Archangel High School in Fredericksburg, Virginia. This co-ed high school has been a model school based on pro-life values included throughout the entire 4-year curriculum, and it is certified by its diocese. Hugh also serves as Head Football Coach, integrating sports with faith and morals.
#prolife #prolifegeneration #americanlifeleague
For more information about the American Life League, go to: https://www.all.org/
Subscribe to the PLG Podcast YouTube channel and don't forget to watch and like the videos at https://www.youtube.com/@TheProLifeGuysPodcast
Connect with Cam with ideas, questions, and suggestions at [email protected]
As the US election approaches, more and more conversations are impacted by the nominee's abortion stances, the upcoming state amendment votes, and other important conversations.
In today's episode, host Cam is joined by long-time friend of the program Samuel Sey to talk about his experience living in small town Ohio in the lead up to an important US election.
Please like and subscribe, especially to the PLG Podcast YouTube channel, to help grow the show https://www.youtube.com/@TheProLifeGuysPodcast
For more of Samuel's thoughtful and faithful content, go to: https://slowtowrite.com/
Contact Cam with ideas, suggestions, questions, and comments at [email protected]
Are vasectomies really the answer to the abortion crisis?!?!
For many, the answer is an obvious, "No!", yet many pro-lifers continue to hear this while doing outreach, not to mention the number of media personalities who claim that if all men would just have vasectomies, children would no longer enter the world through unwanted pregnancies, and therefore the abortion crisis would vanish (along with the human species...).
#prolife #prolifegeneration #howto #howtotalkaboutabortion
In today's episode, host Cam breaks down how to navigate these comments, whether said genuinely or in jest.
00:00 - Intro
01:55 - How this comes up at activism
03:50 - The two kinds of vasectomy conversations
04:10 - When we don't actually need to address this challenge
06:22 - When we DO actually need to address this challenge
Contact Cam with questions, ideas, and comments at [email protected]
The battle for life in Florida is in full swing as people prepare to vote for or against Amendment 4 which would override the current abortion restrictions once a child's heart-beat can be detected, replacing it with constitutionally protected abortions as we've seen in numerous states already.
#prolife #amendment4 #prolifegeneration
In today's episode, host Cam sits down with Mark Harrington from @createdequalorg to talk all about the upcoming amendment votes in Florida and other states which may open the floodgates for countless more abortions.
Learn more about amendment 4 here - https://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/initdetail.asp?account=83927&seqnum=1
Learn more about the trip CCBR will be joining Created Equal and others on to engage Floridians here (https://www.operationsaveamerica.org/event/osa-national-event-florida-october-2024/) N.B. CCBR is not directly affiliated with any of the sponsoring groups, and will only be joining for portions of the schedule laid out.
With the 2024 US election just over a month away, more and more conversations about abortion are being impacted by politics, particularly the politics of Donald Trump. So, how do you respond when Trump comes up in your pro-life conversations? In today's episode host Cam tackles just that!
#prolife #trump #prolifegeneration #podcast
Regardless of whether you're a massive Trump supporter, a "Never Trump" advocate, or anyone in between, it is vital that we ensure our conversations about abortion keep the main thing the main thing: Can we solve the very real, and very difficult problems of our world by killing innocent humans?
In this episode, Cam talks through several strategies for how to pivot conversations back to the abortion crisis, how to think critically about imperfect politicians, and how to protect the lives of the weakest and most vulnerable.
Don't forget to like and subscribe, check us out on social media, and contact Cam at [email protected] with ideas, questions, or suggestions!
Do pro-life laws kill mothers? The answer to this question has been the topic of discussion by mainstream media in the lead up to the 2024 American Presidential election with the news of death of Amber Thurman, Candi Miller, and potentially more mothers who tragically died after taking the abortion pill, though media personalities and politicians are consistently coming to the wrong conclusion.
In today's episode, host Cam breaks down what you need to know about these heartbreaking stories, and how you can navigate conversations about them to demonstrate that these tragic deaths are a result of the abortion pill, realities within any medical system (including those in pro-abortion states), and at times medical errors.
Check out the PLG podcast YouTube channel for more great content, and help the show reach 1,000 subscribers here: https://www.youtube.com/@TheProLifeGuysPodcast
For more information about the truth surrounding pro-life legislation in America, go to: https://lozierinstitute.org/fact-sheet-are-pro-life-state-laws-preventing-pregnant-women-from-receiving-emergency-care/
Check out these great articles in response the heart breaking story of Amber Thurman, go to: https://www.liveaction.org/news/feigned-fury-abortion-pill-die-pro-life-states/ and https://slowtowrite.com/amber-thurman-died-because-of-amber-thurman/
For more about the risks surrounding the abortion pill regime go to: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19888037/ and https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/fulltext/2009/10000/immediate_complications_after_medical_compared.14.aspx
To see how the mainstream media is covering these tragic stories to whip up opposition to life saving laws, go to: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/sep/19/georgia-abortion-ban and https://www.propublica.org/article/candi-miller-abortion-ban-death-georgia
Connect with Cam for your questions, comments, and ideas at [email protected]
Personal experiences shape who we are, what we believe, and how we interact with other people. This is true for those who support abortion, as well as for those who do not.
