Night Vision is one of the most popular ways for those invested in their personal capability, to "level up" by simply adding a device to their gear. As civilians, this is even more true, as while it's more accessible now, perhaps more than at any other time in history, it is still very expensive and out of reach for many. To dive into the reality that many of us face in affording such tools, I sit back down with Duncan Greene. Duncan and I have gotten into a pair of previous discussions on the Night Vision market, the realities of the devices, and their financial requirements. However, as the world changes, and the economics of the market come into play, it has a direct impact on what we as prepared civilians can do for ourselves. If you're someone who's on the fence about getting a device, don't be, just do it. However, you should also give this discussion a listen, you may learn a few things and be surprised on what you're able to do for yourself!
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Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemy. We can simultaneously have a burning desire to improve ourselves and develop greater individual capability, while being the single greatest blocker on our own road to achievement. All of us, regardless of skill, regardless of experience, will find ourselves in a rut. Finding ways out of those slumps, persevering and overcoming those challenges, can be somewhat difficult as they often manifest themselves in abstract ways. In this episode, I dive in and share some stories and experiences behind how I've been able within my own training to keep things fresh, and mix up the approaches to some of the core concepts and principles that we all train on regularly. If you're working your way out of the winter blues, and want a fresh perspective on how to get back on track, give this a listen!
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Saknas det avsnitt?
Precision shooting has become a recent interest of mine, and as I get deeper and deeper into the subject matter, I'm realizing that while it's the same as all other shooting, it's also very different. More so in the precision application than most others, your rifle's makeup and construction can have tremendous impact on your relative level of success. So, to truly dissect this issue, I've invited J.T. back to sit down and talk about what a good blaster should or shouldn't include. The internet has taken quite a liking to ideas like SPR's and GPR's and so with that, there's a tremendous about of "fluff" out there to deal with. We wade through the garbage, and bring to you all the valuable information that will aid you in your own build. It's never that you're able to buy true capability, but often enough, you can buy yourself better support. Give this one a listen if you've been pondering that new build for the year!
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Rick Hogg is a 29 year Army Veteran, having spent most of that time in Special Operations. Since leaving our military, Rick has dedicated himself to sharing the lessons he learned, with those seeking to improve themselves. As owner of War Hogg Tactical, Rick has platform he's able to use to train both Law Enforcement and Civilians alike, who desire a higher level of personal capability, and accountability. In our conversation with Rick, we deep dive into training approach, mindset, and address many of the fundamental "why's" behind training methodology and how it impacts success. Using data to form complete goals and drive personal performance through dry fire and flat range sessions, Rick has found a unique way of sharing his knowledge in perhaps one of the most constructive and repeatable ways in our community. If you're looking for insight to help shape your practice, or perhaps just a fresh perspective, this is a episode you'll absolutely geek out for.
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March is upon us, the weather is warming up, and we have a new Director of the FBI. With all of this, and even more going on, it's obviously time for another SITREP to bring current events and awesome opinions to all of you. In this iteration, we of course take time to talk about Director Patel being confirmed as the next Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and also as the acting Director of the ATF. Both of these carry significant importance and impact, and we take time to talk about what has led us to this, and what it may mean in the long term for Americans. Additionally, I give insight into the recent visit to the White House by Zelenskyy as he swings through town to beg for money (again) and also some notes on most recent developments on the Israeli front, in their fight with Hamas. As usual, lots of info, and even more opinion.
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Artificial Limitations. False Confidence. Self Imposed Barriers. These are all issues that plague many of us in the preparedness community, and too often they can be easily traced back to the quality of our mindset, and the caliber of our individual training. Being more adaptive, or perhaps even simply willing to adapt, can have exponential impacts on our individual growth and development. In this episode, I dive into the idea of moving beyond the fundamentals, past the basics, and talk about how we build beyond the core concepts in ways that will make us more capable, more effective individuals. Both on and off the flat range, there are plenty of opportunities that we all can take advantage of to be better prepared. Simply thinking one step past our initial response/reaction, or taking the time to ask "what if" can lead us to some advantageous training ideas, that yield worthwhile benefits.
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Garrett Neel is one of the founders and co-owners of RAS Training Group. In addition to RAS, Garrett also has a decade of experience in Law Enforcement, which is oddly, where his inspiration for higher standards and execution came from. Having a realization that his own qualifications for work didn't meet the imagined expectations he had for himself, Garrett has since dedicated himself to become not only a better, more proficient shooter, but a stronger teacher. We were able to get in to several different topics throughout our conversation including confirmation levels, predictive versus reactive shooting, and even into some of the subconscious barriers we create for ourselves before ever setting foot on the range. There's a lot of insight in our conversation, born from a plethora of personal experience, putting time in to understand the what, the why, and the how behind fundamentals and mechanics. For those of you aspiring to understand your limitations and opportunities for improvement better, you'll take away some great information from this episode.
