We're revisiting a topic from over ten years ago (which we can do, because apparently this podcast is over ten years old, even though that can't be right), as we talk about notable cases of people disappearing in conspiratorial circumstances, never to be seen again. We hit the classics (Hoffa and Lucan) and more besides.
Josh talks to M about their recent presentation at the University of Waikato.
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M is off living life, so Josh presents a solo episode about a big bang. But not the sexy kind, the World War I sabotage kind. Which, we think you'll agree, is worse.
We're back! The good news is that M and Josh are in the same country, so can record together in person; the bad news is that this means the usual recording setup isn't available, so the sound quality leaves something to be desired (the wind actually whistling around the building doesn't help either). Nevertheless, it won't stop Josh from making good on his promise to scour more of M's old radio show episodes and throw them back in their face.
It's a Xmas miracle: a formerly patron bonus episode made freely available to all. Here M talks with Brian L. Keeley about that LLM-generated podcast that was based upon his work.
Gather round, children! It's nearly Christmas time, and if you listen closely, you can hear the approach of that most Christmassy of things: a low-effort "year in review" episode to finish off the year! It's a Yuletide miracle probably!
Regular recording didn't work out this week, so Josh has recorded a short episode that acts as a companion piece to our last episode on the killings of political dissidents, followed by a brief Public Service Announcement on a matter close to his heart.
Also, for some reason this time his microphone picked up every single rustle of fabric every time he moved, so watch out for that.
This week we travel back in time to look at the death by poison-tipped umbrella of a Bulgarian dissident living in London in the 70s. Ah the past - things sure were wacky back then. Not like right now, when everything is as normal and stable as it could possibly be and if you'll excuse me I'm going to stand in a corner screaming for the next 17 months.
Josh and M use the excuse that the Golden Owl has been found to take a trip back to the conspiracy and look at treasure hunts like the Fenn Treasure, Masquerade, Hareraiser, the Eternity Puzzles, and the Publius Enigma.
ominous tone.wav by mderr -- https://freesound.org/s/403184/ -- License: Attribution 3.0
"Cassamagain"? Why do we keep letting Josh come up with titles? True, this episode again looks at the work of Quassim Cassam; this time it's "Conspiracy Theories" - not the book, but its remake/sequel article from 2023. Is it the Evil Dead 2 of conspiracy theory theory, or is it the The Craft: Legacy? It's not Desperado, that's for damn sure.
M and Josh take their first look at Quassim Cassam's 2019 book "Conspiracy Theories". M would like to reiterate that Cassam is not his archenemy; Josh would like to emphasise that that would be awesome though.
It's the inaugural instance of our new "game" where Josh tests M's memory of radio segments they recorded over a decade ago! We see how much M can recall about obscure Internet performance art projects and dodgy goings-on at the Vatican!! It's a fun an exciting game with everything to play for!!! EVERYTHING.
This week Josh and M do something controversial: they argue that on some level, you have to admit Alex Jones is Right. Looking over Alex's long career and recent proclamations, Josh and M pinpoint when and where Jones has been Right, and what that means for conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorising...
M is back and so is their voice, so we can both talk about the only thing there is to talk about at the moment: the latest US election plot twists to come flying at the world. Which includes us, since we are in the world, no matter what you may have heard.
M is back, but unwell, so Josh delivers another bit of filler, this time indulging his love of language by talking about the origins of a bit of Internet slang that happens to have a conspiratorial tie-in. He chose to do this above talking about two different assassinations - one recent and unsuccessful; one historical and probably not an assassination at all - so sorry or you're welcome, depending on how much you like talking about assassinations.
The diagram that got Josh started on this can be found here: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/poggers
With M off in London and/or Bucharest, Josh fills time by telling you all the secret history of New Zealand as contained in The Opal File (or possibly The Opal Files - no-one seems sure). What do Robert Muldoon, G. Gordon Liddy and the Shah of Iran have in common? They're all in The Opal File!
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