We all have our immature moments. They can show up regularly when we're arguing with our partner. However, if you find yourself saying certain phrases repeatedly, you may want to listen to today's conversation with Kellie and Brett Hurst. A pattern of particularly immature reactions can play havoc with your relationship. Learn what responses to look for, and why you may need to mature up.
“It’s not my fault!” … Have you ever uttered those words during a fight with your partner? We all have. But can something be your responsibility even if it wasn’t your fault? Are intentions the only litmus test to gauge responsibility? Tune in to today’s conversation with Kellie and Brett Hurst as they attempt to dissect this topic.
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Is gratitude something we need to actually do? Or is it enough to simply have an attitude of gratitude? Listen in on today's conversation with Kellie and Brett Hurst as they discuss how to up your gratitude game, and how it will absolutely improve your marriage.
Many things shape who we become as adults. How we were raised, our life experiences, our natural personality types, our enneagram type, etc. But what about our birth order? Could our place in our family of origin really affect how we show up in life? In marriage? Listen to today’s episode between Kellie Hurst and Dr. Robert V.V. Hurst (no relation) as they talk about a unique understanding of how birth order plays a large role in how we behave in life and in love.
Help … my marriage is boring! This was the title of a recent article that caught my attention. How many of us find ourselves stuck in a boring rut with our partner? Is it normal? Does it mean something is wrong? Take a few moments to listen in to today’s episode. It might spark your creativity!
Continuing the conversation about conflict patterns, Kellie and Brett Hurst share information about how our unhealthy conflict patterns can erode our relationship over time. Do you resonate with any of these patterns? If so, what are you willing to do differently to change the dance?
Every couple has patterns they need to identify. Communication patterns, affection patterns, etc. Conflict patterns are no different, and perhaps even more important to identify. Tune in to today’s conversation with Kellie and Brett Hurst as they lay out some common conflict patterns that may help you to think about doing things differently.
Marriage research tells us that grand gestures don’t do much to move the needle in relationships. It truly is the “little things” done consistently over time that does the trick. Want to know the most appreciated tiny gestures for both men and women? Listen to today’s episode with Kellie and Brett Hurst to discover a few simple things that communicate deep love.
In this thought-provoking episode, Kellie and Brett Hurst discuss the topic that our marriages have influence. This isn’t really a debatable idea. It’s a fact that our marriages influence others. However, can your marriage influence others for good? Even having a transcendent imprint? Listen in to today’s conversation to ponder whether your marriage is a city on a hill … or a pile of rubble.
Wherever your treasure is, there will your heart be also. These are prophetic words from the holy Scriptures. You could also insert “where your time is spent” and it would still work. That’s what today’s episode is all about. Your money and your time … how you spend them says a lot about what you truly prioritize. Listen in as Kellie Hurst talks about how to use these types of currency to curate a more balanced life.
There’s a comfort in marriage. A familiarity … a protective cocoon … the known quantity that most of us seek; making us feel secure and known. It’s wonderful. But we also crave novelty and surprise. Listen in on today’s conversation as Kellie and Brett Hurst discuss how to keep the mystery alive in the midst of the mundane.
As humans, we’re wired for connection. However, we don’t always recognize when our partner is trying to connect with us. Today’s conversation helps us identify when our spouse is trying to connect with us – and how our response can make or break that request.
Are there phrases you regret saying and wish you could take back? We’ve all been there. However, therapists suggest there are several phrases that are not only unhelpful during an argument; they can also derail what could be a productive conversation. Take a few minutes and tune in to today’s episode with Kellie and Brett Hurst of Home Encouragement to discover which phrases to avoid.
Is forgiveness the same thing as acceptance? And if they’re different … where does one end and the other begin? In today’s conversation, Kellie and Brett Hurst discuss when each of these elements is necessary in marriage – and when it’s not.
Married couples fight over silly things all the time. But are they really so silly? Maybe the silly things are the tip of a bigger iceberg that needs to be talked out. Join Kellie and Brett Hurst as they talk about the bigger reasons we fight, and what we can do about it.
There are many good marriage books out there, but sometimes one rises to the top, so we have to recommend it. Tune in to today’s episode to see which marriage book Kellie and Brett Hurst are discussing.
Are you best friends with your spouse? Heck, are you even friends with him/her? Listen in on today’s conversation with Kellie and Brett Hurst as they discuss why being friends with your spouse is crucial to a good marriage.
Sometimes we realize we’ve made a wrong turn. We find ourselves in a sketchy area that is clearly not our intended destination. No, I’m not talking about driving. I’m talking about fighting in marriage. Need some relational GPS tips? Listen to today’s episode with Kellie and Brett Hurst as they discuss a secret weapon that can get you back home safe and sound.
You may think marriage research doesn’t sound very sexy or even interesting. But what if the data could actually improve your marriage and make you happier? Listen to today’s episode as Kellie Hurst unpacks some important stats that could have a real impact on your life.
Sometimes our financial lives can get tense because of stupid things we do. Other times it’s out of our hands. How do we take care of ourselves when that happens? Listen to today’s episode and hear how Kellie Hurst breaks down ways to pay off debt while treating each other right.
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