
  • Parshas Shelach, Envision the Promise

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna. May all those who need experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Hinda Bas Udl, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha has the story of the spies reconnaissance of Israel. The Jewish people lacked faith in what G-d had told them about the land, so they asked Moshe if they could send spies to study Israel and report back their findings.

    We find the connection between the spies exploration of the land and the Mitzvah of Tzitzis.

    We learn about the vision we must have for our future to prosper!

  • Parshas Behaalosecha, embracing the mission

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of Pesha Henna bas Yitta Gittel. May all those who need experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Hinda Bas Udl, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha starts with G-d telling Moshe that Aaron's job is to light the Menorah daily in the Mishkan (the Tabernacle).

    G-d then gave Moshe the instructions for how the tribe of Levi had to purify themselves before working in the Mishkan. They had to remove all their body hair, be sprinkled with ashes, and bring two special sacrifices.

    We find out why the Leviim had to separate from the nation to begin the purification process.

    We learn how to define our place in God's preordained plan for the universe.

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  • Parsha Bamidbar & Shavous, Angels on Earth

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    We begin Sefer of Bamidbar with the story as we left it at the end of Sefer Shemos. The Jewish people traveled from Egypt to Mt. Sinai, where they received the Torah and committed the sin of the Golden Calf.

    Our Parsha begins with G-d commanding Moshe to count every Jewish man from the ages of 20 to 60.

    We find out the unique method Moshe Rabbeinu was commanded to use to count the Jewish people.

    We learn the status of the Jewish people as they received the Torah.

    Have a joyous Shavous!

  • Parsha Bechukosai, Heaven to Earth

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. This week's Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha ends Sefer Vayikra, the third book of the Torah. We begin with the incredible blessings we will receive for doing mitzvahs with dedication and enthusiasm.

    We find some of the rewards for following in G-d's path.

    We learn the dedication and commitment G-d has for His chosen people.

  • Parshas Behar & Lag B'Omer, Rest and Renewal

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha begins with an overview of the laws of Shemitah and Yovel.

    Shemitah is a seven-year cycle in which we may farm the land for six years; however, we must let the land rest in the seventh year.

    We find out the laws of Shemitah.

    We learn the true status of the land of Israel.

  • Parshas Emor, Legacy of Holiness

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. This week's Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Hinda Bas Udl, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha begins with the law that is applicable to this very day, the commandment that a Kohen must remain Tahor—ritually pure—at all times.

    A Kohen may not come in contact with a human corpse or attend funerals, with one exception.

    We find out why the Torah repeats who is designated to serve in the Mishkan.

    We learn how we continue the Legacy of those who came before us.

  • Parshas Kedoshim, justice for all

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha begins with the statement: "You shall be holy, for I, the Lord your G‑d, am holy."

    This declaration is followed by many Mitzvahs, charity, Shabbos, morality, honesty in business, honoring and showing awe to one's parents.

    There are 51 Mitzvahs in our Torah Portion, 13 positive and 38 negative commandments.

    We find out about the commandment to judge everyone fairly.

    We learn the true purpose behind this important and necessary Mitzvah.

  • The Pesach Perspective, Legacy of Liberation

    The Pesach Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Pesach Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. The Pesach Perspective is in loving memory of Hinda Bas Udl, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    We are about to celebrate Pesach, the holiday of freedom. We meticulously clean our homes, eat the ancient and spiritual bread of Matzah, and drink four cups of wine to honor our liberation.

    Unfortunately, with hostages still in captivity, the Exodus narrative becomes starkly relevant.

    We learn how to celebrate Pesach with such pain in the present moment.

  • Parsha Metzora, Redemption Through Unity

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna, Hinda Bas Udl and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. This week's Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Hinda Bas Udl, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    The release date of this episode coincides with the birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. With immense dedication, the Rebbe set out to rebuild the Jewish Nation after the Holocaust, which had nearly shattered world Jewry.

    The Rebbe sent Shluchim, emissaries across the globe to revitalize and reinvigorate the Jewish people. Today, his emissaries are in over 1,000 cities in 100 countries and in all 50 US States, totaling more than 4,000 institutions worldwide.

    Our Parsha begins with the rigorous purification process a person must undergo after their Tzara'as - leprosy is pronounced healed by a Cohen.

    We find what the Cohen must do to help the purification process of a Metzora.

    We learn how we must actively participate in hastening the ultimate redemption!

  • Parshas Tazria, Speech and Destiny

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna, Hinda Bas Udl and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. This week's Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Hinda Bas Udl, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha discusses the intricate laws of Tzara'as, a skin discoloration.

    Since Tzara'as is understood as a physical manifestation of spiritual transgression, it renders the person who receives it ritually impure.

    We find why the Torah uses an uncommon to introduce the intricate laws of Tzara'as.

    We learn the distinctive connection between our speech and destiny.

  • Parshas Shemini, Bridging the Divide

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. This week's Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Hinda Bas Udl, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    The release date of this episode coincides with the birthday of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka on the 25th of Adar. A beacon of modesty, her legacy exemplifies the profound influence of inner strength and the power of subtle impact. May her life inspire us all to seek strength from within and live a life of purpose and dedication.

    Our Parsha begins as Aaron and his sons are officiated as Kohanim in the Mishkan on the eighth day of its inauguration.

    G-d's fire consumed the sacrifices they had brought, signaling that the divine presence was in the Mishkan.

    We find the mistake made with the sin offering.

    We learn the empathy and understanding necessary when dealing with our people worldwide.

  • Fast to Feast, the Purim Perspective!

