I had the honor today of chatting with Kali whose daughter, Sutton, has a feeding tube. This has not in any way stopped her from competing with her high-level cheer team. In fact, she's used her small size to her advantage becoming a flyer, often seen at the top of stunts. In this episode, Kali shares:
- Why Sutton's doctors decided a feeding tube would help her
- What it's like preparing a child for a feeding tube, including educating her classmates and cheer team
- How Sutton makes her feeding tube work in cheer (hint: it involves her ponytail!)
- How cheer has built her self-confidence about her size
- How Sutton is working to help other kids in similar situations to not be scared and to pursue their dreams, despite medical challenges
Follow Kali and Sutton on IG @thelittlestflyer
When you think of February, you may think of the hearts associated with Valentine's Day ... but even more importantly is that February is American Heart Month! So the timing is perfect to bring you today's interview with amazing heart mama, Kennidi! Kennidi's 7-year-old daughter, Oakley, was born with several heart defects and after having a few surgeries when she was younger, Oakley's family was told that her best option was a heart transplant. Oakley has now been on the transplant list for around a year and for almost all of this time, they have been living at the hospital, waiting for the call about a heart. Kennidi shares about how she tries to make it fun for a 7-year-old living in a hospital room, how hard it's been spending time away from Oakley's younger brother, and how her family is making it work and having hope. Amidst living in the hospital, Kennidi and Oakley also created a skin care line! I can't wait to share this amazing story with you all so Oakley and her mom can inspire you like they do me!
Find Kennidi and Oakley's skincare line at: https://oakleygraceskin.com/
Follow Kennidi on IG: @welcometoourbeautifulmess and Oakley: @oaksperfectheart
You can also support Oakley here: https://www.supportnow.org/the-werley-family?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZpjIPVRu6YjrTECaYaCx9IGsVhEYHseho23SV1aq6dWV0asLMtuK3XHb8_aem_2qQYQJmJ0osbCBZTf_vVJg
Saknas det avsnitt?
This is a big thing to say, but it's true: this interview changed my life. I had the complete honor of interviewing Salym Liufau who is a mom of 4. Salym shares about her journey with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). While this diagnosis may have slowed down what she can do physically, it has also led her to really understand what is important in life - no longer worrying about things like having a Pinterest-worthy house, but instead, stopping to really absorb the joy in her children's faces and snuggling together as a family in bed, sharing movie nights. I'm so excited to share this episode with you all, and I hope it touches your hearts as much as it did mine.
Follow Salym on IG @alswithsalym
Anita Coyle was living the chaotic motherhood life many of us understand, juggling four children and work as a physical therapist, when one day, her very healthy husband went for a swim, went into the locker room, and died. Anita, whose children ranged between 2 and 12 years old at the time, was left as the solo parent, thrust into navigating this new life while also moving through her own grief journey. She shares the raw and real moments and gives advice for others going through devastating times. She also opens up about how training for triathlons was what kept her going during that time and how she had to advocate for herself to get this time for herself each day. Beyond this, she also joins a friend to host a podcast, helping others who are traversing through widowhood. Anita is one AMAZING mama and athlete, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for her!
Find her podcast, Widow We Do Now, at https://widowwedonow.com/ and on Apple and Spotify!
Five years ago, Catherine suffered an amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) during the delivery of her second daughter leading to ECMO, DIC, a stroke, and an ICU stay followed by a long recovery process that continues today. She beat terriflyingly low odds of survival and has used her journey to help others by creating her own podcast focusing on perinatal trauma where mothers can share their stories and trauma around childbirth can be openly discussed. Her story will have you on the edge of your seat as she tells how she battled each day to live.
You can find her website here: https://www.birthtraumastories.com
Check out her podcast here:
You can find her on IG: @birthtraumastoriespodcast
Jennifer could never have expected how her life would change when her daugther, Allison, sprained her ankle. Doctors and physical therapists became alarmed when after 8 weeks, Allison had not improved and in fact, her foot was contracted and would no longer move. From here, Jennifer and Allison began a journey that eventually led to genetic testing and a diagnosis of dystonia, follwed by brain surgery that had a complication, leaving Allison's speech and movement more impaired. Not willing to collapse under the weight of all that had changed, both Jennifer and Allison dove in to every treatment and therapy they could find, and they have hope for improvement in the future. Jennifer shares honestly about the challenges of being disappointed in people she thought were her friends and how Allison has turned her situation around to educate and help others.
