Splish, splash I was taking a bath, walking around in my backyard!!!
Everyone get their duck-waiters out!
As a result of the immense amount of snow dropped in February 2025 many of our outdoor spaces are flooded.
“Keeping water away from home should be of paramount concern…”
Speaking of flooding, Matt McFarland tells tales of his recent adventures with his washing machine.
Jack and Lynne McFarland help to pull the curtain back on drainage details on The Growing Season.
More homeowners are going to larger capacity downspouts. Why?
Plants acquire oxygen through their roots. How does this work with a saturated soil?
If you have flies and sulphuric odors in wet areas on your property what does that mean?
Matt goes on a rant about cedars.
The trio highlight moisture tolerant plants that will work great in your garden.
Birch are salt tolerant. Who knew?
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Ahhhh, the familiar sounds of spring.
Flying overhead, emerging from their southern getaway is the returning Canadian Geese.
Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland discuss all things avian on this week’s episode of The Growing Season.
What percentage of Canada’s birds migrate south in the fall and return north in the spring? Why do they migrate?
How do the birds know when it’s right to make the return home? Is there a scout crew that is sent out first?
A discussion of aircraft and migratory patterns occurs.
Birds can sleep whilst flying. What? How?
The list of prominent Canadian birds is explored.
The correlation between birds and dinosaurs occurs so, naturally, Jurassic Park is discussed.
Birds and mating. How does this happen?
Owls, owls and more owls…
Birds see food based on colour. You’ll be surprised to learn how.
Ravens make a strange noise. Matt tells a story about his kitty and a raven.
Birds eat grit to help break down food. Why?
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Saknas det avsnitt?
If you're thinking about a vacation, why not consider Mexico?
Canada and Mexico's involvement in Trump's idiotic trade war is the impetus for this week's episode of The Growing Season.
Matt is spitting mad and he unloads on The President Of The United States. Discussions of politics abound...
What are the temperatures like in Mexico, currently? What about hardiness zones?
The average amount of precipitation in Mexico is compared to Ontario's.
Cacti and their presence in Mexico's landscape is discussed.
You WILL NOT BELIEVE what was invented in Mexico. Its absolutely not on your bingo card.
How is it that the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas all building similar structures at the same time? Was there outside interference? Like from the stars?
Speaking of The Aztecs, their legendary floating gardens are explored. How was this achieved?
Mexican flowers, both annual and perennial are discussed. Passion flower, bird of paradise and poinsettia are just some of the flowers mentioned.
Mexican surfing is a big deal.
Volcanoes and horticulture are briefly discussed. Mexico's coral reefs are highlighted.
The Gulf of Connor McDavid - that's the most important factoid from this week's show.
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And now for the cleanup! Wow.
Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland discuss the aftermath of the insane snowstorm of February 2025 on this week’s episode of The Growing Season.
We have icicles. SOOOOO MANY ICICLES.
Is that a bad sign? Can we do anything about them?
Matt talks about driveways, window wells and how they tie into snow.
Clearing the snow from around your drier and furnace vents is discussed.
Melted snow as water for your plants and pets comes into focus.
Jack discusses winter wheat and how it may be affected by this much snow. Will our agriculture be negatively affected by this?
Freeze/thaw and root systems, house foundations and concrete becomes a topic of talk.
What is the “snow belt?” Why is this area called the “snow belt?”
The trio research which fish hibernate in Ontario.
That time when Niagara Falls just stopped… It froze completely over.
The McFarlands top the show off with a discussion on avalanches.
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So we got absolutely walloped.
Breaking from the trend of the last few winters, the GTA and much of Ontario got absolutely nailed with snow over the last week.
Records were set. Driveways were shovelled again and again and again and again.
Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland recount Snowmageddon 2025 on this week’s episode of The Growing Season.
Matt highlights his adventures blowing close to 20 driveways with 14”- 16” of snow blanketed over the area.
Over the last few weeks the GTA has seen close the 2.5 feet it has been absolutely crazy
With climate change on the forefront of our minds shouldn’t storms like this be a thing of the past?
Snow ploughs dropping insanely heavy snow at the ends of our driveways. Yikes
Is there a way of avoiding such a mess?
How will your trees and shrubs deal with all this snow? Will there be damaged done to their structure?
Can your pets drink melted snow safely?
Streamers and lack of lake freeze becomes a topic of conversation.
The McFarland trio recount historical snow storms. 1975, 1977, 1999 share the spotlight.
Jack tells a ploughing story for the ages.
