
  • Hey Friends~

    Have you been cultured to be quiet? Have you grown up NOT telling what is actually true for you? Perhaps you know that if you tell what you actually think - It would not be okay. You learned to say what is expected of you.

    This is “socialized behavior.” … There is a time for that.

    Not Today!

    If you want your kids to tell you the truth, you need to be able to accept ALL KINDS of truth. We cannot expect our kids to only speak the truth when we want to hear. That is, if you want an authentic, honest relationship with them!

    If we start this socialized pattern when they are small, we inadvertently teach them they cannot trust themselves, which leads to many unnecessary struggles.

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    132 Erin LoPorto: Why Telling Your Child, “Don’t Worry” Doesn’t Help

    141 How Do You Inadvertently Build Doubt Into Your Child? Here’s One Way To Change Doubt Into Confidence!

    149 Triggered By Your Child’s Behavior? Gayle Weill Helps You Be Your Best Self!

    175 Do Your Kids Ask Uncomfortable Questions? Here's Help To Answer Well!

  • Hey Friends~

    This is a follow up to Episode 42 about teaching very young children to use the toilet. However, we also learn that Gwen inadvertently taught her 1 year old, that communication through screaming works!

    We all teach something we did not intend to teach at times. Gwen shares how she discovered this truth, and decided to change it. Listen in for ideas that apply, too!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected] to have a conversation about helping your child communicate better!

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    Helpful Affiliate Resources with The Language Of Play:

    BabyQuip: Travel Light; Travel Happy: https://www.babyquip.com?a=7486bd3

    Financial Freedom Free e-book: https://realprosperity.isrefer.com/go/fff/dinalynn/

    Financial Freedom 101: follow e-book link.

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    42 Gwen: Reveals Effective Toilet Talk with a ONE-year-old That Amazes her Mom!

    36 Tantrum Vs Meltdown. Know the Difference and Respond Effectively

    144 Your 1 Year Old Not Speaking? 3 Steps To Help Your Little Speak

    146 Think Your 1 Year Old Should Speak More? 5 Tips To Find Success

    157 When A Temper Tantrum Isn’t A Temper Tantrum??!!

    22 Do You Know How to Expand Your Child’s Language Skills? Here’s a Picture Book Example

    04 One-Year-Old Language Learning with a Book

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  • Hey Friends~

    Is your child using past tense mistakes like “I maked it,” instead of “I made it” ?

    Do they use present tense instead of past: “I cook,” when it was actually this morning when they helped with breakfast?

    Past tense errors are a common indicator showing a child needs some help with language development. A common mistake parents make is thinking the child will simply figure it out. While that can be true sometimes, waiting also allows them to create habits that later need to be undone and re-learned.

    If you’d like to know how to help your child with using better language NOW, listen in for 4 simple steps to make the correction easy. Why not help your child early, along the way, as they are developing!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    Here are the Episodes mentioned today:

    166 Bonus! Narrating: Effective to handle difficult behaviors and build language! Here’s how!

    175 Do Your Kids Ask Uncomfortable Questions? Here's Help To Answer Well!

    99 Helping Your Child Talk About Things That Recently Happened Using Past Tense

  • Hey Friends~

    Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is a communication disorder that interferes with learning, understanding, and using language. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the USA says DLD “is one of the most common developmental disorders, affecting approximately 1 in 14 children in kindergarten.” To add to the confusion, over the years, “DLD has also been called specific language impairment, language delay, or developmental dysphasia.” Source: https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/sites/default/files/Documents/health/voice/developmental-language-disorder.pdf

    Is your child struggling in school? Not listening well? & Unable to communicate what they mean?

    Today’s guest, Lois Letchford, shares her story that led to connecting the dots for her son’s understanding and learning in the presence of Dyslexia, Developmental Language Disorder, and other developmental struggles. She put away what was not working and used what her son was interested in. She says, “Curiosity propagates in the brain in untold ways.” She gives practical descriptions that you can use, whether you are a teacher or a parent, to help your children better.

