
  • Leadership. We too often associate this word with a supervisory role, a title, or a rank. We let these constructs shape our understanding and definition of what it is to be a leader. Truthfully, leadership can, and should be, a quality that is present in all of us, at least to some degree. Jon sits down with me, and we do our best to dissect the virtues of leadership, while sharing our own opinions, as well as some of our own experiences. As a former Infantryman and current member of the Michigan National Guard, Jon has his own past encounters he draws from, and myself, my experiences in the corporate workforce. Between us, we draw from some common outside sources and talk about how we define being a leader, not just a boss. We get into the value of transparency and communication, we talk about accountability and the critical importance of investment and mentorship. This was a deeply insightful discussion, and one that I think we all, be it civilian, military, or law enforcement, can take something away from.

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  • In this weeks discussion, we tackle a ultra- common, but very difficult topic; The Media and the constant effort to socially engineer America. We all absorb media, whether it's our local news broadcast, perhaps a popular television show, or even a movie. The difficult part to sometimes see and understand, is that almost everything that we consume today, has a degree of social engineering baked into it. Storylines on our most popular television depict stories of racism and police brutality, infringement on the rights of minority populations. A large portion of all our media, even the "unbiased news broadcast" from your favorite station, shares stories and updates through a biased lens of racism and bigotry. We're constantly told these stories with the same recurring themes, building distrust in law enforcement, and working to convince average folks that gun ownership and firearms in general are the largest issues in our society. We largely ignore the immigration crisis, we ignore human trafficking, or the fentanyl problem we face today. Because politically, there isn't much to gain behind those points. Definitely a difficult point to talk on, and a certain a fine line as I dissect the issue, but a topic I think everyone will take something away from. Give it a listen, and see what you think.

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  • To round out our "series" discussing the 3-day Orion Training Group Flexible Search course that we recently completed, I have the opportunity to catch up with one of our class instructors, Jason. This is actually Jason's second appearance on the pod, but this time, I actually have some idea what I'm talking about! Coming just a week or so after we've wrapped class, and had time for the students to decompress, and the instructors actually to teach an additional two classes at the annual MTOA conference, this is a great opportunity for us to sit, and discuss some of the class experiences, and why OTG and their staff do what they do. Jason brings a lot of knowledge and practical experience, not only with his law enforcement experience, but also as a former Marine. Having both he and Jared up here to run class, was a opportunity many of us were really excited about, and our expectations where definitely exceeded. Jason and I share a lot of thoughts about the class, and he also provides insight on a lot of the what and why behind the curriculum for Flexible Search. This was a great way to round out our series, and I think you'll really enjoy giving this a listen.

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  • The moment we have waited many months for has finally come, and now gone. Going through the three day Flexible Search course with Jared and Jason was an outstanding learning experience and both Josh and I walked away with a lot of information. Beyond our own experiences, this was a great win for our local community, as we were able to bring in a fantastic company, to a local venue, and get sixteen great folks together for a weekend of training. Josh and I break it down for you all, from the day one events and feelings, up to the end of day three and all that we were able to accomplish. Paying for training has become a hot button issue in the online community, and it's become popular to encourage completely virtual learning. Our hope is that from sharing our own experiences with you all, we can help to shine a light on the importance of physical training, and learning from multiple sources. Give this a listen, and see if you agree.

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    One Hundred Concepts - www.onehundredconcepts.com

  • May is here, summer is creeping up, and as the new season comes upon us, old familiar thoughts and flashbacks are everywhere. Looking at the news, reviewing the output of the media, we see lots of stories that are too familiar of years past. Violent protesting across the country, tied to an agenda which doesn't help or improve our own home, as well as mass coverage of Donald Trump. We certainly can think back to the year 2020 and say that much of what we're seeing now, is reminiscent of what we all saw then. However, this time, we're wiser, we're smarter, and we've experienced a lot of disappointment over the past four years that have shaped and changed our feelings and perception. In this SITREP installment I share my thoughts, and get into the similarities we're watching unfold, and what it might mean for the months and years that we have ahead of us.

