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Intuition is our portal to knowing everything. What our rational mind doesn't know, and can't know, is available to us through those flashes of insight that solve problems, give us direction, and suggest meaning and purpose for our lives. Kim Chestney, author of The Illumination Code: 7 Keys to Unlock Your Quantum Intelligence, has spent her life trying to understand intuition and what it does. Only recently, with discoveries from the field of quantum physics, can we begin to answer the question, but how does it work? Her book gives us the keys to that answer.
PS. Please note the new link, above, that allows you to respond to this episode by sending me a text message. I'd love to hear from you, for this or for any previous episode.
5 Keys to Kim Chestney:
Kim's recent books:
The Illumination Code: 7 Keys to Unlock Your Quantum Intelligence; New World Library, 2024
Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Using Your Inner Power; New World Library, 2020
Kim's Website: https://www.kimchestney.com
Intuition Lab: https://www.intuition-lab.com
Kim's (free) Insight Cards: https://www.intuition-lab.com/insight-card-practice
1 Key to Kim's mentor, Ervin László, for those ready to take a deeper dive:
Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything, by Ervin László; Simon & Schuster, 2004Personal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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By the time an author scores a major publishing deal they are usually beyond the reach of mere mortals. So, when it happens to a friend, there is a unique sense of privilege watching the process unfold from the inside. Such is the case with Jessica Waite, whose memoir, "The Widow's Guide to Dead Bastards" is poised for release this summer. In this episode Jessica and I explore the writing and publishing of her personal story, described as a "lyrical, witty, and deeply moving memoir of tragedy and betrayal" ... and also, it should be said, of hope.
About Jessica's Book: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Widows-Guide-to-Dead-Bastards/Jessica-Waite/9781668044858
A Link to Jessica: https://jessicawaite.substack.com/subscribe?next=https%3A%2F%2Fjessicawaite.substack.com%2F&later=true&just_signed_up=true&subscription_id=292664320&referral_token=2ep3rf&requires_confirmation=&utm_source=cover_page&email=brianepearson%40shaw.ca&skip_redirect_check=true
Photo Credit: Phil CrozierPersonal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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So many writers hide their light under a bushel, thinking they don't deserve the term "writer." But writing groups can put the lie to that fear, coaxing us and our words out from hiding. The UnderStory Collective is the writing group I belong to. I invited them to the Cave to share the reassuring and emboldening benefits of having writerly friends.
Members of the UnderStory Collective
Suzanne Johnston, Allan Cooper, Jessica Waite, Anne Marie Nakagawa, Brian Pearson
Some Local Resources
Writers Guild of Alberta: https://writersguild.ca
Alexandra Writers' Centre Society: https://www.alexandrawriters.org
Some Online Resources
The Shit They Don't Tell You About Writing: https://www.theshitaboutwriting.com
Unschool for Writers: https://unschoolforwriters.substack.com
The Writer's Bridge: https://thewritersbridge.com
Pandemic University: https://pandemicuniversity.com
General Resources
Public Library Writing Programs, eg: https://calgarylibrary.ca/read-learn-and-explore/digital-library/gale-courses/
Writers-in-Residence at many Libraries and Universities
A Few Books on Writing (and one on motivation)
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, by Stephen King; Scribner, 2000
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel, by Jessica Brody; Ten Speed Press, 2018
Story Genius, by Lisa Cron; Ten Speed Press, 2016
The Practice: Shipping Creative Work, by Seth Godin; Penguin, 2020Personal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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You can hear it in her voice. This is a woman who knows herself and her place in the universe. But fortunately for us, she believes that that place is to help others find their voice too. "Writing by Heart" is Meredith Heller's invitation to find the inner path to yourself ... through poetry. It's a book. But it's also a portal. And it's beckoning ...
