This episode explores new research, which has found that countries like the US and UK use more land for golf courses than for wind or solar energy.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘Seaside Golf’ by John Betjeman here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has found that wildfire suppressants contain toxic metals.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘Smothered Fires’ by Georgia Douglas Johnson here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
Saknas det avsnitt?
This episode explores new research, which has found that Ancient Egyptian mummies still smell nice.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘The Egyptian Tomb of Emily Dickinson’ by Alexandria Peary here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has found that urban rat populations are increasing in most major cities - driven by climate warming and urbanisation.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘The Rats’ by Pierre Martory here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has investigated bacteria that can eat forever chemicals.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘Triple Moments of Light and Industry’ by Brenda Hillman here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has investigated bacteria that can eat forever chemicals. If you want to find out more about the scientific study featured in this episode, or read any of the poems in full, then please visit the show notes at scipoetry.podbean.com.
This episode explores new research, which has investigated the key risks from Arctic permafrost thaw.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘Undoing’ by Khadijah Queen here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has found that barn owls have evolved to camouflage themselves by moonlight.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘The Owl’ by Arthur Sze here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has found that sea surface temperatures and deeper water temperatures reached a new record high in 2024.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘The Sea Chews Things Up’ by Cleopatra Mathis here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has found microplastic hotspots across the Southern Ocean.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read 'If the ocean had a mouth' by Marie-Elizabeth Mali here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which explores the emerging archaeological record of Mars.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘Tea-Strainer’ by Joyelle McSweeney here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which explores the emerging archaeological record of Mars.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘Here's Mars’ by William H. Dickey here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has found that air pollution in India is linked to millions of deaths.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘The Air Smelled Dirty’ by Marge Piercy here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has shown climate warming destabilises boreal forests.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘The Forest of Dead Trees’ by Mark Turbyfill here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has found 1.5-million-year-old footprints of two different species of human ancestors at the same spot.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘Footsteps’ by Fanny Howe here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has found that more snow could protect glaciers from melt – but only if we curb greenhouse gas emissions soon.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘Eating the Glacier’ by Lauren Winchester here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has found that rainforest protection reduces the number of respiratory diseases.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘Rainforest’ by Teresa Mei Chuc here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:https://linktr.ee/sam.illingworth
This episode explores new research, which has observed warm ocean water moving beneath the Ross Ice Shelf of Antarctica, where it contributes to ice melting.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read 'Ice' by Gail Mazur here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:Email: sam.illingworth@gmail.com X: @samillingworth
This episode explores new research, which has found that bats use an acoustic cognitive map for navigation.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘Bats' by Luke Hathaway here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:Email: sam.illingworth@gmail.com X: @samillingworth
This episode explores new research, which has found that human actions cause insect colour change.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘Insect’ by Annie Finch here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:Email: sam.illingworth@gmail.com X: @samillingworth
This episode explores new research, which has found that tropical mammals react to changes in lunar light.
---Read this episode’s science poem here. Read the scientific study that inspired it here.Read ‘Moonlight’ by Paul Verlaine here.
---Music by Rufus Beckett.---Follow Sam on social media and send in any questions or comments for the podcast:Email: sam.illingworth@gmail.com X: @samillingworth
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