Learn about Jane's brother Edward, who was adopted by his wealthy cousins, and what this meant for the Austen family as a whole. We also discuss Regency finances and learn how rich Mr. Darcy might be today. Giveaway announced - check out the facebook and instagram pages to learn more!
Craig, Sheryl. The Cost of Keeping a Horse in Jane Austen’s Day
Grisham, Price. “The Two Adopted Austens » JASNA.” Persuasions, 2021, Volume 41, No.2 (Summer 2021)
Faye, D. L., & Austen-Leigh, W. (2004). In Jane Austen, a family record. essay, Cambridge University Press.
Toran, K. (2015). The Economics of Jane Austen's World. Persuasions, 36(1).
Austen-Leigh, R. A. Austen Papers, 1942. P. 230-231, 233,
Collins, Maureen B. (2017) “The Law of Jane: Legal Issues in Austen’s Life and Novels.” Persuasions, 38(1)
Should you watch the new adaptation of Persuasion on Netflix? Probably not. Listen to find out what I thought of it.
(Note: Due to the poor audio quality of the original episode, I replaced it with a new recording which contains minor changes.)
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Learn about Jane's older sister and best friend Cassandra Austen and the life that they shared together.
Let's talk about Frank and Charles who spent their lives serving in the British Royal Navy and the impact they had on Jane's writing.
204-016_persuasion_25 (jasna.org) by Brian Southam
Austen, Jane. Jane Austen’s Letters (1995). Ed. Deidre Le Faye. Oxford
Hubback, John H. & Edith C. Jane Austen’s Sailor Brothers. London: The Bodley Head, 1906.
Get to know three of Jane's older brothers in today's episode - one brother was her favorite, one fell from her favor, and one was estranged, but all three had an influence on her life and writing.
The Jane Austen Podcast (@janeaustenpodcast)
The Jane Austen Podcast | Facebook
Ard, Patricia M. “George Austen’s Absence from Family Life: The Shifting Biographical Response.” JASNA Persuasions, 2013,V.34, NO.1 (Winter 2013).
Austen-Leigh, R. A. Austen Papers, 1942. p. 28, 155, 160, 168-169, 171, 226, 228, 265
Austen-Leigh, J. E. (2008). A Memoir of Jane Austen - & Other Family Recollections ([Paperback (2002)] ed.). Ox.
Caplan, Clive. “Jane Austen’s Soldier Brother: The Military Career of Captain Henry Thomas Austen.” JASNA Persuasions, 1996, No. 20
Caplan, Clive. “Jane Austen’s Banker Brother: Henry Thomas Austen of Austen & Co., 1801-1816.” JASNA Persuasions, 1998, No. 20
Cass, Jocelyn Creigh. "In Defence of George Austen." JASNA Persuasions, 1994, No. 16
Grey, David J. “HENRY AUSTEN: JANE AUSTEN'S "PERPETUAL SUNSHINE.”” JASNA Persuasions, 1984 p.9-12
Grisham, Price. “The Two Adopted Austens » JASNA.” Persuasions, 2021, Volume 41, No.2 (Summer 2021)
Le Faye, D. (2014). Jane Austen’s Letters (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.
Tomalin, Claire. (1997). Jane Austen: A Life. Vintage Books.
James and Henry’s publication The Loiterer is available at www.theloiterer.org
Learn about Jane's noteworthy ancestors and her childhood at the Steventon rectory, including some unusual rearing practices and her adventures at school.
Austen-Leigh, R. A. Austen Papers, 1942. p. 13, 29, 32
Le Faye, Deirdre. Jane Austen: A Family Record, 2 ed., 2004. p. 3
Madame LaTournelle and the Abbey School – JaneAusten.co.uk
The Education of Jane and Cassandra Austen | BYU presents PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (wordpress.com)
In this debut episode we look at the history of novels and why we still read Jane Austen.
Le Faye, D. (2014). Jane Austen’s Letters (4th ed.). Oxford University Press. Letter 12, 17 November 1798 and letter 14, 18 December 1798
Austen-Leigh, J. E. (2008). A Memoir of Jane Austen - & Other Family Recollections ([Paperback (2002)] ed.). Ox.
Samuel Egerton Brydges - Samuel Egerton Brydges | Penny's poetry pages Wiki | Fandom
“The Novels of Jane Austen” (1859) George Henry Lewes
Episode one premieres September 20, 2021! Find me on Facebook (The Jane Austen Podcast page) or Instagram (@janeaustenpodcast)