20. The Akashic Records; A Cosmic Library of Everything, with Luz from Resoulment
On the episode today, I am joined by Luz – founder of Resoulment.
Luz is an Akashic Records reader and mentor with seven years' experience helping people gain deeper insight into their soul’s journey. Through her readings, she offers a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical guidance, helping clients understand their current energies and take aligned steps forward. With a down-to-earth approach, she makes the mystical feel accessible, empowering others to navigate life with clarity and confidence.
Together, we explore the profound wisdom held within the mystical realm of these vast and infinite energetic archives.
The Records are said to be a multidimensional database of universal knowledge and information, held in a specific vibrational frequency. A cosmic home to the energetic ‘memories’ of the lifetimes’ of every living soul; past, present and future, across all dimensions.
AKASHA: one of the 5 Great Elements of Ayurveda (Pancha Maha Bhuta), with the western equivalent of this element being ETHER. Previously thought of as ‘just empty space’, we now know that this space is packed full of quantum particles and energy – and it is believed that this is where The Akashic Records is housed. (A modern day equivalent of this concept could be thought of as ‘The Collective Consciousness’.)
In the show, we break down the essentials—what exactly are the Akashic Records? How do they work? And how accessing them offers a deeper insight into our past, present, and future. Luz shares her wisdom on how these energetic archives hold the key to understanding our soul’s lessons, patterns, and potential, and can offer guidance – especially when we start to question our life’s path and purpose.
We also discuss how anyone can learn to ‘read’ their own records through intentional practices like meditation, journaling, and energy work. Luz explains the different energetic levels we move through when accessing the records and how aligning with our intuition can deepen this connection over time.
Whether you're completely new to the concept of the Akashic Records or looking to further your own Spiritual journey with The Records, this episode is a beautiful blend of spiritual exploration and practical wisdom for everyday life.
If you would like to learn more about The Records, or would like to work with Luz, find her on Instagram @resoulment
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Ayurveda – AYUR; Life, VEDA; Science/Knowledge (Sanskrit)Literally translating as 'The Science of Life'.This ancient Indian Holistic system of life and wellbeing, is said to have evolved at the time of creation of the 5 Great Elements; The PANCHA MAHA BHUTAS – Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth. 🪷Written texts date back to over 5000 years old, but the knowledge is as old as creation itself, and was shared with us on Earth, by knowledgeable ones from Higher Realms; SHRUTHI. 🌌Ayurveda is from a time when our Ancient Ancestors were more in tune with the important interplay of all sentient beings; ourselves, those around us, and living in alignment with our world, and environment.Modern society seems to have lost this connection, and we are living out of harmony with nature, our planet and ourselves – we are denying our natural way of being. 🕊Ayurveda gives us the tools to find ourselves, and restore our internal harmony, and find balance within; Mind, Body & Spirit, and in our environment.🌳By revealing our DOSHA (fault/imbalance), we can start to identify the dominant energy patterns within us (VIKRITHI), influenced by various factors we are exposed to, and of certain traits, behaviours, disease manifestation and symptoms. By using the 5 Ayurvedic management modalities of food, herbs, yoga, therapeutic massage, and lifestyle – we can start to incorporate ways to balance this dominant energy and return to our natural equilibrium (PRAKRITHI). ⚖️Ancient civilisations were also aware of the importance of Gut and Digestive Health, drawing huge similarities with our recent discovery of the significance of the Gut Microbiome. A big focus of Ayurveda is ensuring optimal function of our AGNI – Digestive Fire, to maintain Vitality and Health, and production of OJAS – The Nectar of Life, and effectively eliminate toxins (AMA), to reduce disease states, all via effective and appropriate metabolism. 🔥Ayurveda is ‘The OG’ Preventative and Lifestyle Medicine , promoting ownership of our own health, to support every stage of life and prepare for the next, with a focus on quality of life, health and vitality at each transition of our lifetimes, from conception to death. 🪺This episode just skims the surface of the vast information that Ayurveda provides for health, wellbeing and daily living – there is so much more to know!And all that I do know, is because of my brilliant Ayurveda teacher, Dr Deepa – she is a fountain of knowledge on Ayurveda and Yoga, and a lot more!Do follow her @ayurvedadrdeepa, and check out her new podcast too, Ayurveda Yoga Wellbeing with Dr Deepa. 👩🏻⚕️Follow me: @themellowendoshow @mellowendonutritionFind me: www.mellowendonutrition.com
Saknas det avsnitt?
