In this episode I am interviewed by Jason Blake from the Global Soccer Education podcast. This episode is in two parts so be sure to catch up with part 1.
We discuss players I’ve worked with including the player being dubbed as the next English wonderkid, Charlie Webster, and Champions League/Premier League winners, Adam Lallana and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. We talk about Street soccer and the differences between individual development and team coaching.
Small podcasts like ourselves only survive by getting reviews, subscriptions and being shared. So if you’ve been kind enough to listen please could I ask you to extend that kindness by at least leaving a review and subscribing. Sharing would be a massive bonus! I really appreciate your support.
Please also follow me on social media and feel free to connect.
In this episode I am interviewed by Jason Blake from the Global Soccer Education podcast.
We discuss players I’ve worked with including the player being dubbed as the next English wonderkid, Charlie Webster, and Champions League/Premier League winners, Adam Lallana and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. We talk about Street soccer and the differences between individual development and team coaching.
This episode is in two parts so be sure to catch up with part 2.
Small podcasts like ourselves only survive by getting reviews, subscriptions and being shared. So if you’ve been kind enough to listen please could I ask you to extend that kindness by at least leaving a review and subscribing. Sharing would be a massive bonus! I really appreciate your support.
Please also follow me on social media and feel free to connect.
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In this episode Geoff and I are joined by former Southampton FC coach, Paul Matthews, who now heads up the younger age groups at Pezzaz Street Soccer.
We discuss all things to do with online coaching sessions and remote learning for children. We discuss the benefits, how sessions are delivered, why you should definitely get your children involved and how during the lockdown period, players actually came back much better than before!
This episode is sponsored by the Pezzaz SkillTech Scheme - The Online Training Programme for Kids. Link below.
Part 2 of our interview with former Premier League and Republic of Ireland player Andy Reid.
We decided to publish the whole of part 2 rather than split it into more parts. Although rather long is got some great stuff in there and my most enjoyable yet. There were far too many questions to list! Sit back and enjoy...
Please leave us a nice 5 star review and subscribe. It really does help to get our podcast heard further afield and supports voluntary broadcasts. If you'd like to get in touch then please contact Perry at perry@pezzazstreetsoccer.com Don't forget to check out all our other episodes! Thanks for listening.
In this 10'000 download celebratory episode (Part 1) I chat to former Premier League & Republic of Ireland International, Andy Reid, about his playing career, coaching, character and helping develop players and people. Loads of golden advice for coaches, parents and players!
Reidy has been a long time friend after we worked together at Charlton Athletic. The questions we had on paper are listed below but there were so many more thrown in along the way! We decided we needed to do a part 2 as we chatted so much and the signal started breaking up towards the end. Some of the children at Pezzaz Street Soccer sent in questions and there will be more in part 2.
Part 1
(Start) I often talk about football being about special moments. I tell the children and parents not to focus on winning things and getting scouted but to enjoy the journey. Likewise at professional level, you don’t need to have won lots of things to have had a good career and even an enjoyable one. What special moments stick out for you...?(27:25) When did you start playing football and when did you know you wanted to be a professional? (From Archie Harkin)(29:00) I’d like to talk to you about street football. I read an Irish article about how important, and popular, street football was in Dublin with different streets playing against each other. Even Connor McGregor has talked about it in the past. Modern buzz terms like bio banding, self determination learning, constraints led coaching and ball contact time (to name but a few) were all found in those games naturally. Do you think the lack of those games now has had an impact, not just in Ireland, and how do you think we can recreate that environment? (51:05) How did you cope with setbacks before or during your career and what did you do to overcome them? (From Antony Batt)(102:50) How important is character, not just in the dressing room, but in terms of an individual fulfilling their potential and, is there anything in particular you can do to encourage characters to blossom?(105:49) How would Reidy the manager/coach like to have had Reidy the player in his team?( 1:15:45) You talk about outcomes a lot in your roles at Nottingham Forest and Ireland your outcome is to produce players for the first team, and if you can’t, then someone else’s first team, but is there a moral responsibility to prepare them for different lives?Please leave us a nice 5 star review and subscribe. It really does help to get our podcast heard further afield and supports voluntary broadcasts. If you'd like to get in touch then please contact Perry at perry@pezzazstreetsoccer.com Don't forget to check out all our other episodes! Thanks for listening.
