
  • Hey everyone, it's Jennie Dildine here with another episode of the LDS Mission Podcast. On today's episode, I wanted to share some leadership tips that I've learned from my own experiences serving in various callings and leadership positions over the years.

    I talk about the importance of recognizing that there are both "visionaries" and "implementers" on any team or project, and how each person brings a unique set of skills, talents, and perspectives. I also discuss some of the challenges that visionary leaders can face in forgetting the day-to-day realities of implementing a vision.

    I provide over 10 specific tips for how visionaries can help implementers feel supported, valued and successful in their roles. Whether you're preparing to serve a mission, currently serving, or have already returned, I hope you'll find value in thinking about how to apply principles of empowering leadership.

    Listen in to learn more about how recognizing strengths and maintaining morale could help you have the most fulfilling leadership experience possible.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, it's Jennie Dildine here with another episode of the LDS Mission Podcast. Today I have a really insightful discussion about religious OCD and scrupulosity. I talk with Claire Breedlove, a licensed clinical social worker who has a lot of experience treating OCD, especially when it comes to religious themes.

    We discuss what scrupulosity is, how it can impact missionaries and young adults, and tips for managing anxiety. Claire also shares about effective treatment options like exposure therapy. If you or someone you know struggles with religious OCD, I hope you find this conversation helpful. Be sure to check out the resources mentioned in the show notes. Thanks for listening!

    Claire Breedlove is a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in providing evidence-based treatment for religious OCD, also known as scrupulosity, in members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Claireis an active member of the International OCD Foundation and has completed the IOCDF’s Pediatric Behavior Therapy Training Institute. Claire currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Mormon Mental Health Association and is licensed to practice in California, Utah, Idaho, Texas, Louisiana and Florida. Claire holds masters degrees from Johns Hopkins University and the Tulane University School of Social Work.

    More information about Claire’s practice is available at www.mountainhomeocd.com.

    Also check out th International OCD Foundation website: https://iocdf.org/

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  • Jennie here with episode 156 of the LDS Mission Podcast. This week we're talking all about overcoming the RM struggle.

    As many of you know, coming home from a mission can be a big adjustment. Here are the main things that I hear over and over from return missionaries, "I really struggled with not having a clear schedule and purpose anymore." "I feel lost and I'm not sure what to do next."

    In this episode, I share some of the most common struggles returned missionaries face according to my strategy calls with RMs. I also provide 6 mantras and mindset shifts that can help ease the transition home.

    Whether you're preparing to serve, currently serving, or have recently returned, I hope you walk away with some helpful tools and know that whatever you're experiencing is completely normal. Thanks for tuning in, and I hope to see you back next week for another episode!

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.


    16 -The Truth About Your Purpose

    19 - Stop Using Tools as Weapons

    31 - 3 Quick Tools for Returning Missionaries

    52 - Trust Yourself

    57 - Habits, Goals, Dreams

    62 - Stop Wrestling with Rest

    75 - Fostering Fulfillment

    103 - The Achievement High

    112 - It Isn’t Silly

    124 - Stop Chasing Happy

    126 - The Doing Diet

    134 - Decision Making 101

    140 - About "Feeling Better"

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  • Hey everyone, this is Jennie Dildine with episode 155 of the LDS Mission Podcast. On this episode I discuss the art of holding space, which is an important tool for confidence and relationships.

    I talk about how holding space can help missionaries and leaders create a supportive environment by allowing others to have their own experiences and emotions without judgment.

    Some ways to hold space include being curious about others' perspectives, accepting of differences, speaking to the full human experience, and avoiding comparisons or dismissing what people say happened to them.

    I hope that by practicing holding space this week in your interactions, it can help you better connect with and support those around you on your mission or in your church service. Be sure to check out the free resources mentioned that can help as you prepare for your mission or return home. Thanks for listening!

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, Jennie here with the show notes for today's episode where we discussed managing motivation and avoiding crossing that fine line to overwhelm.

    In this episode, I shared some of my own experiences feeling motivated but then crossing over into anxiety or overwhelm as things start to pile on. I talked about how important it is to pay attention to your emotions and really understand the difference between feelings like motivation, excitement, anxiety and overwhelm.

    I also provided some strategies I use to help myself like expanding my emotional vocabulary, reminding myself that I have time and don't need to prove anything.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • This episode of the LDS Mission Podcast features an inspiring interview with Kate Kilpack about her experience serving a service mission after facing unexpected challenges early in her proselyting mission.

    Kate Killpack is a diligent missionary who started off her mission in June of 2023 in the Mexico City MTC when her mission experience took a couple of unexpected turns. After struggling with OCD scrupulosity and going through a knee surgery, she has figured out that God sometimes has a different plan for His missionaries.

    Kate is from Lindon, Utah and enjoys hiking, skiing, and being in the sun. In the future she hopes to become an elementary school teacher.

    Kate shares openly about struggling with OCD scrupulosity and a knee injury in the MTC that led her to transfer to a service mission close to home. She discusses the valuable service she provided in various sites and her journey to regain confidence in herself and her ability to return to proselyting.

