
  • Co-Host Dr. Laura Gabayan (https://mountaintoppodcast.com/wisdom) Knowing that you guys tend to LOVE the episodes where we apply science to social dynamics, I've found a true expert in the field of the scientific basis for human wisdom. Dr. Laura Gabayan is both a medical professor at UCLA and a social scientist. As she embarked upon studying the subject of this episode, she recognized that all major religions talk about wisdom and many famous people have written about it, but she was taken aback as to how subjective, if not purely anecdotal, all the information out there was. She craved more objectivity so she set out to evaluate wisdom herself in a more, well...scientific context. She interviewed sixty of the world's wisest people over the course of several months, and arrived at eight scientifically provable elements of wisdom. We kick off this fascinating conversation by talking about what Laura discovered during her research. Do we as men really 'mellow with age', or is something deeper really going on there? What is the proper response on the part of wise men to those who aren't quite as wise just yet? What is the important relationship between wisdom and respect? Why is it a mistake to treat wisdom and intelligence as synonyms? What exactly is 'resilience' and why is it a component of wisdom? And wait a minute...what exactly is it that makes Laura's eight elements 'scientifically proven', anyway? Add it all up, and it's clear that wisdom is sort of the culmination of all sorts of different human virtue...making this episode absolutely essential. Get in on the Masterclasses, download free goodies and so much more at https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • === SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === Yeah, yeah...'women are like cats and men are like dogs'. We've all heard that before and know what the point is. But if you think about how men and women relate to each other nowadays, we as men aren't really functioning like dogs...at least not in the best way possible. In reality, we're taking on more of a...um...bovine role. What in the world do I mean? Well, maybe I'm completely out of my mind, but give me about nine minutes to convince you of what's really going on out there, how we need to get back to our roots, of sorts, and how doing so will benefit everyone involved. https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

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  • Co-Host Clifford Lee (https://mountaintoppodcast.com/cliffslist) My guest is the most legendary curator of men's dating advice content, and certainly the OG impresario for men's PUA conferences. I'm talking about my returning guest Clifford Lee of Cliffslist fame, of course, who was certainly instrumental in the launch of my own career as a dating coach. Perhaps amazingly, even in the year 2024--a time when anyone under age 38 probably has no idea who Neil Strauss is--Cliff remains one of the top organizers of pickup and seduction content for men. To the shock of some, Cliff has never deviated from his commitment to publish the ideas and teachings of various different 'dating gurus', often resulting in a wide-ranging or even conflicting points of view. That makes him the perfect co-host for this particularly interesting discussion on what happened to the so-called 'Seduction Community', aka the 'Underground Society of Pickup Artists'. For the past decade or so, it's as if the idea of seduction itself has fallen out of style. So, is it that none of those ideas and tactics ever worked at all, or is seduction's somewhat tarnished image worth restoring? We kick things off by talking about the sense of community between men BITD compared to the decidedly negative victimhood vibe nowadays. What should men who are genuinely interested in getting better with women to do? And to that end, where does Cliff draw the line insofar as ethics and integrity relative to what tactics work to attract women and get guys 'laid'? Clearly, the shady stuff drew shady people...which led to the bad rap. Well, the plain truth is women LOVE to be seduced, so we as good, decent men have got to do SOMETHING. Get show notes, cool free stuff and more at https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • === SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === Last week's full episode was called 'The Bad Sex Survival Guide'. Well, by request, I'm following up this week with a solo-cast on how to have GREAT sex instead. After all, avoiding awkward, disgusting and painful moments in the bedroom is one thing. But isn't always more productive to focus on the positive? You bet it is...and in this case the best news ever is the golden secret to cataclysmic, toe-curling, mind-numbing sex with women is actually SIMPLER and EASIER than our complicated imaginations are usually willing to allow it to be. https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • Co-Host Cyndi Olin (https://mountaintoppodcast.com/cyndi) Well, since this is episode 404, I figured we'd talk about something all of us would like to delete and make disappear. And even though Woody Allen infamously believes otherwise, that's BAD sex. Indeed, not all sex is GOOD sex simply because it happened. I brought along none other than my long-time friend and colleague Cyndi Olin to throw this ugly topic on the table in all it's lack of glory. As you probably have guessed by now, Cyndi and I have a certifiably weird relationship when it comes to talking about this stuff, so it starts off fun and hilarious and stays that way. For starters, we cover the obvious factors that lead to bad sex, punctuated by some humor. But then Cyndi talks about how women time their sexual encounters with a man, whether we realize it or not. And what, other than the obvious, might be going on when two people never call each other again after sex? How does misplaced disappointment and self-blame ruin otherwise perfectly good sex? I mean, how is it we blame ourselves for each others lack of sexual skill and/or performance? It's weird. And what about our sexual priorities? How