En podcast som har til formål at skabe ro, refleksion og glæde. Og tid til at tænke over tingene. Podcasten beskæftiger sig med emner såsom træning, kost, sundhed, markedsføring, livet/eksistens, internetkultur og digital kommunikation. Vi tager os tid, graver os dybt ned og forsøger at være så agendaløse som muligt. Vi inviterer også spændende gæster, som kan udfordre både os og jer.
Podcastens værter er Morten Svane og Jacob Beermann. -
Talking Robots is a podcast featuring interviews with high-profile professionals in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for an inside view on the science, technology, and business of intelligent robotics. It is managed and sponsored by the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (LIS) at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Finding streaming success is hard. But you don't have to do it alone.
Join GreenChord and special streaming guests each week as we dive into the secrets behind growth on your stream! Stream Key is your source for in-depth guides on improving your Twitch stream, covering everything from identity, to developer relations, to branding. We also cover important news events in the streaming world that you should know about.
Have a question or topic you want help with?
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A show that sheds light behind the Dark Myths Collective members, and host other collaborative projects.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dr, Andy Cohen, with 28 years in the high tech industry, and Master Craftsman Whitney Potter both use 3D Printing, 3D capture and 3D Design professionally. These guys dig through all the hype to reveal the real value in what is happening today in the exciting world of 3D Printing. They discuss topics such as how to tune, upgrade and maintain your desktop factory, capturing physical objects into virtual 3D space, how to develop your own designs for 3D Printing, developing businesses related to 3D Printing and all the latest innovations. Each episode includes current events, 3-5 technically focused segments, and a "Thing of the week". The show also includes guest segments from luminaries and specialists including Emmett Lalish, Brook Drumm and lots of others across this incredible new Profession... ? Industry... ? Hobby... ?
Computationel thinking - at tænke med maskiner er en podcast-serie fra It-vest om informatik og brugen af computationelle metoder i forskning og uddannelse.
Du vil få indsigt i, hvordan computere kan supplere vores kognitive kompetencer, og du vil møde en lang række forskere fra vidt forskellige forskningsfelter, der fortæller, hvordan de med computernes regnekraft og dataopsamling kan skabe helt nye resultater, som ikke var mulige for mennesket alene.
Du kan finde podcast-serien på vores hjemmeside ().
Den er produceret af Anders Høeg Nissen, (podLAB), i samarbejde med It-vest. -
En særpodcast i tre afsnit om markedsføring og annoncering på Facebook.For første gang har Facebook inviteret en dansk journalist ind i de hellige haller for, over en periode på to dage, at lære fra sig og dele ud af deres egne bedste tips og tricks til, hvordan du bliver en markedsføringskonge (eller dronning) på verdens største sociale medie. Du får også et eksklusivt kig bag facaden på en ret vild arbejdsplads!!Du kan finde mere info og links fra podcasten på
Postmortem is a tech show that examines the challenges developers face when creating all kinds of digital games - as told by the people who make them. Each episode features an audio autopsy in which the hosts (an ex-indie developer, a mobile games producer and a producer from LEGO) investigates the triumphs, failures and lessons and ultimately cause of death in order to help other creatives learn and become better developers and maybe even better people.
Our Dog Show is a podcast meant for pet parents and dog lovers. We discuss important issues of the day as well as training concerns and light hearted pet related stories. Our Dog Show is a bi-weekly podcast available in both video and audio formats. Certified dog trainers, rescue organizations, and pet store owners and products will be guests on the show to talk about the latest and greatest in pet care. Whether you have a full grown adult dog, or a 12 week old puppy you can learn a lot by watching just one of our 15 minute video or audio podcasts.
Learn Japanese language goodness every day, 365 days a year with Manga Sensei.
Manga Sensei breaks down complicated Japanese grammar and simplifies it so that anyone can understand it in 5 min or less every Monday through Friday.
Join us and learn the world’s best language. On the weekend we also get to interview master Japanese speakers, teachers, language hackers, Japanese businessmen, and translators to give you the tips and tricks that everyone, from the first day Japanese learner to the advanced speaker can all learn from.
This podcast is great for people studying for the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test), people interested in Japanese grammar and semantics, masters of the trade who might want to learn something new, or just want to get started. We got you.
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