    Kate offers an insightful perspective and advice for any missionary or returned missionary facing unexpected bumps and turns in their mission or post-mission journey. Her powerful testimony of God's perfect plan and the Atonement's ability to transform our weaknesses will uplift and encourage all listeners.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • In this episode of the LDS Mission Podcast, I discuss the secret to "how" when it comes to navigating life's challenges and transitions. Whether it's preparing for a mission, college, or parenthood, most of us don't have a clear manual to follow.

    However, we can overcome uncertainty by learning to manage our emotions, trust ourselves, and view life as a great experiment rather than a test. I encourage listeners to take the next small step towards their goals without needing to know the full path ahead of time.

    Ultimately, we each discover the "how" through actively participating in life's experiments rather than waiting for clear instructions.

    For anyone preparing for a mission or college, navigating post-mission life, or simply wanting to better handle life's uncertainties, I hope this podcast provides a fresh perspective on facing challenges through experimentation and self-compassion rather than expectations or tests.

    My goal is to help listeners feel empowered to keep moving forward even when they feel unsure of the path ahead.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, Jennie here with episode 151 of the LDS Mission Podcast.

    This week I wanted to talk about something very personal - being a mom of adult children. As many of you know, I have 5 kids ranging from young adults to teenagers. It's been such a journey watching them grow up, and there are so many lessons I've learned along the way.

    In this episode, I share some of my best tips for letting go of expectations and trusting the plan as your kids become independent.

    I also discuss the importance of validating yourself rather than relying on your kids for that. I give you all of my tips for navigating the journey of having adult children.

    Overall, my hope is that this podcast provides some comfort and perspective to other missionary moms out there. Thanks so much for listening, and I hope you enjoy!

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, it's Jennie here with episode 150 of the LDS Mission Podcast.

    Today I wanted to discuss the power of our thoughts and how we can empower ourselves through more positive self-talk.

    As missionaries, we often experience doubts, worries and insecurities. But did you know the thoughts we choose to think can significantly impact our confidence and outlook?

    In this episode I share how our default thoughts can sometimes be unhelpful, and offer alternatives focused on personal empowerment rather than external factors. I also discuss the importance of using "I statements" to build ourselves up regardless of circumstances.

    If you're feeling discouraged or unsure of yourself, give this episode a listen to discover how switching up your self-talk could be the game-changer you've been looking for.

    I hope you walk away feeling motivated to embrace thoughts that strengthen your sense of agency and ability to handle whatever comes your way.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, Jennie here with episode 149 of the LDS Mission Podcast.

    In this episode we discuss the importance of feeling heard and valued, both on your mission and in other situations. I talk about how feeling unheard can lead to a lack of agency and feelings of isolation.

    But there are respectful ways to advocate for yourself and have a voice without being confrontational. I also share insights on understanding where others are coming from and creating safety, vision, and love within yourself first before relying on others.

    Be sure to listen to learn how to navigate challenging relationships while still staying true to yourself. I hope these discussions are helpful as you serve your mission or support someone who is. Thanks for tuning in!

    If you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, Jennie here with the latest episode of the LDS Mission Podcast. On this week's episode, I wanted to discuss the importance of viewing our emotions in a positive light. Rather than labeling feelings as "good" or "bad", I encourage listeners to think of emotions as helpful signals that can guide us.

    I share several analogies, such as comparing emotions to smoke detectors, that are meant to keep us safe rather than trigger shame. Tune in to learn how emotions can reveal what matters to us, show us what's possible, and even spur us to positive action.

    My hope is that reframing how we think about feelings will help all missionaries to navigate their experiences with more confidence and self-compassion. I'll be sharing some of my favorite tools and strategies, so don't miss out on this insightful discussion!

    If you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, today's episode I talk on finding the process that works best for you. I talked about how we're all so uniquely different and how important it is to figure out what fills your own personal energy tank.

    Some key things I discussed were the importance of asking yourself what you need in each moment and making sure your processes energize you rather than deplete you.

    I want to encourag listeners to believe in their own unique way of doing things and reminded missionaries and leaders not to make assumptions but to communicate directly about needs. I hope you each discover what fuels you and allows you to make the biggest impact in your own way.

    If you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Isabella Beals is a Senior at Brigham Young University. She is a theater arts studies major with a double minor in music and psychology. She is planning on attending graduate school to study therapy and eventually wants to become a certified drama therapist. Isabella also served as a full-time missionary in Albania from 2018-2020. She loves the gospel, her mission, and her discipline of theater and is always excited when any of those areas combine to create something spiritually powerful.

    She is very blessed to be working on a new project called The Missionary Play where she is taking the stories and insights of all kinds of LDS missionaries to create a full-length play. If you want to help support the project, please feel free to share your mission experiences (as a full-time missionary, service missionary, performing missionary, senior couple, mission leader, or any other experience you have with missionary work) by filling out the survey below:

    Share Your Mission Story Here: The Missionary Play Survey

    Learn more from Jennie:

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  • Episode 145 - We Rejoice in Christ

    Hey everyone, I'm so glad you joined me for this Easter episode of the LDS Mission Podcast. In this episode, I discussed the importance of focusing on Jesus Christ and His grace in our lives and missionary work.