    This episode is a must listen for Parents, Educators, Child-care workers, Speech Pathologists, and all those living or working with children! Please share this episode with those who are!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    ABOUT THE GUEST: Lois Letchford’s dyslexia came to light when she faced teaching her son, Nicholas. Examining her reading failure caused her to adapt and change lessons. The results were dramatic. Lois qualified as a reading specialist using her non-traditional background, multi-continental experience, and passion for assisting other failing students. Lois received teaching degrees in Australia, Texas, and a master’s degree from SUNY, NY.

    Reversed: A Memoir is her first book. In this story, she details her dyslexia and the journey of her son’s dramatic failure in first grade.

    CONTACT THE GUEST: [email protected]

    Get her book: “REVERSED” https://www.loisletchford.com/thebook



    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox!https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes on Learning:

    83 Aly Young: Your ”Wait and See” Is Actually a ”Wait to Fail” Approach. A Discussion on Dyslexia, Learning, Language, and Literacy

    87 Lynn Greenberg: Is Dyslexia Your Superpower? Find Out How!

    68 Do You Know How to Practice Early Reading Skills? Shannon Ali Shares How to Easily Incorporate Play and Practice

    167 Danielle Lindner: Does An Auditory Processing Difficulty Impact Your Child’s Ability To Read?

    174 Gina Prosch: Children Learn Best When They Don’t Know They Are Learning At All. See How!

    147 What? Your Child Can’t Read - And Has A HIGH IQ?? Lynne Roe shares a success story of dyslexia and dysgraphia

  • Hey Friends~

    We hear, “Give your child a time out!

    Then we hear, “No! Make it a Time-IN!”

    The Washington Post says that timeout is outdated.

    So what is the truth about the Time-Out? If you have ever wondered about this and then today’s episode is for you!

    Let’s get some clarity and down to Earth wisdom on this topic!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    114 Time IN or Time Out? EXPERT: KAREN HALL helps us support our kids while not taking on their Big Feelings

    81 How Your Direction Isn’t Clear, Even Though You Think It Is! It’s Time to Notice!

    130 Jennifer Ginty Shares How A Doll Can Help Children Process Big Emotions

    172 Dealing With Big Feelings About Back To School. What Emotions Are Your Children Experiencing?

    165 Are You Tired Of Repeating Yourself? How To Have Your Environment Repeat For You!

    166 Bonus! Narrating: Effective to handle difficult behaviors and build language! Here’s how!

  • Hey Friends~

    Do you find yourself having a plan… and then you run out of gas or focus to keep that plan going? Maybe your kids are not doing what you rehearsed in your mind, so now you don’t know what to do. It SEEMS like your idea isn’t fitting this situation!

    What is going on here?

    If this happens to you, hang tight! We’ll be discussing this today!

    Remember, “Your Follow through is what teaches, not your words.”

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    08 Bilingual Kids and Speaking Delays in Multi-Language Households

    56 Do You Want Your Child To Speak More Clearly, but Don’t Know How to Teach it? Learn This, and You Can Teach Anything!

    149 Triggered By Your Child’s Behavior? Gayle Weill Helps You Be Your Best Self!

    165 Are You Tired Of Repeating Yourself? How To Have Your Environment Repeat For You!

    166 Bonus! Narrating: Effective to handle difficult behaviors and build language! Here’s how!

    174 Gina Prosch: Children Learn Best When They Don’t Know They Are Learning At All. See How!

  • Hey Friends~

    Words have power!

    Sometimes our children say things TO US that are painful. It is difficult to know how to handle it!

    We want to be gracious but we also want the harsh words to end! We want to pass on our values!

    And how to handle it in a way that passes on values and isn’t “preachy?”

    Wisdom comes from experience. Kids don’t have many experiences yet, Therefore, they do not have wisdom yet.

    Get ready to take notes during this deep and nourishing conversation with Marcus Higgs as he shares what he learned about communicating with kids and passing on values.

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    ABOUT THE GUEST: bio.marcushiggs.com

    CONTACT THE GUEST: [email protected]



    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox!https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    It's Back to School Time! Here are episodes to help with TRANSITIONS!

    112 Do You Hesitate To Interrupt Your Child's Activity? 4 Steps To Easier Transitions

    113 - 3 Tools That Help Your Child To Transition From One Activity To The Next!

