
  • Do you have trouble losing weight even if you restrict calories, eat well and exercise?

    Have you ever noticed you’re hungrier and crave unhealthy foods when you don’t get enough sleep? There’s a reason for this and I explain it in this episode!

    You’ll also learn:

    How sleep deprivation affects your hunger hormones

    What cortisol does when you’re sleep deprived

    How high cortisol causes poor sleep

    How cortisol affects the thyroid which leads to weight loss resistance

    I don’t help people specifically with weight loss. But some of my clients have struggled to lose weight and by helping them lower cortisol and sleep better, the weight naturally comes off.

    As my client Jaipal said after working with me for two months, "I realized I had dropped 15 lbs of extra weight!"

    If you’re sick of not sleeping well and being unhealthy, my team and I can help. In the Complete Sleep Solution program, we address both the body and the mind and how they affect cortisol and sabotage your sleep.

    Mineral imbalance, hormones, neurotransmitters and more can also cause insomnia. We look at all of these possibilities to find the root cause of your insomnia.

    Find out more about the Complete Sleep Solution program on my website.

    Schedule a consultation today to get started with the program so you can get 7+ hours of uninterrupted sleep in 6 months or less.

  • When I suddenly couldn’t sleep in late pregnancy, I made a lot of mistakes that made my sleep even worse. I struggled for 2 years before I finally started sleeping better. And then it took me a couple more years to consistently sleep 8+ hours a night.

    In this episode, I tell you the mistakes I made so that hopefully you don’t make the same ones! I could have gotten better so much quicker if I knew then what I know now.

    The way to sleep better is to find the imbalances in your body that are keeping you awake. This was the missing piece for me for 2 years and it’s likely the missing piece for you, too!

    In the Insomnia Insight program, my team and I use 4 functional lab tests to find the imbalances in your body that are keeping you awake.

    The tests look at gut health, liver function, hormone balance, cortisol, heavy metals, minerals, neurotransmitters and more to find exactly what’s causing your insomnia.

    No more feeling out of control and helpless because you don’t know why you can’t sleep!

    Then we give you a holistic plan (diet, lifestyle, and supplements) to correct those imbalances so that you don’t have to guess at supplements or resort to sleeping pills.

    You also get a 30 minute private session with a sleep coach to get any questions answered so you know the steps to take to sleep better soon.

    Find out more about the Insomnia Insight program and sign up.

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  • Experiencing emotions is part of being human. But we can have trouble feeling emotions, especially ones that society has told us are bad, such as feeling sad or angry.

    When you try to ignore or suppress your feelings, they don’t go away. They get stuck in your body and cause unhealthy patterns and cycles that can be hard to break. They can also bottle up and come out when you don’t want them to.

    In this episode, I talk about:

    Why you want to feel your feelings

    How to feel your feelings in only 10 minutes with 4 simple steps

    A tool called the 5 minute rule to help move past negative emotions quickly

    In the Complete Sleep Solution program, we use functional lab testing to find the imbalances in your body that are sabotaging your sleep.

    And, as you can see from this episode, we also help with mental stress so it doesn’t keep you awake.

    It’s a body and mind approach that will make sure you get 7+ hours of uninterrupted sleep in 6 months or less.

    You don’t have to see a therapist for the mental part and a health practitioner for the physical part. You can get support for both in the Complete Sleep Solution program from a coach who understands what it’s like to not be able to sleep.

    Learn more on my website by clicking here.

    Schedule a consultation today to get started so you can start working with your coach immediately to improve your sleep as quickly as possible.

  • After my client Brad got sick in 2022, with what he thinks was COVID, insomnia started. Some nights he only slept 1-2 hours! But now he’s able to fall asleep pretty quickly and get about 7 hours of deep sleep.

    Brad said: “I feel like I got my life back. Maybe this will get me another 30 or 40 years beyond what I was already going to get!”

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    What Brad tried to get a good night’s rest (before he worked with us)

    Why he signed up for the Complete Sleep Solution program

    The results of his functional lab tests

    Changes he made that helped him sleep well again and improve his digestion

    Brad’s story is inspiring and filled with practical advice that you can use to fix your insomnia too.

