Rod H. joins Matt, Mike and Jill and tells a part of his recovery journey. At some point alcohol and drugs worked for us, but somewhere without warning it did not work anymore. This is our experience with just that.
Rod H. joins Matt, Mike and Jill and tells a part of his recovery journey. At some point alcohol and drugs worked for us, but somewhere without warning it did not work anymore. This is our experience with just that.
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Lacy sits in with Matt, Jill and Mike as we discuss those feelings and situations that seam to linger. Divorce, grief and the end of a relationship can sometimes get us down in recovery. In episode 104 we share our experience with these things.
Lacy sits in with Matt, Jill and Mike as we discuss those feelings and situations that seam to linger. Divorce, grief and the end of a relationship can sometimes get us down in recovery. In episode 104 we share our experience with these things.
Audio version of previously released video version episode 103
Special guest Sig joins the team to discuss the phenomena of craving and other recovery related topics. Thank you to all the listeners/ viewers who have been patient with the team as we work our way into video.
Recovery has brought about change in many areas of our lives. One of these that may be a pain point is finances. From managing financial amends to learning just what our limit is in everyday life. Jill, Matt and Mike discuss some financial changes that have taken place in their lives as a result of recovery.
Recovery has brought about change in many areas of our lives. One of these areas that may be a pain point is finances. From managing financial amends to learning just what our limit is in everyday life. Jill, Matt and Mike discuss some financial changes that have taken place in their lives as a result of recovery.
Do I need it, or do I just want it? Sometimes this very question can confuse me. In this episode we discuss our experience between need and want. Hope you enjoy the show.
After the first 100 episodes we decided to make some upgrades as well as adding a video version to our episodes. The debate to take a few weeks off and "learn" our equipment or just let the listeners on our trials was not a long debate. Here is Episode 101. Not good editing or shifting but we can all grow together. The audio version will be available Monday.
Just wanted to share a behind the scenes look at how we interact and record here at G&B. Hopefully we can continue our video journey and improve it over time.
Thank you for 100 episode. In this special episode we decided to leave in all the noises, the pauses and the bloopers so we can better connect with the listeners. We hope you enjoy the show as much as we enjoy recording. Look for a video release of this recording on YouTube in the next few days. Thanks again and we look forward to delivering even more audio and video content.
Job or non job, wife or no wife anyone can get sober if they want to, but those perceived obstacles can sometimes keep us from getting sober, staying sober or prolong recovery. Matt and Mike discuss the things in our recovery that we have ran across that have had an impact on our sobriety.
We have all heard about it, maybe even experienced it. But what is it and what is our experience with it. Jill, Matt and Mike talk about the "Pink Cloud"
Bobby E. sits down with Matt and Jill and discus the sometimes challenging topic of minding our own business. Somewhere in the Serenity Prayer we ask for the "wisdom to know the difference" could this be our request to know when it's our own business. I guess we would all have a different answer for that one.
Wes and Kelly from Utah share there experience strength and hope with Matt and Mike. Truly a remarkable story that shows just what faith can do for all of us. We hope you enjoy their story .
Written history reveals many things when put to the test. Jill recently found some of her old journals and shares them with Matt, me and you. This is a true snapshot of raw emotion felt by an addict torn between logic and faith. Thank you Jill for sharing these moments with us.
Matt, Jill, Lacy and Mike share their experience with "rock bottom", wish Roger and Jen a Happy Birthday and celebrate the last episode of the year.
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