    77 How to Create Back-to-School Routines That Work!

    79 How to Create Simple Morning Routines for Kids Using a Paper Schedule - that Works!

    80 Teaching or Telling. Know The Difference For Better Listening and Compliance!

    81 How Your Direction Isn’t Clear, Even Though You Think It Is! It’s Time to Notice!

    41 Can You Hear What Your Child Is NOT Saying? 4 Strategies to Help Young Kids With BIG Adjustments

    172 Dealing With Big Feelings About Back To School. What Emotions Are Your Children Experiencing?

  • Hey Friends~

    Today we are talking about QUESTIONS!

    Some of our children don’t ask questions easily. Some ask question, after question, after question! And sometimes, our kids ask UNCOMFORTABLE QUESTIONS!

    What is a good way to handle that? Do you have any ideas?

    I do! I am glad you are joining here for practical, easy to implement strategies!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    99 Helping Your Child Talk About Things That Recently Happened Using Past Tense

    101 Need to De-Stress? Why A Return to Play Works!

    102 Top 4 Mistakes Parents Make And How to Correct Them!

    103 Traveling With Littles? 3 Magic Ways To Have A Happier Trip!

  • Hey Friends~

    Author Gina Prosch was homeschooling when she realized her son “learned best when he didn’t know he was learning at all.” In this episode, you will hear a delightful success story of a mom who was able to go with the flow of her child’s learning and allow his interest areas to guide how he would learn other necessary skills. Gina went on to write children’s stories that showcase child behavior and parent empathy in a way that guides parents to use language that is helpful.

    I know you will enjoy this conversation!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    ABOUT THE GUEST: Gina Prosch created #thisdaysjoy, a 10-year-long odyssey of looking for joy each and every day. Today she continues to promote the active pursuit of positive emotions with her children's books: “Joy! You Find What You Look For,” “Hope! More Than Wishful Thinking,” and “Love! It's Show and Tell” (coming 2025)


    www.ginaprosch.com (web site)

    www.ginaproschwrites.com (substack)

    Find Gina @ginaproschwrites on most social media and @ginarosch on X (Twitter)

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox!https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    126 Your Child Has Imaginary Friends? Deborah Greenhut Tells A Parent’s Story To Use These Friends For Healing And Learning

    129 Theresa Alexander Inman: Can You Read Your Child’s Cues? Understanding This Unlocks Confusion And Builds Connection

    119 Child Being Irrational? 4 Tips And A Funny Story

    115 - 3 Ways To Ensure Travel With Kids Is Enjoyable!

  • Hey Friends~

    Kids love talking about POOP! Adults often feel uncomfortable with this topic. We are not afraid to talk about poop on The Language of Play - because this is a very important health topic - and an inability to eliminate well impacts a child’s behavior, sleep, and their ability to learn.

    Many kids struggle with constipation. Have you ever wondered what is healthy and normal?

    Alicia explains what to look for in detail so that you can help your child more easily. Teach your kids to listen to their bodies and find the root cause. She talks about this awkward topic with ease and fun.

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    ABOUT THE GUEST: Alicia has been a university instructor for 25+ years, and a holistic nutrition coach for 12+ years. She has enjoyed seeing families transform their habits and reducing tantrums and food fights. She loves teaching the kids and families to explore new food through play in the Happy Healthy Kids Adventure program, a step-by-step learning program that allows kids and their parents to realize that creating healthy habits completely transforms their home environment and their relationships.

    CONTACT THE GUEST: [email protected]

    FREE GIFT from Alicia: https://dinalynnrosenbus.krtra.com/t/kN9AsfH3vUa4

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Free Parent Group Coaching/ Open Office Hours: Available Summer 2024 ONLY! August 20 - Register Here: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/group-coaching-2ddd5182-38d33cf4

    Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!

    Email me directly with any questions - or if links aren’t working!

    More Resources:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox!https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    65 Melissa Deally- Part 1 - How Food Impacts Your Child’s Behavior! Learn to Recognize a Food Reaction and How to Make the Right Changes for Your Kiddo

    66 Melissa Deally- Part 2 - How Food Impacts Your Child’s Behavior! Learn Simple Strategies to Detect Food Sensitivities

    118 Diann Alexander: Does The Chaos Of Your Home Life Feel Like “A Theater Of Little People”?

    139 Is There a Simple Way to Lessen Picky Eating? Here is One Fun Way!

    115 - 3 Ways To Ensure Travel With Kids Is Enjoyable!