do selfish people end up having bad sex? And how does our level of understanding regarding the opposite sex's view of sex enter into all of this? Do women ever use men for sex? What should you do if she gets naked and you're disappointed? Does porn make real sex worse? Does holding off on having sex for the first time really make it better when it finally happens? Is 'tender lovemaking' synonymous with good sex (or is that a rhetorical question?) And of course...how can you (and your partner) recover if you've indeed endured bad sex? Get in on all the new goodies at https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • === SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === It's easy to look around and see some other guy dating six or eight women, and another dude who has a great girlfriend who is exactly your type. And we all know comparison is odious. But how do you know when you've really ARRIVED at a place where you're genuinely good with women? As it turns out, there is a specific place and time you can know for sure...and the secret comes to us courtesy of a financial expert, of all people. And no, it actually has nothing to do with money. https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • Co-Host Brian Marckesano (https://mountaintoppodcast.com/newcity) When my guest Brian Marckesano relocated to a new city for a job, he thought it would be a slam dunk to find a social circle, make new friends and date a bunch of new women. But the stone cold reality was it wasn't nearly as easy as he thought it would be. What was up with that? After all, he's a decent guy with plenty going for him. He became passionate about building the social circle he wanted, including doing extensive research into social dynamics. The result? Not only did Brian reach his social goals beyond his expectations, he now specializes in helping other men do the same. So then, why is social circle development the single most important skill a man can have? And why do we as men in particular struggle so much with developing it? How is even a modicum of abundance mentality extra-powerful when it comes to all of this? What are the unexpected, less-than-obvious ways building relationships with men is very different than building relationships with women? And how did Brian start receiving amazing 'perks' due to the relationships he was building with people? What were Brian's breakthrough moments when he moved to a new city? What did he do right, and what were the social lessons he learned along the way? What is the 'lost art' that makes meeting new people so much easier? And how can getting better at talking with women actually ruin your chances at making friends with other men? (Hint: It's not really because they're jealous.) Get in on all the insider info at https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • === SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === Deep down all of us as men fully realize that women and men are designed to be attracted to each other, and sex is a natural result of that. So how do so many of us get wadded up over showing interest in a woman? Is the 'male gaze' truly despised by women? Do they really see sex as some sort of concession they make to men? Does that, in turn, make all sex 'rapey'? If these all seem like rhetorical questions, fair enough...but what, then, is it about men who seem to attract women at will without ever getting in trouble? https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • Co-Host Brian Ahearn (https://mountaintoppodcast.com/story) My returning guest, Brian Ahearn, has recently published His Story, My Story, Our Story; which is a memoir about his life growing up with his Marine Corps father. But this isn't yet another biography from someone who was told he 'should write a book' because his life is so interesting. Rather, like Matthew McConoghey's Greenlights, it's more FOR you than ABOUT him. In discussing the book, Brian and I turn our discussion on fathers and sons toward what makes a man truly the head of the household rather than just another co-resident of it. Why do we have so many 'absentee parents' nowadays? What is the best way to instill trust in your wife and promote good behavior with your kids? What is a man to so when his young sons hit their 'knucklehead stage' around 9-12 years old? And what about when your teenage daughters hit their teen years? How do we as men lead so as to set the right vibe for our entire household...and indeed our entire life? What shocking ways can our wife and kids' lives outside the home be affected by that tone we set? What if the general 'conventional wisdom' on how to raise kids doesn't quite work for you as a dad? What do you do then? And finally, of course, knowing none of us are perfect dads and husbands, what do we do to make things right when the inevitable mistakes happen? Overall, a unique and valuable episode on a topic that's not discussed nearly often enough. Get show notes, free downloads and more at the newly updated https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • ==== SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === How many sex partners has a woman had? This is a HUGE question for many men, especially as they consider a woman for a long-term relationship. But what thoughts and emotions on our part drive that concern? And what is a reasonable number? Do the circumstances make any difference? And what about YOUR sexual experience...what is a woman to make of that? Most of all, what are the steps to making peace with the truth here? https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • Co-Host Emily McKay (https://mountaintoppodcast.com) Lots of dating and relationship advice talks about how to know when you've finally met the right woman to build a long-term relationship with. And yes, by now we know the basics about attraction, 'chemistry', sexual compatibility, shared values, shared life goals, avoiding 'red flags' and every other success factor we've heard a thousand times. Nevertheless, the divorce rate remains through the roof...even as more and more people in the