As we plough through another lockdown in early 2021, Maryam and have decided that they have exhausted the subjects of home treatments and to put things on pause until they can get together in the clinic again. As you can hear, they already have big plans for the return of the show and will be back as soon as it's safe to do so. Keep watching their social media and keep in touch with your own ideas of what you want to see featured on the show
See you all very soon and take .... it's not goodbye, just Au Revoir X
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Maryam and Fiona managed to squeeze one more session in the clinic at the end of 2020, which was the perfect timing for Fiona, as she was feeling less than fabulous on that particular day.
The long, winter months can certainly take their toll and the winter of 2020/21 is more draining than usual on our health and wellbeing.
Luckily Maryam was there, ready to wave her magic wand and come to Fiona's rescue- but which procedures did she decide would help give Fi back her glow and did it work?
We get to listen-in to today's tweakments and gauge pain scale and how immediate the effects are, so when we can get back into the clinics again, you'll have a better idea of what might work for you!
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Maryam and Fiona really made the most of the hiatus in lockdowns and managed to get back into the clinic and this week they weren't alone, as Dr Tamsin Lewis was able to drop-in to talk about turning back the clock with her Wellgevity system, in particular, Biohacking.
What is Biohacking and how can it help us turn-back the clock for our mind and bodies?
Maryam and Fiona deep-dive on this fascinating subject with Tamsin, and we find out that Fiona has tried Biohacking in the past (of course she has) and we hear about how her experiences compare and contrast with the procedures at Wellgevity.
We also hear how Biohacking can be applied to any lifestyle or budget and what small changes can be made to help us turn back the clock.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Happy New Year! We're back in the clinic - thanks to Maryam and Fiona getting together to record in between lockdown restrictions and are joined by the Cadogan Clinic's Dr Nicholas Parkhouse, who is an authority on scarring on the face and body and how it can de dealt with.
Scarring of any kind, whether it's from injury, acne, past operations or from birth, can affect people in so many ways both physically and mentally - even causing people to relive the trauma which caused the scar every time they look in the mirror.
Nicholas has dealt with pretty much every scar which can affect the face and body and so popped-in to see Maryam and Fi to answer their many questions on the subject .
We hear about minimising acne scarring, how to avoid excessing marking after breast surgery, if scars from burning can be improved, removing moles and skin cancers and what small steps you can take if you have a scar which is bothering - plus so much more, including the effects of smoking on wound healing.
Nicholas starts off by telling us how the name 'The Guinea Pig' has an unexpected and fascinating connection with the very origins of plastic surgery...
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
It's a double celebration, as not only is this episode released on Christmas Eve, but Maryam and Fiona managed to get together in the clinic post lockdown #2 and pre-tier 4 to do some festive tweaking!
Fiona started-off the session feeling slightly below-par as a bout of rosacea and post lockdown bloating made her misplace her usual mojo ... but can a blast of Aqua Gold therapy but the zip back in her skin and her mood?
Plus, what what's the verdict on the Ultherapy session from a few weeks ago - is it worth the pain (both in the face AND purse) and how will out fabulous hosts be celebrating Christmas - all that and an awful lot more to keep you going till the new year gift-wrapped in today's episode.. HAPPY CHRISTMAS.
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Although this episode finds Maryam in the clinic, she's unable to be joined by Fi, as the UK was in its 2nd lockdown of 2020 when the podcast was recorded.
With Fiona safely tucked-away in Cornwall, our hosts get together over zoom to lament over the tweakments that Maryam would have been administering to Fiona if she were able to come and see her.
The last time the duo were together in the clinic, Maryam gave Fiona Ultherapy and today we find out if it was worth the pain (and cost) as Fiona gives her verdict on the aftermath of that rather uncomfortable procedure.
We also get an update on fat transfer, as Maryam was able to complete the next phase with past guest, Olivier Amar - so we hear where she had the fat injected, why, what that was like and what the results were.
We also get the verdict on supplements after nutritionist Petronella Ravenshear's recent visit to the clinic which saw her give Maryam and Fiona an array of vitamin tablets; did they work? Is it worth the time / money?
Plus, Maryam and Fiona give some fantastic advice about self care during isolation in the winter months.
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
At time of recording the UK had just entered into it's 2nd lockdown of 2020, but that's not going to keep Fiona away from the clinic, even if she can't physically be there! Whilst Maryam is still able to see patients the rest of The Guinea Pig crew, stayed at home and caught-up on remote record and joining them to chat about tweakments, products they recommend and how to perfect that at home beauty regimen is beauty and fashion journalist Laura Weir.
Laura begins by telling us how she came to have a lip procedure, which went wrong and the nerves she had to get over to allow Maryam to fix it - we hear about the physical and psychological effect of when something like that goes wrong., plus we hear what products will help with the increasing need to perform DIY treatments onto ourselves and find out that it's not only the expertise of our beauty practitioners we are missing.
