This week, DJ is somewhere between awake and asleep.
Also on today’s show: Happy Fellas, Associated Press’ top Trump lies, Shady Brady, Marwood’s Fall meaning, Higher Learning with Andy, tapping smart touch earbuds and MORE!
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This week, DJ appreciates CVS sales.
Also on today’s show: the Gulf of Mexico, a nugget of an idea, Doge is a boys club, metaphorical lyrics, Higher Learning with Andy and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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Saknas det avsnitt?
This week, there is no gym for stupid.
Also on today’s show: addictions & mental health, the longest February, speaking truth to nonesense, Side Out is a game changer, even more Learning and MORE!
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #february #psychology #mentalhealth #addiction #stupid #civics #trauma #depression #ocd #ied #ericadams #trump #republicans #sideout #songwriting #songwriters #item #learning
This week, DJ is doing his best work.
Also on today’s show: the warming center, posting on Bluesky, NyQuil comas, calling in sick to meetings, Higher Learning with Andy (and Gladys), the magic of songwriting and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #february #bestwork #doingyourbest #warmingcenter #bluesky #x #nyquil #coma #nyquilcoma #callinsick #meeting #meetings #zoom #teams #higherlearningwithandy #gladys #item #magic #songwriting #songwriters
This week, DJ filed a complaint with the NY Attorney General.
Also on today’s show: pandering to the audience, helping bands by adding them to your playlists, believing in retractions, supporting local artists, farting out songs, Higher Learning with Andy and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #bigproblem #problem #complaint #ag #attorneygeneral #ny #newyork #pandering #audience #help #band #bands #playlist #addtoplaylist #supportmusic #believe #retraction #edit #support #localartists #13blueangelfeathers #fartings #farts #fart #songs #higherlearningwithandy #item
This week, DJ is fascinated by eggcorns.
Also on today’s show: shows on Fridays, adding Trump to Mount Rushmore, ante up your share, technical problems, Higher Learning with Andy, work frustrations and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #power #lightstick #poweredbylightstick #eggcorn #eggcorns #show #livemusic #originalmusic #longislandmusicscene #friday #fridays #trump #president #presidenttrump #mountrushmore #rushmore #anteup #share #taxes #doyourpart #payyourshare #technicalproblems #techproblems #higherlearningwithandy #item #higherlearningwithandyfromoswaldsrevenge #oswaldsrevenge #work #frustration #payroll #hr #deductions #401k #fixit
This week, DJ is appalled by the sweeping January 6th pardons.
Also on today’s show: pet peeves, selective memory, looking to pick a fight, music tied to moods, Happy Hour highlights, in the void and MORE!
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #need #vent #appalled #january6 #pardons #trump #petpeeve #petpeeves #selectivememory #pickafight #fight #argument #music #mood #moods #blue #happyhour #highlights #kaz #thepricesatthebarisnothappy #inthevoid
This week, DJ discusses representation by the Senate.
Also on today’s show: how Kaz are you, arts and crafts with Noodle, Jimmy Carter’s legacy, chat lies, Revel 9 news, driving to Africa and MORE!
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #lincolnlogs #representation #senate #kaz #artsandcrafts #noodle #jimmycarter #legacy #halfmast #chat #lies #news #release #newmusic #localshow #amh #originalmusic #localmusic #driving #africa #playlist #hrlbplaylist #spotify
This week, DJ finds a new overlord.
Also on today’s show: walking the path, standing on principle, songwriting with melody, Oswald's Revenge and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #lightstick #cybertruck #losangeles #wildfires #politics #misinformation #stupidity #climatechange #songwriting #melody #newmusic #oswaldsrevenge
This week, DJ does extra preparation to count down the top 24 songs of 2024.
Also on today’s show: not here for religion, Kaz and the Sniffles, a countdown first and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #countdown #top24 #2024 #endofyear #localmusic #localbands #originalmusic #longislandmusic #longisland #extra #prep #religion #kaz #sniffles #first
This week, DJ shares Kaz’s Christmas gift for the Box.
Also on today’s show: astronomical vs astrological, the Trump Transition, no prep work, bands we want to play with in 2025, stuck on The Lonely Island loop, playing old classics and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #return #darkness #solstice #equinox #kaz #christmas #christmasgift #led #astronomical #astronomy #astrological #astrology #trump #trumptransition #cabinet #prepwork #bands #localmusic #localshows #lonelyisland #jacksparrow #michaelbolton #loop #classics #classicmusic #oldies
This week, DJ discusses the runaway power of corporate America.
