A song written by Terry Macalmon. additional lyrics written and sung by me, J Song live 10/12/18 . All instruments were played by me but recorded after the keyboard. Full video can be found in link. https://youtu.be/aK_Z-jSPptA
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A personal testimony and encouragement
Praise God for a special ministry I love sharing the Word of God! Let this message bless your and spurn your heart towards a Godly and fruitful life; and to encourage you to stay firm in your foundation. Grab a bible and soar with us through the passages as we share this special message for you.
This is a sermon about a bigger purpose than you have seen for yourself. A real Holy Spirit led Sermon. Grab a bible and follow along as we listen to the word of the Lord today.
A special message to the beliversA Rehearsal of “Why”
Some of them even give up on “trying” anymore and some, even give up on trying to live for Christ, Yet in other extreme cases, many are led to self harm and even suicide. Some give up on respecting themselves, and others walk away from God completely. They say, “why should I even try anymore.” They are poor souls astay and lost, without hope.
Sometimes when someone sins they ask themselves why did I do that. And you know sometimes its good to questions our motives, especially when those actions are fresh. However. When it comes to others, there are people who live with such regret that they cannot even forgive themselves, and this causes them to live in a state of hopelessness. And constantly asking themselves, “WHY? Why did I do this?And they play the events out over and over in their minds always with the same goals: Seeking to understand the situation, to understand themselves, to make sense of it all? Even so, it often enough it results in justification of sins and choices, yet even this is in vain as it only gives way to delusion only further obscuring the path to true peace and true hope; The path to life. Eventually the justification wears off though our Lord. And the events play out over and over again.Do we aid the Lost to forgiveness?
There is a time and place for confession, but what about people just wanting hope?
But us Christians are sometimes no better at helping them because we, in our sinful gravity as it were, seek gossip. Sometimes people just have to know another’s sins and dirty laundry. Why, I wonder?Of Jesus, the Bible says that “He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person.” - John 2:25.
He could look right through you and know what was inside you. Yet how often did Jesus rub it in people’s faces?
If you search you will often find that Jesus did not sit in the judgment seat to judge. Though he said we would have a judge and the Bible tells us we will have a judgment day. When appealing to the broken-hearted and destitute, the sinners, he would not do such things.
I am proposing a way of thought. Why dont we as Christians walk in such forgiveness unto men. Why do we not aid those needing forgiveness?Listen to this story.
Mathew 9:2-8 says:
2 Some men brought to him a paralyzed man, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.”
3 At this, some of the teachers of the law said to themselves, “This fellow is blaspheming!”
4 Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts? 5 Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’?6 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “Get up, take your mat and go home.”
7 Then the man got up and went home. 8 When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe; and they praised God, who had given such authority to man.
The Price for self in-forgivness
Look at the price to pay for un-forgiveness:Mathew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
So think of what it would be like to walk without feeling the forgiveness of Christ.
Have you had seasons of your life where you have lived with un-repented sin? If you did then you know the feeling of walking with such convictions. It is a heavy thing to walk with the feelings of a preluding terrible wrath to come with no hope.
Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! Romans 5:9
Heb 10:26-30
26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. 28 Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.”31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.What a scary thing it is to be an enemy of God because our our temptation to sin continuously. And to be locked into that; And to trample on the grace of our Lord for the believers who once knew him but have turned back to the wrath of god.
We know we must continue but what about those who have chosen not to continue in the faith they once had. This is a scary thing.
And, "But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back." Hebrews 10:38
So for many its simply easier for them to run from God.
What’s worse is this also in further bloom turns into hatred of ones self,
And that person is not able to love others the way God intended. The relationships, choices and actions become evil and destructive.Mark 12:30-31 New International Version (NIV)
How can they love others when they dont even love their self’s? as a side note: People who do not love and respect themselves will often find the selfs having toxic relationships.
30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”THERE IS HOPE FOR THEM
They need hope. They need to have the chains loosed. And guess what? We have the power to do that.“And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit.23 If you forgive anyone's sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." John 20:24
Read that again!
Its time that we walk in such ways. Going and forgiving others, Sometimes another person simple is not able to reconcile themselves unto God, but for the believer who is strong we can bear the burdens of others and help bring them back to Christ in an non judgmental way. We can love them back to health. We can point the way to the cross.
This is amazing because you can help them to move on with their lives. You have to power to help them escape the darkness. You have that calling.
Do you know how many people have stopped “living” because they have been stuck in un-forgivness against their own selfs. It’s easy to look at someone from afar and simply say, “oh, they just need to forgive themselves.” And they should.
They live life without fulfilling their lives calling. they live as failures! They walk away from the truth simply because they have forgotten how to stand and rise past the trauma of their choices.
