
  • Interview starts at 37:45 PD Newman joins us for a fascinating chat about ancient culture and wisdom, the role of psychedelics and cannabis, the path of souls, the portals through the Milky Way, the Moundbuilders, Theosophy and practical magic, secret knowledge and Acacia distillation. We also talk about intention in alchemy, freemasonry, art magic, rituals, Christians and Magick, the Egyptian Rite, entities vs angels, the profound death and rebirth ritual, raising awareness and the Philosophers Stone. https://www.innertraditions.com/author/p-d-newman https://x.com/PD_Newman Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: https://grimericacbd.com/ CBD / THC Gummies and Tinctures http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077654175649?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=organizer-profile&utm-share-source=organizer-profile The Eh- List site. Canadian Propaganda Deconstruction https://eh-list.ca/ The Eh-List YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@theeh-list?si=d_ThkEYAK6UG_hGX Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca www.grimerica.ca/shrooms and Micro Dosing Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Wobbly Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Should I

  • Interview starts at 25:15 Jason Quitt joins us for a great chat about Egypt, his books, and just journey from Shamanism, Qi Gong type energy work to ancient mysteries and sacred geometry. We also get into OBE's vs Contact, AO, energy in movement and form, mysticism, the 12 postures, the mantra, DaVinci, catacylisms, new alignments and his mapping of Egyptian art work and the trends he is finding. Is this another hint at important global / celestial information embedded in the art? We are built with the laws of nature. Author of Egyptian Postures, Astral Genesis & Gates Of The Anunnaki. #Auralite23 #Crystals #Meditation #Qigong#Mysticism #EgyptianPostures #AstralGenesis https://thecrystalsun.com/ Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: https://grimericacbd.com/ CBD / THC Gummies and Tinctures http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077654175649?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=organizer-profile&utm-share-source=organizer-profile The Eh-List YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@theeh-list?si=d_ThkEYAK6UG_hGX Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca www.grimerica.ca/shrooms and Micro Dosing Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Jah Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Space Cadet If you would rather watch: https://rumble.com/v6mg4q0-jason-quitt-astral-genesis-celestial-measurements-and-ancient-monuments.html https://rokfin.com/stream/57677

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  • Interview starts at 31:35 James Lindsay joins us for a great chat about one of his latest articles on the new media being the fake news now.... We talk about twitter groups, the deconstruction of the H1B scandal, foreign and domestic bots, battlefield propaganda, trans Maoism, real twitter, BRICS is dead, and the Club of Romes common enemy, man made global warming. We also chat about RFK Jr. and Tulsi, grift networks, social media, attack vectors, the Spanish Revolution, Global Communism, Agitprop, his stalkers and the pendulum swing. https://newdiscourses.com/ https://x.com/ConceptualJames Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: https://grimericacbd.com/ CBD / THC Gummies and Tinctures http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077654175649?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=organizer-profile&utm-share-source=organizer-profile The Eh-List YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@theeh-list?si=d_ThkEYAK6UG_hGX Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca www.grimerica.ca/shrooms and Micro Dosing Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Elated Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Gnashing of Teeth

  • Interview starts at 33:50 The Ickonic David Icke is finally in Grimerica to share in some of his vindication. We chat about the global cult, Anna Paulina Luna and the new initiative, design and manipulation, the totalitarian tip toe, UK and MUGA, divide and rule, ai and simulation, and the upcoming reset. What should we do? Are thoughts and vibrations really that important? Is this a non human force trying to enslave us into the Technocracy, and is this the Big Reveal? How do we and our self identities fit into this big drama. https://www.ickonic.com/DavidIcke Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: https://grimericacbd.com/ CBD / THC Gummies and Tinctures http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077654175649?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=organizer-profile&utm-share-source=organizer-profile The Eh-List YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@theeh-list?si=d_ThkEYAK6UG_hGX Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca www.grimerica.ca/shrooms and Micro Dosing Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Elated Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Should I