Mindset is everything! We often hear the term CEO Mindset, but as a Medic, this term hasn’t always resonated, and perhaps this holds true for your Life Role or profession too.
But it doesn’t matter what we actually do!
WE ARE ALL CEOs – The CEO of our own Life!
Having a ‘CEO Mindset’ is absolutely applicable to each and every single one of us, and starting to think like one can help us realise the value that only we bring to the world!
As individuals we have unique qualities and characteristics that nobody else does – this is our BRAND!
How we show up in life as our BRAND – is our BUSINESS!
By being the best version of ourselves in our Life – we are showcasing our ‘Brand’ in our ‘Business’.
Having a CEO Mindset is about looking inwards and knowing our self worth, standing in our Truth and living as our most authentic selves, and being able to show up for ourselves, and others in our lives.
By doing the internal work, and being with ourselves – recognising our worth, and also the areas that may need some work too – we can become more self assured, and more confident in our ‘Brand’ of being ourselves.
We start to become The Observer of how we are in our own Life, and how to handle situations better. Things don’t bother us as much, and this frees up headspace for other tasks and activities.
By connecting and being present with ourselves, we can start to make more meaningful and midful connections with others too.
This March is Mindset month for me – join me, and embrace your own CEO Mindset too!
#JustBeMellow #MindsetMarch #MindsetMonth #MellowMondays
Follow me: @themellowendo.show @mellowendonutrition
www.mellowendonutrition.com -
We’ve all heard of the importance of ‘living in alignment’ and being connected to ‘Mind, Body & Spirit’ – but what exactly does this mean? How can ignoring these aspects have real effects to our physical body and our health? In today’s episode, I am joined by Nicole Burska; Nutritional Therapist and founder of Cortaderia Wellness. ‘’…In her last year of studies, Nicole developed a list of health issues following a break up and lockdown. These symptoms ranged from gut issues, fatigue, burnout and depression. Not knowing what to do, she packed up and moved to the French Alps to volunteer as an Au Pair. Her symptoms disappeared within 3 months of moving and [she] managed to regain her energy with a new found wisdom and founded Cortaderia Wellness. Nicole continues to guide individuals on nutrition & lifestyle whilst having particular interest in gut issues & mental health. She continues to research into psychobiology to learn the impact of stress has on disease development and the most effective solutions.” In the show we chat about the importance of introspection, tuning into your inner voice, and living in Your Truth and with Purpose. Nicole refers to this as a mosaic – all the pieces of us need to come together to form a whole cohesive picture. If your daily life is not in alignment with your soul’s purpose, Diet and Lifestyle can only do so much.The accumulation of our life’s traumas, ‘Big and Little T’ traumas, can also take its toll on our Spirit – and if not addressed, this can have tangible effects to our physical selves, manifesting as various symptoms and disease states within the body. By reconnecting to our basic Spiritual Human needs, and resolving these internally held traumas and memories, together with nourishing our physical body; and allowing our cells to heal and repair with diet, lifestyle and supplements – we can start to resolve the hurt and pains, and live a live of purpose, in alignment with our true desires. We also chat about ‘The Bigger Picture’ of life – trusting in divine timing, think of the hardships we face as events to highlight something important to us, to give us courage to make big changes. And how having faith in something bigger than us, is so important for our Spiritual Wellbeing too. Nicole is undertaking further studies; The Psychology and Neuroscience of Mind-Body Interface MSc, and she is in the process of creating a course for Practitioners, and writing a book. Health Professionals can sign up to the course Wait List via the website. For more info.: i: @cortaderia.wellness e: [email protected]: www.cortaderiawellness.com