Western world are giving up on relationships in general. But as you know, around here we believe statistics are most often weaponized by victimhood. Couples who last couldn't care less why others fail because they're built differently. You see, most long-term relationships--especially marriages--should never happen to begin with. The ones that last tend to go above and beyond the mere basics of attraction and compatibility. Couples who are built to last have discovered certain "hidden", or at least underestimated truths about what makes them right for each other. We're talking about a man and a woman here who don't feel like they have to 'work' to stay together; rather they GET to share life together taking on life's inevitable challenges as a team. In this episode Emily and I lift the veil on these very specific keys to knowing you've found 'The One' that almost nobody ever talks about. Some may sound optimistic, others downright cynical. And there are few you might not even believe ever really appear in real life. But after eighteen years of genuinely adoring each other, the one thing that's undeniable is at the very least you're hearing first-hand from a couple who still adore after all this time for far more reasons other than the mere basics. Have you been listening to the show for ages, and have always been meaning to get on out calendar and talk to us? Finally make it happen--for free, of course--at https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • === SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === If you have 'haters', it probably only means you're standing up for a real cause and doing something right out there. Under most circumstances, you've probably been called worse names by better people than who's insulting you! But there's ONE word that has a way of cutting even strong, masculine men to their core...especially when uttered by a woman. Here's how to step up, make sure the insult is a lie and even empower yourself in the process. https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • Co-Host Zan Perrion (https://mountaintoppodcast.com/zan) For this milestone 400th episode of The Mountain Top Podcast, I'm joined by my long-time friend, returning guest and Alabaster Girl author Zan Perrion from Ars Amorata. The inspiration for the topic of this show was a post in Zan's own Facebook group about so-called 'alpha widows'. An 'alpha widow' is a woman who becomes completely addicted to a certain man, and when that guy is out of her life she is unable to find another who measures up in her estimation. It's a fascinating enough concept that it has been on my radar screen for well over a year now. About a dozen other dating experts wouldn't touch it, so it came down to Zan himself to help break it down. So kick things off, what in the world is it that a man does to 'alpha widow' a woman? What, if anything can we do if we encounter one and would love to make her forget Whatshisname? And wait...why can't WE become the one who is creating such 'alpha widows' ourselves from now on instead of dealing with the ones other dudes have created? Is that even something we'd WANT to do? Is it even ethical? And how do we even know when we've created one? Should we start 'charm throttling' on first dates if this becomes a pattern? What if a woman has become sexually 'addicted' to another man? And finally what if a woman 'alpha widowers' US? If it happens, how did she do that? And once she disappears, does she have to remain 'the one who got away' forever, or can we get over her? Thank you to ALL of you gentlemen for supporting this show for 400 episodes over the course of the last 17 years. I appreciate each and every one of you greatly. https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • === SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === We as men know that being providers of safety and security for a woman is a crucial component of the masculine/feminine dance. It actually creates sexual attraction at the primal level. But what if you're not the kind of guy who can thump potential assailants? And do we have to take bullets for her like a Secret Service agent, or something? Hint...it's mostly about you, not some thug out there. https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • Co-Host Thomas Edwards (https://mountaintoppodcast.com/wingman) A few episodes ago, my guest talked about a certain dating coach local to him in Boston who he had hired. I enjoyed the stories he told so much, that I asked him to make the introduction. And guess what? This week my guest is none other than that dating coach himself, Thomas Edwards. Not surprisingly, he and I think a lot alike on matters of dating, attraction and seduction. In fact, both of us are happily married and yet still take men out in-field to get better at meeting women. That's first on the docket for discussion. Then we turn our attention toward whether or not it is warranted to be optimistic about men and women in relationship together, despite all the negativity out there. So, what does Thomas mean when he talks about 'gamifying your masculininty'. Well, the first hint is it is NOT about tricks, tactics or anything else that comes to mind when you think of the old-skool pickup artist movement. We're talking about re-imagining the entire concept here. Why is it that we as men love gaming electronically, but we hesitate to be playful in real life? How can we keep score of this new 'game' we play in the quest to be more masculine and attractive? And how do we actually win? Finally, what does what Thomas calls 'authentic polarity' have to do with all this? Free downloads and more...always at https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • === SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === You're sitting in front of a woman for the first time who you met online. She's interesting and interested. But, realistically speaking...would you have picked her out of a crowd and chosen her as the kind of woman you're attracted to you? Or is your brain playing tricks on you again? Here's how to tell for sure from now on.