This is a POWERFUL one with a lot of lessons for all of us as we move into 2025.
Check out these links!
Allison's GoFund me to help get a wheelchair-accessible van:
Allison's Etsy shop:
Allison's Amazon Wish List:
Billy Footwear Link: https://billyfootwear.com/?ref=PALLISONS_JOURNEY
Allison's merch!
Allison's IG:
Karyn checked her 8-year-old daughter, Jordyn, in for a quick, 30-minute surgery: having her tonsils and adenoids removed. Little did they know there would be a complication, leading to Jordyn ending up on ECMO, a machine doing the work of her heart and lungs, in the ICU. What was supposed to be a simple procedure left Jordyn fighting for her life and Karyn fighting for Jordyn. This story is terrifying, engaging, inspirational ... and the ending will have you cheering for Jordyn and her amazing mama.
Today's story is one of strength and perseverence during one of the hardest situations I can imagine. Britt McCabe is here to share her pregnancy and postpartum journey. She became sick around 35 weeks pregnant, which progressed to becoming fully paralyzed due to Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Her son, Ollie, was delivered by c-section, and she was immediately taken to the ICU where she stayed for several weeks, unable to move on her own. Britt spent months in hospitals and rehab, all with the goal of learning to stand and walk again so she could care for her son. To say Britt's story is inspiring is an understatement, and I'm so excited to bring it to our listeners today!
Follow Britt's journey on IG @cidpwithbritt
I had the amazing opportunity to chat with Josie about her motherhood experience. Her daughter, Journey, is 8 years old and has a rare disease called Prader-Willi syndrome. Among other symptoms, this syndrome affects Journey in that she never feels full which has led her mom and family to have to make very specific rules around mealtimes and food. Josie shares about:
- Getting her daughter's diagnosis
- Modifications she has had to make as a mom around food
- The challenges of school and learning about IEP's/504's
- The importance of inclusion and how she and her husband have created a football and cheer program that focuses on including all kids who want to join, despite any special needs or financial status
Today is the much-anticipated part TWO of Angela Diven's story about her son Layton, and his journey with Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type 3. Today, she takes us through toddlerhood with a child prone to fractures, what it was like sending him to school for the first time, how he has overcome major injury, and how he has excelled in life, including in baseball and track/field.
Follow Angela and Layton on IG @superlaytondiven
Today's story is unbelievable, and I can't wait to share it with you all today. Angela Diven joins us for the first episode of this 2-part series about her journey raising her son, Layton, who has Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type 3. OI is a collagen disorder that affects his entire body, leading to bones that easily fracture. In Part 1, we chat about pregnancy, Layton's birth and his diagnosis afterward, and what it was like having a baby who could so easily fracture, even during a simple diaper change. She also bravely shares how this affected her mental health and how medication, the help of certain healthcare professionals, and finding an OI specialty center across the country helped her move through these dark times. Angela's bravery, openness, and incredible fight to advocate for her son will leave you on the edge of your seat, ready to for Part 2 which will come out one week from today.
Follow Angela and Layton on IG @superlaytondiven
I am so impressed by Paige Calendine and her mom, Heidi, who so kindly offered to share her story today. Heidi had a big surprise at the very end of her pregnancy when she was told her daughter would be born without lower extremities. She knew, though, that her daughter would live an incredible life...and that has become an understatement. Paige is an avid gymnast who is also active in cheer and archery, competing against able-bodied peers while also working to pave the way to bring gymnastics to the Paralympics...and hoping to compete in archery in the Paralympics herself.
You can also find out more about Heidi and Paige on IG @heidi.calendineCheck out Paige's documentary "Built Different" on Amazon Prime!