In this episode, I share some more of my Winter Wellness tips, and have a quick mid-Q1 check in! February is upon us, and here in the UK, the evenings are getting lighter and brighter, and Mother Earth is slowly re-awakening and getting ready for Spring.Now is the time for us to start to awaken ourselves too – hopefully you’ve had your own hibernation time for the last few weeks, with some introspection and R&R - and are now feeling ready to fully spring into action for 2025! By being aware of the seasonal patterns and changes, and subtly changing our diet, lifestyle, exercise and wellness habits to reflect this, we can start to feel more aligned in ourselves and connected to the environment. Be gentle with yourself, and continue to keep yourself nourished with all the wonderful seasonal winter veg. – because of our naturally higher metabolic rate in winter – our digestive system is better able to tolerate these denser winter foods. The sun is rising earlier now too, so use this time to ace your morning routine; rise with the sun, and flood your eyes with that beautiful morning light. Keep going with the restorative activities, and now start to include more movement and intensity to wake your body up even more. Self massage can also be a great way for physical stimulation to awaken and boost the body into action. Now is also a great time for an annual health check up and bloodwork. Continue to prioritise your Self Care time – even if it is for 15 minutes each day. Just being with yourself and your thoughts is a vital part of our human existence. It allows us to build resilience and keep our cool in heated situations; the internal work will always have positive ripple effects to all those in our external environment too. @themellowendo.show www.mellowendonutriton.com#JustBeMellow
Happy 2025! Welcome to my first episode of the year! We are already half way through the month, and hopefully back to our routines after the festive period.
I have always felt a disconnect with the fresh start of a new year on 1st January, when our Northern Hemisphere environment is getting deep into the grips of a cold, dark winter, and our local natural environment is in hibernation!
However – January is still a time to tap in to the collective energy of the New (calendar) Year, and plan for 2025.
Join me as I share my January Goal Setting and Spiritual Wellness rituals.
I share how January is my time for more ‘indoor and introspective activities’ – to reflect on all that has been achieved and overcome in past year, and how using the ‘Quarters’ (Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4), makes planning all your 2025 goals and dreams more achievable!
January is my time for self reflection, meditation, and The Big Tidy! Clearing physical and energetic space, for what No Longer Serves.
I also talk about how I like to take guidance from a Psychic every New Year, to help map out my Spiritual Roadmap, with practical and actionable practices and meditations, to help me manifest and bring to fruition all of my dreams and hopes for the year.
I’d love to hear how you celebrate the New Year – perhaps it is on a completely different day, or even in Springtime. Do share if you gave any of my Goal Setting tasks a go!
Follow me: @themellowendo.show Find me: www.mellowendonutrition.com
Please do remember this show does not constitute for medical advice, and is based on the opinions and experiences of me and my guests. Please discuss any concerns with your usual medical practitioners and healthcare professionals. -
In today's episode, I'm joined by Beth Edwards, a Registered Nutritional Therapist and expert in Type 1 Diabetes Management, and health writer.
She has a background in Health Psychology (MSc) and academic health experiences research, so she draws upon pragmatic and #evidence-based nutrition advice.
She blends Nutritional Science and a person-centred approach to help her clients reach their Type 1 Diabetes goals. Beth predominantly works 1:1 with adults, children and families, and also offers corporate wellness talks and brand consultancy, within the wellness space and beyond.
-"Living with T1DM, but still living!"- Beth Edwards
Beth herself was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, at the age of just 9 years old.
Following on from her own diagnosis of T1DM, she shares with us her journey from initial diagnosis and transition from paediatric to adult care, and how the responsibility of managing the condition, and constant need for self awareness, influenced her childhood and adult life.
We also talk about the symptoms she experienced, emotional and physical, her pregnancy journey, and the daily challenges she faces, but how she strives, and continues to live a full life, building on all her knowledge and experience.