    I wanted to be explicit in my views and feelings of Christ and so I share my personal testimony of Christ and reflected on scriptures like Second Nephi 25 that teach about looking to Him for salvation.

    For those of you preparing for a mission, currently serving, or already home, I hope this podcast helps you feel Christ's love and example as you dedicate your service to Him. And for all my listeners, I hope the messages of Easter help you feel hope. Wishing you all a very happy Easter!

    If you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Episode 144 - What Makes Missionaries Spiral

    In this episode, I explore some of the common reasons why missionaries may struggle or experience downward spirals during their missions.

    Drawing on my own experiences and observations working with missionaries, I discuss how our natural human experiences of feeling sad, overwhelmed or stressed can easily lead us to add extra negative meaning and self-criticism if we're not careful.

    However, I encourage listeners that it's possible to avoid these spirals by stopping our tendency to make assumptions or connections between unrelated things.

    Some practical tips I share include questioning our meaning-making, validating our own feelings, and addressing thoughts and issues separately.

    My hope is that missionaries and returned missionaries alike can be kinder to themselves by recognizing when they've spiraled and choosing to lift themselves with understanding rather than criticism.

    If you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Episode 143 - How to Create Your Own Luck

    In this episode, I discuss how shifting your mindset can help you create your own luck. I talk about how our thoughts and beliefs influence our perception of luck, for better or for worse.

    Some key strategies I explore include visualizing your future self who has already achieved their goals, and bringing that positive feeling to the present. I also discuss the importance of taking inspired action while also embracing unexpected outcomes.

    Through personal stories, I illustrate how challenging limiting beliefs and embracing new perspectives can open up opportunities for growth. My hope is that listeners walk away feeling empowered to overcome worries and doubts, and to achieve their goals through positive thinking and a growth mindset.

    If you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • The LDS Mission Podcast, Episode 142 - Be Kind to Your Toddler Brain

    In this of the LDS Mission Podcast, I, your host Jennie Dildine, take a deep dive into the fascinating concept of the "toddler brain" and its impact on those gearing up for missions or currently out in the field. I want to shed light on the dual nature of our brains—there's the higher brain that plans and reasons, and then there's the lower, more primitive part, or as I affectionately call it, the "toddler brain," which is all about safety and steering clear of pain.

    I get real about how this toddler brain tends to rear its head when we're faced with new challenges or experiences, stirring up fears and doubts. But here's the twist: instead of seeing it as a problem, I urge you to befriend your toddler brain. Treat it like you would a scared little one—offer patience, understanding, and self-talk to ease the worries.

    Throughout the episode, I share my insights on why embracing this toddler brain is crucial for personal growth, especially during mission experiences. As we wrap things up, I encourage you to check out the show notes for additional resources and freebies that can help you navigate the unique challenges of missionary life. So, buckle up, embrace your toddler brain, and let's navigate this mission journey together!

    If you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Episode 141 - Internal and External Reference Points

    I'm excited to share today's topic - Internal and External Reference Points. As missionaries and returned missionaries, it's so easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others and seeking validation externally.

    In this episode, I introduce the vacuum concept. Using this concept, it will help us all to learn to look inside ourselves for validation, rather than seeking it externally.

    Making decisions and determining your worth from a place of inner assurance is challenging but so important, both on your mission and beyond. I hope you'll give these tools a try to begin looking internally. As always, please reach out if you have any other questions.

    If you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Episode 140 - About "Feeling Better"

    The main focus in this week's episode, is on personal growth and managing emotions while serving a mission. I talk about some of the challenges with only focusing on "feeling better" and argue for the importance of "getting better at feeling" a range of emotions.

    I share how understanding that thoughts influence feelings helped me when raising my son on the autism spectrum. I encourage missionaries to accept all emotions as part of God's plan, rather than trying to change how they feel.

    To illustrate balancing both positive and negative emotions, I use the analogy of an "emotion soup" and encourage adding ingredients like compassion and acceptance to make uncomfortable feelings more tolerable.

    In this episode, I invite listeners to expand their capacity for all emotions, including difficult ones, to improve their well-being and potential. I emphasize the value of getting comfortable with discomfort to gain greater life experiences.

    Overall, I hope this provides tools for missionaries and families to navigate emotions in a healthy, growth-oriented way. My goal is to encourage fully embracing feelings to serve with confidence

    If you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey, everyone! It's Jennie Dildine, the LDS mission coach, and you're tuned in to the LDS Mission Podcast, Episode 139 - "Thoughts Are Not Problems."

    In today's episode, we dive into the misconception that thoughts are problems and explore how our brains work as problem-solving machines. Whether you're a preparing missionary, currently serving, or a returned missionary, understanding the nature of your thoughts can empower you in navigating the unique challenges of a mission.

    We also discuss the importance of compassionately observing your thoughts without judgment and recognizing them as assessments or pieces of code designed to reach specific outcomes. Remember, thoughts are not good or bad, right or wrong – they just are. Check out the show notes for some valuable resources to enhance your mission experience. Until next time, embrace yourself, your mission, and what's next!

    If you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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