    Learn more about how the Complete Sleep Solution program can help you sleep better and feel better.

    Book a consultation to get started today so you can get 7+ hours of uninterrupted sleep in 6 months or less.

  • If you think you have adrenal fatigue, you want to listen to this episode!

    Especially if you have these symptoms:

    fatigue, especially when you wake up, with “crashes” throughout the day

    poor stress response and mood regulation

    “brain fog”

    increased energy levels in the evenings

    cravings for salty and sweet foods

    overuse of caffeine and other stimulants

    a compromised immune system


    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Why adrenal fatigue is a misnomer

    What’s really going on in your body that’s causing your symptoms

    How to “fix” your cortisol so you can sleep 7+ hours uninterrupted a night

    My client Rachel’s sleep journey

    Because both mental and physical stressors affect the body, in the Complete Sleep Solution program my team and I help our clients address both so they can restore their health and sleep like a normal person.

    We use functional lab testing to get the big picture of what’s going on in your body so we know what to work on.

    And we also use cognitive behavioral techniques and life coaching skills to help with your sleep anxiety and stress in general.

    The Complete Sleep Solution will help you consistently sleep at least 7 hours a night and wake up feeling rested and full of energy.

    No more lying on the couch hoping your kids don’t need you. Or canceling your hiking or dinner plans because you’re too tired.

    You’ll have energy to play with your kids and enjoy your hobbies!

    Learn more about the Complete Sleep Solution on my website.

    Book a consultation to get started today so you can get 7+ hours of uninterrupted sleep in 6 months or less.

  • If you can't sleep 7+ hours a night without interruption, your gut isn't healthy. And doing a stool test such as the GI Map will give a lot of insight into what's causing your insomnia.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    how the GI Map looks at gut health and shows why you can't sleep. the 3 top gut issues that impact sleep. how an unhealthy gut leads to other imbalances in the body that sabotage sleep.

    Emmanuel just started the Insomnia Insight program and he's already sleeping better!

    “When I saw I have H Pylori, a lot of things started to make sense. Believe it or not, many functional medicine doctors I visited in the past didn't detect it using the other tests they use. I quickly started reading about what HP does and how it results in decreased absorption, inflammation, etc. It now makes sense why none of the other treatments I tried in the past had any effect. I have been taking the supplements for a week. For the first time in years, I had 3 nights in a week where I slept 7 hours straight. So something right is definitely happening. I learned not to raise my hopes too fast but I feel something is changing in my gut.”

    Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program here.

    Learn about the 6-month Complete Sleep Solution program so you can sleep 7+ hours a night.

    Click here to watch this episode on my YouTube channel so you can see my screen as I go through the data in this episode.

  • Many women start not sleeping well during perimenopause. But perimenopause does not have to mean insomnia!

    In this episode, I explain:

    what happens to hormones during perimenopause that affect sleep.

    why there’s more going on than just hormones.

    How to get 7+ hours of uninterrupted sleep even during perimenopause and menopause.

    The Complete Sleep Solution program will look at everything that could be affecting your sleep so we don’t miss anything.
    Ready to consistently get 7+ hours of uninterrupted sleep? The first step is to schedule a consultation to sign up for the Complete Sleep Solution program.

  • It's NOT normal to wake up to pee multiple times a night! This means that your body isn't getting enough deep sleep.

    In this episode I tell you 4 possible reasons why you're peeing in the middle of the night. And what to do about it.

    Ready to get 7+ hours of uninterrupted sleep consistently? You want to sign up for the Complete Sleep Solution program. You can find out more at https://thesleepdetective.com/complete-sleep-solution.

    Inside the Complete Sleep Solution program, we use assessments and functional lab testing to find out exactly what’s keeping you from sleeping normally. Then we give you a holistic plan to get your body and mind back in balance so you can get the deep sleep that you want.

    The first step is to schedule a consultation at https://p.bttr.to/3VJwvDs.

    After the consultation, you can sign up immediately and start using the resources in the program. Within a week, you’ll take the lab tests and have your first session with your coach. This is the fastest way to get the sleep you need without drugs!