We discuss some of the latest research, epigenetics, potential viral and other triggers for T1DM, and the link with common autoimmune conditions, such as Hashimoto's and Coeliac Disease. We talk about the latest technology in Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM), insulin dosing, and some basics of diet and lifestyle for T1DM management.
Beth also works for a T1DM Advocacy group, specifically raising awareness regarding language used in Type 1 Diabetes care, and highlights this with an important NHS Policy Document - Language Matters in Diabetes. Beth herself recognised the importance of language used when caring for those with T1DM, during her own pregnancy journey, which she also shares with us.
If you, or know anyone with T1DM, do share this episode - it is important to know that You are not alone!! There are others who 'get it' too, and there is support out there for You!
Contact Beth @bethedwardsnutrition for lots of helpful tips, and support for T1DM Nutrition and a deeper emotional/psychological understanding of yourself with T1DM.
Follow me! @themellowendo.show @mellowendonutrition www.mellowendonutrition.com
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A November special to mark Men's Health Awareness Month, I am joined by -Fiongal Greenlaw-Meek, founder of The Wellness Foundry - my first male guest on the show!
We chat all things Energy Medicine and Spirituality - and how dis-harmony of our Spirit can lead to very physical symptoms of the body, and emotional unrest.
For true health, Mind, Body and Spirit must be at peace and in harmony. The Wellness Foundry recognises this, and is a space where spiritual wellness is prioritised, with the support of the ancient Divination Arts; 'Modern Mysticism for Modern Times'.
Fiongal shares his own spiritual awakening, where he experienced troublesome physical symptoms, with no real medical explanation. Something which he also commonly sees in his own clients.
This led him on his own journey of self discovery to manage his symptoms by addressing his Spiritual wellness, which coincided with the development of his psychic abilities and connection to Spirit.
Fiongal shares ways we can protect our own energy, taking care to not pick up on those emotions and heavy energies around us - especially those which are not ours, and do not serve us.
And also how we can connect with Spirit ourselves; whether this is through meditation, prayer, requesting signs from The Universe, or just being aware of, and trusting our own intuition and 'inner voice' - we all have one!
Contact The Wellness Foundry:
[email protected].uk
Find me @themellowendo.show @mellowendonutrition www.mellowendonutrition.com -
Part 2 of my Menopause Awareness episode, I am joined by the inspirational Marjorie Grice, who realised her dream, and trained and changed careers to a Nutritional Therapist, during her own Perimenopause period!
Marjorie Grice is a midlife and menopause nutritionist at Nourish Inside Out her online clinic. Her 30 years’ experience in the wellness sector fuelled her passion for nutrition, alongside her own gut health challenges and autoimmunity.
We discuss her work with Women in their Midlife, and how she empowers women to reclaim midlife health and ignite their inner spark by nourishing themselves inside and out with food and lifestyle strategies, especially the importance of breakfast.
Recipes direct link https://subscribepage.io/20-breakfasts-to-boost-energy-and-focus
Inside Out Clinic social media:
Instagram: @nourishinsideout
Facebook: Inside Out Nourish
LinkedIn: marjoriegricenutrition -
Join me and Dr Christina Papadopoulos, a Private Digital GP and a Fitness Studio GP, for Part 1 of my Menopause Awareness episodes.
Dr Christina shares her own journey of burnout, working as a busy NHS GP, and how this led her to discover the importance prioritising her own health, and healthy food choices, nutrition, exercise and lifestyle - and how this all helped her on her road to Wellness.
We talk about her work as a Fitness Studio GP, and how her own experiences help her better direct her clients on their Wellness journeys too.
Women and Medics, are now increasingly aware of Perimenopause and the hugely varied signs and symptoms - we discuss this, together with dietary, lifestyle and specific exercise measures to put in place during this transition period and beyond, and how this helps to reduce the health risks associated with Menopause.
We also touch upon HRT how medical management/treatments can be especially effective, together with all the Lifestyle measures discussed.
Do remember that your symptoms may not always be Perimenopause related, so please discuss any concerns you may have, with your Health Professional / GP/Doctor.