In today's episode, host Cam talks about appropriate and effective was to introduce your personal experiences, or those of others you are familiar with, to help abortion-supportive women and men to reject the pro-abortion worldview.
#prolife #prolifegen #howto
Whether your experience relates to poverty, sexual assault, disability, or any other formational experience, there is tremendous value in both humanizing pro-lifers and inspiring those with whom we are speaking. With that said though, we don't want to weaponize our experience, refuting the arguments of our friends or family by demonstrating that they are not as difficult or relevant as they are suggesting. Our experiences can provide the greatest impact when they are shared to help build common ground, develop relatable analogies, and inspire people once they have recognized the logic of the pro-life worldview.
Check out the PLG podcast YouTube page, and don't forget to like and subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/@TheProLifeGuysPodcast
Check out the PLG Podcast merch at: https://prolifeguys.com/shop/
Contact Cam with ideas, suggestions, and questions at [email protected]
In today's bonus episode, host Cam sits down with Dr. John Patrick, an incredible thinker and leader with over 50 years of experience in the medical community who has undergone a profound conversion to become a Christian speaker and leader.
#prolife #christianphilosophy #christianliving
In the episode, Cam and John talk about his entry into the medical arena, his brief but tragic encounters with the abortion crisis as a medical professional, and how his Christian faith has come to influence his career in medicine and academics.
For more about Dr. John Patrick and his various ministries and content, go to: https://johnpatrick.ca/
Contact Cam with questions, suggestions, and ideas at [email protected]
Central to conversations about abortion is when human life begins, and in today's episode, host Cam takes a deep(er) dive into how to talk about the science of human life.
The first step in establishing the importance of when human life begins is reiterating the human rights argument which includes the following questions:
Do you agree all humans get human rights?If something is growing (in an organized way), isn't it alive?If that living organism has human parents, isn't he or she a living human?Doesn't that make abortion a human rights violation?Next, we'll offer clarifications, including at times tracing our lives back from our current age and stage of development to the moment of fertilization, before appealing to biological authorities and offering a more thorough understanding of the behaviour and composition of pre-born children which comprehensively demonstrate the presence of a new human life at the moment of fertilization.
For Dr. Maureen Condic's article titled, "Defining Organisms by Organization", go to: https://www.pdcnet.org/collection/fshow?id=ncbq_2005_0005_0002_0331_0353&pdfname=ncbq_2005_0005_0002_0331_0353.pdf&file_type=pdf
For Dr. Maureen Condic's white paper on the beginning of human life, go to:https://bdfund.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wi_whitepaper_life_print.pdf
For Dr. Steven Jacobs' study titled, "The Scientific Consensus on When a Human's Life Begins", go to: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36629778/
To purchase a copy of CCBR's flagship apologetics book, "STUCK: A complete guide to answering tough questions about abortion", go to: https://prolifeguys.com/shop/
To connect with Cam regarding questions, ideas, or comments, write to [email protected]
We're turning the microphones around for today's episode, with regular host Cam becoming the guest for today, while Oscar, one of CCBR's newest team members, plays the part of host to ask Cam about his journey in the pro-life movement!
For more PLG podcast content, go to www.prolifeguys.com.
Contact Cam with ideas, comments, or questions at [email protected]
With internships drawing to their completion at CCBR, as well as numerous other pro-life organizations around the world, it is a vital time to provide a small amount of guidance for those stepping out of the Wardrobe and returning to their home communities.
#prolifegeneration #prolife #prolifemovement
In today's episode, host Cam talks through 6 important steps for returning home and allowing your training and experience continue to shape your life and the lives around you.
00:00 Introduction
02:56 Cam babbling about different fantasy series'
09:10 Step 1 - Rest
10:20 Step 2 - Intentional reflection
11:55 Step 3 - Reconnect with friends and family in your community
13:55 Step 4 - Remember the plight of the pre-born
14:55 Step 5 - Reengage
17:03 Step 6 - Reconnect with ALL of your fellow intern alumni
19:50 Conclusion
For more PLG podcast content, go to www.prolifeguys.com Contact Cam with ideas, comments, and questions at [email protected]
- Visa fler