In this episode, I am joined with the legendary Dr. Tom O'Byran and we talk about autoimmunity, toxins and why we cannot digest wheat. We also touch on why children are sicker than ever and why Inflammation is the key to majority of the common chronic diseases. You can find Dr. O'Bryan on https://thedr.com/Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/thedrtomobryan/Free Docu Series:https://theinflammationequation.com/
In this episode I have a great chat with Phil Davis. A PT for over 15 years and has been in fitness over 24 years. We dive deep into his history with body building, how it isnt actually healthy for you, Why women should lift and why, if you want to lose weight, running on the treadmill isnt such a great idea. You can fine Phil at Lewisham Pure Gym, London and he also has a new book out called, " Dont be a Dumbbell!" - Links below to his book and Instagram
https://www.instagram.com/iamphilippedavis/ -
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this episode I chat with the wonderful Nickita Starck, Founder of 'When Push Comes to Shove'. Nickita started her birth journey in 2008 when she gave birth to her first daughter. After a very traumatic birth she started asking questions. Her grandmother explained to her that was she had experienced was ‘common’ NOT ‘normal’. This gave Nickita a thirst for birth knowledge and so her journey began. She briefly studied midwifery but quickly decided that was not for her.Since then she has learned her skills through a rather an unconventional methods. Although she trained to be a doula, she has also gained knowledge from granny midwives and ancient traditional practice.Nickita is a mother to two daughters, an author, birth activist, teacher, traditional birth attendant and singer / songwriter.We talk about self-development before being a parent, How trauma can be passed on from previous generations to your children and what she believes we all need to know to prevent illness and having problems during pregnancy. Push comes to Shove provides courses, resources for anyone who wants to get into home birthing or have more options/choices when it comes to maternity care. You can find & contact Nikita on the links below. https://whenpushcomestoshove.co.uk/https://www.instagram.com/when.pushcomestoshove/https://www.facebook.com/wpctsfilmhttps://www.youtube.com/@WhenPushComesToShove/videoshttps://t.me/awakenedbirthLink to - 'AM I ALLOWED' bookhttps://www.amazon.co.uk/Am-Allowed-Every-Should-BEFORE/dp/1916060609#:~:text=Am%20I%20Allowed%3F-,Am%20I%20Allowed%3F%20has%20been%20SUCH%20an%20important%20book%20for,it%2C%20on%20how%20to%20complain.
In this episode we dig deep into solving the underactive Thyroid issue. Is your doctor prescribing levothyroxine? still feel tired? cant shift the weight? in this episode we chat with Dr Sarah Myhill & author of her latest book - "The Underactive Thyroid: Do it yourself because your doctor won't"we also touch on Covid 19, Iodine, Paleo Keto and much more! "The Underactive Thyroid: Do it yourself because your doctor won't"https://www.amazon.co.uk/Underactive-Thyroid-yourself-because-doctor-ebook/dp/B0BCXMJ4HRDr Sarah Myhill's Website:https://drmyhill.co.uk/
In this Episode I talk with Marlon Patrice, the Director of Patrees Herbs & wellness and his charity, We go Outside too. In my first face to face podcast, I chat to Marlon in his shop and talk about how it all began, his passion for long distance running and how the tragedy of his son influenced the charity he created called WE GO OUTSIDE TOO. We also touch on the types of herbs he provides, the most popular and the importance of improving performance and building a community!Patrees Herbs & WellnessInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/patreesherbsandwellness/?hl=en Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/patreesherbs/We go Outside toohttps://www.wegooutsidetoo.com/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wegooutsidetoo/?hl=enFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/Wegooutsidetoo/
In this episode I have a chat with Nese (Nesh) Schaffer-Halil. A model who had an interest in nutrition and wellness for such a long time until she found the right course to make the decision to become a coach. We go into how she got into modelling and what influenced her to get into nutrition. Nesh also speaks about the impact of the passing of her sister, whose disease could have been prevented. She also talks about microwaves, the reason why she is gluten free, DNA testing and much more.
Digestive Wellness Book:
DNA Test - Nesh did the DNA Health test :
http://nordiclabs.com/EDetail.aspx?id=1991 -
In this Episode I talk with the legendary Patrick Holford.