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  • As Josh and I head into the much anticipated 3-day Orion Training Group course we're attending, we talk about our experiences and try to compare them to some of the value that is gotten through organized instruction. Just as there is with most things in our community, there are a lot of ideas around if you need to pay for knowledge, if you should pay for training, and how much you should invest. This is still, after many years of deliberation, a hotly debated topic, and so we do our best to weigh in on the matter. Additionally we talk about some of our own expectations, and speak on the value of learning in the civilian space compared to the traditional doctrine which many have absorbed either during their military service, or through videos and text. Not everyone learns the same way, but it's fair to say that everyone benefits from multiple learning opportunities. Go ahead and give this one a listen, and see if what we're saying, aligns with what you're thinking.

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    One Hundred Concepts - www.onehundredconcepts.com

  • Duncan Greene joins me once again, almost fifteen months later, as we sit down, and check the pulse on the night vision industry. If you've recently purchased night vision, or are currently in the market for a set of tubes and have been paying close attention, you know there's a lot going on. We're seeing some drastic changes in the market, and Duncan provides insight and his opinion on all of it. As what I would consider to be a subject matter expert, Duncan is able to shine a light on some nuance and details around these topics that many of us are simply unaware of. Some of them are extremely impactful, and others may not move the needle at all for you. Together, we talk about the price increases we've been seeing and how the world economy has impacted night vision, we spend plenty of time talking about the introduction of some noticeable Chinese made products, briefly get into the pros and cons of the second hand market, and so much more. If you're in the market for night vision, or curious about the market at all, this will be a great episode for you.

    Duncan was also kind enough to set up discount code 'PMP' for 3% off at usnightvision.com

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    One Hundred Concepts - www.onehundredconcepts.com

  • Nick Shepherd is a former soldier and active law enforcement officer, who is also the Director of Training for Jawless Hog Tactical. Through his experiences in the Army, as well as in Law Enforcement, Nick and his partners at JHT set out to provide civilians and law enforcement alike with training that answered the "why" behind modern practices and methods. We spent a good amount of time in our discussion talking about how important it is to have a depth of understanding, to be able to more effectively respond to situations and scenarios, as well as the value behind data processing when presented with those. As an instructor, Nick and the team at JHT are constantly looking to evolve their teaching, and provide better options to their students, and guide learning through a curriculum that has been tested and is constantly vetted. We touched on a awful lot, and there feels like we still have so much more to dig into together. I look forward to being able to bring Nick back, but for now, I hope you all enjoy our conversation!

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    One Hundred Concepts - www.onehundredconcepts.com

  • In a unexpected, and out of schedule release, we have a SITREP to dive into, talking about the April 13th attack by Iran, on the country of Israel, and its ramifications. This is a historic move, as missiles and drones were deployed against Israel in response to an April 1st attack that killed multiple IRGC targets in Damascus. As the ongoing conflict in Israel has had impact on the United States, as well as the long history of partnership between our two countries, this move raises much concern and many questions. There have been media releases made by all three governments, and all of them lead to more uncertainty about what is to come next. This is a precarious situation to say the least, and it's important to bring these events with our thoughts and research to you all, as they happen.

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  • This week, I'm joined by Will, the owner and founder of CAATail Antennas. If you haven't heard of CAATail, there's a good chance that you've definitely seen Will's work, as his wearable antenna's have become a very common solution across the community. As a former Marine, Will was fortunate in his experience as a radio operator to learn the in's and out's of communications, and the value and impact that a good antenna brings to any team. We talk at length about this, along with how to create and tune improvised antennas to be effective in the field. Additionally, Will is a part time law enforcement officer, and we got into a good deal of that conversation, talking about qualifications, standards, culture, and more. It was great for me, being able to connect with a fellow Michigander and have a insightful conversation about all of this, and a lot more,

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  • As we welcome in April, we're seeing a turning of the tide in public support, some new ideas that could really change the conversation around school security, and potentially a legal situation that could shake several popular arguments to their very core. In this months SITREP, I share my thoughts and my feelings around the rapidly diminishing support for the current President from some very large names in media. Typically, these talking heads throw their support without question behind the party on the left, but some rather noticeable comments as of late, have turned some heads, to say the least. There's also a very interesting bill being proposed in Tennessee that potentially could allow for the arming of school teachers and staff, and could possibly bring about a drastic change in how we see school security. I wrap, but touching on the hot topic, of a Illinois court ruling that illegal aliens are constitutionally protected by the second amendment. There's a lot to dig into in this one folks, give it a listen!

