Guests: Carter Morris, President & CEO, and Drew Herndon, Distribution and Services Manager for GraceBridge
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
It is a privilege to let you know about the incredible work of GraceBridge and The Master Cares, two organizations dedicated to the ministry of the Gospel by serving the needs of their communities - as they say on their website: two missions, one vision. Here in the North Texas area, you’ll see GraceBridge serve with food banks and resale stores as well as a variety of work and employment training programs. The Master Cares is an international program based in Uganda, Africa and includes an ACSI-accredited Christian school, vocational training, medical services and water wells.
Guest: Erin Williams, LPC, PCA US Counselor, Plano campus
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
This is week two of a great conversation with Erin Williams about the book Never Enough: When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic - and What We Can Do About It by Jennifer Breheny Wallace. This book is a New York Times bestseller, but remember that it is written from the perspective of someone without a Biblical worldview. Wallace does raise some very profound and provocative questions that need to be answered, especially when the research says that 1 in 3 students may be impacted by what Wallace calls the “excessive pressure to achieve.”
Praying that you find this conversation insightful and practical. It is broken down into two episodes - the first episode was released last week.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Guest: Erin Williams, LPC, PCA US Counselor, Plano campus
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
Great conversation with Erin Williams about the book Never Enough: When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic - and What We Can Do About It by Jennifer Breheny Wallace. This book is a New York Times bestseller, but remember that it is written from the perspective of someone without a Biblical worldview. Wallace does raise some very profound and provocative questions that need to be answered, especially when the research says that 1 in 3 students may be impacted by what Wallace calls the “excessive pressure to achieve.”
Praying that you find this conversation insightful and practical. It is broken down into two episodes over this week and next.
Guest: Dr. O.S. Hawkins, PhD, Chancellor, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, President Emeritus, GuideStone Financial Resources.
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
To learn more about Dr. Hawkins, you can visit his website at OSHawkins.com
What an honor to sit down to record with Dr. O.S. Hawkins, the 2025 Zig Ziglar Servant Leadership Award recipient. Pastor and author of more than 50 books, Dr. Hawkins has been serving the Lord in a variety of capacities for years. The proceeds and royalties from his books in the “Code Series” benefit Mission: Dignity, a ministry of GuideStone started under Hawkins’ tenure that assists retired ministers and their widows who are in need.
The Zig Ziglar banquet is coming up Sunday, April 27th and will be located at the Gaylord Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, TX. Art reception opens at 5:00 pm and the dinner begins at 6:00 pm. Attire for the evening is “evening wear.”
Guest: The Honorable Matt Shaheen, Texas State Representative, District 66
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
We had the opportunity to sit down and catch up with State Representative Matt Shaheen after he returned from the oral arguments at the Supreme Court on his bill (HB 1181) that requires age verification to prevent minors from accessing inappropriate material on the Internet. The case involves some complex issues including digital privacy rights, states’ rights, the protection of minors, and the regulation of online content. To learn more about this bill and the Supreme Court case please read the Texas Policy Research article as well as the press release from the Texas Attorney General’s office on the Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton case.
We also discussed several major initiatives that will be addressed and debated in the 2025 Texas Legislative Session including school choice (ESA, Educational Savings Accounts), gambling, gender ideology, and pro-life issues.
Guests: Sevyn Trogdon, Emerson Seal, and Elizabeth Teague, PCA sophomores at the Plano campus
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
In this episode, we spend a little time talking about their journey toward wisdom during their sophomore year at PCA and the events and activities that help keep them on the right track! The girls talk about activities like Freedom Weekend, the Texas Stomp, Minimester, the Zig Ziglar Servant Award banquet, and their journey with their academics and athletics. The girls are also excited about some of the upcoming opportunities like Beach Camp (June 8-13) and the Choir Mission Trip to the United Kingdom. So many outstanding resources, activities, and events to help students grow in their faith journey and their love for Jesus Christ!
Guest: Amanda Henderson, LS Counselor
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
Enjoy this conversation with Amanda Henderson as we contemplate the future of learning and education. Mrs. Henderson is a favorite of students and faculty alike in the Lower School with her warmth and gentleness coupled with her stuffed animal puppets that provide a sense of security and humor. Mrs. Henderson is optimistic about the future of learning because she is confident that God is on His throne and in control - so no matter what the future holds, AI, VR, etc, she knows in whose hands the future lies.