You can follow Dr Christina on Instagram for more health advice and tips, @drchristinapap
You can find me @themellowendo.show and www.mellowendonutrition.com
In today’s episode I am joined by Debra Kilby, an Intuitive Energy Healer, Channel, Spirit Baby Medium, Soul Plan Teacher and Spiritual Guide, and author.
Together we explore the spiritual and energetic sides to conception, Parenthood, Life in general, and how our future generations are bringing in a New Earth.
We chat about the importance of a holistic approach to Fertility, and how supporting Parents (to be), especially the empowerment of Women, and allowing them to heal their own ancestral Mother wounds, creates a mindset of calm and safety, creates space to welcome and receive a new life.
As today is the last day of International Baby Loss Awareness Week (9th - 15th October), we also discuss the heartache families face with pregnancy loss (miscarriages) and baby loss, and for those who are also grieving their loss at the chance of parenthood, due to fertility troubles.
Debra shares with us her own story of pregnancy losses, and how she began to communicate with her unborn daughter, Rosa, which lead to her own spiritual awakening, her journey of self-healing, and discovering her life’s purpose with the work she does today.
Debra supports women on their journey to motherhood, whether they are struggling to conceive, have experienced baby loss, or a traumatic birth.
She also supports women who are not wishing to become pregnant, to understand themselves on a deeper level, birth more of themselves and their own truth,
through soul guidance and healing.
We chat about all sorts on today’s episode; Reincarnation and Rebirth, Divine Timing, Soul Contracts…
And how the Spirit Babies’ Souls, are waiting excitedly to come into our world, and how they want us to recognise our own self-worth, and start to see ourselves as how they see us – as a place of beings full of love and light.
We mustn’t forget that often we can focus on bringing in new life, and the miracle of birth, however we all too, are also that miracle!
If you’d like to go deeper with your connection to spirit baby or purchase Debra’s book from her website, please follow the links below for all Social Media platforms:
Website: www.debrakilby.com
Facebook: Debra Kilby Healing
Instagram: @debrakilbyhealing
Linked In: Debra Kilby
Stay in touch with me!
www.mellowendonutrition.com -
In today's episode, I am joined by Anna Kaisa Manolova, from AK WISE. Anna-Kaisa is a registered Dietitian, registered Yoga Teacher, and a certified Meditation Teacher, who helps those with their Gut health, and works to calm a dysregulated gut-brain interaction and re-gain mental balance through nutrition, stress release and coaching.She has 14 years of experience in yoga and meditation, and has seen excellent results in her clients using this holistic approach.In the show we discuss ways to help activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System; the 'Rest & Digest' pathways, with diet, meditation, breathwork, and yoga, and other mindful activities, together with affirmations.At ~50mins, we have a Guided Mediation, focusing on the Concentration and Expansion phases of breathwork. Please do not take part in this meditation if you are driving, press pause and do this at home, If you're already at home, get comfy and enjoy!!AK WISE: @ibsandstressdietitian fb: AKWise Facebook YouTube: Yoga Elevated https://www.youtube.com/@yogaelevated108www.AKWise.coemail: [email protected]
Part 2 is all about Gut Health, and how the state of our Gut/Gastro-Intestinal Tract, is intricately linked to Inflammation.
What exactly is the role Gut, and the Gut Microbiome?
What is the Gut Brain Axis?
What is Gut Dysbiosis and Leaky Gut?
Is Gluten, Dairy and Sugar inflammatory?
What are Prebiotics, Probiotics and Postbiotics?
What is FODMAP?
How can Gut Health be improved?
In this episode, we explore all these questions, and common dietary and environmental triggers for common Gut symptoms,
Lets focus on our 'Rest and Digest', Parasympathetic nervous system pathways to settle any Gut Inflammation, to help improve our overall health, and start to reduce chronic stress.