  • Hey Friends~

    When it’s time for you to think about back-to-school. How do you feel?

    Relief, joy, dread, support, sadness, frustration, fear… so Many Feelings! And, ALL the feelings might be present at the same time!

    Today we talk about the Feelings and Thoughts that come with a return to school, plus how you can help yourself and your kiddo experience a positive return. … Or maybe a first time entering.

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:

    ** SUMMER 2024 ONLY! Free & Available this summer!

    Sign Up Parent Group Coaching: August 20

    Register Here: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/group-coaching-2ddd5182-38d33cf4

    Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    108 EXPERT: Dewey Kraus Discusses Self-Compassion When Parenting

    170 Back to School? 4 tips for speedy acquisition of language

    77 How to Create Back-to-School Routines That Work!

    57 Does Your 3-Year-Old Say Sounds Wrong? Here is How to Help Your Preschooler Talk More Clearly!

    36 Tantrum Vs Meltdown. Know the Difference and Respond Effectively

  • Hey Friends~

    Today on "The Language of Play," we have Wendy McNiel with us. Wendy was adopted at the age of 12, and she has a fascinating story to share. She talks about her move from Puerto Rico, learning English, and adjusting to a new family and life. Wendy also opens up about her experiences with a speech impediment, stuttering, and a learning disability.

    Her journey is a mix of challenges and gratitude, offering valuable insights for parents navigating adoption and supporting children with special needs. Listen in to hear Wendy's story of faith, journaling, and personal growth. Her experiences will inspire and help you understand the unique journey of adopted children and those facing similar challenges.

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    ABOUT THE GUEST: Wendy McNiel is a philanthropist, transracial adoptee, and military widow. She earned her Master of Divinity degree from Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University and is a veteran of the US Air Force. Her topic "Own Your Voice" encourages us to live authentically. She spoke on the "Voices of Women" Summit.

    CONTACT THE GUEST: [email protected]

    Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:

    ** Last One! Free Open Office Hours with an SLP**

    Parent Group Coaching: August 20, 2024 - 10:00 AM CST

    Register Here: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/group-coaching-2ddd5182-38d33cf4

    Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    55 Sarah Brumley on Simultaneously Navigating Reactive Attachment Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder with her adopted children

    69 Can You Really Reparent Yourself? And When You Should Consider It.

    90 What Does Improv Have To Do With Parenting? EVERYTHING!! with Chris Trew

    108 EXPERT: Dewey Kraus Discusses Self-Compassion When Parenting

    110 COACH: Angie Ellsworth Helps Parents Know Better, Do Better, and Feel Better - And Discusses Bullying

    126 Your Child Has Imaginary Friends? Deborah Greenhut Tells A Parent’s Story To Use These Friends For Healing And Learning

    145 Katja Lany: How Montessori caused her to know her inner child and reparent herself

  • Hey Friends~

    There are many ways to teach just about anything. Parents often want ways to speed up their child's acquisition of language. Today, I will help you with 4 Tips to help you do just that, at home.

    1- Know your target

    2- Notice in Yourself

    3- Notice in your Child

    4- Call Happy Attention using adaptable practices

    Listen in to know what each step actually means!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:

    ** Last One! Free Open Office Hours with an SLP**

    Sign Up Parent Group Coaching: August 20

    Register Here: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/group-coaching-2ddd5182-38d33cf4

    Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    165 Are You Tired Of Repeating Yourself? How To Have Your Environment Repeat For You!

    166 Bonus! Narrating: Effective to handle difficult behaviors and build language! Here’s how!

    167 Danielle Lindner: Does An Auditory Processing Difficulty Impact Your Child’s Ability To Read?

    168 Lipstick! A Simple Trick To Help Your Child Speak

    169 Karen DeLoach: Worried You Are Ruining Your Children? Homeschooling and How Art May Help Your Child With ADHD!

  • Hey Friends~

    Have you ever wondered about alternative education? Have you wondered if home-schooling would be a good option for you? What about if your child has ADHD?

    Join today for a conversation with Karen DeLoach, as she is a successful parent and an expert in art creativity. She has learned well to see the child with their strengths and focus on training their strengths. She discusses kinetic learners.

    Brought her child home for home education.