Guest: Angie Gray, Chief Enrollment and Marketing Officer for PCA
Re-enrollment opens January 15th and goes through the 31st for existing PCA families in good standing. After that time, available spots will be made available to students and families not currently enrolled at PCA for the following year.
The small percentage increase in tuition is passed on to support the pay increase for PCA’s incredible faculty and staff as tuition accounts for around 70% of the entire PCA budget. Also, parents please take the time to fill out the re-enrollment questionnaire as your responses help PCA address areas of concern to our parents.
Shout out to Holly Hamilton who is the new voice for The Journey’s intro and outro! Go Holly!
If you have any questions about re-enrollment as a current PCA family or wish to learn more about enrolling your child(ren) at PCA in the future, please contact Angie Gray, Chief Enrollment and Marketing Officer at 972-930-4007 or via email at agray@prestonwoodchristian.org
Guests: Jason Spodnik, President and Head of School, Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (Cuyahoga Falls, OH)
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
Parents, here is some wisdom from a guy who has been in the private Christian education world for many years:
There is so much to learn, so don’t let pride get in the way as we look to steward the incredible gifts of our children for the greatest good of advancing the Kingdom!Parenting by Paul David Tripp is a great reminder that God fashions Himself as a parent so He can not only relate to us as parents, but He models the way for us in this amazing endeavor!God used Christian education to move Jason from Christianity as a religion to a relationship - such an incredible journey!More is “caught” than “taught” - how we interact with students is even more important than what we are “teaching” them in terms of curriculum - students will learn from how you say things, not just what you say…Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Guests: Amy Petrof, Kristin Dysart, and Gabe Boyd
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
We hope you enjoy this fun conversation with some PCA parents about their holiday traditions as they desire to keep Christ in the middle of Christmas!
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Guests: Dr. J’Aime Balogh, Jenitta Eskew, and Nena Graham
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
Executive Functioning - are all of the cognitive skills necessary to regulate your thinking, feelings/emotions, and behaviors to reach a goal.
Executive Functioning skills are necessary for all of the other cognitive functions - these are the primary functions that make up what we call “executive functioning”:
MemoryAttentionMotor SkillsVerbalizingVisualizingCompleting Learning TasksExecutive functioning skills include
Task initiation - starting and stopping tasksResponse inhibition - keeping yourself from responding impulsivelyFocus - how to stay on task and not get distractedTime management - planning good use of your time and avoiding procrastinationWorking memory - holding information in your mind long enough to do something with itFlexibility - being able to shift ideas and plansSelf-regulation - being able to reflect on your actions and make changesEmotional self-control - managing your emotions and reflecting on your emotionsTask completion - sustaining levels of task and attention to complete a taskSpecial shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Guests: Stephen Bryant, Chris Housewright, Mike Thornberry
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
First of all, just a reminder that Gladiator II is Rated R, which means that you’ll want to proceed with caution - a great place to learn more about why movies receive their ratings is either PluggedInOnline (from Focus on the Family) or MovieGuide.
Next, it is wise to look for “lessons” from every source to use as teachable moments with your children so that they are not just “consumers” of entertainment, but are able to watch and listen with discernment. What messages are being extolled, what virtues are being promoted, and are these good, right, and true?
Watch or listen to our conversation about Gladiator II to learn more about some of the things that we took away from the movie - and leave some comments on our YouTube page about what you learned as well.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Guests: Amy Petrof, Kristin Dysart, and Gabe Boyd
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
Parents, you'll want to get this valuable resource that will equip you to have meaningful and age appropriate conversations with your children on a variety of important topics including human dignity, abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, technology, and politics. Authors Andrew Walker and his wife Christian do a great job of presenting a brief, but very informative, overview on these issues then give you some general biblical principles that you can introduce to your children depending on this age and maturity level - as they mature, the depth and complexity of the information you supply as well as the questions that you ask increases to match.