Patrick is a Nutritionist, Entrepreneur, Author of over 45 books, selling millions worldwide and a pioneer in innovative approaches to health problems using nutrition.
He has spent 40 years studying health and what helps people reclaim it – not with drugs, but with a good, healthy diet, lifestyle and natural remedies. He has discovered drug free solutions for staying free from diabetes, heart disease, some cancer, Alzheimer’s and other preventable diseases.
In this episode we talk
- Covid 19
- Alzheimer's
- Cholesterol
- Homocysteine
- Coffee
- What is the natural way to day
- What is optimum nutrition
You can find Patrick here -
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/patrickholford.uk/
Brain size is shrinking, IQ is falling, mental health problems are rising. A recent EU report has declared a ‘global brain health emergency’. One in six children are neurodivergent, many with autism or ADHD. While one in four over 80 have pre-dementia - memory decline is happening for many in their 30’s. One in four adults are on anti-depressants, sleeping pills or tranquillisers. What is going wrong and how do we recover?
After 45 years of research Patrick Holford, founder of the charitable foodforthebrain.org, has the answers and wants to show you how to:
· Improve your mood and get a good night’s sleep
· Deprogram anxiety and build stress resilience
· Free your brain from addiction (including sugar, alcohol and coffee)
· Recover your memory and rebuild the brain’s connections
· Build healthy young brains to prevent neurodivergencehttps://foodforthebrain.org/the-cognitive-function-test/
Its really good and gives you a free report and what is mentioned in this show.
24th April 2024 – Save the Date!
The full line up, schedule and registration details for the Upgrade Your Brain (UYB) Summit, hosted by the Nutrition Collective, will be published before the end of January.
Speakers confirmed include:
Professor Michal Crawford
Dr Georgia Ede
Professor Bill Harris
Patrick Holford
Professor Robert Lustig
Dr David Perlmutter
Professor Julia Rucklidge
Dr Victoria Sampson
Assistant Professor Tommy Wood
Register here:
https://foodforthebrain.org/uybsummit/ -
In this episode I talk with Emma who is the director at Miindfulness.Mindfulness Supports children's mental health and wellbeing, provide practical & affordable products, free advice and resources as well as working in the criminal justice system, education and other sectors.In this episode we talk about how to emotionally regulate our children, how we are far away from just "getting on with things" as we use to in the past and tips on how to help our children.be emotionally intelligent and such a fast paced world. You can find Emma and her team here:Website: https://www.miindfulness.com/Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/miindfulness/?igsh=MWlmc2pzdzhnanc0MA%3D%3DTik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@miindfulness
In this episode I have a chat with one of my heroes when I started my wellness journey, Award winning Journalist and Author, Joanna Blythman.In this episode we chat about the processed food industry, Her experience in investigating how Ultra processed food is made and the importance of whole foods. We also have a chat about George Orwell and her experience of her visit to the West bank in Palestine in 2009
Haseeb is a tech entrepreneur and when he looked into the pros and cons of traditional schooling, it was a no brainer to homeschool his three kids. In This episode we dive into the world of Homeschooling. How it works, the pros and cons and the process of getting into it.
Now Haseeb helps others on how to homeschool, providing courses, tips and creating a community.
I had so much fun on this episode and we are definitely going to do a part 2 as there is so much more to discuss.
Haseeb can be found here
In this episode I talk to Dale Pinnock - BSc, BSc (Hons), Pg Dip (Nutr Med) famously known as the Medicinal Chef.
Dale has over 30 years experience in nutrition and has been on mainstream television giving out his expert advice doing shows such as This Morning, The Alan Titchmarsh Show, QVC, Ireland AM, ITVs Lorraine and Eat,Shop,Save to name a few ;)
Dale has a degree in
- Human nutrition
- Herbal medicine
- Post grad in nutritional medicine
We go down the rabbit hole of calorie counting.
How are they measured?
Do we need to calorie count?
Is it healthy?
What is Metabolism?
How does it work?
How do we get it to work?
We also touch on having a gastric band to lose weight.