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    One Hundred Concepts - www.onehundredconcepts.com

  • J.T joins me once again, and we dive into a discussion around one of the most contentious topics in our community. Equipment and Gear. More specifically, we talk about how to leverage your kit to maximize your success, while minimizing any negative side effects. Having spent time on both a full-time SWAT team, with a high volume, as well as currently working in a capacity to operate with a special investigations team, J.T. has unique insights around gear, and how you can make a little, go a long way.. This is a opportunity to connect the law enforcement world, with some of the same challenges and questions that we as prepared civilians face, and learn how we can possibly overcome them. We touched on having multiple gear setups, the importance behind knowing and testing your gear, benefits and impacts of ancillary items like gas masks and NODs, and a lot more. Give this one a listen, I think you'll be surprised at some of what we unpack in this discussion.

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    One Hundred Concepts - www.onehundredconcepts.com

  • Jason "Jabo" Long is a twenty-five year veteran of law enforcement, and a current cadre member with Guild Solutions Group. During his years as an officer, Jabo had the opportunity to serve seventeen years as a full time member of his agencies SWAT team, working in a variety of capacities including as a sniper, breacher, dog handler, and bomb technician. Jabo and I get into his experiences and some of the observations he took away from his time in uniform. We talk about changes in weapons and gear, the challenges that law enforcement face both within society, as well as within their own infrastructure, and more. As a active instructor with Guild, he constantly helps his students overcome their challenges and share the benefits of the lessons he has learned. We even spend time talking about qualities of a good teachers, and the true importance of facilitating learning for pupils. Truthfully, we didn't even get into everything I had wanted to touch on, and I'm certainly looking forward to our follow on conversations. Give this one a listen, I'm sure you're going to enjoy it.

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    One Hundred Concepts - www.onehundredconcepts.com

  • Two of the most dominant and followed disciplines within our community are that of Close Quarters Battle, or CQB, and Small Unit Tactics, or SUT. Both of these have skillsets have their benefits, and many individuals develop a deep passion for one or the other. This sort of "this or that" mentality has led, as I'm sure many have you have seen, to one side decrying the other, pointing to how obviously nonsensical it is. In this weeks episode, Josh and I fight this out, and sort out what actually makes more sense for the prepared civilian, and why a lot of the rest is just plain garbage. We talk past conflicts, we talk practicality, and we get into impacts of this dilemma on our culture, and how we can best address it. This was definitely one of the more passionate episodes that Josh and I have done together, and I'm interested to hear what you all think as well. Give this one a listen, and see what you think!

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    One Hundred Concepts - www.onehundredconcepts.com

  • By the week, more and more people are making the choice to be more aware, be more accountable, be more prepared. It's as if before our eyes, whether we see it or realize it, our community is growing by leaps and bounds. For the first time in a very long while, we're seeing citizens start to question the own stability, security, and safety, and asking what to do to fix it. In this weeks episode, Josh and I talk about how we all can help mentor those willing to make the lifestyle changes and who are seeking out both knowledge, and guidance. As a community, we often preach against ideas like gatekeeping, but we're notoriously bad at actually enforcing the ideals which condemn that behavior. Bringing new folks into the fold through skills like land navigation, or hiking, and activities like working out, and yes, hitting the range, are essential steps in helping to show the uninformed, a better way of being. We talk about all of this, and also share our opinions on some of the largest missteps, and how to best help your fellow man.