Two important reminders after reading this book and having a wonderful conversation with Amy Petrof, Kristin Dysart, and Gabe Boyd - first, you want to make sure that you’re raising your children to see you as the “expert” on cultural issues - not because you are the first to introduce the subject to them or because you know all the latest information and lingo, but because you resource God’s Word as The Source of Truth on all issues - you need to know God’s Word and ground your conversations with your children in Scripture. Second, this book isn’t about gaining information so that you can win arguments and look smart, it’s about being able to present truth in a loving and winsome manner to those who are lost and hurting in need of God’s mercy and grace. Remember that as you engage with others on these controversial topics - the goal is to win people to Christ, not to your opinion.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Guests: Audrey Letcher, Chandler McGaha, Landon Murphy, and Campbell Panetti
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
What makes PCA so special? Listen to four “lifers” (seniors who have been at PCA since Kindergarten, and before!) talk about their incredible years at PCA - from Kindergarten Circus to Boosterthon Fun Run, Let George Do It to HOCO and Minimester and AP classes! But PCA is more than just academics, it’s about relationships - with each other as brothers and sisters in Christ and with some really incredible faculty and staff who have poured truth into these students as they did life together at PCA. What a blessing each student is at PCA - these four seniors represent hundreds of others who have walked the halls of PCA as they have been equipped for their Kingdom calling.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Guest: Erin Williams, LPC, PCA Upper School Counselor, Plano campus
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
Many of us were raised to ignore or stuff our emotions, but research today suggests that we learn how to better identify our emotions so that we can learn from them. We “name” them so that we can “tame” them - and not be prisoners of our own feelings.
In her book Untangle Your Emotions: Naming What You Feel and Knowing What to Do About It, author Jennie Allen encourages you to engage in meaningful conversations with others about your feelings - and when you’re listening to others, don’t just look to fix their problems, but really allow them to feel how they are feeling.
We shouldn’t be ashamed or afraid of our feelings - but we also don’t need to allow our feelings to be the engine that drives our lives. Learning more about our emotions will help us learn more about ourselves, how God has designed us, and how we are to respond to the world around us in a way that honors God.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Guests: Ron Kelley, Sharayah Colter, Audrey Sol Loyola, Scott Turner
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
What were the top issues that voters identified as important as they went to the polls and what can we learn from those issues and the outcome of the election? Listen to this informative and fast-paced conversation with several informed friends about how we, as Christians, should be thinking about the days ahead now that the election is behind us.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Guests: Scott and Sharayah Colter, The Danbury Institute: A Coalition for Life and Liberty
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
This is the second of a two-week conversation with Scott and Sharayah Colter, founders of The Danbury Institute. This week we examine several of the current cultural issues, many of which have become important political issues as well. The Bible gives clear and effective principles that can be used as a frame/matrix by which to properly understand and evaluate these current cultural issues - which makes it imperative that we know our Bibles as we seek to understand our culture and speak truth and wisdom on the issues of our day!
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Guests: Scott and Sharayah Colter, The Danbury Institute: A Coalition for Life and Liberty
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
This will be a two-week conversation with Scott and Sharayah Colter, founders of The Danbury Institute. Week one will be a conversation about America’s Godly heritage - the influence of God’s Word on the Framers and the ideas that led to our Constitutional Republic. I asked Scott and Sharayah for additional resources that they would recommend for those wanting to take a deeper dive into this topic and they recommended resources from the following:
Hillsdale College - which offers free online classes on the Constitution, Marxism/Socialism/Communism, American heritage, etc.
WallBuilders - David Barton and his son Tim have some outstanding resources including America’s Godly Heritage (book, CD, or DVD) and The American Story series.
Sharayah also encourages you to read the words of the Framers - George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and many others - go online and read some of their letters and speeches and learn more about this incredible period of world history from those who were there. I would also recommend reading The Federalist Papers, written by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison as well as the original text of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Guest: Scott Turner, Associate Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church, former NFL player
Reminder that early voting here in Texas begins October 21st and goes through November 1st and the General Election is Tuesday, November 5th.
Voting is a very important and special honor as citizens of this country - and as citizens of heaven we should engage in all aspects seeking first the Kingdom of God and to glorify Him in all that we say and do - which means that we must both carry ourselves in a way that is civil and honorable while at the same time stand for what is right, true, and good!
A couple of great resources you need to take into consideration are the following:
The Law by Frederick Bastiat - a great account on the tension between government supplying the needs of people vs. people (the church, individuals) meeting the needs of othersSpeaker of the House Mike Johnson’s 7 Core Principles of Conservativism - you need to know where you stand on these principles…and why.Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Guest: Scott Turner, Associate Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church, former NFL player
If you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page.
Loved our time with Scott Turner learning how God used his early humble beginnings to teach him the value of hard work and serving others well. Enjoy this episode with Scott listening to him share how God orchestrated so many people, places, and things in his life to draw Scott closer and to deepen Scott’s faith journey.
And, the good news is that at the end of this episode, there is more to come next week as we continue this conversation with Scott Turner and turn our attention to the importance of living out our faith in the political arena.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
- Visa fler