I am so thrilled to bring you today's interview with a true miracle mama, Ebony Ford. After suffering through devastating losses, Ebony became pregnant with her daughter, Reign, however a joyous time quickly turned scary when Reign had to be delivered early at 26 weeks while Ebony fought for her life, diagnosed with HELLP syndrome. Ebony has used her story to support others, and I am so honored she took time out of her busy life to chat with me today. You'll hear about:
- Moving through stillbirth and miscarriage
- HELLP syndrome and waking up in the ICU after delivering her daughter at 26 weeks
- Raising a micropreemie
- Choosing to become pregnant again after birth trauma
- All about her AMAZING community, Miracle Mamas
You can find Ebony at:
Website: www.miraclemamas.org
Miracle Mamas club: https://www.clubhouse.com/invite/dXNcg8pQrow58KnAn22K68e8oa1ph0k1y:-Guxvtj9ucUWEgi2QkAxMpdRRGHh4oUq99yvFS2hyBkPodcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-miracle-mama-podcast/id1605824286
I am so excited to bring you today's episode! Renee Sellers in an AMAZING mama that I have gotten to know and she joins us today to share her journey with her two daughters, Opal and Lucy, who are both autistic. You wil hear about:
- How her two girls present entirely diffrerently in terms of their autism
- Myths about autism
- Potential signs of autism
- How to encouge our kids to interact with others who may have a disability
- (This one is my favorite!) Why her family celebrates diagnosis days
You can find Renee on Instagram at @rainbows__after__rain
Today is a solo episode! I wanted to share about Gavin's surgical journey for his CP. When he was 4, he had a surgery called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy which is a 7-hour surgery where the surgeon finds the nerves leading to muscle spasticity - and severs them. Gavin then had to relearn how to sit, stand, walk, and more. A couple months later, he had a surgery to lengthen the muscles in both calves. In this episode, you'll hear about:
- What it's like to make such a terrifying medical decision
- The power of touch dogs
- When and how to advocate for your child
- Other lessons I learned along our surgical journey!
As usual, you can follow me on IG at
I am so happy to share this interview with you all! Today's guest is Laura Swanson who is the mom to an AMAZING girl named Harper. Harper had her first seizure the day of her 5th birthday party, and Laura shares their journey and how this has affected her as a mom. You will hear about:
- What it's like having a child with epilepsy
- How this has affected her mental health, particularly anxiety and OCD
- The importance of advocating for your child
- The need for self-care and expressing your needs as a mom (ALL moms, not just those of kids with medical needs)
Check out Laura's IG page at @lifewith.laurajessica
Today, I'm happy to share my interview with Ashley, whose 8-year-old daughter, Sadie, has been diagnosed with a rare disease called Sanfilippo Syndrome. Sanfilippo, as described by Ashley, is similar to dementia or Alzheimer's, but in children. In this episode, you will hear about:- What is Sanfilippo and how does it present in children- What has been Sadie's journey in terms of diagnosis, symptoms, and the involvement in a clinical trial- How Ashley makes sure that Sadie's life is full of travel and adventure This one is SO full of great lessons for all of us - the way Ashley approaches each day with Sadie is something we should all do! To learn more about Ashley and Sadie, you can find them on IG at @savingsadieraeYou can help at: https://curesanfilippofoundation.org/how-to-help/
Katrina Mullen's story is INCREDIBLE! Katrina was a mom of 5 boys, working as a NICU nurse, when she met her now-daughter, Shariya, who had just given birth at age 14 to micropreemie triplets. She bonded with the young mother and months later, when her daughter and the triplets were going to be moved to foster care, Katrina stepped in and said "yes" - to expanding her family and adopting Shariya. Katrina now has 5 boys, a daughter, and triplet grandchildren. In this unbelievable episode, you'll hear about:
- How Katrina and Shariya bonded in the hospital
- What it was like to say "yes" while being a single, working mother of five
- Shariya's amazing journey and what she is doing now
- How you can support others, such as a young mom
Happy 4th of July!
I'm so honored to have Ali DiIorio on today to share about motherhood with her husband in the Air Force. Ali is the mom of two boys, who are 3 years old and 6 months old. Her husband has been in the military for the last five years, and Ali shares how this has affected their family. You'll hear about:
- What it's like to move with kids every few years
- How she finds mom friends when she's frequently in a new place
- How being a military family has shaped her family values
- How you could help a military mom
Thank you to Ali's husband and to all other current and past members of the military for your service!
Today, I have TWO guests, Melissa and Elise, who is 6 years old. Elise is non-binary/gender fluid, and in the first part of the episode, Elise answers questions and shares thoughts while in the second half, Melissa shares experiences and advice from a parent's perspective. This episode includes:
- The importance of pronouns
- How our vocabulary is lacking necessary words and how words we commonly use can make others uncomfortable
- Advocating for your child
- Supporting your child while also giving yourself grace while you learn along with them
- Visa fler