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Maryam and Fiona were able to squeeze-in a couple more visits to the clinic before 2nd lockdown kicked-in and invited nutritionist Petronella Ravenshear along to talk about all things immunity and nutrition - which in 2020, is more important than ever before.
Petronella tells us what vitamins we should all be taking to support our health and immunity function and more importantly which are the brands she trusts.
Which foods should we be loading-up on right now and what is the one thing we should all be cutting out of our diet? All of this and so much more is answered in today's episode and the best thing is that Petronella can give the kind of advice which fits in with a realistic lifestyle and budget.
What better way to wrap-up for the winter months?
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This week, we are very much back in the clinic, as Fiona does the first live guinea pig session in quite a while, as with lockdown and social distancing measures in place, it made doing any kind of procedure impossible.
But, as this episode was recorded during a relaxation in restrictions, Fiona wasted NO time in booking a tweakment with Maryam and decided to grit-her-teeth and have some Ultherapy.
After having the treatment 10 years ago, Fiona has not forgotten the pain she endured though it, so was unsurprisingly apprehensive about putting herself through it again - but in the name of The Guinea Pig, that's exactly what she does, so you can have some idea about what it might be like before you decide on doing it for yourself.
As this was recorded during the procedure, you'll be able to hear the sound of the machine all the way through, so it may be uncomfortable for you to listen through headphones ... but not as uncomfortable as it was for Fiona ... give that girl a medal!
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Maryam and Fiona welcome their first guest of series two, in the form of Millie Kendall MBE, who is CEO of The British Beauty Council.
The pandemic has brought huge challenges for the beauty industry and the people who work within it, but it's clear that Millie has their back, as she continuously lobbies parliament in a bid to get them to take this multi-million pound industry seriously!
As well as that we hear about what we can all expect out of treatments in this brave new world of beauty.
It's a fascinating chat between three experts of the beauty world and an eye-opener for the rest of us, who may not have realised the struggle faced to get politicians to take the industry seriously; perhaps if it was predominantly used by males, then it would be?
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
YES! The ladies are BACK in the clinic! After using the last few weeks to take-stock and re-think their regimens, Maryam and Fiona have come back to to tell us what they've learnt over the enforced hiatus. What is everyone asking Maryam to do, now they can see her again? Has Fiona decided to abandon tweakments altogether after going au-naturel in Cornwall - OR - did she run to Maryam and the clinic AS SOON as she possibly could?
Our hosts also revisit the fat transfer procedures taken before lockdown, with contrasting opinions on how uncomfortable it was.
We also look forward to this new series, with the fresh perspectives we all now have on life and how we look after ourselves... welcome back everyone, we missed you!
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
As Maryam and Fiona wrap-up season one of The Guinea Pig, they look back over the last year at some of the treatments they loved the most, were disappointed in or can't wait to return to.
In this mixed-bag, our hosts talk varicose veins and if Fiona's treatment from Prof Mark Whiteley has stood the test of time, experiences in threading and what the new trends in the procedure mean for people who may not realise there's no going back.
We also hear some pretty honest opinions on body sculpting and if a gym membership would be a more effective - and cheaper - option.
Fiona and Maryam also tell us what they have found has worked for them during quarantine, which shoes have been a godsend in helping with everyday fitness? A miracle cure for dry feet and how an 'aura ring' can help shift the lockdown calories.
We also get a sneak peek into season two and what kind of treatments may be on trial... will Fiona rush to get the same procedures to her bladder she tried in season one and what are the big trends in tweakments we can expect to see?
Thank you SO much for joining us this past year, we've loved bringing the show to you and will be back in the Autumn. In the meantime though, don't forget to get in touch and tell us what you would like to see featured in season two!
Also, tell your friends to listen to our back catalogue, leave a comment and rate and review us, as all of this really does help us be able to continue to make the show.
Keep in touch on email: theguineapigpod@gmail.com / Twitter: @GuineaPodcast /Insta: @theguineapigpodcast
Take care, stay safe and see you later this year,
The Guinea Pig Team X
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hello and welcome to The Guinea Pig! This episode feels like a wonderful time capsule, as it was recorded when the clinic was open for business and good friends could gather for a chat and to swap interesting stories.
Chrissy Iley is not only a renowned journalist, who interviews all the A-List in Hollywood, but she also has an opinion she's not afraid to share. We get to hear some inside gossip about the relationship Hollywood has with tweakments and how ageism towards female actors has an impact on their careers.