Meredith's latest book: Writing by Heart: A Poetry Path to Healing and Self-Discovery by Meredith Heller; New World Library, 2024
Featured Song: "Come Undone" from Meredith's album, Soul Siren
Meredith's other books and workshops: https://www.meredithheller.com
Meredith's albums are available wherever you stream your musicPersonal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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Psychedelics can show us what's beyond our ordinary consciousness. Meditation can help us to live day by day from that place. But in the end all practices fall short: the spiritual journey requires a letting go, not a holding on. Zen teacher Ryushin uses words only to point beyond those words ... to the actual peace and enlightenment we seek.
Resources relative to this conversation:
"Healing with Form, Energy and Light," by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche; Snow Lion (Shambhala Publications), 2002
Body-Mind Centering: https://www.bodymindcentering.com/
Contacting Ryushin directly:
Email: fusanryushin@gmail.comPersonal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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The Ordinary Reality we experience every day may not be the only reality there is. It may not even be the real one. Non-Ordinary Reality is a fantastical cosmos populated by Spirit Beings—plants, animals, and people—who are devoted to our health and wholeness. It's the job of shamans like Wade Prpich to travel to that world and seek the help of those Beings for the sake of our spiritual healing here in this one. For real!
Wade's Website: http://calgaryshaman.com/index.html
The Foundation for Shamanic Studies: https://www.shamanism.org
The Way of the Shaman, by Michael Harner; HarperOne, 1990 (updated and revised).
Cave and Cosmos: Shamanic Encounters with Another Reality, by Michael Harner; North Atlantic Books, 2013.Personal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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It's like we're walking around blindfolded. We feel we are alone in the universe while spirit guides hover close by, waiting for us to acknowledge them. We feel it all comes down to our wills and to our efforts while energy pours into our hearts from a cosmic Source. Reiki Master Jan Thompson knows those spiritual realms, relying upon them for the healing work she does. It makes her humbler than most, and wiser too. Because she knows we only live our lives on this plain because of the life-giving energies of another.
Jan wants to offer the following clarification: Kuan Yin, who she mentions at the 15:42 mark in our conversation, is a deity from Chinese mythology (not Japanese) who is nevertheless revered throughout Eastern Asia as the Goddess of Compassion and the Bodhisattva of Mercy.
Links & Resources
Jan's book: Divine Healing:Powerful Stories of Transformation with Higher Selves and Beings of Light, by Carol Anne Halstead, et al (including Jan's chapter, "All Our Answers Lie Within: Through Love and Forgiveness"); FriesenPress; 2023
Jan's Reiki and energy work: https://www.ascensionarts.ca
Jan's dowsing work (with Carol Anne Halstead): https://www.ascensiondowsing.comPersonal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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There's something encoded in our souls that seeks hope even in the face of hopelessness. That spark, that gene, that impossible dream is what allows us to discover new stories to replace the old ones and to usher in the new world we seek. Activist, storyteller, and writer Gareth Higgins, in his book, How Not to be Afraid, evokes the life-giving possibilities that are hidden within our fears.
Links to Gareth and his work
Gareth's book: How Not to be Afraid: Seven Ways to Live When Everything Seems Terrifying; Broadleaf Books, 2021.
Gareth's Website: http://www.garethhiggins.net
Gareth's Online Community: https://www.theporchcommunity.net/orderPersonal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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Teresa Hanlon was doing ministry within her church long before she was ordained. But when she became a priest, her Church excommunicated her and inhibited her from doing the work she loved. Providentially, for her and the other women priests ordained within the Catholic tradition (if not in the Roman Catholic Church itself), it was not an ending. It was a beginning, signalling perhaps the rebirth of Christianity itself ... with women at the table.