    The Purim Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Purim Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna and Hinda Bas Udl, may they have a speedy and complete recovery. The Purim Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    The Purim Perspective is in honor of the health of the mind, body and soul of Yakkov Ben Yehudis and the success of Naftoli Ben Yehudis.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    The release of this episode coincides with Taanis Esther—the Fast of Esther—as we quickly approach the joyous holiday of Purim.

    Interestingly, Taanis Esther is unique and differs from other fast days, as demonstrated by this year's schedule that highlights its singularity.

    We learn the uniqueness of Taanis Esther and it's uniqueness in our post Oct 7th world!

    Happy Purim!

  • Parshas Pekudei, Sanctuary Beyond Structure

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna, Hinda Bas Udl and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. This week's Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha begins with Moshe making an accounting of all the gold, silver, and copper that the Jewish nation donated toward the building of the Mishkan.

    The two foremen in charge of its construction, Betzalel and Aliyev, brought all the completed components to Moshe for inspection.

    After reviewing each part, he consecrated them with special oil and placed them in their intended place.

    He sprinkled his brother, Aaron Hakohen, and his four sons with the same oil to initiate them into the covenant of priesthood.

    We find out the uniqueness of the Mishkan over the Beis Hamikdash.

    We learn the power of our actions as we speak toward the ultimate redemption!

  • Parshas Vayakhel, Commanded to Unite

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna, Hinda Bas Udl and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. This week's Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha begins with Moshe descending from Mt. Sinai with the second pair of Luchos. He gathered the Jewish nation to teach them the intricate laws of constructing the Mishkan.

    We find out why the Jewish nation was assembled the day after Moshe Rabbeinu came down from Mt. Sinai.

    We learn the necessity of unity, especially in the face of adversity.

  • Parshas Ki Tisa, we need You

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna, Hinda Bas Udl and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. This week's Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha tells us the story of perhaps the biggest lapse of judgment in our history.

    A sin that caused G-d to want to destroy that generation and begin anew. A transgression thousands of people died from and is felt till this very day, the sin of the Golden Calf.

    We find what Moshe did after attaining forgiveness for the Jewish people.

    We learn the depth of our connection with G-d despite our many sins and mistakes.

  • Parshas Tetzaveh, skipping through the gates

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna, Hinda Bas Udl and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. This week's Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha continues to speak about the building and service of the Mishkan. G-d tells Moshe that only the purest of olive oils can be used for the daily kindling of the Menorah.

    G-d appoints Aaron and his sons to serve as Kohanim in the Mishkan on behalf of the Jewish people.

    We find out the requirements for a Kohen to work in the Mishkan.

    We learn the purpose of the golden bells on the bottom of the robe of the Kohen Gadol.

  • Parshas Terumah, the space we create

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna, Hinda Bas Udl and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. This week's Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha begins with G-d instructing Moshe to solicit donations from the Jewish people for constructing the Mishkan, a sanctuary for G-d.

    They were asked to donate precious stones, gold, silver, and copper, as well as specialty red, blue, and purple wool, linen, animal skins, and acacia wood.

    We find out the condition to contribute and donate to the building of the Mishkan.

    We learn the importance of space for ourselves and others in growth and development.

  • Parshas Mishpatim, time to grow

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of our homeland, Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers as they eradicate our enemies. May G-d save all the hostages in Gaza from harm and return them immediately. May G-d comfort all those who lost family or friends in the horrific attack. May G-d grant a speedy recovery to all those injured in the attack.

    The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Leah Mintche Bas Ya'akov Yosef, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    This week's Parsha Perspective is dedicated by Yoram and Yael Cohen in honor of the birth of their grandson to Moshe and Ohr Miriam Pershin. May they merit to raise him with health and happiness in the ways of Torah and Mitzvahs!

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha begins with G-d giving Moshe and the Jewish nation fifty-three new practical commandments.

    The laws regarding the treatment of slaves, personal injury, murder, and the requirements of a person who is a guardian of another's property.

    The commandment to see the Beis Hamikdash three times a year, the laws of Shemitah, sacrifices, and returning a lost object.

    We find out what an Eved Evri must do to stay with his master after his initial years are completed.

    We learn the purpose of the initial years of Slavery for the Eved Evri.

  • Parshas Yisro, the most capable leader

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of our homeland, Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers as they eradicate our enemies. May G-d save all the hostages in Gaza from harm and return them immediately. May G-d comfort all those who lost family or friends in the horrific attack. May G-d grant a speedy recovery to all those injured in the attack.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna, Hinda Bas Udl and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. This week's Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    This week's episode is in honor of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, the wife of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The Rebbetzin's Yahrtzeit is on the 22nd of Shevet, the release date of this episode.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    Our Parsha has the Aseres Hadibros, the Ten Commandments, making it one of the most significant portions of the Torah. G-d came down to the mountain and said the Ten Commandments, confirming that we are His chosen nation.

    We found out what Yisro told Moshe.

    We learn the real characteristics of a leader.

  • Parshas Beshalach, progress and growth

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of our homeland, Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers as they eradicate our enemies. May G-d save all the hostages in Gaza from harm and return them immediately. May G-d comfort all those who lost family or friends in the horrific attack. May G-d grant a speedy recovery to all those injured in the attack.

    The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help.

    The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Leah Mintche Bas Ya'akov Yosef, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.

    Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com

    The release date of this episode coincides with Tu B’Shvat, the 15th of Shevat, the new year for trees.

    This Shabbos is called Shabbos Shira, the Shabbos of Praise, in honor of the special song the Jewish nation sang to G-d for the miraculous salvation.

    Our Parsha begins with Pharaoh regretting his decision to free the Jewish nation; he decides to chase after them and finish his Jewish problem.

    We find what the Jewish people sang after God split the sea Reeds.

    We learn the steps necessary to take advantage of the opportunities G-d places before us.