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So who had “an important time in history” on their bingo card for February 2025?
We sure didn’t!
Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland guide The Growing Season into waters inspired by the current news-making trade-war that Canada currently finds itself embroiled in with the United States.
We’re proud to be Grown in Canada!
Obviously politics will figure into this week’s conversation and Canada’s border with the US is the topic that kicks off the show.
What does “Made In Canada” actually mean?
Where does broccoli come from at this time of the year. Jack and Matt get into an argument over the subject.
The trend from farming in Canada gets the boys heated in conversation.
What is the “Wheat Board?” How does it function?
Jack dives into the different types of farming and their environmental impact.
Canada is known for their blueberries. Why?
Cheese, milk, eggs and all things dairy are Canadian specialities. The trio discuss our dairy superiority.
You’ll be surprised to learn the water requirements for a single cow.
Potatoes! Yup. We get Canadian about them spuds.
Canola is the most valuable crop you can grow in Canada.
Hens and hormones - let’s talk.
If it’s grown in Canada the McFarlands talk about it on this week’s show.
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"This week’s show makes repeated references to coition, coitus, copulation, carnal carnivals and other c words. We’ll be putting the Bed in flower beds on this weeks episode of The Growing Season and may not be suitable for the fruits of your intimate interactions... "
Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland highlight the sexiest plants for Valentines Day in what has become an annual tradition.
Romantic movies, music and treats for this time of the year come into focus.
Jack and Matt tell stories about falling in love with their wives.
Roses, roses, roses... What a great place to start. How do you keep your cut flowers looking fresh well after Valentines Day?
Does the colour of the floral vase make a difference?
How has Jack's cancer journey affected the romantic side of his marriage?
Matt discusses his grocery journey this past week. In trying to buy Canadian products he happened upon some interesting products.
Orchids, chrysanthemum, baby's breath and many more plants are reported to have aphrodisiacal qualities. The trio bust some myths.
Viagara and chocolate - Happy Valentines Day!
Does coffee have a relationship with intimacy? We find out.
Swords, shields, bottles of monkey urine and underdeveloped chicken embryos - yup, all related to Valentines Day.
Looking to get in the mood? Try some whale vomit.
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There was just SOOOO much info.
50 Years and Counting pt. 2 is the feature on this week's episode of The Growing Season.
What did people do before the microwave? Lynne McFarland describes how she would heat up her husband's meal when he arrived home from the jobsite late at night.
"Imagine If You Will" takes you back to 1975.
Jaws, mutton chops, blockbusters, muscle cars and smoking in operating rooms are just some of the touchstones mentioned.
"99% of all the oxygen around the world is stored in rock..."
How much toilet paper will a human use in their lifetime? What is caustic soda?
Jack McFarland tells a story about how buried construction materials really threw a monkey wrench into his plans.
Horticultural chemicals and their sale/use over the last 50 years is discussed. Matt tells a story of an industry peer that was exposed to said chemicals over the course of time.
Jack's extensive use of pressure treated wood in the 1970's and 1980's comes into focus.
DDT - that acronym sends shudders down the spines of many - and for good reason! The McFarlands discuss why.
Roundup, roundup, roundup... Lets debate. The new formulation of Roundup is chatted on.
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What has changed in the last 50 years?
A LOT! The last half century is dotted with enough change that you could say the world that once was no longer is.
The McFarlands discuss the changes in the world of horticulture that have occurred over the last 50 years.
Jack and Lynne are celebrating 50 years of wedded bliss and we thought that was a great conversation piece for The Growing Season.
Matt reminisces about his experience snow tubing with the kids. IT WAS AWESOME.
Jack discusses the difference in the price of fuel 50 years ago. You might not want to know!
Harlequin Maples and why they are no longer used is discussed. The Ash is no longer used as a street tree and its such a shame as its a glorious organism.
Leaf miner and birch borer are the reasons we don't use many birch these days. That's also a shame.
Hybridizing of large trees into smaller varieties is highlighted.
What evergreen uprights were popular 50 years ago? Why have we changed our selections?
Pruning a Mountbatten Juniper is discussed and Matt openly wonders why they've stopped using Weeping Peashrub.
The Purpleleaf sands cherry is a timestamp. Matt explains why.
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The situation in California is terrible.
The wildfires in one of the most beautiful parts of the United States have come into focus internationally and we felt it was necessary to explore its ins and outs on The Growing Season.
Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland correlate the Australian Wildfires and those in California.
Could this have been avoided? Did those in power learn anything from Austrialia's fires that could have been used in California's emergency?