But do you also know that many do not know how to find a way to bring themselves to figure how, and they perish. What a shame.Aldultery
Imagine the man or woman who had an affair. They indulge is a season of sin and pleasure living in ignorance and denial of the truth. They sin against God and and against their spouse. But they also sin against their own body.Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. 1 Cor 6:18
Without realizing it they sin in more ways than they can grasp. Yet when the fantasy ends and the euphoria wears off, it bites you like a snake. Like the bitterest of poisons. They think “What have I done?”. And they live the rest of their lives in such bitter regret. Some of those spouses never dust themselves off and turn back to the Lord and his leading for their life’s.”
Who has sinned in ways and has tasted this kind of bitter poison. To live in regret of our sins for so long.
But for the person to live with such regret of leaving their spouse of many years, it is painful to both. But I would think that the victimized spouse is able to cry and move on with life, ravaged and traumatized, maybe. But God is the healer.
But what can be said about the adulterator. In my opinion they are worse off. Because they live with that regret every single day. They find relief only in more indulgence of fantasy. Or in more sin. Some who have Sined in such grievous ways turn to drugs, or alcohol, or lives of debauchary and even so to more sexual immorality. All of these distraction from the voice of Lord, the conviction of sin and the wrath to come if they have not repented. Yet what hope do they have if they stay in this condition? For those living in such regrets and pains of sins like these and others where the believer ran away?
The Trap is set.
You see the sin is not just a sin but also a trap. We escape the sins who have turned to Christ and seek his forgiveness, but what about them?
The pain is so great. It’s more than they can bear. Have you ever stopped to think about them? About how they escape or live.They want out!
I tell you the truth, many want out of that lifestyle. That want hope, They want out, they want things to go back to they way there were again when they were happy. They want to go back to a time when they had peace. But the demons haunt them and constantly abuse them with this hopeless trap and self condemnation.The Spirit of Cutting
The main reason so many people are cutting now in days is because its a way to deal with a private pain. Sometimes the pains are what was done to them in my experience the #1 motivation behind the vast majority of all cutting it’s because of a guilt that a person is living with inside. Something they cannot forgive themselves for.
Some men and women especially young people, have resorted to and increasingly popular form of self harm. Its called “Cutting”. The cutter takes a sharp object on a part of their body many times on the wrist or legs or another hidden part of the body. (Though some do it on a more exposed part of the body) The cut is like a slice into the skin drawing blood.
This is more than the scope of this message, but I do want to say a few things about this.it could be a decision they have made, sometimes they were simply the victim of something traumatic like rape or molestation, but the person cutting, inside, believes deep down that it was really their fault. Maybe simply because they “let it happen.”
Though the evil spirit of Cutting is running rampant, he uses these lives complained with the spirit of un-forgiveness. The results are devastating and when in full bloom pave way to other more evil spirts like suicide, Overdose, alcoholism. And other vile spirits. All of these are lies brought forth from these spirits of the kingdom of darkness.
Further on cutting
Yet to explain a little further, some of the other core thoughts that flood the minds of the rational behind the spirit of cutting are:“It’s easier to focus on the pain with my eyes.” [because this pain I can control. I am in control I am in control.]
All of these thoughts play in and out of a persons mind as the devil shares his lies int he spiritual realm. They vicious circle is almost never ending. As old scars heal, new scars are formed. Some people have even run out of “secret places on their body’s that the continuously mutilate. Being a Youth pastor for almost 15 years and being a Senior pastor of a small church for 3, I have encountered these spirits many times over the years. The faces changes but the tactics of the spirits who attack these people do not.
“This pain distracts me from having to deal with other pains. [I have many pains but only one at the moment, ill deal with the others later when I figure it out]
“This scab is healing isn’t it? So my pain is healing. I’m getting better.” [Yet this person is never healing are they? But the visual healing of a wound from hour to hour gives the false sense of security that things are getting better.”
“I cant let this scab heal” [and Yet they re-cut old wounds. This represents how the person cannot let the self heal.]
“I am making a scar, to remind me of my real “scars” [so that I never forget.” This is the thought process of those who do not wish to even allow themselves to forget.]
“This cut is in private” [these people do not want others to know their pain. They would never understand]
“This cut is public” [a public cry for help, but only for those who can relate and understand, like me? “Maybe there is someone else out there who understands my pain or is also a cutter.” To everyone else, “the cat just scratched me.”
“look at my blood.” [ I am bleeding. They use this to try to understand, they stare at the blood and try to make sense of everything. This also falls into trying to grasp the wind. They are trying to make sense of it all.]Depression is usually standing at the gate guiding the way to the house of this spirit. He invites you in gently. There movies depicting this and young men and women think to find relief by, “trying it”.