Acronyms & their links:
LICCF (Lethbridge Inclusive Catholic Community Fellowship): https://liccf.ca
RCWPC (Roman Catholic Women Priests Canada): http://rcwpcanada.ca/
CNWE (Catholic Network for Women's Equality): https://www.cnwe.org
WOW (Women's Ordination Worldwide): http://womensordinationcampaign.org
WOC (Women's Ordination Conference): https://www.womensordination.org
Recommended Resources:
1) Womanpriest:Tradition and Transgression in the Contemporary Roman Catholic Church (New York: Fordham University Press, 2020) by Jill Peterfeso
Available online https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/37528
2) VIDEO Pink Smoke over the Vatican: www.pinksmokeoverthevatican.com 2011
3) Mary and Early Christian Women by Ally Kateusz, Ally: ham, Switzerland, 2019 available online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331185040_Mary_and_Early_Christian_Women_Hidden_Leadership
4) A PERIODICAL which reviews relevant news with some original material (Teresa's story found here as well): The Review RCWP Canada online, twice monthly review of RC women topics including ordination. https://rcwpcanada.altervista.org/
5) My Journey from Silence to Solidarity: The Life story of Roy Bourgeois, (Maryknoll priest of 40 years excommunicated and expelled from his order because of support for a woman friend's Catholic ordination). http://www.roybourgeoisjourney.org/book/book.pdf
6) Interview of author of biography of RC women's ordination behind the Iron Curtain through a contemporary, online ministry called FUTURE CHURCH https://futurechurch.org/women-in-church-leadership/pope-francis-meet-your-priest-ludmilla-javarova-with-miriam-therese-winter/Personal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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Everything we do reflects Soul. Because Soul is about what's inside. How we dress is one way we let our inner self out, to be seen. Barry Foster, known by some as "the best dressed man in church land," knows that our sartorial choices are so much more than fashion statements. They are about who we are.
"True Style: The History and Principles of Classic Menswear," by G. Bruce Boyer; Basic Books, 2015
"The Rake" magazine ("the modern voice of classic elegance"): https://therake.com/magazinePersonal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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Here's a song I wrote a few years ago that has become special to me. I often use it to close my performances of music and storytelling. This version is just a demo, meaning the song is still in development. But I wanted to share it with you as is, as a small gift at New Years. Enjoy!
Song Credit:
Music and lyrics by Brian E Pearson; recorded in The Mystic Cave studio
Double bass performed by Cory Hutcheson
Photo Credit:
Photo by laura adai on Unsplash.Personal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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Set in 1995, when people still smoked and few had cell phones, this retelling of the Christmas story imagines a young couple overwhelmed by circumstances larger than themselves and by a dark and inhospitable world seemingly incapable of welcoming their newborn. Until the city utility truck arrives, and then a carload of academics.
Story Credit: Written, performed, and produced by Brian E Pearson
Soundscape Credits:
Copenhagen Streetscape by iwilhelm13; Attribution Non-Commercial License 4.0
Old Station Wagon by Kyles; Creative Commons 0 license
School Bus Old Rattly Idle by Kyles; Creative Commons 0 license
Indoor Adult Murmur by SpliceSound; Creative Commons 0 license
Fluorescent Tube Sound by Garuda1982; Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 license
Tires Squealing by Rutget Muller; Creative Commons 0 license
Fast-starting Car by RobinHood76; Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 license
Heaven Voices by RobinHood76; Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 license
Celestial "Unknown Voices" by bolkmar; Attribution 3.0 license
Don Nobis Pacem Cathedral by Klanlbeeld; Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 licensePersonal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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After days, weeks, even years of preparation, each Vision Quester headed off for a three-day solo fast on a mountainside in Southwestern Colorado. Every experience was unique. But everyone had an experience, a Soul Encounter, that awakened us to our place in the Universe. Here, Vincenzo Falone and I tell our own stories of going solo.
Links to Vincenzo Falone
Personal and Group Mentoring: https://liveinfullexpression.com
The ManKind Project: https://mkpusa.org/crossroads/
Links to the Animas Valley Institute
Books by Bill Plotkin (all books published by New World Library)
"Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche," 2003
"Nature and the Human Soul: Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World," 2008
"Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche," 2013
"The Journey of Soul Initiation: A Field Guide Visionaries, Revolutionaries, and Revolutionaries," 2021Personal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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Eleven days camping on a Colorado mountainside, three of those days a solo fast, seeking an encounter with Nature that might grant us a vision of our mythopoetic identities, our unique place in the Universe: it would have been an ambitious undertaking for someone half our age. But somehow Vincenzo Falone, from New Jersey, and I, a Canadian from Alberta, felt drawn to be there, both of us in our late sixties (and one of us pushing seventy rather hard). This is the story of what got us there.
