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Stynes, Siobhan; Foster, Nadine; O'Dowd, John; Ostelo, Raymond; Konstantinou, Kika. . 'Predictors of outcome following an epidural steroid injection for disc-related sciatica: a Delphi consensus study.'. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society. DOI > view in repository >Stynes, Siobhan; Snell, Kym IE; Riley, Richard D; Konstantinou, Kika; Cherrington, Andrea; Daud, Noor; Ostelo, Raymond; O'Dowd, John; Foster, Nadine E. 01-11-2023. 'Predictors of outcome in sciatica patients following an epidural steroid injection: the POiSE prospective observational cohort study protocol'. BMJ Open. DOI > view in repository >Nagington, A; Foster, NE; Snell, KIE; Konstantinou, K; Stynes, S. 21-01-2023. 'Prognostic factors associated with outcome following an epidural steroid injection for disc-related sciatica: a systematic review and narrative synthesis.'. European Spine Journal. DOI > view in repository >Corp, Nadia; Mansell, Gemma; Stynes, Siobhan; Wynne-Jones, Gwenllian; Morsø, Lars; Hill, Jonathan C.; van der Windt, Danielle A.. 01-09-2021. 'Authors' reply to the comment by Zhang et al'. European Journal of Pain. DOI > view in repository >Stynes, Siobhán; Konstantinou, Kika; Ogollah, Reuben; Hay, Elaine M.; Dunn, Kate M.. 01-04-2016. '241 Identification of Nerve Root Involvement in Primary Care Consulters with Low Back–Related Leg Pain: Diagnostic Classification Using Alternative Approaches'. Rheumatology. DOI > view in repository >Stynes, S; Konstantinou, K; Dunn, KM; Lewis, M; Hay, E. 01-02-2014. 'AGREEMENT AMONG THERAPISTS WHEN DIAGNOSING LOW BACK-RELATED LEG PAIN'. Orthopaedic Proceedings. view in repository >Archer, Lucinda; Snell, Kym I E; Stynes, Siobhán; Axen, Iben; Dunn, Kate M; Foster, Nadine E; Wynne-Jones, Gwenllian; Windt, Daniëlle A; Hill, Jonathan C. . 'Development and External Validation of Individualized Prediction Models for Pain Intensity Outcomes in Patients with Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, or both in Primary Care Settings'. Physical Therapy. DOI > view in repository >Stynes, S. . '050 One-Year Trajectories of Low Back-Related Leg Pain in Primary Care Patients: Analysis Using Growth Mixture Modelling'. Rheumatology. DOI > view in repository >Stynes; Wood, Lianne; Bishop, Annette; Goodwin, Rob. 01-06-2022. 'Patient satisfaction with the first contact physiotherapy service: Results from the national evaluation survey'. Musculoskeletal Care. DOI > view in repository >Saunders, Benjamin; Foster, Nadine E; Hill, Jonathan C; Sowden, Gail; Evans, Nicola; Bishop, Annette; Stynes, Siobhan; Dziedzic, Krysia; Campbell, Laura; Rankin, Gabrielle; Salmon, Paula; Wynne-Jones, Gwenllian. 01-03-2022. 'First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative.'. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. DOI > view in repository >Stynes, S.; Jordan, K.P.; Hill, J.C.; Wynne-Jones, G.; Cottrell, E.; Foster, N.E.; Goodwin, R.; Bishop, A.. 01-12-2021. 'Evaluation of the First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) model of primary care: Patient characteristics and outcomes'. Physiotherapy. DOI > view in repository >Hayward, Rebecca; Stynes, Siobhan. 01-09-2021. 'Self‐efficacy as a prognostic factor and treatment moderator in chronic musculoskeletal pain patients attending pain management programmes: A systematic review'. Musculoskeletal Care. DOI > view in repository >Mansell, Gemma; Corp, Nadia; Wynne-Jones, Gwenllian; Hill, Jonathan; Stynes, Siobhán; van der Windt, Daniëlle. 01-09-2021. 'Self‐reported prognostic factors in adults reporting neck or low back pain: An umbrella review'. European Journal of Pain. DOI > view in repository >Stynes. 06-08-2021. 'Evaluation of the First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) model of primary care: a qualitative insight'. Physiotherapy. DOI > view in repository >Corp, N; Mansell, G; Stynes, S; Wynne-Jones, G; Morsø, L; Hill, J; Van Der Windt, D. 01-02-2021. 'Evidence-based treatment recommendations for neck and low back pain across Europe: A systematic review of guidelines.'. European Journal of Pain. DOI > view in repository >Stynes, Siobhan. 01-07-2020. 'Musculoskeletal pain phenotyping: Our end point should be clinical feasibility - A commentary to Meisingset et al. "Novel approach towards musculoskeletal phenotypes"'. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAIN. DOI > view in repository >Stynes. 27-08-2019. 'New insight to the characteristics and clinical course of clusters of patients with imaging confirmed disc-related sciatica.'. European Journal of Pain. DOI > view in repository >
