Personal read-alouds and more of articles and written pieces by Kimberley Wenya (author of The Manifestation Diaries) from her Substack, Virgin Notes. -
Unleashed Potential Podcast is hosted by a group of young, Muslim, Somali and Ethiopian individuals based out of Australia discussing everything from business, relationships, to lifestyle. We believe that everyone has the potential within them to be better than who they are now in every area of their life so we made it our mission to help realize this. The content we share is a conversation between a group of friends exchanging experiences so that our viewers not only get the benefit of halal entertainment but also extract helpful lessons, ideas and motivation that unleashes their own potential to be great.
Search us on Spotify or the ITunes podcast app and subscribe!! -
Welcome to the Wild Strategy podcast! My name is Jessa Lewis. I'm a business coach, lightworker, social media expert and here to help you shine and reach the world with your gifts! I spent 2+ yrs in SEO/Social Media/Business Management before going all in on my own business (launched after the epic January super moon). Today, I mesh spirituality and strategy to coach soulpreneurs on increasing business reach intuitively and in integrity with their wildness. Let’s jump in!
A raw and authentic outlook from a Artist that knows God's purpose is bigger than we could ever imagine. Audrey Bailey is the owner and artist behind Brush and Barley where she strives to intertwine her faith with worship through creating, mental health advocacy, into her passion of art. As a business owner, Christian, Wife and a mother of two Audrey not only wants to share entrepreneurship but also the things behind the scenes the audience never sees. Here we break the barrier and have open and real conversations about anything and everything that feel needs to be heard without fear. Your purpose is there just waiting for you to tap in and give the faith. We want to discuss those raw topics in seasons of life that may be holding you back, and we also want to discuss the successes that come when you say no to fear. If you are ready to tap into that calling and purpose you know God has for you, or if you feel a little broken and sometimes feels like you are not worthy of that purpose please come hang out. We want you to leave her ready to conquer fear and achieve that purpose, with Jesus and us on your side. "And he took my broken pieces, and he painted them" - Audrey Bailey
PowerHouse Feng Shui Podcast is for women who want more ease, flow, joy, abundance, goodness in their lives whilst stepping into their power.
You're tired of feeling stuck, you're doing all the right things to change your life, but nothing is working as fast as you want it to.
You want to live life full out, be fulfilled and happy.
This is the missing piece of the jigsaw, tapping into universal source energy and the magic that transforming your home can create.
You're excited and ready to learn what it takes to create more growth and expansion, without working any harder.
Hosted by Patricia Lohan, author of The Happy Home, Your Guide to creating a Happy, Healthy, Wealthy Life, you'll learn the ways you can easily become a manifesting magnet in your life and business.
This is far more than decluttering or moving furniture. This is about accessing an un-utilised resource and turning your house into a magnet for more flow ease and magic.
This is the show for you to spiritually and emotionally uplevel, because you're ready to power yourself and your home with Feng Shui. -
Curating the best of what leaders need to know.
The best leaders stay in-the-know. In H3 Leadership, author, conference producer and strategic connector, Brad Lomenick, brings you the best tips and trends in leadership. Learn the latest on who you should follow, books you should read, articles that will help you grow, voices that will inspire you, organizations you should link with and events you should attend to—all to help you become a better leader.
Brad Lomenick is the longtime leader of Catalyst Conference and author of The Catalyst Leader and H3 Leadership. -
Building a remarkable team and cultivating a healthy culture have never been more important for staying relevant in our current cultural moment and making an impact for God’s kingdom. And… It’s never been more challenging to get that team and culture right. So, tune in as we dive into practical conversations that explore the best strategies, insights, and solutions for helping you build your remarkable team.
Mary Anne Oglesby-Sutherly, the director of the Veranda Ministries in Gallatin, TN, is the host of this conversational journey on aging, care-giving and most of all - loving the elderly. You will learn, laugh, cry and desire to do more to help those who qualify as the "invisible elderly." This bi-monthly podcast will feature some of today's experts on dementia, Alzheimer's, senior advocacy and aging.
It's Mary Anne's desire to see Christians and the church be on the forefront of caring and showing respect and dignity to our aging population. She not only preaches it - she lives it. Mary Anne is also the author of the book "Remember For Me" - Life Lessons from Those Living with Dementia. -
Ranked Top 2.5% Globally
Do you wish that you could lead your team in a way that honours and glorifies God? Are you struggling to overcome self-doubt as a leader and have a desire to be more confident in your role? Do you want the courage to deal with difficult people but don’t want to upset anyone?
Well, you’re in the right place!
On this podcast, I’ll teach you how to lead like Jesus, even if you’re not allowed to speak of your faith in your workplace. You’ll learn to become bold and confident as a leader, to speak up and say what God wants you to say and to finally know that you are worthy to be in your current role. Because God chose you, not because you are already a perfect leader, but because HE wants to mold you and use you to be an instrument in the kingdom of God.
Hey, I’m Rika, and for the past 10 years, I’ve been in middle-management leadership roles, where I have led various teams, from big to small, and experienced my fair share of working with difficult people, having tough conversations, hiring and firing people and managing team dynamics.
I thought that I could rely on worldly knowledge of leadership to get me through. I attended various leadership courses and listened to many leadership podcasts, but I was still struggling as a leader. I was feeling frustrated and to be honest, I was not enjoying my leadership role and felt like quitting more often than I probably should have!
I finally realised that if I wanted to be the leader that I truly desired to be (which was a leader who wasn’t shy to speak up, a leader who honoured God with her actions and a leader who could build a cohesive team without the drama), I needed to partner with God and find a Christian leadership mentor to guide me and keep me accountable.
I committed my leadership journey to God and partnered with HIM. I started working with a mentor and stepped out in faith as I did hard things every single day. And I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you!
If you’re ready to lead your team in a way that honours God, I’m excited to be your mentor! So, grab your notebook and pen (and don’t forget that Chai Latte), and let’s unlock your God-given leadership potential!
Next steps:
Head to where you can:
1. Join the Free Community
2. Sign up for our weekly newsletter and
3. Find free resources
ALSO, when joining the community, you’ll also receive exclusive access to fortnightly training, which will not be aired on the podcast! So, join today!
Need to contact me? Email me at [email protected] -
The anti bro-hustle podcast.
How to grow your business while balancing the yin & yang of it all.
Sprinkle in a bit of spiritual spice, and hang out with Stacey & Ané who feel like your best friends on a facetime call.
If you’ve ever felt like you can easily burn out and become uninspired in your business, or find it difficult to find an ease and flow and you want to incorporate more spiritual practices into your world of work, you’re in the right place.
Occasionally we will be hosting guests & creators who inspire us to live with more ease, alignment and fulfilment with life. Having trust, faith and flowing with the feminine. -
This podcast is a vortex for activating wealth, riches and boss bitches... here I teach multi dimensional business, from 5D quantum creation, 4D frequency alchemy and the most potent 3D strategy, you will learn every aspect of business that contributes to the creation of success. Plus, hear interviews from the most amazing boss bitches at the forefront of the game, paving the way for money, magic and magnetism in business. So get ready to activate all of that within you!
The church - and the world - needs people who are both good leaders and good people, who can inspire others and bring change while remaining genuinely good people. The world has too many who are good leaders but not good people, or good people who are not (or at least not yet) good leaders. Brian Harris sits down with Jon Bergmann, Jennifer Argue, and Aaron Chidgzey to chat through his book on spiritual leadership and formation, Stirrers and Saints, which covers these issues - and more. No matter who you are or what your formal leadership position or title may or may not be, you can become someone who is both - a good leader and a good person, a Stirrer and a Saint.