Links to Vincenzo Falone
Personal and Group Mentoring: https://liveinfullexpression.com
The ManKind Project: https://mkpusa.org/crossroads/
Links to the Animas Valley Institute
Books by Bill Plotkin (all books published by New World Library)
"Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche," 2003
"Nature and the Human Soul: Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World," 2008
"Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche," 2013
"The Journey of Soul Initiation: A Field Guide Visionaries, Revolutionaries, and Revolutionaries," 2021Personal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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A few gurus and spiritual leaders have given all the others a bad name. But yoga and meditation instructor Vickie MacArthur has a story to tell about Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamese Zen Master, whose gaze was all it took to change her life, filling her with divine love. It's a story we may need to hear.
Vickie's book and web sites
"A Lotus on Fire: How a Buddhist Monk Ignited my Heart": https://a.co/d/4PhkbLV
https://spiritinmotionyoga.comPersonal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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We might deny it, but we're all creative. We might not make a painting, but we might make a garden or a business or a home. Visual artist Jan Handy speaks with me about the challenges and the joys of following our Muse. It's everyone's calling.
Jan's email address: jajhandy@gmail.com
Books mentioned in our conversation:
"The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity," by Julia Cameron; Jeremy P. Tarcher / Random House; 1992, 2002, 2016
"The Practice: Shipping Creative Work," by Seth Godin; Portfolio / Penguin, New York; 2020
"The Creative Act: A Way of Being," by Rick Rubin; Penguin Press, New York; 2023Personal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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Is our spirituality shaped by our sexuality? Or are we shaped more by the social constructs of that sexuality? Counselling psychologist and professor emeritus Kevin Alderson has spent his career specializing in LGBTQ+ issues and helping people to accept themselves, whatever their sexuality. Only when we love ourselves can we learn how to be "givers" rather than "takers" and become the people we are capable of being.
About Kevin:
Most recent book: Counselling Today: Bridging Art, Science, and Practice; Cognella Publications, January 2024.
Upcoming book: The New Sex: An Exposé of What You Could be Missing (as yet unpublished).Personal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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What if our place in the Universe isn't a job, or a role, or anything the world might recognize as useful? What if it's more subtle and more fundamental than how the world sees us? What would that look like? And how would we even know if we'd found it? Celia McBride's memoir, O My God: An Un-becoming Journey, explores this territory as she shares the story of her passionate desire to become a nun, only to have Soul lead her somewhere else.
Links to Celia McBride
Celia's book: O My God: An Un-becoming Journey
Celia's web site: https://www.celiamcbride.comPersonal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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Jesus told a parable about a wealthy man who increased his holdings and expanded his storage facilities for all his goods, until the day came when he was informed that his soul was required of him. Would that he had cared for his soul before it was taken away.
James Hollis has been counselling, writing, and teaching for over fifty years. His acquired wisdom is simple, which doesn't mean it's easy: get to know your soul ... before it leaves you. Soul comes to us every day--in our dreams, in our neuroses, in our psychic disturbances--with an invitation to pay attention. If we do, Soul will lead us to the "interesting" life we're each called to live.
Links to James Hollis
Website: https://jameshollis.net
Books: https://jameshollis.net/hollisBooks.htmlPersonal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 -
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Prophets don't call themselves prophets. They speak their words or write their books until people start to notice. Then they may open a wisdom school or create magical live events or succumb to interviews with podcasters.
All this describes Stephen Jenkinson. When he writes, or speaks, or performs, you feel your world opening up, shifting, changing. You'd be hard pressed to describe exactly what's happening. But something is happening. And that something was captured in our recent conversation.
Links to the World of Stephen Jenkinson
Website: https://orphanwisdom.com
Books, Music and Films: https://orphanwisdom.com/books/
2023 Tour: https://orphanwisdom.com/nights-of-grief-and-mystery/Personal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog): https://www.brianepearson.ca
My email address: mysticcaveman53@gmail.com
Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022 - Visa fler