    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • Co-Host Josh Hatcher (https://mountaintoppodcast.com.hatcher) Most of us are sick and tired of hearing about how 'toxic' or otherwise flawed we are simply for being men, let alone masculine. Josh Hatcher from Manlihood.com is on a mission not to help men 'do better', like the narrative would dictate, but go from good to great as men of virtue. The first step is to recognize that even though toxicity does exist within certain men, virtuous masculinity is a completely different set of traits. We as men are powerful forces for good in the family, society and indeed for shaping our future as a human race. If weak men create hard times, are we headed toward hard times or are we already there? And how can we make a difference individually fighting like hell in that context? So then, how does Josh define 'darkness' to begin with? Are there really two different ways to talk about it? And what's the first big mistake many men make when they decide to stand their ground and fight for freedom and masculinity? What are some ways we as men can figure out what brand of 'darkness' we really need to confront within ourselves, do so, and make the necessary changes to be wiser and more evolved masculine men? How does our past inevitably shape who we are as men...including the darkness that resides within us? How does the steady droning of media and the narratives associated with it distract us, affect our abilities to cut through the crap and remain grounded as virtuous, masculine men? Why are so many otherwise brave men either unable or unwilling do indeed deal with their crap before it deals with them instead? More--including free stuff--at https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • === SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === Way too many of us as men fall into the trap of ending up with a woman who is the WRONG fit for us. Here are three different ways we can potentially let flat-out myths craft our relationship reality...almost invariably with disastrous results. https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • Co-Host Sharlee Lyons (https://mountaintoppodcast.com/allstar) It's easy to feel 'average' as a man. After all, by definition only 50% of us can be above average. But even if you treat the term 'average' as being more synonymous with 'normal' or 'typical', we all instinctively desire to be as far ABOVE 'average' as we can be. I mean, anything with 'one-percenter' in the title is an irresistible read to us as men. My guest Sharlee Lyons is an author, educator and--of course--athlete who is passionate about empowering men like you to stop being 'bench warmers' in life and become all-stars. It doesn't matter if we're talking about sports, business, your social life or your attractiveness to women. So where do we start on this journey? Sharlee talks about core values and what she calls 'selective goal setting'. What is the one factor that separates all-stars from the also-rans? (Hint: It's NOT raw talent)All-stars play home games and away games, of course. How does that apply to excelling at life in general...and especially with women? How does a true all-star handle inevitable adversity? And here's a good one...what do you do if you're out there grindin', but feel like you're slipping backwards instead of propelling yourself to all-star status? Most true all-stars play on a team. How do they make the other players around them better? How can we as men leave an all-star legacy...even for generations to come? Can confidence really lead to humility...in the best way possible? Getchasum at https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

  • === SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === The first step to gaining attraction, admiration and respect from women is to respect ourselves--and each other--as men first. There's an insidious way many of us as men undermine those objectives, even as we think we're building ourselves up. It's an 'elephant in the room' that nobody talks about...until now. https://mountaintoppodcast.com


    The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!