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    ABOUT THE GUEST- Karen is an artist, art mentor, actor, author and creativity specialist. She teaches Art History & Appreciation in college using textbooks that she has written. Along with her husband, she co-pastors a home-based ministry and home group called Imagine Gathering.

    After a 30+ year career as a homeschool Mom, private and public school art and film teacher, she became an online Creativity Specialist and Art Mentor. She has taught in schools, classrooms, studios, businesses, both in person and online. She also teaches an online filmmaking class with a group of Ugandan (rescued) youths- truly inspirational.

    CONTACT THE GUEST about Art as Self-Therapy: Wellness Through Creativity.https://karendeloachart.myclickfunnels.com/freegift

    [email protected]



    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    156 Raising Your Creative Independent Thinker? Sharon Fillmore Helps You With These Wonderful Curious Children!

    166 Bonus! Narrating: Effective to handle difficult behaviors and build language! Here’s how!

    167 Danielle Lindner: Does An Auditory Processing Difficulty Impact Your Child’s Ability To Read?

    168 Lipstick! A Simple Trick To Help Your Child Speak

  • Hey Friends~

    Yes, you read that title correctly!

    Unfortunately, it does NOT mean to put it on the child for magic results!

    Stick with me today if you would like to know HOW and WHY lipstick makes a difference for kids that are learning to speak!

    I LOVE simple tools!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-in Sign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    11 Building Deeper connection Through Communication using SIGNS with your Babies

    57 Does Your 3-Year-Old Say Sounds Wrong? Here is How to Help Your Preschooler Talk More Clearly!

    63 How Teaching Speech Sounds Makes You a Better Parent!

    153. 10 Reasons You Should Put Your Speech Delayed Child Into Sports!

    163 Your Child Sounds like a Child? How We Know If Sounds Are Different Vs. "Wrong"

  • Hey Friends~

    Have you heard of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)? Does your child struggle with auditory processing issues?

    Today’s guest, Danielle Lindner, shares her daughter’s journey in the school system and at home with Auditory Processing Disorder. You will hear some tips and tricks that helped along the way as well as how her child’s auditory processing impacted her ability to learn reading!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    ABOUT THE GUEST: An esteemed educational consultant in early childhood education and a renowned parenting coach, Danielle Lindner is also an accomplished entrepreneur and author. She holds an MA in teaching and elementary education (Hons.) from Fairleigh Dickinson University and is the founder of The London Day School, a prestigious institution that provides a nurturing and enriching environment for young learners. Her new book is “Parent’s Pocket Guide to Surviving the Preschool Years: One Challenge at a Time”

    CONTACT THE GUEST: https://daniellelindner.com/

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox!https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    29 Series: ”Why Won’t the Kids Listen!??” part 2: Processing Information: 4 Strategies to Get Your Kids to Notice What They Hear

    30 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part3: Tools For When Language Processing is Difficult

    156 Raising Your Creative Independent Thinker? Sharon Fillmore Helps You With These Wonderful Curious Children!

    161 Do You Treat All The Kids The Same, Yet Their Reaction is So Different?

  • Hey Friends~

    When our kiddos are out of control, it’s tempting to scream, “Stop it!!”

    What if? … you could look at it differently and narrate what’s going on?

    What would that look like?

    Today will discuss the effect Narration has on language development as well as emotional regulation. When we narrate what is happening for our children, we give them a gift. It’s a powerful tool to help with behavior and give language to the experience. And when you use this kind of tool, it helps you step back from the experience and not be so triggered!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:

    ** SUMMER 2024 ONLY! Free & Available this summer!

    Sign Up Parent Group Coaching: June 27, July 24, August 20

    Register Here: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/group-coaching-2ddd5182-38d33cf4

    Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!

    ** UPCOMING WEBINAR: "Beyond Obedience: Unveiling the Power of Listening in Kids"

    July 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Central Time Join this FREE Interactive Webinar here: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/webinar-free-2ddd5182

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    35 EXPERT: Denise Belisle: Improving Your Child’s Behavior using Positive Intelligence

    67 Do You Know How to Teach Language and Behavior Using Games You Already Have at Home? Here are 6 Examples from the Game: Chutes and Ladders

    110 COACH: Angie Ellsworth Helps Parents Know Better, Do Better, and Feel Better - And Discusses Bullying

    149 Triggered By Your Child’s Behavior? Gayle Weill Helps You Be Your Best Self!

    157 When A Temper Tantrum Isn’t A Temper Tantrum??!!

  • Hey Friends~

    You tired of repeating yourself ?