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Learn a little more about Leanne here:
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Bifarin O, Stonehouse D. 2022. Beneficence and non-maleficence: collaborative practice and harm mitigation British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 16 :70-74 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
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In series 2 we'll focus on the Clinical Academic, how does the role vary from nurse to nurse, how is it funded, how does it work? We may even bring in an AHP to compare disciplines. Oh and we'll also throw in the occasional BONUS episode!!
Bates S & Endacott R (2023) 'Building critical care nursing research capacity' Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 79, 103531-103531 , DOI
Ede J, Clarete M, Taylor I, Taylor C, Kent B, Watkinson P & Endacott R (2023) 'Patient and public involvement and engagement (<scp>PPIE</scp>) in research: The Golden Thread' Nursing in Critical Care , DOI
Endacott R & Blot S (2022) 'Fundamental drivers of nurses’ experiences of ICU surging during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic' Current Opinion in Critical Care 28, (6) 645-651 , DOI
Hambridge K, Endacott R & Nichols A (2022) 'An audit of sharps injuries in clinical skills simulation wards at a UK university' British Journal of Healthcare Management 28, (9) 253-259 , DOI Open access
Wong P, Gamble A, Jaspers R, Pope N & Endacott R (2022) 'Experiences of health care professionals in intensive care when families participate in clinician handovers: a qualitative systematic review protocol' JBI Evidence Synthesis 20, (8) 2048-2054 , DOI
Elliott M & Endacott R (2022) 'The clinical neglect of vital signs’ assessment: an emerging patient safety issue?' Contemporary Nurse 58, (4) 249-252 , DOI
Endacott R, Pattison N, Dall'Ora C, Griffiths P, Richardson A & Pearce S (2022) 'The organisation of nurse staffing in intensive care units: A qualitative study' Journal of Nursing Management , DOI Open access
Endacott R, Scholes J, Jones C, Boulanger C, Egerod I, Blot S, Iliopoulou K, Francois G & Latour J (2022) 'Development of competencies for advanced nursing practice in adult intensive care units across Europe: a modified e-Delphi study' Intensive and Critical Care Nursing , DOI Open access
Fiori M, Coombs M, Endacott R, Cutello CA & Latour JM (2022) 'What the curtains do not shield: A phenomenological exploration of patient‐witnessed resuscitation in hospital. Part 2: Healthcare professionals' experiences' Journal of Advanced Nursing , DOI Open access
Shepherd M, Endacott R & Quinn H (2022) 'Bridging the gap between research and clinical care: strategies to increase staff awareness and engagement in clinical research' Journal of Research in Nursing 27, (1-2) 168-181 , DOI
Fiori M, Latour JM, Endacott R, Cutello CA & Coombs M (2022) 'What the curtains do not shield: A phenomenological exploration of patient‐witnessed resuscitation in hospital. Part 1: patients' experiences' Journal of Advanced Nursing , DOI Open access
Madhuvu A, Endacott R, Plummer V & Morphet J (2022) 'Healthcare professional views on barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice in prevention of ventilator-associated events: A qualitative descriptive study' Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 68, 103133-103133 , DOI
Ilangakoon C, Ajjawi R, Endacott R & Rees CE (2022) 'The relationship between feedback and evaluative judgement in undergraduate nursing and midwifery education: An integrative review' Nurse Education in Practice 58, 103255-103255 , DOI
Endacott R, Pearce S, Rae P, Richardson A, Bench S & Pattison N (2021) 'How COVID-19 has affected staffing models in intensive care: a qualitative study examining alternative staffing models (SEISMIC)' Journal of Advanced Nursing , DOI Open access
Hambridge K, Endacott R & Nichols A (2021) 'Investigating the incidence and type of sharps injuries within the nursing student population in the UK' British Journal of Nursing 30, (17) 998-1006 , DOI Open access
Coppola A, Black S & Endacott R (2021) 'How senior paramedics decide to cease resuscitation in pulseless electrical activity out of hospital cardiac arrest: a mixed methods study' Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 29, (1) , DOI