Book recommendations
1. The power of three by Dale pinnock
2. The Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford
3. Fit for Life by Harvey Diamond
You can find Dale here
Instagram :
YouTube:https://youtube.com/@the_medicinal_chef?si=_Z81adfpZLJdXnb7 -
In this episode I discussed Dr.Goodmans upcoming book project with about the effects of environmental pollution on health. Dr. Goodman emphasized the need for a shift from traditional medicine to ecological medicine and called for changes in individual lifestyles and societal actions to reduce environmental toxins' impact on health. The discussion covered the health risks associated with exposure to toxic substances, the dangers of environmental poisoning, and the harmful effects of fluoride. Dr. Goodman also discussed dietary sources of iodine and the benefits of different types of oils for cooking. The Podcast concluded with a discussion about the dangers of excessive sugar consumption, the importance of aligning our lifestyle with the changing seasons, and the importance of vitamin D during the winter months.Dr Jenny Goodmans Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_jenny_goodman/?hl=en-gbor @Dr_Jenny_GoodmanWebsite: https://www.drjennygoodman.com/see-moreBook Recommendations:
1. The Fluoride Deception
2. The Case against Fluoride
3. Toxic Legacy
4. Pure, white and deadly
5. Silent Spring
6. Pip Pip by Jay Griffiths
Bradley shared his journey of overcoming eczema through holistic means, including dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments. He outlined his daily routine, which included a predominantly meat-based diet, occasional fruits, sauna use, regular exercise, and a visit to the ocean. Bradley also shared his experiences with autoimmune disorders, topical steroid withdrawal, and his refusal of a new drug, Dupixent, due to its potential side effects. He emphasized the legitimacy of leaky gut as a real condition despite some medical professionals' discrediting it. Moreover, Bradley expressed his excitement about expanding his horizons through writing. He advocated for a natural healing process and distrusted big pharmaceutical drugs. He also discussed his concerns about nutrient deficiencies in a lion diet and the benefits of an animal-based diet. Bradley's dietary views seem to be contentious, with some viewers supporting his stance and others warning against it.
In this episode I talk with Laul. She's a personal trainer, Swimming instructor and one of the directors of my main sponsor, WELLFINITY.
In this episode we talk about hidden disabilities, the importance of communities and what it takes to work in the wellness industry.
You can find Laul here:
Instagram: @Laulsfit
If you work in the wellness sector, get in touch with the Wellfinity team here:
Instagram: @Wellfinity.uk
Website: Wellfinity.co.uk
Email: [email protected].uk
Toxicity and detoxification. We touch on the significance of mindfulness and self-compassion in healthcare practices, emphasizing the importance of understanding the root cause of health issues instead of just treating symptoms with medication. The need for a 21st-century lifestyle that includes self-care and mindfulness to prevent burnout in healthcare practitioners. The discussion also touched on the benefits of nutritional therapy and the potential impacts of medication. The conversation centered around pain management and addiction, with concerns raised about the potential for corruption in the pharmaceutical industry. Other topics included the role of the microbiome in health, preventive measures in health management, the shift towards functional medicine, the benefits of exercise and healthy lifestyle.
Khush can be found below
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KhushMark
Email: [email protected]
https://www.newschoolofnutrition.com/ -
In this Episode I talk with the director of Beautiful Healthy Home, Zoe. She runs a consultancy business as well as Healthy home products, on how to help us live in a healthy environment in our own homes. You'll be surprised how many chemicals are live in and with cancer rates at 1 in every 2 people globally, this is something that we should take note of!
You can find Zoe here:
Instagram: Beautiful_Healthy_home
Youtube: @beautifulhealthyhome595
Website: https://www.beautifulhealthyhome.co.uk/ -
In this Episode we talk to Rachana and how she was shocked to find she had Rheumatoid Arthritis at a young age and how she shocked her specialist when she made a recovery while the drugs she was given for this disease wasnt working. We also talk about her journey and what now led her to studying to be a qualified nutritional therapist. You can find Rachana here :
Insta : https://www.instagram.com/healthiup/
Website :http://www.healthiup.com/ - Visa fler