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    One Hundred Concepts - www.onehundredconcepts.com

  • Emergency Management, as a phrase, usually triggers thoughts of Hurricane Katrina, flash flooding, and natural disasters. In general, it's still a relatively young discipline, with new ways of thinking and more importantly planning, being developed. To dig into this, I sit down with Chris Downs, owner of Gray Tusk Emergency Management, and jump down the rabbit hole into a number of different concerns and considerations that should be included when trying to prepare and plan for worst-case-scenario type situations. Chris and I together get into evacuation planning, the importance of maps and navigation, bio and cyber terrorism implications, the impact of artificial intelligence, preservation of critical infrastructure, and more. This was an extremely insightful and thought provoking discussion that highlighted a lot of gaps in my own plans, and I'm sure will for yours as well. I encourage everyone who's pursuing general preparedness and overall capability planning to give this a listen, and reach out to Chris for his expertise!

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  • Another month, and more to unpack in the March SITREP discussion. We're currently experiencing one of the most turbulent political times in recent memory, with both the pending election this year, as well as news of Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell announcing that he will be stepping down later this year. Unfortunately, since politics and politicians so heavily influence much of our daily lives and our lifestyle, this has the volatile potential to have a tremendous impact in more ways than we can probably imagine, when combined with the fallout of our next presidential election. I dig into this a bit, and as always I provide you with commentary around my concerns, as well as a few predictions for the months ahead. We also talk about Canada's latest contribution to the ever-present conflict in Ukraine, and find time to hit on the ongoing Supreme Court case regarding the Trump-era bump stock ban. There's a lot to chew through on this one, so give it a listen, and as always, feel free to reach out with your thoughts and comments!

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    Ben Franklin Range - www.benfranklinrange.com

  • Its 2024, and the primary election here in Michigan. It appears, that just as we were four short years ago, we're likely to be faced with a Trump v. Biden election. Looking back, 2020 was a year of outrageous violence and tremendous change in our country. Many of us were left to watch as cities burned and lives were shattered, clinging only to the fact that we weren't the ones whos lives were torn apart. In this discussion, Josh and I beg to question what we can do today, to further protect ourselves and our families from that which may come. Since we've all seen it come to past relatively recently, it's no longer simply an idea. It's now a memory, with lasting impacts, and it's real to us. When we talk about a "modern minuteman" we talk a lot about rifles, but beyond that, what does it truly mean? Both of us share our thoughts and some of our unique feelings on the subject and hope that it will move you to take steps to better enable yourself, and better protect your families.

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    Larp Labs - www.larplabs.com discount code "preparedmindset" for 10% off!

  • Content reviews and advertising are an almost integral part of our community in 2024. The latest and greatest optic, pistol, carrier, or whatever have you drops, and you're not only inundated with reviews, but you have a vast library of content to consume and compare it to, should you wish. It's how many, if not all of us, shape our purchasing decisions. In this weeks episode, I'm joined by Elliot Delp, who is a YouTube personality who's got a lot of experience in the industry, building a presence from nothing, to something. Elliot makes some great video content, and was even nominated for some awards for his videos this past year. Together, we had a great discussion and dive into not only some of the lessons Elliot has learned while growing, but we spend quite a bit of time talking about monetary exchanges behind content, as well as the stigmas that can accompany some of those transactions. I found our chat to be very insightful, and I think ya'll will enjoy it too. Give it a listen!

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    Larp Labs - www.larplabs.com discount code "preparedmindset" for 10% off!

  • If you've been working to hone and refine your skills, push your limits and improve your performance, but have hit the plateau, this may be just the episode for you. This week, I'm joined by Rob Epifania, a USPSA Grand Master, Orion Training Group Cadre member, and owner of Systematic Performance Concepts, to talk all about getting better. As a competitive shooter as well as an athlete, Rob has a deep passion and drive for performing and excelling at high levels of competition. Throughout our talk, we dig into Rob's experience and growth not only as a shooter, but as a teacher, touching on things like not only what you're training, but how you train it. We talk quite a bit about the importance of details and deliberate evaluation, as well as the value in introspection. I personally had a lot of fantastic takeaways from our chat, and look forward to bringing Rob back on in the future to expand on this conversation.

    You can find Rob on Instagram at @robepifania as well as more information and free lessons at https://www.robepifania.net/free-drills?utm_campaign=skedlink&utm_medium=button&utm_source=skedlink

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