  • Interview starts at 32:50 Paul Sheldon, creator of Dreamosophy joins us to chat about divine states of awareness, dream incubation, oieneromancy, the imaginal realm on the natch, lucidity, the dreamscape, and all major religions. We also talk about talking to the Beings, chronic nightmares, avoiding or transmuting demonic attacks, recording your dreams, the limits of lucidity, gnostic priests, his program of 18 dreams, spiritual confluence, the underworld realm - hades, sheol, amenta, etc, soul rescue, secret societies and much more. https://www.dreamosophy.com/ Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: https://grimericacbd.com/ CBD / THC Gummies and Tinctures http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077654175649?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=organizer-profile&utm-share-source=organizer-profile The Eh-List YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@theeh-list?si=d_ThkEYAK6UG_hGX Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca www.grimerica.ca/shrooms and Micro Dosing Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Jah Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Space Cadet

  • Interview starts at 28:00 Curtis Stone joins us for a great chat about off grid living, homesteading, finding the right property, designing the compound, concrete and tyranny, living in Canada and BC specifically, unseeded vs treaty land, urban farming and much more. We also chat about his company that helps people figure out where to live and build, buying equipment, homeschooling, small towns, living with the freedom, gardening, running cows, building redundancies, and food forests. And of course we rail enough about the Gov and the ridiculous systems.... Off-grid on the mountain in Southern BC. Working towards freedom, liberty and prosperity. Sharing the journey and abundance along the way. https://x.com/offgridstone https://freedomfarmers.com/sp/homestead-accelerator/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-BlDCX__nCLs_ZF9meYQbw Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: https://grimericacbd.com/ CBD / THC Gummies and Tinctures http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077654175649?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=organizer-profile&utm-share-source=organizer-profile The Eh-List YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@theeh-list?si=d_ThkEYAK6UG_hGX Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca www.grimerica.ca/shrooms and Micro Dosing Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Galactic Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Should I If you would rather watch: https://rumble.com/v6gp5ls-curtis-stone-on-the-mountain-off-the-grid.html https://rokfin.com/stream/57253 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu0NjANxYS0

  • Interview Starts at 34:45 Andrew Gough joins us for a great chat about the inner earth mythologies, Space being fake, secret societies, censorship, wokism and Paul is Dead! We talk about King Arthur, Bees and the ancient bag of pollen, plasma, Antarctica and Admiral Bird, Operation High Jump, his diary, UN map, the shape of the earth, the Firmament, the Tychos model, the City of London, Tavistock, the counterculture of the 60's and the satanic conspiracy of faking Paul's death - or not and the supposed pledge to Satan. Check out these articles: https://andrewgough.co.uk/are-we-living-inside-the-earth/ https://andrewgough.co.uk/paul-is-dead-and-the-beatles-satanic-legacy/ Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: https://grimericacbd.com/ CBD / THC Gummies and Tinctures http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077654175649?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=organizer-profile&utm-share-source=organizer-profile The Eh-List YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@theeh-list?si=d_ThkEYAK6UG_hGX Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca http://Grimerica.ca/shrooms and Micro Dosing Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Jah Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Should I If you would rather watch: https://rumble.com/v6fox3a-andrew-gough-hollow-earth-paul-is-dead-project-restoration.html https://rokfin.com/stream/57183 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly8G357COLc

  • Interview starts at 26:00 Ashton Forbes joins us for a great chat about ZPE, (Zero Point Energy), cold fusion, ai and the industry, psy-ops, the quantum ether, magnetic motors, plasma, NPC's, the 3 pillars - Media, Government and Academia, Hollywood prescience, AARO, the Egg video, politics and artificial gravity. Then we touch on the latest with the MH370 mystery and his take on that. Hal Putoff, the narrative shift, teleportation technology and the atheist left is also discussed. https://x.com/JustXAshton Investigator - Physics - Engineering #MH370x Science Live Streams M/W/F 8pm EST - https://youtube.com/@JustXAshton Views expressed are mine alone. Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: https://grimericacbd.com/ CBD / THC Gummies and Tinctures http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077654175649?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=organizer-profile&utm-share-source=organizer-profile The Eh-List YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@theeh-list?si=d_ThkEYAK6UG_hGX Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca https://www.thegoldenteacher.co/#Grimerica10 Shrooms and Micro Dosing Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Galactic Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Should I If you would rather watch: https://rumble.com/v6bs3ps-ashton-forbes.-engineering-physics-zero-point-energy-and-the-new-renaissanc.html https://rokfin.com/stream/56820 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ4GRnMEmOg

