Dr. Kore Brown, LMFT, walks us through the healing modalities of trauma therapy (EMDR) and couples therapy (EFT). We explore the context of attachment theory within emotionally-focused therapy including de-escalation, restructuring the attachment bond, consolidation, and relapse prevention. We discuss when to start couples counseling, when to stop, how many sessions are advised, and how to pay for it.
If you’re looking for support or therapy, check out Openpath and Psychology Today.
Connect with Dr. Kore Brown, LMFT
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Karen shares 12 tips to make long-distance relationships a little bit easier. After spending a long-distance year with her partner, she notes the subtle and overt things that helped her along the way including active listening and self-care.
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As tradition would have it, Karen reflects on her year of immense growth and expansion. In 2023, she relinquished herself from a toxic relationship, turned 29, basked in the warmth of her friends, attended her first burn, and met the greatest love of her existence. This is a live reading of her letter to 2023.
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Pedal Electric is changing the way people transport themselves and setting the precedence as a climate-neutral and ocean-positive e-bike company. Nathan Yick unpacks thriving in entrepreneurial chaos, seeking sustainable and realistic wellness rituals, and contending with the pressures of growing up Asian American.
Connect with Nathan Yick, Pedal Electric
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On the eve of Karen's 29th birthday, she spills the tea on her relationship and this past year of life. Spoiler alert, she’s doing well and she's repurposing her energy while learning from karmic lessons. Stay until the end for some relationship advice on boundaries, self-compassion, and nurturing friendships.
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Today, Friday, June 24th, 2022, the Supreme Court has agreed to reverse the Roe v. Wade decision that supports the 14th amendment, otherwise known as “equal protection of the laws.” My heart is heavy today as I respond to these events and provide education on female reproductive processes.
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By applying the cognitive science theory of mental models into our daily lives, we may understand the delicate relationship between expectation and reality. Together, we learn to use tools like communication and non-attachment to move through life with ease and grace.
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How can we overcome our unique traumas from previous relationships, platonic or romantic? By experiencing new, positive, and safe partnerships. Explore neuroplasticity with your host, Karen Wang, in this solo episode.
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Jessica Mazzo takes a client-centered focus with tarot reading to provide relatable and actionable advice for self-reflection. Together, we explore what tarot reading is and how to divinely align with your personalized tarot journey.
Connect with Jessica Mazzo
follow jessica on instagram @jess_the_empress
book a reading www.magicalsoulhealing.com
listen to the magical soul healing podcast
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Spend some time with me, your host, Karen Wang, diving into low self-esteem, judgment, and striving for success through the eyes of others. In this candid episode, I share about what's been holding me back from this podcast, my personal goals, and radical acceptance.
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Shapeshifting comes naturally to singer-songwriter Courtney Preis. She breaks down how she follows unconventional paths, such as music, farming, and catering, to become embodied within her purpose.
Connect with Courtney Preis
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songs featured in meditation, “dream” and “glitter and gold,” shared with permission from courtney preis
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We’re back and maybe we don’t know how to feel about it all. The year is 2020, we’re in the midst of a global pandemic, and we’re equipping ourselves with everything in our toolbox to stay in our power.
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Do you believe that everything is happening to align you with your higher calling? In this off-script conversation with Katie Shim, we chat about pinpointing the synchronicities that helped us move to Hawaii and find home within ourselves.
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Functional medicine doctor, Dr. Sara DeFrancesco, provides us with a guide to curing your insomnia and getting the best sleep of your life. We cover topics like anxiety, trauma, gut health, self-care, and sleep in order to give you a 360 view of wellness.
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learn more at Thriving Force
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Rachel Krupa, the creator of Krupa Consulting and The Goods Mart, shares exactly how she was able to start her bi-coastal businesses. From strategic partnerships with brands aiming to do good to her jet setter lifestyle, this episode is for all the entrepreneurs out there.
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The Goods Mart
Krupa Consulting (they're hiring!)
Dr. Shelly Sethi, a board-certified family physician with an emphasis on integrative and functional medicine, breaks down the chemistry behind mental health and its contributing factors (ie. stress, sleep, movement, nutrition, mindfulness, and community).
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Built to Thrive book
Dr. Shari Auth is a Chinese Medicine doctor, licensed acupuncturist, and co-founder of WTHN, a modern healing studio in the heart of New York. Her goal is to demystify natural healing and make acupuncture, cupping, herbs, and ear seeds accessible to all.
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use the code "LIFEOFKARE10" at checkout for 10% off your acupuncture session or purchase of herbs.
Martha Soffer, owner of Surya Spa, speaks about the ancient tradition of Ayurvedic medicine— lifestyle, environment, and detox (panchakarma). When we bring awareness back to our bodies, we’re then able to self-regulate our doshas (vatta, pitta, kapha) and live in a state of harmony. We chat about accessible preventative methods for everyone like self-massage, enemas, and eating a vegan diet.
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website surya spa
surya spa, santa monica
kitchari & mung bean cake recipes
mention The LifeofKare Podcast when you book a session with Martha and receive a free loaf of their paleo, gluten-free, and amazingly delicious almond-banana-walnut, ginger-peach-turmeric, or apple-date bread.
When neither yoga, meditation, acupuncture, EMDR, talk therapy, nor fasting could heal the crippling effects of her depression, Kayla Nielsen turned to the healing powers of plant medicine Ayahuasca. In this episode, she recounts her steadfast journey to understanding the meaning of life.
Follow LifeofKare on Instagram | @lifeofkare
Follow Kayla on Instagram | @kaylalanielsen
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