After introducing the Inca Empire in the previous episode, we now trace back to the origin of ancient Peruvian civilization -- Norte Chico. You may not be very familiar with the civilization, but its cultural importance paralleled that of Olmecs for Mesoamerica and Sumerians for Mesopotamia. Archaeologists argued over the past years regarding the origin of Norte Chico, whether it was originated from the local fishing economy or agricultural system. You will hear a discussion of different theories on the topic and a reconciliation.
Saknas det avsnitt?
We shift our focus to Inca Empire in the Andes range! The episode introduces the geographic location, religious and historic origins, the capital city, social structure, gender roles, economic system, the mysterious Machu Picchu, other architectural achievements, and more! We included a lot of information in this episode as a bonus. Incan civilization is really intriguing, so now we take you on a journey into the past. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast and email precolumbian4@gmail.com about what you want to learn about in the next episode, or anything you want to let us know!
Source Citations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vTSUZ8e231NVGfanl8pl0LjdN-fEpnI0Y-rngV2SmPg/edit?usp=sharing
Do you know who the Mixtecs are? How did they manage to grow maize in unfavorable climate conditions? How did they record their stories?
In this episode, we will introduce the geographic location, climate, farming method, history, religious story, language, and more importantly, their cultural resilience. Join us in the journey to the past of the Mixtecs!
Source citation:
Have you ever heard of the Toltecs? What was the relationship between the Toltecs and the Aztec empire?
In this episode, you will learn about the capital city of Toltecs, its religion and creation myth, historical narratives, and more!Source Citation:
Why did the Aztecs establish their city at the center of a lake? What was the human sacrifice about in the Aztec religion? How did the Aztecs fall to the Spanish Inquisition? Come and listen to the fifth episode of the podcast and discover more about the Aztec civilization!
Source Citation:
Where did the name "Zapotec" come from? What was their culture like before the Spanish Inquisition? In this episode, we will discuss the Ancient Zapotecs' major cities, religion, governance, history, language, societal structure, and more! Any thoughts or questions are welcome for comments!
Source Citations:
What was the secret that made the ancient city of Teotihuacan such a powerful and influential city-state?
In this episode, we will discuss the rise and fall of Teotihuacan, the city's economy, architecture, and religion, as well as its implications behind.
Link to citations:
What led to the collapse of the ancient Mayan civilization?
In this episode, we will take a close look at the Mayan civilization's geography, agriculture, religion, math, and the reasons for their fall.
sources citations
Did you know that the ancient Olmecs recycled limestone? In this episode, we will investigate the main cities and the societal structure of the ancient Olmec civilization. We will also discuss the Olmec religion and how their civilization was established.
source citations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uKuHWTiTEWQxgm__fDXXLjoKOhqFPMUIrMkpIzScJ7M/edit?usp=sharing
So what is The History Podcast of Pre-Columbian World?
In this small trailer, we include our goals of making this podcast, and what you should expect from listening to our episodes.
And here we Go!