Gabs and Mel are back this week with deep questions, an Iris stolen wee red purse update, a grocery blunder, gym photo embarassment and the audacity of tagged pictures.
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
Today we are joined by a super special guest - Mel's big brother, Tim! Tim is a teacher, performer and choir conductor and along with his love of the Bravo franchises, has so generously shared his story of coming out as gay in his thirties with us. Tim reflects on his journey to owning his sexuality and the impact that has had on his relationships, his sense of self, and his faith.
Tim's story is his own experience but we're sure you'll agree, it's an honest and vulnerable share, full of wisdom, bravery and love that so many will be inspired and encouraged by.
You can find Tim's singing page here: https://www.facebook.com/timreynoldssings/
Tim mentions Inclusive Faith - a website supporting those that identify as christian and LGBTQ+ as well as their allies. https://inclusivefaith.lgbt/
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
Saknas det avsnitt?
Sorry guys, we need to offer a trigger warning here for a couple of poo related stories, right out of the gate on this episode.
We're telling quite a few tales today including a poo intruder, the shocking price of fast food, our feelings about replacing underwear and some readers shooting their shot and asking a very deep question.
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
In this weeks episodes we put each other in the hot seat and answer your burning questions!
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
A catch up, a Bridgerton review, and most importantly a Iris storytime.
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
Enjoy this delirious conversation (which was our second take of the day after some technical difficulties). We discuss Taylor Swifts re-records, Gabby needing to watch Girls, and how everyone is a rat or a pig. It's ridiculous. But it also works.
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
Today we talk about couples therapy in real life and on TV and Mel bangs on about the embodied leadership work she is doing with Michelle. You can find out more about their work and the workshops coming up here: https://www.embodiedleadership.org.uk/
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
What will our kids say about us in therapy? Mel is taking exams by proxy and not loving it. Gabs shares real mindset shift around fitness and we talk about narcissists.
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
Gabby is worried that we don't have enough of a bedrock for our episodes but Mel is embracing of the whimsy. Very mixed messages/role reversal for us. This episode brings a middle of the night house emergency, why we love listening to regular people podcasts, our fav true crime shows or docs and Mel's deep connection to Paul Mescal via working at the Maxol filling station.
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
This week we are comparing and contrasting bread quality and cereal brands between the UK and the US, unused baby names, our favourite old school bloggers, and The Idea of You.
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
This week Mel brings a small host of things to discuss on the podcast: toxic traits, the female gaze, grocery store ettiquette, and Andrew Garfield. Enjoy!
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
Welcome to the MAE pretend music critic episode. There's loads of great female artists with new music out so we're doing a little overview of our favourites and least favourites. Yes, we cover TTPD and Mel shares a funny story of body shaming.
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
Comin' in hot with some solid recommendations from Gabs that are countered by some conversation about the ways that motherhood is depicted. We also share some of the things that you told us make you feel like a grown ass adult. Hard relating.
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
Gabby is in a self-enforced shopping and sugar embargo so today she tortures herself by talking about things we would like to spend our money on! We also discuss body dysmorphia during your cycle, the Quiet on Set Documentary and the personality of Dakota Johnson. Enjoy!
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
Mel shares another embarrassing work-related story. We talk about if making Easter baskets for your kids is mostly an American phenomena. A listener let us in on planning their very low key wedding. Thanks for tuning in for another episode of cozy listening!
Today's episode is a catch up. We're talking Mel's visit to London, the John Mayer experience, Gabby's annoyances over the random crap that accumulates around her house, Spring intentions and some new ideas for our Patreon crew!
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And as always, you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
Grab your tissues, the second part of our friendship breakup stories had us tearing up big time! In this episode we hear more from you guys about the messy, complex world of friendship. Huge love to all who sent us their stories - we are so grateful for you.
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And as always, you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our monthly Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching each month and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
We're back with an episode where we get to hear from you - our favourite! We asked you to tell us your stories of friendships lost or broken - something that we have all experienced the pain of but don't really talk about as much. Thank you to everyone who shared with us, it means a lot that you'd trust us with your stories. We had so many responses so we're making this a two parter.
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And as always, you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our monthly Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching each month and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
In this episode, we're helping a listener make a dreamy wedding soundtrack, talking about highs and lows from the week (Gabby is now a non-consenting gym model) and Mel still has a freaking cough. Boooo.
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have INCLUDING our latest call in episode about friendship breakups and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And as always, you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our monthly Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching each month and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
Catch up with us this week as we talk about the full gamut of life lately; from needing the approval of women to annoying nail techs to patronising church signs, we are sounding off a bit! Enjoy!
As always, please feel free to get in touch with us about any life or food dilemmas, issues or questions you have INCLUDING our latest call in episode about friendship breakups and we will offer our best advice & thoughts in future episodes. Reach us on hello@makinganeffortpodcast.com!
And as always, you'd be so welcome to support the podcast by joining our Patreon! For just £$5/£4 a month you'll get access to our monthly Making An Effort Magazine stacked with all our favourite things we're buying, eating, reading and watching each month and get invited to join us for our MAE Patreon only recordings and cocktail hours. Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/makinganeffortpodcast
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