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Its been years since I sat down and re-hashed the significance and execution behind building, and training with, a carbine. As the most common platform of the day, its critical that we as prepared citizens know not only to set up a proper blaster for our own success, whatever that may be, but more importantly, how to use it. Everyone's needs and use cases will likely be different, but there are some omnipresent similarities, and fundamental concepts behind this that I dig back in to, and bring back to the front of mind. From lights, to lasers, to calibers, to optics and all of their appropriate applications, and limitations, and more, I break it down. There's plenty of myths and questions behind the modern carbine, most notably being "why do you need that?" or even better, "nobody needs that" and we dispel those incorrect theories too. Been a while since I did one of these, but happy to get back to it!
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It's Super Bowl Sunday, and I'm back already, with an impromptu SITREP to discuss some vitally important news around President Trump's most recent Executive Order. Just a couple days ago, on February 7th, 2025, President Trump issued potentially one of his most impactful orders to date, and what you potentially lead to the largest 2A victory since the very inception of the Second Amendment itself. The order, issued directly to the Attorney General, is essentially to launch an exploratory effort to identify all infringements against the right to keep and bear arms for American citizens. While nothing has been done yet, the way this order is written, it shows a very broad scope and seeks to avoid all of the political tactics by those who may seek to oppose this effort. I have a lot to share on this one, so give it a listen, and hear how bright our future may be!
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This week, I get an opportunity to sit down and talk with someone who's own journey closely parallel's my own, coming from a musical background, being now, immersed in the training community. Cam Perry is the bass guitarist for the band Attack Attack, and has become an avid shooter, training and growing his own capability. Sharing a lot of common experiences in our background, we were able to talk about the similarities we've each been able to find in our individual practice and development musically, and making connections to our growth as shooters. Cam shared some stories on his life experience, that led to his decision to not only own firearms but to ultimately pursue the skillset and capabilities to protect himself, and those around him from the evil in the world. I thoroughly enjoyed this one, and I think those of you familiar with the band and its music, may really get a kick out of our conversation. I'm looking forward to connecting again in the near future, and hopefully, even being able to attend a training even with Cam.
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As we roll into February, we have our latest SITREP for you, and no shortage of interesting news and on goings to discuss. From a somewhat humorous Bill being introduced to add Trump to the Mt. Rushmore monument, to the equally laughable idea of granting a third Presidential term, there's a lot to talk about. The big item in this months report though, comes from a very recent interview with Erik Prince, formerly of Blackwater. As the Trump administration has recently declared Mexican Cartel organizations as terrorist groups, there's a interesting opportunity to leverage the centuries old practice of granting letters of marque and reprisal. If pursued by our government, we could soon see PMC firms deploying contractors on American soil to aid in the fight against the Cartels, and securing our border. As usual, I have a lot to say on all of this, share a good bit of both history, and perspective.
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Hard to believe it's already been three months (and then some) since I first sat down with Jake, but he's back, and we're picking up where we left off. Since the first conversation we had together, Jake has migrated to a new role with Herrington Arms working in sales, marketing, and even helping in customer service. Beyond that, in his role in law enforcement, Jake is currently going through the state approved instructor course for Ohio, to allow him to teach and qualify other officers. Throughout this whole discussion, we talk about some of the in's and out's, the challenges and rewards if you will, of the growth and development that he's experiencing. As always, we offer plenty of opinion, and insight into different ways of doing things, especially when it comes to training and performance. We also spend just a little time hearing about the trip out to Las Vegas for SHOT Show 2025, and the work Jake and Redline Consulting are putting in to their Night Vision events this winter.
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It's 2025, and after reviewing the way the year started, as well as obviously some of the lingering fears and concerns we've all formed over the past two to four years, it's well worth the time to re-evaluate ourselves. As prepared citizens, we're only as good as our level of training. We will inevitably fall back to our lowest level of individual preparation. How do we define that though? What does it look like to you? Further, how do we know, if we know enough to fairly and accurately make that definition? In this weeks discussion, Jon, Josh, and myself sit down and cut it up and get into some of the details behind these questions. There's plenty of comparisons, and maybe even some hurt feelings. At the end of it all though, we get down the what we see as critical, and add context and definition around several common tropes tied to preparedness and training. If you're looking for insight on "what does good look like?" then this is one for you.