@themellowendo.show @mellowendonutrition
The topics discussed on this show do not constitute for personal medical advice. Please always discuss any concerns, symptoms and treatments; medical or otherwise, with your health practitioners. -
Welcome to my inflammation series! Think of this show as your pre-requisite episode for all things inflammation, chronic stress, elevated cortisol and sympathetic nervous system (SNS) overdrive. Understand how overactivation of the SNS, stress and dysregulated cortisol and other stress hormones, leads to a state of inflammation in the body and an increased risk of developing health issues and chronic diseases. Part 1 is all about the cellular processes of inflammation - by understanding the how and why this happens, you will then be more motivated to know and implement the ways to make positive changes to reduce this inflamed state! Stay tuned for the rest of the series! We'll be covering Gut Health, The Microbiome, Yoga & Breathwork, Healthy Fats and Omegas, and anti-inflammatory diets and lifestyles! @themellowendo.show @mellowendonutrition The topics discussed on this show do not constitute for personal medical advice. Please always discuss any concerns, symptoms and treatments; medical or otherwise, with your health practitioners.
As the evenings are drawing in, instead of dwelling on the darkness of the night, why not focus on the daily light brought to us by the Sunrise!
As we near the end of summer, we can use this time to adjust and align ourselves with the natural patterns of the world, change in seasons, and our own body clock.
This week, I share my own Morning Routine, and some of my tips and tricks that can be used together with our natural morning cortisol peak, and circadian rhythm, to create a calming and joyous morning routine to set ourselves up for the challenges of the day.
Have a listen to see how you too can look forward to waking up in alignment with your own body's daily rhythms, and the planet's seasonal patterns.
@themellowendo.show -
Are you a Perfectionist? Are you a Procrastinator? Does being one, make you the other? Are you a High Achiever, and want everything you do to be perfect. Is the pressure of this preventing you from even attempting things? Do you delay starting and completing tasks, for the fear of not being able to meet, the often self imposed, high standards? Give yourself some self love, and don't be so hard on yourself! Showing up with something that isn't perfect, is better than showing up with nothing at all!
Today we explore possible reasons for avoiding certain tasks, and ways to get the wheels in motion again.
''Excellence does not require perfection'' - Henry James
Follow me: @themellowendo.show
Find me and work with me: www.mellowendonutrition.com -
On the show today, I'll be sharing a brief overview of Endometriosis, and hopefully clarifying some common misconceptions. Endometriosis is condition that can affect women of any age and background, in their reproductive years. We are only just starting to understand the complexities of it. Topics covered: - Theories of the disease Pathophysiology, and inflammatory processes- Treatment - Medical, Hormonal & Surgical management - Some ways to incorporate diet, lifestyle and exercise to help reduce the symptoms, and support an anti-inflammatory state in the bodyPapers: Gheorghisan-Galateanu AA, Gheorghiu ML. HORMONAL THERAPY IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE WITH ENDOMETRIOSIS: AN UPDATE. Acta Endocrinol (Buchar). 2019 Apr-Jun;15(2):276-281. doi: 10.4183/aeb.2019.276. PMITsamantioti ES, Mahdy H. Endometriosis. [Updated 2023 Jan 23]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK567777/
A little bit about me and my journey in life thus far! I share my own health story about IBS at university, and about my recent Endometriosis diagnosis, and how my healthy lifestyle may have helped keep many of these symptoms at bay.
I've chosen to be grateful for my diagnosis and use it to my full advantage, to truly start living in alignment with my soul, and life's purpose.
With so much in today's world that is out of our control, let's shift the focus onto the decisions we can make for ourselves. What we eat, drink, and think, what we do, and how we speak to ourselves, and react to others, and how we live in our environment. -
A bit about the show; the topics covered, and a little about my future guests. Some of the topics discussed in future episodes may be a little conceptual, a bit esoteric, and a bit ethereal. But isn't that the world we live in? Do we really understand everything that we can see? And what about all that we can't see...??
A brand new podcast, discussing how incorporating safe Complementary and Alternative therapies, as part of a routine Medical Management plan, could be the missing link for a true Mind, Body & Spirit approach to holistic health and wellbeing.