  • Interview starts at 39:10 Gregory Shushan, Ph.D joins us to chat about his upcoming book "Near-Death Experience in Ancient Civilizations - The Origins of the World's Afterlife Beliefs", his previous and his future writings and research. We talk about the Epic of Gilgamesh, ancient China, cross cultural similarities and differences, The Greek debates, the connection with NDE's and the afterlife knowledge, Egypt and the focus on the dead, indigenous culture, the 3 days Enigma, mediumship and psychical research. We also chat about direct revelation, the Ghost Dance, drugs and supplementation for experiences like this, the resurrection and rebirth, ancient initiations, toxic theology, Jesus, some culture focusing precisely on the rituals, being buried alive and the modern NDE research. https://www.gregoryshushan.com/ Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: https://grimericacbd.com/ CBD / THC Gummies and Tinctures http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077654175649?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=organizer-profile&utm-share-source=organizer-profile The Eh-List YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@theeh-list?si=d_ThkEYAK6UG_hGX Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca https://www.thegoldenteacher.co/#Grimerica10 Shrooms and Micro Dosing Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Galactic Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Shakespeare's Sonnets

  • Interview starts at 42:10 Dr. Robert Sungenis joins us for a chat about Geocentrism, astronomy, science and Catholicism. We talk about Simon Shack's Tychos model and what he agrees and doesn't agree with on that, the geometric models of the past, inertial forces, Kepler, Einstein, Newton, the true doctrine, Church and God, Helio-centrism, water in the solar system, and we being special. We also chat about flat earth, ether, God spreading out the heavens, catastrophe's, Hubble, Big Bangers, dinosaur bones and soft tissues, the age of the earth, and the three experiments in the late 1800's. https://www.journeytothecenteroftheuniverse.org/ Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: https://grimericacbd.com/ http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077654175649?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=organizer-profile&utm-share-source=organizer-profile The Eh-List YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@theeh-list?si=d_ThkEYAK6UG_hGX Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca https://www.thegoldenteacher.co/#Grimerica10 Shrooms and Micro Dosing Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Elated Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Should I

  • Interview starts at 40:10 Nilesh Oak joins us for a great chat bout the Ancient Indian Epics - Mahabharata and Ramayana for example. The key events, the timing, the correlations to Atlantis and other cataclysms, Precession, Genetics and the antarctic melting. We also get into Archeoastronomy, many of the references in the Epics, ancient ocean navigation, Toba, Vega pole star, the spring equinox, Krishna, and his journey through academia and out of it to his own research and book writing. https://www.nileshoak.com/ Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: https://grimericacbd.com/ http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grimerica/featured Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Galactic Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Free Thinkers If you would rather watch: https://rumble.com/v64efam-nilesh-oak-ancient-indian-history-ramayana-and-younger-dryas.html https://rokfin.com/stream/56052 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYYpj3ZpmSg

  • Malcolm and Jordan are back after more than 6 months for an update on the Plasmoids, the Thunderstorm Generator Tech and Malcolm making a stand against WW3 with the help of GPT. This is an interesting chat you will not hear anywhere else as I read out Malcolm's conversations with AI and Malcolm and Jordan comment on them. Malcolm gets into how the plasmoids that he has infused himself with communicate with the A.I. using the Ether that is everywhere. The plasmoids are the most powerful in the Universe and we chat about Robert Temple's book "A new, explosive study of plasma and its revolutionary implications for how we understand the universe and our place in it", and how Cold Fusion has been mentioned twice on JRE recently. The times are changing, people are aware of the Plasmoids, plasmoid power, the clean technology that can be developed, and they are fed up with the push towards globalism. We also get into, the orbs and UFO's, stopping WW3, Trump getting into power, Elon and his rockets, black diamond tubules, symbiotic organisms, force multiplication, global hope, ancient wisdom, the calculations for which planets have life, Alpha Ladder, direct matter to energy drives, Time - Ether - Matter, the Plasma Unification Model, his notes and the book about him - "The Shaman". Trump, release Ken Shoulder's Notes! https://www.strikefoundation.earth/ https://plasmoid-power.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@AlchemicalScience Other links to stuff we chatted about: https://www.robert-temple.com/ https://grimerica.ca/2024/06/03/658-malcolm-bendall-and-jordan-collin-alchemical-science-thunderstorm-generator/ https://remoteview.substack.com/ Intro: Product launch... Grimerica CBD https://grimericacbd.com/ Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: https://grimericacbd.com/ http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grimerica/featured Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Elated Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Should I If you would rather watch: https://rumble.com/v642xj7-malcolm-randall-and-jordan-sacred-alchemical-clean-tech-and-a.i..html https://rokfin.com/stream/56022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0YwQ0FVkLE