And, because she was in the clinic, Chrissy becomes this week's Guinea Pig, when Maryam treats her 'puffy' eyes .. and we get a front row seat to the procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
As the lockdown continues, grey hair, roots and split ends are featuring in everyone's crowing glories and with salons set to remain closed for a while, what else is there to do, but to take matters into their own hands? But, when it comes to colouring one's own hair, this can be a mine-field, luckily for us though, top hair guru, Josh Wood is on-hand to help us keep things in tip-top order until we can get back to the hairdressers.
As Josh says in this episode, it's all about empowering others to be self sufficient onto lockdown and beyond.
There's also invaluable advice from Josh and Maryam to those who think they may be suffering the nightmare of hair loss.
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Maryam and Fiona are back with some amazing advice and Guinea Pig experience of using home gadgets in lockdown. And to help them navigate their way through the minefield is skincare specialist Joanne Evans. Regular listeners will know that Joanne welcomed the team earlier this year into her clinic 'Skin Matter's and managed to make Maryam SO relaxed, that she fell asleep whilst having one of her amazing facials, during the recording!
Joanne came on the show again to talk about the home laser, LED, roller and hair removal gadgets that should see us through quarantine until we are back in the hands of our specialists, but which will also be a companion to our regimens in the future. Which ones are worth the investment? And can you use them for ....ahem ... other things? As always, The Guinea Pig gives an honest opinion and asks the questions we want to ask, but are afraid to say out-loud.
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The Guinea Pig takes us once more back into the clinic, as it was recorded at a time when this was still possible.
As well as Maryam and Fiona sharing how to sharpen-up for the summer, we also get an update on how Fiona's bladder treatment has been holding-up .. or possibly not holding-up as the case may be and find out that bladder problems can also be affected by gut health, as well as the pelvic floor.
If anyone suffers from Keratosis Pilaris, our hosts talk about various ways it can be treatet AND find out if it's possible to 'refine' ankles.
The various use of lasers are also debated, as they can seemingly do anything; from stimulate collagen to body hair removal.
Talking of body hair- is it possible to dye the intimate hair? Guess who has bared-all for their colourist? Well, there's a reason she's called the guinea pig you know ...
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
How are we looking after ourselves in this strange, new social distant world we currently find ourselves in?
Maryam and Fiona are unsurprisingly not in the clinic, but are speaking from the safety of their own homes and embracing some new technology to be able to do just that.
As we're forced to stop and curtail our busy lives, our hosts find a new joy in the simple pleasures and different ways of relieving the unique stress that these times can bring.
Maryam has some great advice for anyone dealing with problem hands as a result of all the soap and sanitisers, coping with rosacea at home, doing your own mani -pedi and Fiona also offers to perform her own bikini was for our 'entertainment'...Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore...
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
We're still in the clinic, as Maryam & Fiona managed to get together multiple times before self isolation and joining them this week is the wonderful guru of all things nails, Sharmadean Reid.
In this lovely chat, we get to hear all about how and why Sharmadean started the legendary WAH Nails, as well as brilliant new AP Beautystack.
Sharmadean shares some invaluable advice on nails, eyebrow threading and the wonders of coconut oil on the skin!
During these times, it good to know that people like Sharmadean have YOUR beauty needs in their sights.
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
We're still able to share some fantastic episodes recorded in the clinic, before quarantine and here's another wonderful dose of escapism courtesy of our hosts Maryam and Fiona, plus brilliant guest, fashion editor with the Telegraph, Lisa Armstrong.
Lisa has been writing about beauty for most of her career and has tried pretty much every product out there, so she came in to talk about some tips for finding effective 'clean' beauty brands. Can clean beauty be as effective as reactive products and can the two work in unison? There are so many tips and advice on skincare and how to find the right products for you in this episode, so enjoy and have a pen and paper at the ready!
As always, the team at The Guinea Pig are sending love and thoughts to you all at this difficult time.
We'll be back next Thursday, see you then X
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Today's episode is another glimpse of the near-past when people could still drop into the clinic to speak to Maryam and Fiona and a few weeks ago Dr Penelope Tympanidis did just that to talk all things thread-lifting.
Fiona had already been to see Penelope in her surgery and we find out what she thinks about the chin-threading she tried.
We hear about when threading can be favoured over Botox and why it's essential to speak to your practitioner about what you're having one first. We also hear about other parts of the body threading can be used to create lift and definition!
The Guinea Pig provides unbiased information to those who may be considering cosmetic surgery or even trialling a non-invasive treatment or product. We do not endorse the use of any product or procedure featured in this podcast and are not responsible for the outcome of any of the treatments featured on this podcast or any damage caused in connection with any treatments or products. Should you decide to try any of the procedures, treatments or products mentioned in any episode of The Guinea Pig, you do so at your own risk. Always consult an independent and fully qualified medical professional if you are considering embarking on any medical procedure, irrespective of whether it is an invasive or non-invasive procedure.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
- Visa fler