Why I Stopped Geocaching and what got me back in to geocaching.
Something a little different this week. It's sort of a vlog mixed with a podcast....a vlogcast if you will.
We’re raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Donation page is
Amy: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/amy-dawson18
Mark: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ohbeep
About Macmillan – https://www.macmillan.org.uk
Contact the show…
Website: http://www.ohbeepgcp.com
E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp -
On This Weeks Show...
Why I archived all my Geocaches. It's a very petty reason.
Fundraising...We're raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Donation page is
Amy: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/amy-dawson18
Mark: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ohbeep
About Macmillan - https://www.macmillan.org.uk
Contact the show...Website: http://www.ohbeepgcp.com
E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
Saknas det avsnitt?
On This Weeks Show...
Mark just can't find a Geocache anywhere.
Fundraising...We're raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Donation page is
Amy: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/amy-dawson18
Mark: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ohbeep
About Macmillan - https://www.macmillan.org.uk
Contact the show...Website: http://www.ohbeepgcp.com
E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On This Weeks Show...
Mark and Sam drop off a trackable, to send it on its way back to Scott Berks in Illinois.
Fundraising...We're raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Donation page is
Amy: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/amy-dawson18
Mark: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ohbeep
About Macmillan - https://www.macmillan.org.uk
Contact the show...Website: http://www.ohbeepgcp.com
E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On This Weeks Show...
Day one of training for Amy, this episode was recorded whilst out walking in prep for the big one.
Fundraising...We're raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Donation page is
Amy: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/amy-dawson18
Mark: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ohbeep
About Macmillan - https://www.macmillan.org.uk
Thank you to Yvonne Brothers and Scott Berks, who both donated this week.
Contact the show...Website: www.ohbeepgcp.com
E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On This Weeks Show...
Whats going on with our preparation for The Macmillan Peak District Mighty Hike.
Fundraising...We're raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Donation page is https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ohbeep
About Macmillan - https://www.macmillan.org.uk
How much have we raised? Add link to Amy’s funding page.
Thank anonymous for $25 donation.
Feedback...From Sebastian, on YouTube
"Nature poo" issue is nothing unusual. Talking about it is the same as talking about any other of aspect of hiking, at least among hikers. :)
Questions from the audience...From @Seb_Mya on Twitter
I have some about the walk.
1. Do you like hiking at all?
2. Physical training is important but the real battle will be on a mental level - how will you prepare yourself for that.
3. Do you want to complete the walk no matter what (example: bad weather, injuries)?
General Topics...What is the difference between a walk and a hike - talk about how my PT says I should walk the dog and take a hike, as if the two are different.
So it seems that hiking and walking often are the same thing, and the best outdoors people have difficulty in drawing the line of when a walk becomes a hike. http://walking.yoexpert.com
How has training gone this week?
What have we ticked off the to do list?
Photos From Previous Hikes... Contact the show...Website: www.ohbeepgcp.com
E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On this weeks show...
Amy and Mark discuss The Macmillan Peak District Mighty Hike and how they're preparing for it.
Fundraising...I'm raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Donation page is https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ohbeep
About Macmillan - https://www.macmillan.org.uk
Contact the show...Website: www.ohbeepgcp.com
E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On this weeks show...
I'm out and about with Murphy. I ramble on a bit about why there are more urban Geocaches now than ever. Based on a conversation by the Geocaching Podcast team, during one of their Patreon only shows.
Fundraising...I'm raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Donation page is https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ohbeep
About Macmillan - https://www.macmillan.org.uk
Contact the show...Website: www.ohbeepgcp.com
E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On this weeks show...
There is a Geocache 129m away from where I am sat and another 394m away. I've lived in this place, during the week, for the last two years. Yet I still haven't even attempted to find these Geocaches. Why not?
I'm saving them for when I NEED to find them for whatever reason, a streak, a milestone maybe.
I'm lazy. I drive right past both of them on the way to and from work. Its effort to stop the car and have a look.
One is overlooked by a house. That puts me off instantly.
If I'm honest, I'd prefer to explore somewhere new. I can find these caches anytime. Fundraising...Raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Donation page is https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ohbeep
About Macmillan - https://www.macmillan.org.uk
Contact the show...Website: www.ohbeepgcp.com
E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On this weeks show...