Connell CJ, Cooper S & Endacott R (2021) 'Measuring the safety climate in an Australian emergency department' International Emergency Nursing 58, 101048-101048 , DOI
Hambridge K, Endacott R & Nichols A (2021) 'The experience and psychological impact of a sharps injury on a nursing student population in the UK' British Journal of Nursing 30, (15) 910-918 , DOI Open access
Rae P, Pearce S, Greaves J, Dall'Ora C, Griffiths P & Endacott R (2021) 'Outcomes sensitive to critical care nurse staffing levels: A systematic review' Intensive and Critical Care Nursing , DOI Open access
Egerod I, Kaldan G, Nordentoft S, Larsen A, Herling SF, Thomsen T & Endacott R (2021) 'Skills, competencies, and policies for advanced practice critical care nursing in Europe: A scoping review' Nurse Education in Practice 54, 103142-103142 , DOI
Madhuvu A, Endacott R, Plummer V & Morphet J (2021) 'Ventilation bundle compliance in two Australian intensive care units: An observational study' Australian Critical Care 34, (4) 327-332 , DOI
Harris J, Tibby SM, Endacott R & Latour J (2021) 'Neurally adjusted ventilator assist (NAVA) in infants with acute respiratory failure: a literature scoping review' Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Eustice S, James A, Endacott R & Kent B (2021) 'Identifying the health care–initiated and self-initiated interventions used by women for the management of rectal emptying difficulty secondary to obstructive defecation: a scoping review protocol' JBI Evidence Synthesis 19, (2) 491-498 , DOI Open access
Ede J, Petrinic T, Westgate V, Darbyshire J, Endacott R & Watkinson PJ (2021) 'Human factors in escalating acute ward care: a qualitative evidence synthesis' BMJ Open Quality 10, (1) e001145-e001145 , DOI
Coppola A, Smyth M, Black S, Johnston S & Endacott R (2021) 'The Regional Resuscitation Guidelines for Pulseless Electrical Activity in Emergency Medical Services in the United Kingdom: A Systematic Review' Australasian Journal of Paramedicine 18, 1-11 , DOI
Hambridge K, Endacott R & Nichols A (2020) 'The financial cost of sharps injuries' British Journal of Healthcare Management 26, (11) 270-274 , DOI Open access
Endacott R, Coombs M, Statton S & Endacott C (2020) 'Factors influencing family member perspectives on safety in the intensive care unit: a systematic review' International Journal for Quality in Health Care , DOI Open access
Connell CJ, Endacott R & Cooper S (2020) 'The prevalence and management of deteriorating patients in an Australian emergency department' Australasian Emergency Care , DOI Open access
Rance S, Westlake D, Brant H, Holme I, Endacott R, Pinkney J & Byng R (2020) 'Admission Decision-Making in Hospital Emergency Departments: The Role of the Accompanying Person' Global Qualitative Nursing Research 7, 233339362093002-233339362093002 , DOI Open access
Kidgell D, Hills D, Griffiths D & Endacott R (2020) 'Trade agreements and the risks for the nursing workforce, nursing practice and public health: A scoping review' International Journal of Nursing Studies 109, 103676-103676 , DOI Open access
Nayna Schwerdtle P, Connell CJ, Lee S, Plummer V, Russo PL, Endacott R & Kuhn L (2020) 'Nurse Expertise: A Critical Resource in the COVID-19 Pandemic Response' Annals of Global Health 86, (1) , DOI Open access
Connell CJ, Plummer V, Crawford K, Endacott R, Foley P, Griffiths DL, Innes K, Nayna Schwerdtle P, Walker LE & Morphet J (2020) 'Practice priorities for acute care nursing: A Delphi study' Journal of Clinical Nursing 29, (13-14) 2615-2625 , DOI Open access
Madhuvu A, Endacott R, Plummer V & Morphet J (2020) 'Nurses’ knowledge, experience and self-reported adherence to evidence-based guidelines for prevention of ventilator-associated events: A national online survey' Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 59, 102827-102827 , DOI Open access -
(2023) Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide. Springer International Publishing. Ali P (2019) Preface. Edited books
Hinsliff-Smith K, McGarry J & Ali P (Eds.) (2022) Arts Based Health Care Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Springer International Publishing. Ali P & McGarry J (Ed.) (2020) Domestic Violence in Health Contexts: A Guide for Healthcare Professions. Springer International Publishing. Journal articles
Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Rikkert MGO, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B, Mitra A , Monteiro C et al (2023) Reducing the Risks of Nuclear War: the Role of Health Professionals.. Cerebellum. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Rikkert MGO, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B, Mitra A , Monteiro C et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war - the role of health professionals.. Rev Saude Publica, 57, 1ed. Rogers MM, Ali P, Thompson J & Ifayomi M (2023) “Survive, learn to live with it … or not”: A narrative analysis of women's repeat victimization using a lifecourse perspective. Social Science & Medicine, 338, 116338-116338. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Rikkert MGMO, Horton R, Mash R, Monteiro C, Naumova EN, Rubin EJ , Sahni P et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war—the role of health professionals. Blood Cancer Journal, 13(1), 159. Zlotnick C, Patel H, Ali P, Odewusi T & Luiking M-L (2023) Globalization: Migrant nurses' acculturation and their healthcare encounters as consumers of healthcare. Nursing Inquiry. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Rikkert MGMO, Horton R, Mash R, Monteiro C, Naumova EN, Rubin EJ , Sahni P et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war—the role of health professionals. Supportive Care in Cancer, 31(10). Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Gong P, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B, Mitra A , Monteiro C et al (2023) Reducing the Risks of Nuclear War: The Role of Health Professionals. American Journal of Psychiatry, 180(10), 712-713. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B, Mitra A , Monteiro C et al (2023) Reducing the Risks of Nuclear War — The Role of Health Professionals. New England Journal of Medicine, 389(12), 1066-1067. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Gong P, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B , Mitra A et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war: the role of health professionals. European Heart Journal - Imaging Methods and Practice, 1(2). Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Gong P, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B , Mitra A et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war: the role of health professionals. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 35(3). Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Rikkert MGMO, Gong P, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B , Mitra A et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war—the role of health professionals. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Gong P, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B , Mitra A et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war: the role of health professionals. European Heart Journal - Case Reports, 7(9). Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Gong P, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B , Mitra A et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war: the role of health professionals. Brain Communications, 5(5). Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Gong P, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B , Mitra A et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war: the role of health professionals. IJQHC Communications, 3(2). Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Gong P, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B , Mitra A et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war: the role of health professionals. Europace, 25(9). Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Rikkert MGMO, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B, Mitra A , Monteiro C et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war—The role of health professionals. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B, Mitra A , Monteiro C et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war: the role of health professionals. Journal of Public Health Policy, 44(3), 344-347. (2023) REDUCING THE RISKS OF NUCLEAR WAR – THE ROLE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS. Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins‐Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Gong P, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B , Mitra A et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war—the role of health professionals. Reproductive, Female and Child Health, 2(3), 121-123. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Gong P, Haines A, Helfand I, Richard H, Mash B , Mitra A et al (2023) Reducing the Risks of Nuclear War—the role of Health Professionals . Afro-Egyptian Journal of Infectious and Endemic Diseases, 0(0), 143-145. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Rikkert MGMO, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B, Mitra A , Monteiro C et al (2023) Reducing the Risks of Nuclear War—the Role of Health Professionals. Journal of Exploratory Research in Pharmacology, 000(000), 000-000. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Rikkert MGMO, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B, Mitra A , Monteiro C et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war—the role of health professionals. The Lancet, 402(10400), 431-433. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Haines A, Helfand I, Horton R, Mash B, Mitra A , Monteiro C et al (2023) Reducing the Risks of Nuclear War—The Role of Health Professionals. JAMA, 330(7), 601-601. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Horton R, Mash, R, Monteiro C, Naumova EN, Rubin EJ , Sahni P et al (2023) Reducing the risks of nuclear war—The role of health professionals. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 102967-102967. Ali P (2023) The importance of highlighting effective practice. Nursing Management, 30(3), 19-19. Hayter M, Lee A, Dixit A, Rasalpurkar S, Fewings H, Ali P, Whitfield C, Giridhari S, Kabra P, Rayamane K , Ovseiko P et al (2023) Experiences of domestic violence prevention interventions and gender equality promotion work: a qualitative study of Nirdhar Groups in rural India. F1000Research, 12. Younas A, Fàbregues S, Durante A, Escalante EL, Inayat S & Ali P (2023) Proposing the “MIRACLE” Narrative Framework for Providing Thick Description in Qualitative Research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22, 160940692211471-160940692211471. Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Rikkert MGMO, Gong P, Haines A, Helfand I, Richard H, Mitra A , Monteiro C et al (2023) Reducing the Risks of Nuclear War—The Role of Health Professionals. African Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 6(1), 118-121. Unsworth J, Greene K, Ali P, Lillebø G & Mazilu DC (2022) Advanced practice nurse roles in Europe: implementation challenges, progress and lessons learnt. International Nursing Review. Ali P (2022) The importance of highlighting effective practice. Nursing Management, 29(3), 17-17. Rogers MM, Fisher C, Ali P, Allmark P & Fontes L (2022) Technology-Facilitated Abuse in Intimate Relationships: A Scoping Review.. Trauma Violence Abuse, 15248380221090218. Mikton C, Beaulieu M, Yon Y, Genesse JC, St‐Martin K, Byrne M, Phelan A, Storey J, Rogers M, Campbell F , Ali P et al (2022) Protocol: Global elder abuse: a mega-map of systematic reviews on prevalence, consequences, risk and protective factors and interventions. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(2). View this article in WRRO Shahzad S, Younas A & ALI P (2022) Social justice education in nursing: An integrative review of teaching and learning approaches and students' and educators' experiences. Nurse Education Today, 110, 105272-105272. Meherali S, Adewale B, Ali S, Kennedy M, Salami BO, Richter S, Okeke-Ihejirika PE, Ali P, da Silva KL, Adjorlolo S , Aziato L et al (2021) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health in low- and middle-income countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(24). Ali P (2021) Nursing beyond the pandemic: Resilience and determination will shape our future options. International Nursing Review, 68(4), 435-436. Watson R, Younas A, Rehman SA & Ali PA (2021) Clarivate listed nursing journals in 2020: what they publish and how they measure use of social media. Frontiers of Nursing, 8(4), 429-436. Naz S, Muhammad D, Ahmad A, Shabnam & Ali P (2021) Pregnant women perceptions regarding their husbands and in-laws’ support during pregnancy: a qualitative study. The Pan African Medical Journal, 39. 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Pauline's academic profile.
https://www.keele.ac.uk/about/vice-chancellorsoffice/provice-chancellorsanddeans/executivedeanofhealth/ -
ISupport Rights-based standards for children having tests, treatments, examinations and interventions.