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Inauguration Day is here, and with it, we hope a sweeping wave of changes for the better to the United States. While politics, regardless of country, can be confusing and frustrating to say the very least, they are the driver behind so many of the key impacts to daily life. As this change holds the potential, as well as the hope for so many of us, I felt it only appropriate to share my thoughts and my feelings on what we may expect to see as the nation transitions from one President to the next. Obviously, with historically low approval ratings for the outgoing Biden administration, there's plenty of room for improvement across multiple fronts. Additionally, with the last minute move of the ceremony to a indoor venue, we have to bring up the safety concerns after a pair of disastrous situations over the summer. I get into all of this, and more, in this edition of the Sunday SITREP.
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Carrying on from last weeks discussion I take away several of the points the Joe was able to make, and much of the information he provided. In the moment, when we may find ourselves in the midst of one of these "events", we truly do have to be our own first responder, and rely solely on ourselves to get through that experience. There's many misconceptions and outright poor habits that align us for failure, both as prepared individuals and as a society. I compare the New Orleans attack and skills one would potentially carry into such an occurrence, and contrast it to the 2015 attack in Paris and dissect how those two may differ. This is a problem that we all face, and that surely isn't going away any time soon.
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Joe Fasanella returns, to sit down with me and tackle a subject that I've wanted to explore for a few months now. Terrorism. Specifically, Terrorism and it's impacts on you and I as Americans, along with how it affects our day to day lives. In the wake of the shocking attack on New Years Eve in New Orleans, this topic and its many concerns, are once again at the forefront of many minds. Having spent two decades in multiple capacities fighting terror, Joe is able to share a lot of insight around the trends we're seeing in current events, dig into both concepts of counter terrorism, as well as anti-terrorism, and relate that to what we're experience in todays geopolitical climate. We talked a lot of realities in this discussion. None of this was great to hear, and it certainly isn't convenient. As we've always preached here, preparation is key, and we all are accountable for being ready for what may come to pass.
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The year 2025 has arrived, and with it, so too comes our January SITREP discussion. Unfortunately, there is sour news to dig in to, as a terror attack has rocked the heart of New Orleans on Bourbon street. We bring this forward for discussion, as it is a sobering reminder that even though we in the continental United States enjoy a relative amount of safety and security in our day-to-day lives, there is a constant threat that exists amongst us. The more information that we all have, the better prepared we can be, both as individuals and as a community to address these horrific situations. I share as much as I absolutely can on this awful and senseless act of violence, and discuss the importance of having access to a network of intelligence that can support you and your community with gathering relevant data which to act on. Further, I talk about perspective around events like these and what it potentially can point to in the future.
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The year 2024 is rolling to a close, and there's been a lot that's happened in these past twelve months. Josh and I sit down to talk through the calendar, and give a summary of this calendars events, as well as some behind the scenes details and stories. We, as a team, have been fortunate to experience some fantastic growth and learn some truly valuable lessons. From different training opportunities, to community experiences and deepening relationships, there's a lot to get into, and much to be thankful for. From the very beginning, the mission has been to share our learning experiences, regardless of successes or failures, so that others may benefit from them. Further, our goals have been to grow, while investing in the community around us so that we all may thrive. The past year has brought all of that, and more. In this final episode of 2024, we share it all. We're greatful for everything these experiences have brought us, and look forward to what the future holds for us all. Thank you all for listening, and we hope you enjoy!
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As we all have our unique differences, we do all certainly have struggles that we face day in and day out. In addition to striving to improve ourselves on the flat range, in the shoot house, in the field, often the more pressing and daunting of battles is the one we all fight internally. Constantly working on yourself, and finding ways to progress further down the road of righteousness, being a better man, is the effort we should all undertake. In this community, we find ourselves surrounded by a variety of lifestyles and perspectives, but this should be something that exists within us all, in some way, shape, or fashion. Jon, Josh, and I sit down, and open up about the mental struggles many of us face, and the difficulties we sometimes face. This was a deep conversation, that ended up taking some unplanned turns, to some unexpected places, but ultimately, is a message we believe is really worth sharing.
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If you've been hanging around the Night Vision scene the past five or so years, you know the name Low Light Innovations. Over the past few years they've brought forward a small handful of unique market offerings, to provide consumers with night vision housings that meet their various needs and demands. In this weeks episode, I sit down with Claude, one of the owners of LLI, and dig into the history of the company and the development that has brought them to where they are today. We spent time talking about the challenges faced not only by LLI, but by the industry at large, and why creating a "do everything" housing is such a challenge. From feature ideation and product development, to technical limitations and community engagement, we hit on a lot of the important points that impact the night vision industry and their consumer base. If you're looking to grab a LLI LLU-21 or MH-1, I highly recommend giving this discussion a listen!
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