Geocaching.com news Let’s talk some more about geocache quality
I'm discussing the traits of a good Geocacher
Log's DNF's - if its really missing, other than regular maintenance checks, this is the best way for the cache owner to find out if there is a potential issue. Carry out on the fly repairs to geocaches - often just replacing the paper, sometimes the container if damaged. Puts the cache back where it was found, not where they think it should go. Move that trackable on, don't just let it sit in the bottom of your gym bag. Contact the show...Website: www.ohbeepgcp.com
E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On this weeks show...
MC Binary brings his rapping talents to breakdown what Geocaching is - check him out on Soundcloud: Geocaching by MC Binary
The song is that good, I decided to play it in its entirety as the sole content for this episode.
Contact the show...Website: www.ohbeepgcp.com
E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On this weeks show...
I settle the debate on if Geocaching is a game or a sport. The only difference between golf and Geocaching is one has a ball and the other has tupperware (other cache containers are available). Therefore, Geocaching is a sport.
I also examine some of the benefits of Geocaching, specifically the positives of being outdoors in nature:
Being outdoors is our best source of vitamin d - which is beneficial to our immune systems. Improved sleep - Here's the link. Sleep patterns > Body Clock > The Suns's schedule. Spending time away from natural light breaks the chain and therefore our sleep patterns. Exercise - The benefits here are obvious. BUT, exercising outdoors - as opposed to a gym - can lead to more energy being exerted. Plus its more enjoyable being outdoors, so you're likely to do it longer. Mental Health - Improved attention span. Boosts serotonins (makes you feel good). Being out in nature increases activity in parts of the brain linked with empathy and emotional stability (urban environments can cause fear and anxiety). #geocachingcreators...Sebastian's YouTube channel - His Coast to Coast series of videos shows off the North of England in all its glory.
Contact the show...Website: www.ohbeepgcp.com
E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On this weeks show...
It occurred to me the other day, while I was planning a day out Geocaching, that I actively avoid hide types and series types and vice versa on the caches I will do. Most notable on this list and why:
Won't Do's
Little Bridges series - they usually involve a single plank timber bridge over a ditch. That also means the cache is usually underneath the plank. I'm not getting on my hands and knees in the middle of winter weather, especially if its cold and wet.
Anything involving water - for obvious reasons.
Anything in the woods - spent too many Geocaching trips face down in muddy puddles in the woods for comfort.
Any involving steep inclines - Yes, I have slipped on several occasions.
Will Do's
Urban hides - Those with no mud
Hedgerows - The geocaches are easier to spot in winter
Church Micros - Mostly like urban geocaches
Any on a cycle route - flat, no mud
#geocachingcreatorsThis Is Geocaching by The Downunder Geocaching Adventures of No Tomorrow
Contact the show...E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On this weeks show...
There have been lots of changes in technology in the six years since I started Geocaching. In this episode I talk about what has changed in the equipment I use. The answer is surprising.
Sebastian (from Twitter)
First two months I was using map printouts with a cross marking the spot - true treasure hunt. :) It was before smartphones - Nokia era.
StaticJay (Twitter)
I still use an entry level gpsr, when I can be bothered. But I mostly use what ever smart phone I have to hand at the time, due to it being a pain in the ass to load my Garmin.
#geocachingcreatorsBob Billy's DNF Avenged - Cache Tales
Neil Moore
Contact the show...E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On this weeks show...
Back to the new format. I will be talking about the little things I forgot when I was on my Geocaching hiatus:
ICP = Ivy Covered Post. A cache hide I detest and try to avoid. Geocaching with a big format phone in one hand, a bouncy dog on the end of a lead in the other isn't easy. Oh and don't forget the poo bag.I take it back about the quality of the Geocaches out there now. I did a series called Get Your Kicks by Bozzer123, that was well maintained, had some inventive caches and was a decent walk for the dog.
#geocachingcreatorsThis shows #geocaching creator is Geocaching Gal, who has been live streaming her finds on Twitch. You can find her on Twitter as @geocachinggal and Twitch as not surprisingly Geocachinggal.