Jack describes "controlled burns..."
Would the salt water that laps the beaches of Los Angeles be suitable to put the fires out?
Winds have come into focus as an accelerant that is only complicating issues in California. The McFarland's correlate quickly moving air and fire.
Remove the oxygen and that will put the fire out! Am I right!?
Fencing options for areas that are prone to forest and wild fires are discussed.
The types of conifers that tend to be "fire proof" are highlighted.
Fireproofing your home comes into focus.
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What if it just didn't snow? Or get below freezing?
Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland take a hypothetical journey on this week's episode of The Growing Season.
Gone: Winter dives into "what if Winter just disappeared?"
Its a sobering topic but one that needs to be discussed with Climate Change coming to the forefront in the news once more.
Matt discusses his snow filled adventures this winter. "Streamers" have become a common term being used to describe snow events. Are there more streamers happening in our current climate change filled landscape?
Outdoor skating is being impacted due to climate. The trio explain how.
Jack focuses on human fluid transference and derails a WHOLE segment.
What is a GoGirl? Matt follows this topic down the rabbit hole.
The Ice Road and the trucks that transport goods across it come into focus.
The cost of produce and dry winters are correlated. Want a snowless winter? Be prepared to pay more at the grocery store.
How would lack of winter effect birds and insects? You'd be surprised to learn the myriad of interesting ways less winter would effect the former and latter.
Warmer climate = MORE TICKS! Uh-oh.
Jack links the spongy moth invasion and climate change...
Cold weather has a surprising effect on human blood pressure.
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The first episode of The Growing Season for 2025 sheds some light on the night.
Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland steer their sites to Night Vision and the creatures that are blessed with such powers.
The McFarland’s update you on their New Years.
Packaging of materials kicks the show off. Matt chats about Lego.
Are humans able to see at night in any comparable manner to our mammalian counterparts?
Biologically, how does night vision work?
The darkened sight of cats is explored.
Moose, rabbits, picas, horses, foxes and wolves are discussed.
What is “moonwater?”
Of course bats and owls deserve their fair share of time in the spotlight.
What are the differences between sonar, radar and echolocation?
Mice and moths come into focus.
The correlation between UV light and WWII is surprising.
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And that's a wrap!
The Growing Season closes the book on 2024 in their typical fashion.
Focusing on how horticulture and spirits intersect, Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland dive into the herbals and aromatics that infuse your favourite seasonal drinks.
New Years Resolutions are highlighted. The McFarlands outline what they'd like to see for the upcoming year.
The differences between seasoning and spices? What are said differences?
Infusion and maceration are discussed. Soaking of herbals in alcohol to infuse flavours. Sounds heavenly. Lets explain how its done.
What are hops and why are they used in beer? How did this come to be?
Gin is a prominent topic of discourse. In fact, a live tasting of gin is undertaken on the show. Jack and Lynne try a gin and tonic for the first time.
Aromatic bitters and their usage in cocktails is explained.
Matt gushes about gin. And gushes and gushes...
Wine, Champagne, whiskey, vodka are just some of the spirits that are chatted about.
New school vs. old school wine making is highlighted.
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The penultimate episode of The Growing Season for 2024 is a festive offering of wonder...
Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland steer their sights on the visitors that accompany the Christmas Season into your home.
Matt tees the show off by highlighting the career of a member of the cast of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.
How do you pet proof your house during the Christmas Season? Are there ways of keeping your cat from drinking from the Christmas Tree reservoir?
How do you properly prep your tree to accept water?
Amaryllis, Christmas Trees, Candy Canes, bowls of golf balls and many more holiday favourites are discussed.
Santa and Coca Cola are linked in history. The McFarlands explain how.
Poinsettias and their presence as part of the holiday season is a topic of interest. Lumps of coal and road apples... Yup, you read that right.
Jack tells a story about a Christmas Tree heist.
Hans Gruber's great, great, great Grandfather was a famous composer. Matt tells a Die Hard story...
Pet rocks!? WHAT?
Christmas gifts from the past are discussed.
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Its the most wonderful time of the year.
The holidays are in full swing on The Growing Season.
Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland get into the heavy hitters of the Christmas Season.
Poinsettia's kick off the proceedings. Do they flower? Where do they grow naturally? How do you initiate the colour change?
Matt details his adventures in witnessing the change in colour on Christmas's most popular potted plant. Can you initiate the colour change at home?
Choosing a poinsettia at the store comes into focus.