    Sign up for the Complete Sleep Solution to get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep in 6 months or less! In 30 days, you’ll know exactly what is causing your sleep issues and have a plan to fix them!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    How to breathe for your best sleep podcast episode with Sachin Patel

    Mold toxicity could be causing your insomnia blog post

    Thanks for listening!

  • Chakras are energy centers or vortexes of energy, and your body is made of 7 main chakras. When they are out of balance, they can directly affect your quality of sleep.

    Listen to this podcast episode as I talk with Deidre Norman, Master Sattva Yoga teacher and Medical Intuitive, about all things chakras and sleep.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    What the chakras are

    Why it’s important for chakras to be in balance for good sleep

    How stress and a busy lifestyle can affect the root chakra and your sleep

    Ways you can reduce your stress to ground your root chakra to get a good night’s rest

    How to reduce nightmares when you’re sleeping at night

    Bedtime routine tips to help you with digestion and unprocessed anger, so you can center your third chakra and sleep well

    Deidre Norman’s mission is to guide people to align with their Highest Truth through personal energy evaluations, spiritual wellness courses and the teachings of yoga and meditation. Learn more about Deidre’s work on her website. You can also follow her on Instagram.

    Are you ready to get 7+ hours of uninterrupted sleep? Learn more about the Complete Sleep Solution program and how it can help you finally feel and sleep better. Book a consultation to get started so you can stop worrying about sleep and focus on more important things in life!

  • Your mind and outlook on life play a huge role in your sleep (and your happiness). Finding the imbalances in your body that are contributing to your sleep issues is critical. But it's not enough if your brain is sabotaging your sleep as well.

    In this episode, you'll learn about a tool to help you control your mind so you can sleep better, be more successful and be happier in your life! This tool has had such a positive effect on my life that I want to share it with you so you can get the same benefits.

    The tool, developed by Shirzad Chamine, is called Positive Intelligence (PQ), also known as mental fitness. In this episode, I explain:

    -what Positive Intelligence is

    -how PQ can help you in all parts of your life based on research

    -3 steps to increase your PQ

    -how to use this tool for better sleep

    If you're interested in learning more about Positive Intelligence, I highly recommend Shirzad's book: https://www.amazon.com/Positive-Intelligence-Individuals-Achieve-Potential/dp/1608322785

    And you can take the Saboteur quiz at https://assessment.positiveintelligence.com/saboteur/overview.

    Ready for a body and mind approach to solving your sleep issues for good? My team and I can help. Find out more at www.thesleepdetective.com or book a consultation to get started today: https://p.bttr.to/3VJwvDs

  • Can you imagine lying in bed wide awake most nights, not being able to sleep?! That was my client Jamie’s reality when she first started working with me and my team.

    She visited 6 traditional doctors, 1 naturopath doctor, and 1 herbalist before she found my program.

    Listen to this podcast episode to hear Jamie’s story from barely sleeping and visiting 6+ doctors to finally sleeping well again.

    You’ll learn:

    What tests her doctors ran on her that didn’t help

    The functional lab tests we ran on her and the imbalances they uncovered

    Details about Jamie’s personalized sleep plan

    How her sleep coach and the videos in the program helped her make the recommended changes

    Her sleep transformation that has resulted in good sleep, reduction of hair loss, and natural weight loss

    Are you ready to transform your sleep? Learn more about the Complete Sleep Solution program and how it can help you finally feel better and sleep better, or book a consultation to get started. My team and I are ready to help you!

  • Do you struggle with insomnia? By insomnia, I mean any kind of problem sleeping. It could be difficulty falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, and waking up not feeling rested.

    If you have insomnia, there are 3 key steps to getting better. In this episode, I explain the 3 steps and how to get help for each step so you can sleep better permanently.

    If you don’t have any other symptoms besides slightly disrupted sleep and you haven't looked at how your habits, diet and blood sugar are affecting your sleep, you want to start with the Sleep Essentials course. It covers everything you need to know to optimize your diet, stabilize your blood sugar and have smart sleep habits so you can sleep well.