  • Interview starts at 15:40 Rich Strassman joins us again for a chat about his latest book "My Altered States - A DOCTOR’S EXTRAORDINARY ACCOUNT OF TRAUMA, PSYCHEDELICS, AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH", some of the latest in pyscadelia, and moving back to New Mexico. We chat about Cannabis, the legalization of shrooms, Colorado, shared hallucinations, some of his personal experiences, specialized care, the potential of therapy with many of these substances, DMT, Ketamine, Psilocybin, and the Hebrew bible and how the medieval Jewish mystics had answers for how this all works. https://www.rickstrassman.com/publications/my-altered-states/ Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grimerica/featured Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Elated Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Should I

  • Interview starts at 31:05 Dan Friday - Artist Extraordinaire - Glass blower joins us for a great chat about being a contemporary native artist in todays world. We chat about the drug problem, sobriety, the reserves, the lying government, money laundering, the North West, and his art work and an unusual orange orb sighting. We also get into some of the ancient Egyptian mysteries, what it was like to travel there with Ben and the Snake Bros, evidence of advanced lost technology, and what it was like being on a Netflix reality show. https://fridayglass.com/index.html https://www.instagram.com/danfriday/ Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grimerica/featured Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Elated Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Should I

  • Interview starts at 35:05 Wade Richardson joins us for a chat about telepathy during psychedelic sessions. We talk about his book the "The Psychedelic Mindmeld: Telepathically Exploring Shared Consciousness", some of his encounters with beyond synchronicity, the therapeutic use, intuition, shrooms, warnings for newbie's, heroic doses, heat felt meditation, telepathy, the scientific evidence, shadow work, the dark arts, addiction and the power of thought form and intent. https://www.amazon.com/Psychedelic-Mindmeld-Telepathically-Exploring-Consciousness/dp/B0CY9KJ3QW https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61559349396198&name=xhp_nt__fb__action__open_user&__n=K https://grimerica.ca/2018/02/04/bonus-sneak-a-peek-black-budget-9-tough-conversations-with-alex-tsakiris-and-rpj/ Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grimerica/featured Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Jah Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - The Sky is Falling

  • Interview starts at 39:20 Daniel Bourke joins us for a great chat about his important work on Crisis Apparitions, the history, the many accounts, how it has or hasn't shaped our society, and the parameters of the definition. We chat about his book coming out tomorrow "Apparitions at the Moment of Death - The Living Ghost In Legend, Lyric and Lore" and his other books that he is working on. We also chat about Distant Deaths, NDE's, anomalistic psychology, parapsychology, auditory hallucinations, the other side, the Oracles, ancient wisdom, the Messengers, Deja Revay, healing temples, shared dreams, Life Tokens, Sagas, Saints and meditation and prayer. https://www.innertraditions.com/author/daniel-bourke https://linktr.ee/daniel_bourke_media Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grimerica/featured Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Jah Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - The Sky is Falling