Christmas cacti are a prominent topic. Their care and watering needs are highlighted by The McFarland trio.
Why is mistletoe associated with Christmas and kissing? This parasitic plant is really interesting.
Real Christmas Trees and their shedding tendencies fill the second half of the show.
The pros and cons of artificial trees vs. real trees comes into focus.
How to set yourself up for success with your real Christmas Tree is discussed.
Christmas flocking. Yeah...lets do some of that!
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Baby, it's cold outside...
Matt has packed up the job site tools for the season and is set to kick off the holiday fare for 2024.
"How would we, as humanity, survive during an ice age?"
It's the question that The McFarlands ask to tee off this week's episode of The Growing Season.
What would you be willing to give up in an effort to preserve what's left of our climate? Hard questions abound...
How are people overcoming extreme cold to participate in horticultural adventures? Matt, Jack and Lynne discuss.
The odds of an ice age occurring soonish is slim. The McFarlands take a geographical adventure to discuss what areas of the world would fare best in the event of an ice age.
The world produces 150% more food than we need on a daily basis. Why?
"Human emissions" as a fuel source? Would it work? Matt details how.
The size of vegetable garden for a family of 4 is discussed. You'd be surprised to learn how big the garden needs to be to supply a family with produce for the season.
Terra cotta pots as a heat source.
What plants can grow is insanely cold climates. You'll find out.
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How do horticultural organisms handle the extreme’s of nature?
The Growing Season pulls the curtains back on the amazing abilities of the plants in your gardens.
Lightning kicks the show off. Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland discuss the ins and outs of lightning and how it’s managed on your property.
How many people die per year as a result of interactions with lightning?
You’ve seen a tree growing through a chain link fence. How does the tree survive? The McFarland’s explain.
Salt. Uh oh.
Not salt on your food but salt on your plants. How do plants deal with a salty environment?
Are there plants available that are salt tolerant. The McFarlands bring a list with them.
Wind can be problematic for plants. The Growing Season trio explain the ins and outs of something called “reaction wood” and how it ties into wind.
Which large trees handle high wind environments the best? You’ll be surprised to learn.
Forest fires and controlled burns are discussed. The Coastal Redwood comes into focus.
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Do skunks hibernate? What about doves?
The McFarland's discuss the winter survival tactics employed by many a creature on this week's episode of The Growing Season.
Jack, Lynne and Matt kick the show off by chatting about how to insulate your home for the winter months. Are you prepared for winter? The trio tell you how to get there.
What are goosebumps? Why do they occur?
Jack plays "Imagine If You Will..."
What do deer eat in the winter? Where do they over winter? Do they have a den?
Rabbits eat their WHAT.... You'll be surprised to know.
Why do some birds fly south and some don't? It's a "follow the food" procedure and you'll find out why.
Coyotes, wolves and other canids are discussed. Snails overwinter. Its disgusting how they do it. Strap in! Bees, bees and more bees.
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Its time for a visit from The Sandman...
The McFarland's steer The Growing Season into the final days of outdoor horticultural adventures for 2024.
Its time to put your flower beds to...bed.
Is this time of year the best time to get involved in Landscape Design? Yes. Jack and Matt tell you why.
Matt tells a Seinfeld story.
How do you store your fall flowering bulbs for the winter? The McFarlands tell you how. Should you be cutting your perennials back in the fall? If so, which ones and why?
Hydrangeas come into focus by way of The Clematis. Group 1, 2 and three clematis are discussed.
Fall fertilizing is discussed. Planting at this time of year is discussed. The pros and cons of undertaking such an endeavour are discussed.
Staking/burlapping your sensitive shrubs is discussed.
The McFarlands discuss the steps necessary to put your water feature to bed.
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Feeling sleepy?
Well, its that time of year.
Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland discuss putting your gardens to bed on this week's episode of The Growing Season.
As they do every year, The McFarlands highlight some innovative ways to prep your horticultural spaces for the long sleep.
Jack and Lynne have dealt with mouse issues recently. Matt discusses the ways he helps clients to safe guard against mouse invasion. The least you need to know? Your AC and Furnace might be the cause of all the mice you're finding in your home.
Installing Christmas lights comes into focus. Why do this now? The trio explain.
Should you fertilize at this time of year. Jack outlines what fertilizers should be used during the month of November.
Leaves falling from trees and the trees that fall late and early becomes a discussion. What to do with leaves that have blight or fungal infections...
Can't you just leave your leaves on the lawn and refrain from raking them up? What does that do to the lawn?
"Heeling up is discussed."
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