    Sign up here for only $37: https://thesleepdetective.com/sleepessentials

    If you already know the essentials and/or you're ready to find the imbalances in your body that are affecting your sleep and get a plan to fix them, the next step is the Insomnia Insight program. This program includes 4 functional lab tests, modules about habits, diet and blood sugar and gives you a 90 day diet, lifestyle and supplement plan to get your body in balance so you can sleep normally. This is for you if your main problem is sleep issues and you don’t have any other major health problems and you don't need accountability and support to implement a plan.

    Sign up here: https://thesleepdetective.com/insomnia-insight

    If you want to sleep better as quickly as possible and you’re ready to invest in an expert who can look at your entire life and make that happen, you're ready for the Complete Sleep Solution program. This is a 6-month deep dive into your physical health and also into mindset and stress so that your sleep and life are transformed. If you have other health issues, if you've been struggling with sleep for a long time, if you are only sleeping a few hours a night, or have worked with other practitioners and not gotten better, this is the program that will finally help.

    Find out more: https://thesleepdetective.com/complete-sleep-solution or schedule a consultation to get started: https://p.bttr.to/3VJwvDs

  • The sleep advice you read everywhere doesn’t work for chronic insomnia.

    You know this - that’s why you’re here listening to this podcast!

    However, there are 3 essential things to look at first if you aren’t sleeping well. We start here with all of our clients, even though we’re doing lab testing in some of our programs, and 100% of them need to address at least 1 of these essentials.

    In this episode, I’m going to explain these 3 key pieces and how to address them.

    If you’re ready to take the FIRST STEPS to better sleep, you want to sign up for my Sleep Essentials program. Your habits, diet and blood sugar balance are crucial to a good night's sleep. The Sleep Essentials program covers everything you need to know to optimize your diet, stabilize your blood sugar and have smart sleep habits so you can sleep well.

    This program EMPOWERS you to take control of your sleep habits through EDUCATION so you can sleep well on your own!

    The Sleep Essentials program has 4 modules:

    MODULE 1: What really causes sleep issues (Valued at $27)

    MODULE 2: How to optimize your diet for your best sleep (Valued at $97)

    MODULE 3: How to balance your blood sugar for deep sleep (Valued at $97)

    MODULE 4: Understand your testing options for sleep issues (Valued at $17)

    And 5 bonuses:

    BONUS 1: What you need to know about sleep and sleeping pills so you understand how sleep works and how to get off sleep aids (Valued at $17)

    BONUS 2: Bedroom and bedtime routine recommendations so your habits don't sabotage your sleep (Valued at $27)

    BONUS 3: What to do when you can't sleep at bedtime or in the middle of the night so you fall asleep fast (Valued at $97)

    BONUS 4: How to nap without ruining your sleep at night (Valued at $17)

    BONUS 5: How to calm your nervous system so you can relax for better sleep (Valued at $27)

    The total value is $423, but…the cost is only $37!

    Sign up at this link.

  • If you’re an entrepreneur or high achiever like I am, you have different reasons for not sleeping than others.

    It’s also critical that you get good sleep so you can be motivated, productive and achieve your goals.

    In this episode, I talk about the unique sleep challenges for entrepreneurs and the reasons why it’s so important for you to rest and play to be successful.

    If you’re ready to finally figure out why you aren’t sleeping and fix it, my team and I can help! Find out more at the www.thesleepdetective.com or schedule a consultation to get started.


    Episode 100: The bottom-line truth about why you can't sleep and how to fix it

    Book: 10X is easier than 2X by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    Book: Essentialism by Greg McKeown

  • 85% of our insomnia clients have H. pylori, a bacteria that lives in the stomach.

    In this episode, you’ll find out everything you need to know about H. pylori and sleep:

    How H. pylori affects different parts of the body

    Symptoms of H. pylori infection

    How to “treat” H. pylori

    The best test for H. pylori

    If you can’t sleep, there's a good chance that you have H. pylori or other pathogens in the gut that are keeping you awake. This is just one reason why you aren’t able to sleep.
    Ready to find out why you aren’t sleeping and get a plan to fix it? Find out how we can help at www.thesleepdetective.com or book a consultation to get started today so you can sleep better soon and live a long and healthy life.

  • I’ve worked with dozens of male clients and I’ve noticed that many of them have similar imbalances that are affecting their sleep.