    Do you just wish your kids would listen the first time ?

    We know people need repetitions. And kids need even more repetitions! But what if your environment could do your repeating for you?

    In today’s episode, you will learn what to do, so the environment repeats for you!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:

    ** SUMMER 2024 ONLY! Free & Available this summer!

    Sign Up Parent Group Coaching: June 27, July 24, August 20

    Register Here: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/group-coaching-2ddd5182-38d33cf4

    Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!

    ** UPCOMING WEBINAR: "Beyond Obedience: Unveiling the Power of Listening in Kids"

    July 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Central Time Join this FREE Interactive Webinar here: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/webinar-free-2ddd5182

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    28 ”Why Won’t The Kids Listen!??” part 1: ATTENTION: 4 factors to watch for!

    29 Series: ”Why Won’t the Kids Listen!??” part 2: Processing Information: 4 Strategies to Get Your Kids to Notice What They Hear

    30 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part3: Tools For When Language Processing is Difficult

    31 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part4: Strategies for Building Listening SKILL

    32 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part 5: Are You Making Their Listening Worse? 4 strategies to change that.

    33 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part 6: BiG EMoTioNS! 4 things to ask yourself before you respond

  • Hey Friends~

    “When we look at our kids' behavior, it shows what is going on.” and “We parent differently as we become different.”

    These are quotes from today’s guest, Ashley Holmes.

    Join in today as we learn from an Early childhood Educator who teaches us to meet our children where they are and how we become better parents in the process!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    ABOUT THE GUEST: Ashley Holmes is a Holistic Fertility Coach who supports women trying to conceive by personalizing 1:1 programs to nourish themselves optimally from the inside out.

    CONTACT THE GUEST: [email protected]





    Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:

    ** SUMMER 2024 ONLY! Free & Available this summer!

    Sign Up Parent Group Coaching: June 27, July 24, August 20

    Register Here: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/group-coaching-2ddd5182-38d33cf4

    Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!

    ** UPCOMING WEBINAR: "Beyond Obedience: Unveiling the Power of Listening in Kids"

    July 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Central Time Join this FREE Interactive Webinar here: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/webinar-free-2ddd5182

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:

    108 EXPERT: Dewey Kraus Discusses Self-Compassion When Parenting

    140 Do You Know How to Let Intuition Guide You? Siris Raquel Rivas Verdejo, Helps Us Listen To Our Bodies, Our Kids, And Our Families

    144 Your 1 Year Old Not Speaking? 3 Steps To Help Your Little Speak.

    145 Katja Lany: How Montessori caused her to know her inner child and reparent herself

  • Hey Friends~

    Have you ever wondered what your speech pathologist looks at when they are assessing your child to see if there’s a speech and language delay?

    Today I’m going to answer a curious Mom’s question, “What is your process? How do you figure this out?”

    I think you’re going to enjoy this story!

    Grab a pencil and paper and get ready to learn!

    Always cheering you on!


    CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn: [email protected]

    Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:

    ** SUMMER 2024 ONLY! Free & Available this summer!

    Sign Up Parent Group Coaching: June 27, July 24, August 20

    Register Here: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/group-coaching-2ddd5182-38d33cf4

    Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!

    ** UPCOMING WEBINAR: "Beyond Obedience: Unveiling the Power of Listening in Kids"

    July 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Central Time Join this FREE Interactive Webinar here: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/webinar-free-2ddd5182

    RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:

    Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-inSign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/1-21signupJoin my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557381098806Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom! Let's Meet Session

    For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

    Episodes Mentioned & Related to today's podcast:

    Episode Series 56-64, on speech sounds. Start with #56:

    56 Do You Want Your Child To Speak More Clearly, but Don’t Know How to Teach it? Learn This, and You Can Teach Anything!

    Episode Series titled, ”Why Won’t the Kids Listen?” Episodes 28-33. Start with #28:

    28 ”Why Won’t The Kids Listen!??” part 1: ATTENTION: 4 factors to watch for!