The Kids Are Not Alright
Kenya · Eleana & Sophia
- Utbildning
- Samhälle och kultur
- Relationer
- Självhjälp
As the divorce rate among older adults continues to soar, so does the number of adult children experiencing divorce. Yet - like us - they often feel overlooked and alone in their experience. Well...we are determined to change that.
We are two sisters trying our best to navigate our parents' recent separation. In our podcast “The Kids Are Not Alright”, we want to build a safe space and community for adult children of divorce (ACODs) who — like us — are struggling to make sense of our family’s new reality.
Subscribe and tune in as we have lighthearted, authentic, and vulnerable conversations about family, separation, and all the messy bits in between - with each other, researchers, therapists and other members of the “ACOD club”!