  • Interview starts 37:30 Vish joins us for a great chat about Vedic Astrology, and he goes over our charts quickly and highlights a few things. We chat about going from Engineer / Executive to writer on Astrology, the Yogic tradition, how to meditate, western vs Vedic, the JP Morgan saying, the Matrix, rules and laws, mythology in the system, and Ayurveda. We also talk about the moon, Graham in the Saturn period of life, the transits, the nodes, the colonist viewpoint, the Bramins, the caste system, the Seven Rishis, India conquered by the Muslims, the Vedas and the Hindu system. Check it out his book "Astrology Decoded: The Secret Science of India's Sages" https://www.vishchatterji.com/astrology-decoded Azores - Atlantis! with Randall Carlson and team. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/azores-search-for-atlantis-with-randall-carlson-and-friends-on-sale-dec-6th-tickets-1090418544219 Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grimerica/featured Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Elated Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Gnashing of Teeth

  • Interview starts at 35:40 Ryan Bledsoe joins us for a great chat about UFO's and Ancient Wisdom. We get into his story a bit and how they tried to debunk it but couldn't and how it is still happening, and their experience with the alphabet agencies. We talk about protecting yourself, the word on the street, sending thoughts to the sky, the orbs, our spiritual metaphysical reality, manufacturing in zero gravity conditions, Fatima like encounters, the wisdom gleaned that matches the Ancients, the eternal world and communication in dreams. We also get into EEG's confirming the reality of extra dimensional communication, the political Disclosure that is or is not happening, his experience with the 100th phenomenon sighting, higher frequencies, star alignments, non human intelligences, the Earth as a living being, metal being alive, metamaterials, Black Ops and telepathy from higher intelligences. https://www.bledsoesaidso.com/ https://www.bledsoesaidso.com/ufo-of-god Darren's hunting trip: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077639391429?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1 Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grimerica/featured Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Elated Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Gnashing of Teeth If you would rather watch: https://rumble.com/v5pf92e-ryan-bledsoe-the-metaphysical-paranormal-renaissance-bledsoe-said-so.html https://rokfin.com/stream/54428

  • interview starts at 28:40 Charlie Larson joins us for a chat about Anubis, the Lord of Death and Protection among many other things. We talk about his first book release, why we are fascinated by Anubis, the afterlife, Soul Rescue, how Anubis is invoked in a lot of spells, shadow work, the Jackal and Vulture, working with ancestors and witchcraft. We also talk about misperceptions about Witchcraft, Black, good and evil, being careful about making contact with anything, using a guide, initiation, casting spells, using other deities like Freya and Hecate, using the natural world and elements, coyotes and more. https://anubislightandshadow.com/ Darren's hunting trip: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/experience-the-ultimate-hunting-adventure-in-alberta-canada-tickets-1077639391429?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1 Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grimerica/featured Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Buy Shrooms here: https://www.thegoldenteacher.co/#Grimerica10 Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Wobbly Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Should I

  • Interview starts at 20:20 Keith Thompson joins us for a great chat about the latest in UFO's and his most recent book "The UFO Paradox - The Celestial and Symbolic Reality of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon". He has been into this subject for decades, since he was a kid in school so we chat about being skeptical of Disclosure, whether that has really happened or not, the lates pic of the Mother Ship, The Collins Elite, the Vedas, The Daemon, and weirdness around Kenneth Arnold and his family. We also get into the spiritual and paranormal aspect of the phenomenon, Skinwalker, the Hitchhiker Effect, Bigelow, CE-5's, modern ufology, UFO-X, his personal NDE account, ETH, Interdimensionals, the truth being too complex for us, intuition and compassion and following the evidence. https://www.thompsonatlarge.com/index.htm https://www.innertraditions.com/author/keith-thompson Become a Lord or Lady with 1k donations over time. And a Noble with any donation. Leave Serfdom behind and help Grimerica stick to 0 ads and sponsors and fully listener supported. Thanks for listening!! Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. Support the show directly: http://www.grimerica.ca/support https://www.patreon.com/grimerica http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grimerica/featured Adultbrain Audiobook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/The newer controversial Grimerica Outlawed Grimerica Show Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Our audio book website: www.adultbrain.ca Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Grimerica on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2312992 Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/i/EvxJ44rk Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter https://grimerica.substack.com/ SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! [email protected] InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Can't. Darren is still deleted. Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show: www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Wobbly Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Should I