In this episode (part 2) we continue our chat with sports psychologist, Betsy Tuffrey, about anxiety, helping children and home life for parents, including lots of helpful advice. The list of question and timings are below.
Part 2
1. (Start) Anxiety seems to be a very big problem right now. These are unprecedented times and therefore I guess we have nothing to compare or contextualise it. The anxiety is obviously caused by the current situation but is there now a shift in anxiety of actually going back to normal? 2. (6:57) If you find yourself feeling anxious, or a family member is, are there any positive steps to take to try to help? 3. (11:17) Can you always tell if you are feeling anxious? For example, can it show up in different ways like feeling tired or having strange dreams...? 4. (15:00) The big thing I keep hearing is “when we get back to normal”. Do you think it is as simple as that or will there be a period of acclimatisation to “normal” or the new “normal”...? 5. (23:00) What are the biggest lessons you have learned during this period? 6. (24:33) Will the experience change the way you do things at all going forward?Please leave us a nice 5 star review and subscribe. It really does help to get our podcast heard further afield and supports voluntary broadcasts. If you'd like to get in touch then please contact Perry at perry@pezzazstreetsoccer.com Don't forget to check out all our other episodes! Thanks for listening.
In this episode (part 1) we welcome back Betsy Tuffrey who is a Sports Psychologist at Brighton & Hove Albion FC. Betsy talks about life at the club during lockdown and answers questions about home life for parents including lots of helpful advice. The list of question and timings are below.
Part 1
(Start) Can you tell us a bit about your background and what Sports Psychology is?(4:55) How are your club coping with things since lockdown?(8:29) What have been your biggest challenges?(9:55) Have there been any difficult situations?(11:54) Have you had many positives come out of the situation?(13:25) How have you managed to keep positive and what is your advice to others?(20:50) My lad has shown a lack of interest in football and sports activities. Should I be worried?(26:24) My lad suddenly broke down in tears the other day and said he was depressed. He’s only 10. Is there any advice you can give parents to help with children that might be struggling?(30:06) I’ve noticed the engagement and enthusiasm has significantly dropped for online challenges since the start. It makes me worry that there’s a lot of inactive children out there now. Do you have any advice for helping motivate the children and to motivate the motivators?Please leave us a nice review and subscribe. If you'd like to get in touch then please contact Perry at perry@pezzazstreetsoccer.com Don't forget to check out all our other episodes! Thanks for listening.
During quarantine I was asked if I would do a video interview for the West Canada Soccer Academy as part of their Player Development Master Class Series as a technical development expert.
I was interviewed by my old friend Jason Blake who I worked with at Southampton FC. Jason went onto work at AFC Bournemouth, Burnley and now is Technical Director at the West Canada Soccer Academy and Red Deer Dome.
The audio was taken for this Extra Time (The Inner Huddle) podcast and all 15 questions with timings are below. I hope you enjoy it.
(2:40) We know each other from when we both worked at Southampton FC. Can you just give us a little insight to who you are and your journey that’s got you to where you are today from a coaching point of view, and what’s really got yourself a good knowledge and experience around technical development?(5:50) When we were young we used to play in the street. What does street soccer look like now for young players?(8:39) With your background of working in the pre academy at Southampton FC, how young does that go down to initially?(9:03) With players of that age what would you be encouraging the players to be doing in the foundation phase and pre academy?(11:03) At the risk of name dropping, I want to mention some of the players I know you’ve done some work with, 3 England Internationals, Adam Lallana, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain & Jay Rodriguez. With Adam Lallana in mind, how would talk about the basics of what Adam did with you and how does it trace back to work you would do with a 6 or 7 year old?(14:41) How important is technical competence to help you through the challenges of maybe not being a physical size yet when you’re playing against people that are perhaps a bit bigger?(18:32) Can we pick your brains about futsal and also what would the main reason be to use futsal balls as opposed to normal soccer balls?(21: 25) If grass roots clubs are training in a school gym or sports hall, is that sufficient to do futsal training?(23:04) Is there a difference in the type of ball used for futsal and does it make a difference when learning new skills and practicing them?(24:30) How appropriate is technical training across all age groups, is it equally important regardless of what age they re up to adults?(27:53) With regards to pitch sizes, we have a wide range of size within the FIFA regulations for 7 v 7 pitches. What are the benefits or challenges of being on the smaller side of the regulations? (32:41) For the younger players in our region, how should they think about their technical development depending on the position they play in?(37:30) A three part question: When is it ok to teach children tricks with the ball? Once we learn those new tricks how can we be confident enough to do them in games? How can we as players train during quarantine time so that we can keep getting better?(40:46) For the older players that might be a central defender should they be given a different type of technical work during this period?(45:37) Summary for coaches, parents and players and key messages to take away.If you have any further questions then please contact me at perry@pezzazstreetsoccer.com or visit www.pezzazstreetsoccer.com
Welcome to part 2 of our lockdown training special. Lockdown has been challenging for parents, children and coaches. Trying to balance home schooling, work, exercise and keeping up with training and hobbies. In this episode we continue to discuss individual football training practices at home.