These rights-based standards provide principles for good procedural practice with children aged 0-18 years of age. The website contains information about the rigorous development of the standards and links to download and use the standards. https://www.isupportchildrensrights.com/
The paper describing the development process of the standards is
Bray, L., Carter, B., Kiernan, J., Horowicz, E., Dixon, K., Ridley, J., Robinson, C., Simmons, A., Craske, J., Sinha, S. and Morton, L., 2023. Developing rights-based standards for children having tests, treatments, examinations and interventions: using a collaborative, multi-phased, multi-method and multi-stakeholder approach to build consensus. European journal of pediatrics, pp.1-15. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00431-023-05131-9
Children Coming to Hospital
The resource ‘Children Coming to Hospital’ was developed with children and young people aged seven to fourteen years of age. The resource is made up of an animation and comic strip for children and young people, an animation for health professionals and a leaflet for parent/carers. The resource aims to make hospital visits better for children. The resource is free to download and use. https://sites.edgehill.ac.uk/childrencomingtohospital/#:~:text=We%20developed%20the%20resource%20'Children,a%20leaflet%20for%20parent%2Fcarers.
Bray, L., Horowicz, E., Preston, K. and Carter, B., 2023. Using participatory drama workshops to explore children’s beliefs, understandings and experiences of coming to hospital for clinical procedures. Journal of Child Health Care, 27(2), pp.289-299.
Children’s Information Needs
Bray, L., Appleton, V. and Sharpe, A., 2019. The information needs of children having clinical procedures in hospital: Will it hurt? Will I feel scared? What can I do to stay calm?. Child: care, health and development, 45(5), pp.737-743. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/cch.12692
Bray, L., Appleton, V. and Sharpe, A., 2019. ‘If I knew what was going to happen, it wouldn’t worry me so much’: Children’s, parents’ and health professionals’ perspectives on information for children undergoing a procedure. Journal of Child Health Care, 23(4), pp.626-638. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1367493519870654?casa_token=57KFVOnwNeIAAAAA%3AeROF7Uu6Xla7DKmjK0h-IQUfwzM8UMmmS6b2_nW1nq6HZThzLHmFGU4AKMUX2-803bGGxRoUE1WCNQ
The Holding and Restraint of Children for Clinical Procedures
Bray, L., Snodin, J. and Carter, B., 2015. Holding and restraining children for clinical procedures within an acute care setting: an ethical consideration of the evidence. Nursing inquiry, 22(2), pp.157-167.
Bray, L., Carter, B., Ford, K., Dickinson, A., Water, T. and Blake, L., 2018. Holding children for procedures: an international survey of health professionals. Journal of Child Health Care, 22(2), pp.205-215.
Bray, L., Carter, B. and Snodin, J., 2016. Holding children for clinical procedures: perseverance in spite of or persevering to be child‐centered. Research in Nursing & Health, 39(1), pp.30-41.
Bray, L., Ford, K., Dickinson, A., Water, T., Snodin, J. and Carter, B., 2019. A qualitative study of health professionals’ views on the holding of children for clinical procedures: Constructing a balanced approach. Journal of Child Health Care, 23(1), pp.160-171.