Also on today’s show: fuzzy today, re-recording “Wailo,” lightening up outside life, Biden’s pardons, remembering Linkin Park, dysfunctional buttons and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #company #companies #ripoff #scam #runawaypower #corporate #america #corporateamerica #greed #corporategreed #profits #ceosalaries #fuzzy #wailo #lightenup #outsidelife #biden #pardons #commutations #clemency #linkinpark #lp #rip #chesterbennington #dysfunctional #buttons
This week, DJ has something stuck in his teeth.
Also on today’s show: waffle hoodies, Razorblade Diaries turning point, teaching to the test, digging into the archives, the HOT150 Playlist, speculating as per uzhe and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #tony #hair #nohair #bald #stuck #teeth #waffle #hoodie #hoodies #wafflehoodie #razorbladediaries #thediaries #trbd #turningpoint #teach #test #testing #memorization #archives #hot150 #playlist #spotify #speculation #speculating #asperuzhe
This week, DJ makes an executive decision for the countdown.
Also on today’s show: un-skewing the numbers, receiving hate and anger, passing the sniff test, unimpressed Tony, converting to a Taking Back Sunday fan, a story from somebody’s mom from Indiana and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #boxgivingdayspecial #countdown #mostplayedbands #executivedecision #numbers #statistics #hate #anger #snifftest #unimpressedtony #takingbacksunday #tbs #fan #storytime #mom #indiana
This week, DJ believes a change of scenery is good for your mental health.
Also on today’s show: the media is the enemy, Gaetz ethics report, unchecked corporations, calling Hulu, a new Sum 41 favorite, Does It Box? and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #immerseyourself #nature #walking #hiking #trails #preserves #changeofscenery #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #media #enemy #mattgaetz #gaetz #ethicsreport #ag #attorneygeneral #corporations #capitalism #monopolies #governmentoversight #hulu #customerservice #hangup #angry #irate #sum41 #favoritesong #doesitbox
This week, DJ feels good after hitting one million Spotify streams.
Also on today’s show: running on caffeine and adrenaline, BMI means nothing, googling how to change your vote, fascinated by Saliva, The Onion buys Infowars, Twitter’s new terms and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #secondbowl #pasta #pastabowl #onemillionstreams #onemillion #milestone #spotify #spotifystreams #caffeine #adrenaline #bmi #height #weight #health #fitness #google #vote #yourvotecounts #saliva #theonion #infowars #alexjones #twitter #x #termsandconditions #content #contentcreator
This week, DJ reads Politico’s nine things… nine is a lot.
Also on today’s show: forgetful when overwhelmed, separating water fountains in the 70s, no new music, a decade of A Life Exceptional and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #bandwidth #politico #neutral #news #article #president #trump #nineisalot #wutang #tomsegura #ballhog #forgetful #overwhelmed #waterfountains #racism #segregation #70s #repeat #stuckonrepeat #decade #anniversary #alifeexceptional #cravingstrange #sandbox
This week, DJ explains the importance of government interference.
Also on today’s show: glorious cheeseburgers, the HRLB Oath, the importance of supporting creativity, “Another Mistake (Live)” release, appreciating what music is for someone, diving into Bloodywood and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #thisishalloween #halloween #october31 #spookyseason #government #governmentinterference #important #glorious #cheeseburgers #hrlboath #creativity #creation #create #support #anothermistake #live #release #newvideo #appreciation #music #bloodywood #nudelhi #indiannumetal #indian #numetala
This week, DJ isn’t loading the Columbus truck.
Also on today’s show: uber draining meetings, intellectual divide, managing Domino’s pizza, Andy’s new… secret? Project, Q’s Indian submission and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #unplug #reset #restore #vacation #columbus #truck #loading #unloading #meetings #intellectualdivide #manager #dominos #pizza #dominospizza #andy #andysexton #offtheturnpike #secretproject #bloodywood #indian #indianmusic #indianhardcore #q #submission
This week, DJ isn’t hunting Yogi and Boo Boo in Jellystone Park.
Also on today’s show: armed militia in North Carolina, the three Kamala Harris interviews, explaining tariffs, the voice of Revel 9, capturing “Another Mistake”, deconstructed Beartooth and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
Be social with DJ and Revel 9!
#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #smokeandmirrors #smoke #mirrors #orangepaint #trump #hunting #yogi #yogibear #booboo #jellystonepark #armedmilitia #nc #northcarolina #fema #kamalaharris #interview #interviews #howardstern #charlamagnethagod #bretbaier #tariff #tariffs #voice #vocals #singer #release #anothermistake #video #musicvideo #beartooth #thesurfacedeluxe #looktheotherway #ambientmix
- Visa fler