6. (0.00) What are your thoughts on the people that are very scathing of these at home isolated individual practices?
7. (14:24) Has this time had any positives? For example, time to reflect & revaluate.
8. (24:18) What’s been your favourite challenge that you’ve seen?
9. (28:02) How can I motivate my child to do more practice?
10. (34:12) Will this period change the way you coach going forward?
If you'd like any more information about Pezzaz Street Soccer or the SkillTech Scheme please email Perry perry@pezzazstreetsoccer.com or visit www.pezzazstreetsoccer.com
Lockdown has been challenging for parents, children and coaches. Trying to balance home schooling, work, exercise and keeping up with training and hobbies. In this episode we discuss individual football training practices at home.
(00:00) How have you been engaging with your players and keeping them active during the lockdown?(8:25) What have been the biggest challenges?(16:06) What has the participation and engagement been like?(25:52) What are the most important things players can practice at home?(33:24) What do you think of the amount of online guru’s that have now sprung up?If you'd like any more information about Pezzaz Street Soccer or the SkillTech Scheme please email Perry perry@pezzazstreetsoccer.com or visit www.pezzazstreetsoccer.com
Welcome to our latest podcast! In this episode Geoff and Perry discuss the Pezzaz SkillTech Scheme and how it helped players such as Adam Lallana, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and England U16 captain, Charlie Webster. They talk about how the idea came about and how you can be part of the scheme from anywhere in the world! For more information please visit https://pezzazstreetsoccer.com/sessions/skilltech-scheme or email Perry at perry@pezzazstreetsoccer.com
We caught up with our old friend, former England international, Danny Mills, on our summer Elite Training Camp. The podcast Was recorded in front of a live audience. Many questions were asked from the coaches and young players:
(Start) Tell us a bit about your journey, what teams did you play for?(10:48) How old were you when you started playing?(15:30) What setbacks did you have along the way?(19:18) What do you think separates the small minority that go onto have good careers from the thousands of talented players out there?(21:38) It seems to be a good time for young English players at the moment. What are your thoughts on the current crop of youngsters, in particular the possible lack of players that can excite us? (Gazza, McManaman. Joe Cole, John Barnes, Chris Waddle, David Beckham, Steven Gerrard, Michael Owen Etc.)(24:03) Who was the hardest player you ever faced?(27:22) What was the World Cup like?(30:14) What was the secret of your success?(31:00) How many goals did you score?(32:10) Did you make up with Robbie Savage?(34:00) At what point in your life did realise you had a special talent?(34:53) Do you still play?(35:40) The team you had at Leeds must be right up there with the best the Premiership as had?(40:16) Did you play against Cantona?(40:50) Who is you favourite player ever?(41:30) How many own goals did you score?(42:15) What charity matches have you played in?(42:55) What’s your favourite stadium you’ve played in?(43:53) Who did you look up to whwn you were younger?(45:43) Can you explain your dirtiest tackle?(48:00) Who was your best coach and manager and why?(49:23) Who were your favourite players to be around?(50:42) Who’s the best player you’ve played with?(52:35) Who’s your least favourite team?(53:32) Can you talk us through the Thierry Henry nutmeg?(54:58) Did you ever want to play in any other position?(55:56) Do you play Fantasy Football?(57:39) Have you got any advice for our young players? -
Welcome to another Extra Time edition of the Inner Huddle.