Nielson, S., Bray, L., Carter, B. and Kiernan, J., 2021. Physical restraint of children and adolescents in mental health inpatient services: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Journal of Child Health Care, 25(3), pp.342-367. -
Some key publications from Prof Julie Green:
Green. 02-05-2020. 'COVID-19 and district and community nursing.'. British Journal of Community Nursing. DOI > view in repository >Green. 28-11-2019. 'Evaluating the impact of a coaching pilot on students and staff'. British Journal of Nursing. DOI > view in repository >Green. 11-10-2019. 'Challenges to concordance: theories that explain variations in patient responses.'. British Journal of Community Nursing. DOI > view in repository >Green, Julie; Boast, Gillian; Chambers, Ruth; Calderwood, Robin. 09-09-2019. 'Comparison of manual and automated ABPI recording in patients'. . view in repository >Green, Julie; Corcoran, Patsy; Green, Laura; Read, Sue. 19-09-2018. 'A new quality of life wound checklist: the patient voice in wound care'. Wounds UK. view in repository >Green. 31-08-2018. 'Collected Stories: Being cared for at home'. Journal of Academic Development and Education. DOI > view in repository >Gilchrist; Green. 12-06-2018. 'Interventions for preventing distal intestinal obstruction syndrome (DIOS) in cystic fibrosis.'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. DOI > view in repository >Green. 02-06-2018. 'What a great opportunity'. British Journal of Community Nursing. DOI > view in repository >Russell, David; Atkin, Leanne; Betts, April; Dowsett, Caroline; Fatoye, Francis; Gardner, Sarah; Green, Julie; Manu, Chris; McKenzie, Tracey; Meally, Helena; Mitchell, Louise; Mullings, Julie; Odeyemi, Isaac; Sharpe, Andrew; Yeowell, Gillian; Devlin, Nancy. 02-03-2018. 'Using a modified Delphi methodology to gain consensus on the use of dressings in chronic wounds management'. Journal of Wound Care. DOI > view in repository >Green. 02-11-2017. 'What's in a name? Is district nursing in danger of extinction?'. British Journal of Community Nursing. DOI > view in repository >Green. 01-01-2015. 'The challenge of multimorbidity in nurse education: an international perspective.'. Nurse Education Today. DOI > view in repository >Leese, D.; Smithies, L.; Green, Julie. 14-03-2014. 'Recovery-focused practice in mental health'. Nursing Times. view in repository >Gibson, S.; Green, J.. 01-05-2013. 'Review of patients' experiences with fungating wounds and associated quality of life'. Journal of Wound Care. DOI > view in repository > -
Moorley, C., Darbyshire, P., Serrant, L., Mohamed, J., Ali, P. and De Souza, R., 2020. Dismantling structural racism: Nursing must not be caught on the wrong side of history. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(10), pp.2450-2453.
Moorley, C., Ferrante, J., Jennings, K. and Dangerfield, A., 2020. Decolonizing care of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic patients in the critical care environment: a practical guide. Nursing in Critical Care, 25(5), pp.324-326.
Moorley, C., 2022. Nursing while Black: why is racism killing nurses. Nursing Times.
Caring for the Nation Windrush video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fGM33erjIM -
Sarah's Inaugural lecture for her Professorship
https://youtu.be/4PWaKflSHUA?si=TFGR-JdxRHqfZTOu -
Catherine's profile:
https://www.kcl.ac.uk/people/catherine-evans -
We hope you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to share it with friends and colleagues, give us a follow, rate us and most importantly... do listen to the end, even if you listen to us in sections!!
Below is the Youtube clip to Gwen's Professorial Inaugural Lecture (highly recommended).
The links below are to three chosen papers of Gwen's choice (from her own research).
https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/411832 -
Below are three of Professor Halcomb's recent publications.
Currie J, Thompson C, Grootemaat P, Andersen P, Finnegan A, Carter M, Halcomb E. A scoping review of clinical skill development of preregistration registered nurses in Australia and five other English-speaking countries. J Clin Nurs. 2023 Jan;32(1-2):283-297. doi: 10.1111/jocn.16239. Epub 2022 Feb 10. PMID: 35146817; PMCID: PMC10078692. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35146817/
Fernandez R, Lord H, Moxham L, Middleton R, Halcomb E. Anxiety among Australian nurses during COVID-19. Collegian. 2021 Aug;28(4):357-358. doi: 10.1016/j.colegn.2021.05.002. Epub 2021 May 28. PMID: 34093060; PMCID: PMC8162815. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8162815/
Stephen C, Halcomb E, Fernandez R, McInnes S, Batterham M, Zwar N. Nurse-led interventions to manage hypertension in general practice: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Adv Nurs. 2022 May;78(5):1281-1293. doi: 10.1111/jan.15159. Epub 2022 Mar 4. PMID: 35244944. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35244944/ - Visa fler