    Even though most of the men I work with are health-conscious and eat healthy and exercise and take supplements, their bodies aren’t totally healthy or else they’d be sleeping normally.

    In this episode, you'll learn the 6 most common underlying health issues I tend to see in men AND how to fix them.

    Ready to get to the bottom of your insomnia so you can sleep well, have energy and be able to focus and be productive?

    Find out how my team and I can help at www.thesleepdetective.com. Or book a consultation to get started.

  • If you wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep, you want to listen to this episode!

    The #1 cause of waking up at 3am is having a pathogen such as a parasite. About 1/4 of my clients have a parasite.

    In this episode, you'll learn all about parasites:

    what they are

    where you get them

    what they do to your body

    how they affect sleep

    how to test

    what to do about them

    You can learn more from episode 69: 8 ways a parasite causes insomnia.

    Ready to finally fix your sleep issues so you can sleep well and enjoy your life?

    Find out more at www.thesleepdetective.com.

    Or schedule a consultation to get started.

  • The quality of your breathing directly impacts your quality of sleep. You take about 23,000 breaths per day and most of them are unconscious.

    In this episode, I interviewed Sachin Patel to talk about how to improve the quality of your breathing, and therefore the quality of your sleep.

    Sachin Patel is a father, husband, philanthropist, functional medicine practice success coach, international speaker, and best-selling author. His philosophy is that “The doctor of the future is the patient” and he is actively doing whatever it takes to keep people out of the medical system by empowering them through education, self-care, and remapping their mindset.

    We have the same mission, the same certification, and he’s someone I greatly admire and look up to in the functional medicine and wellness business coaching space. Sachin is genuine and deeply cares about people. I’m so grateful to have interviewed him.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Interesting facts about breathing

    Why ‘how we breathe’ is so important

    Why Sachin Patel started doing this work

    The connection between breathing and the nervous system

    How to breathe so you can sleep and optimize your health

    The cause of peeing in night and how mouth taping can help

    You won’t want to miss this episode. Hit play now!

    If you’d like to learn more about Sachin Patel and the work he does, visit his website here.

    Learn more about The Complete Sleep Solution program or schedule a consultation with me.

  • If you aren’t sleeping normally, your body is trying to tell you that something is out of whack!

    It can be hard to know if it’s all in your head. Or if there’s something deeper going on in your body that’s affecting your sleep.

    In this episode, you’ll find out:

    What your body is trying to tell you

    How to tell if it’s your body or your mind that’s sabotaging your sleep

    What needs to change for you to sleep better

    Tired of not sleeping and ready to get to the bottom of it once and for all? We can help! Find out more at www.thesleepdetective.com or schedule a free consultation.

  • I know it's frustrating to not be able to sleep and not know WHY, especially when you're doing all the "right" things.

    In this episode, I explain:

    all the factors that could be affecting your sleep.

    which ones affect everyone and which ones only affect certain people.

    why everything you've tried so far hasn't helped.

    how to put all the pieces of this mystery together so you can sleep better permanently.

    I call myself The Sleep Detective because I use lab testing and assessments to find the clues that that explain why you can't sleep.

    The The most common clues I see are:

    🔎 high cortisol at night

    🔎 sex hormone imbalance

    🔎 inflammation

    🔎 an unhealthy gut

    🔎 food sensitivities

    🔎 liver detox issues

    🔎 blood sugar issues

    🔎 mold toxicity

    🔎 mineral imbalances

    🔎 heavy metals

    🔎 neurotransmitter imbalances

    We also help make sure your mind isn't affecting your sleep by helping you:

    🧠 Rewire your brain to change your relationship with sleep

    🧠 Eliminate sleep anxiety

    🧠 How to calm your nervous system

    🧠 Tools to manage stress

    🧠 Address trauma

    And we use the clues to recommend the right:

    🧬 Diet

    🧬 Proper exercise

    🧬 Reduce toxins

    🧬 Supplements

    🧬 Habits

    for YOUR body!

    Want to know more about how The Sleep Detective can help you finally get to the bottom of your sleep issues? Go to www.thesleepdetective.com

    Ready to get started so you can be sleeping better asap? Schedule a free consultation.