In this episode Perry chats a little bit more about professional academies following on from the recent episode about what scouts looks for. Perry is a pre-academy coach and scout for Southampton FC.
Please get in touch with any comments or any questions that you have.
As always, please like and share.
Welcome to Extra Time!
In this episode Perry answers some of the most recently asked questions about the Pezzaz Holiday Camps:
Why are your holiday courses a bit more expensive than some others out there?
What sort of activities do you do?
Are you all licensed coaches
Can children book in for more individual days?
What time do you start and finish?
Please share and comment. Thanks for listening
Welcome to our first Extra Time edition of The Inner Huddle!
These bonus episodes are shorter and aim to answer any specific question, to add any observations or experiences that we think are relevant and interesting, or to add anything we might have missed in the main episodes.
In this edition Perry answers this question sent in by Tommy:
What do professional scouts look for when assessing children?
A vast topic in it's own right but Perry attempts to answer it using his years of experience as a registered Premier League scout currently working for the recruiting department at Southampton FC.
Please subscribe and comment in iTunes. Thank you
Welcome to the fourth part of our Pezzaz Coaching Special on the Inner Huddle Podcast. In this part we explain a bit more about the pricing of our sessions and get very in-depth about coaching methods and why we do what we do.
The list of questions with timings are below although we get a bit deeper than some of them might suggest! Enjoy...
Q19 (01:12) Why does your Academy stop at under 11s...?
Q 20 (04:08) What’s the biggest changes you’ve seen since you started coaching?
Q21 (16:20) I’m really keen to get my reception year child involved with your sessions but I’ve heard there’s a waiting list. Is this true and how long does it usually take to get a place...?
Q22 (18:53) My child attends your Hampshire Player Development Centre. Some sessions weren’t on over Christmas and I was wondering why the monthly price was still the same?
Q 23 (22:46) I’m a level 2 coach. I’ve watched your training and I’ve noticed there are very few coaching interventions. Nobody is telling the kids where they should stand and what position they are playing. Is there a reason for this?
Q24 (31:20) My lad trains with you twice a week and uses his sole a lot to move the ball. His club coach has picked up on it and has a go at him for doing it. He uses it really well and it really defines his style of play but I’m really confused now and so is my lad. Can you help?
Welcome to the third part of our Pezzaz Coaching Special. In these episodes we help to explain what we are all about, our methods and coaching philosophy. Find out some of the reasons why 20 Pezzaz players have signed professional contracts in the last five years and why players such as Adam Lallana and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain benefited from the Pezzaz methods.
The list of questions and timings are below. Please subscribe and leave a review on iTunes if you can. Enjoy...
Q13 (01:15) How can my child get spotted by professional clubs at Pezzaz?
Q14 (11:30) Do children pick up bad habits playing indoors?
Q15 (19:08) Does your individual training just train children to be greedy!!! Football is a passing game!!
Q16 (26:01) My child struggles with the skills is Pezzaz not the place for him?
Q17 (30:47) I’ve heard that Pezzaz is great but only for really young children. Is that true?
Q18 (38:12) What’s the biggest difference between what you do and what’s available at local teams?
#11 (Part 2) - Pezzaz Coaching Special - Methods and Philosophy Explained
Welcome to the second part of our Pezzaz Coaching special. Another 6 questions about our soccer school, coaching methods, why we are different to other coaching and how your child can get into our Academy.
Q7 (00:52) My son was selected for the Pezzaz Academy. We’re absolutely delighted and he can’t wait to get started. Will he now have to leave the Pezzaz Player Development Centre that he attends on Saturdays?
Q8 (06:04) Why is what you do different to any other coaching out there?
Q9 (14:22) I was told that what you do is just futsal and not real football. I don’t know what futsal is so I’m a bit confused. Can you help me?
Q10 (21:55) Are you selling the dream?
Q11 (28:17) Are your holiday courses for everyone?
Q12 (32:37) How does my child get into your academy?
Please share and subscribe. Thank you.
- Visa fler