Your own children and teenagers may be doing this. Your own spouse or co worker maybe a victim of this spirit. So what can we do.PLAN OF ACTION!
We can make spiritual ware fare against this enemy in our prayers. Remember, the powerful fervent prayers of the righteous avail much.James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Standing powerfully in prayer prayer fervently. Shouting, sweat and even tears is a powerful tool in the believers prayer life. A strong prayer has powerful effects and does effective damage against the kingdom of Darkness. Both in your life and the lives of your loved ones, you will see chains break and the power of the chains broken in the Mighty name of Jesus. His Holy Spirits power will release from you mightily. And you will be victorious in JESUS name! Holy Spirit Fire!!!
The core root of this message, In addition to prayer and warfare is this:
I want you to forgive men and women their sins. I want you to help guide them back to the Cross. I want you to look them in their eyes and let them know that Jesus Christ forgives them, and that they are forgiven. For the son of man has given you power to do so in jesus name.
“I want you to go out and find them and I will bring them to you, and you will know that I have brought them to you for It will be revealed to you who they are. I will show them to you. And when I do, I want you to breath life back into them. For my forgiveness will be like the breath of life and fire, and they will have room to breath. Your hands will be anointed to break their chains when you see them and you will do so in my Name! I want to set them free. I do not want them to live like this any longer. I want to bring them hope too! I am your hope, but I cannot sit idle as my enemy gloats over them and constantly tells them there is no hope. For I have hope for them, I have life and love. And I do not want them to continue in sin. I want them to be saved too. Just as I have saved you. I desire to heal them. I want them to call on my name and I will heal their land of the scars that were on the inside and the scars that are on the outside. They will both be healed in name of jesus. By my power that I give unto you. I have anointed you to do this, so go and heal the nations. Bring healing to your families. “
The Lord wants us to help them forgive themselves. When they do, they see the path back to the cross. Who are we to judge them? Who are we to drive the nails deeper? Who are we to keep making them replay the choices over and over? Do you have stones to throw? Then you too need to forgive them and let the one who has no sin cast the first stone.
What if instead of seeking to understand the choices and the sins that were so obviously evil, you simply forgive and start a new.Do you have un-forgiveness against your own self?
If you if you are struggling with un-forgivness against yourself:
If you have been struggling like this for so long, unable to forgive yourself, I want you to do something new, I want your to stop trying to understand the sins and choices you made! I want you to rehearse them no longer. Why? Because even our Lord and savor said, “Father, forgive them, for They know not what they do.” Luke 23:43
I make a challenge to you:Our Lord forgives you and do you know what is rational was? It’s simply this, You didn’t know what you were doing, what you REALLY were doing. If you really did, if you really understood the pain you would suffer, if you really understood the consequences of sin, if you really understood what hell is really like and how long eternity really last? ... you would not do what it is that you do.
Its time.
This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will give you my message.” 3 So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. 4 But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.
5 Then the word of the Lord came to me. 6 He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel. Jer 18:1-6Its okay to stop and hit the reset button on your choices that you make today.
It’s okay to forgive people the sins they can never repay.
They cant make it right. And there is no good reason why they did what they did. There is no reason for it. It was bad what they chose. They were bad choices. It’s okay to accept and stamp it as: It was wrong. It was a bad choice. But it doesn’t have to be you anymore. And it has been, it does not have to define who you become because God has a plan to make you into who he wants you to be. he has a plan for the rest of your life. I never want you to forget that. Maybe you made a mess of your past, maybe we made a mess of life and the plans he had. Maybe the clay was marred in the potters hand. But he can make something wonderful out of whatever you have left give. It time.And unto everyone else ...
It’s okay to forgive them.
It’s time to forgive them.
And its time to forgive yourself., You didn’t really know the weight of the sin. But Our lord forgives.
“Do you hear me daughter, do you hear me son? I forgive you. You are forgiven, its okay to forgive yourself now. because I forgive you. You can move on. I love you.”
With love, from me to you
Pastor Song. July 14 th 2018
480-259-8054 -
Here is an abridged version of some of the songs from todays worship service. May God bless you and enjoy.
-A pure heart
-All in all
-There is none
-Heart of worship -
Join us as I go into the word of God, Sharing from the word and a personal testimony from my own pastors, Pastor Kim and his wife regarding our final Day in this life, Have a bible ready to follow along. may God bless you abundantly and Keep you till he comes for his children, Amen,
Sunday December 3rd Evening home Bible Study. Complete with Cat fighting action,! unedited.
Special note: This is our first official podcast here. However I list this as season 2 as this is season two of our church, We have recorded previous full sermons and services that are archived and we will post at a future date.