I look at the theme of Generational Trauma that is at the center of one of my comfort shows.
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of going on stage at a show by Onyango Otieno AKA Rixpoet, called Nothing Underneath and sharing very openly and vulnerably about a sexual experience that I had had. A clip of that story has caused a bit of a stir.
In this episode I had the pleasure of hosting the person that I had this experience with as they shared their side of the story.
You can read the full story here
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this episode I talk about how a conversation I've had several times with my mother ties into some experiences that I have had on the internet in the recent past. With the way I share so openly (especially for a woman my age, apparently), would it be better if I either shut up or toughened up? Why make myself so vulnerable? Where does authenticity fit into all of this?
I'm baaaack! This time under a new title too! So much has happened, allow me to reintroduce myself and my podcast to you.
Fear or Love? A recent situation has triggered this question within me.
What to do when living your truth makes people upset.
On this first episode of the Freely Live Your Truth Podcast, Tarurî talks about what FLYT is, how it came about, plus what it means to live life authentically from your inner truth.