Contact the show...E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
Rock Intro 3 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/ Flighty Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100421 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ -
On this weeks show...
Featuring special guest Mr Scott Berks of The Geocaching Podcast, with an exclusive announcement.
Song mention at the start of the conversation Geocaching by MC Binery
Miss Watto and I were recently doing a virtual cache in Loughborough (GC7B956 War Memorial #388 - Loughborough Carillon Tower by sixxdoguk).
Without giving too much away the cache required us to count the number of letters on the memorial plaques at the cache location. Mid-way through counting it occurred to me how foolish we must look to anyone passing by. The technique we both employed was the stand very close to the plaques and run our fingers along the surface to keep track of where we'd counted to.
We're both professional people, stood in a part, at a war memorial standing close to a wall counting letters. There are people I work with who use that park, anyone of them could have observed me.
Did this stop either of us? Not in the slightest. We were determined to get that find. Plus we were having a good afternoon caching, making the most of the good weather while it lasted.
Scott tells the story of Geocaching under an outdoor cinema screen and a really funny story about Walt Grogan face planting in to a pond.
#geocachingcreatorsDiary of Physicist Farmgirl by Debra Burris
Contact the show...E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
On this weeks show...
A newspaper story about two Geocachers who found £24k of heroin in Dundee, Scotland. Source: Dundee Evening Telegraph
Also, a sort of retro discussion on using a mobile phone or a GPSr for Geocaching. The Geogearheads show this week will be covering this topic in more detail.
Listener Questions...Two from the boys over at The Talking Crass Podcast.
What the hell is geocashing? Beat and I are intrigued!!
What is your best find?
GC13089 Cretehawser by broadsword
#geocachingcreatorsThinks I've seen in the creator community that I want to share.
A video from The Creative Guy, who was given the following challenge.
I was given a challenge to build a geocache with only things in my garage, within two hours. Oh did I mention that I've been up since 4am?
Contact the show...E-mail: ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Ohbeepgcp
Way back in March 2016 Scott Berks (of Geocaching Podcast fame) released a little Fisher Price man in to the world, its mission to wing its way to me in Nottingham.
Check the little feller out here.
The original mission was:
"Originally trying to get to Nottingham"
Well he made it to Nottingham, after a 2.5 year 21600 mile journey.
Now its my turn to return him.
Contact the show:Email - ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
This week on The Oh Beep! Geocaching Podcast...
Mark reintroduces the show, giving a bit of an update on why. Nothing exciting really in this episode. It's good to be back.
Contact the Show...E-mail - ohbeeppodcast@gmail.com
Twitter - @Ohbeepgcp
This Week..
Moan-A-Lot joins us to share some of his Geocaching rants.
Rant 1.People who don't log their finds on the listing site.
Doctor D finally moves on the Evil Feathers TB.
Ask Doctor D..From Docfirewoman
How do you get your Geocaching mojo back?
Rant 2.Lamp post Geocaches in the UK compared with the USA.
Rant 3.Doctor D's poor attempts at Geocache maintenance.
Doctor D goes on strike, again, due to lack of quality Geocaches.
Rant 4.We all hate multi's, but all our favourite Geocaches are multi's.
Rant 5.The Geocaching app and other apps.
Rant 6.Arrogant alarm clocks.
Rant 7.Experienced Geocachers complaining about not being able to find your Geocache, which was an easy find for a first timer.
Rant 8.People who complain co-ords are out, despite 120 people before finding the Geocache exactly where it was hidden.
Rant 9.People putting Geocaches back where the THINK it should be hidden, despite the owners original intent.
Rant 10.Why we don't like urban caches
Rant 11.Reviewers who have their favourite Geocachers.
Rant 12.Geocachers who will take to social media to complain but don't approach the person they have issue with directly.
Rant 13.The Geocaching police.
Rant 14.Buried Geocaches.
Rant 15.Geocaching police who don't like people putting a new series in the same place as an archived series.
Find Moan-A-Lot at his Facebook group Geocachers Anonymous
Rant 16.Logging Geocaches as a team.
Ask Dr D or share your feedback Comment on the shownotes Email feedback@ohbeep.com (audio files welcome) Please connect with us Subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes Join the Facebook Page Follow us on Twitter - Visa fler