The end of season three is here and I saved the best for last folks!
Last week Makala told us about three hauntings from around the world and this week she tells us three experiences of her own... And I swear to you guys, they are scary AF.
For the first half of our season finale I talk with my Tiktok friend Makala...
She discusses three haunted locations around the world that have some pretty dark stuff going on. We've got a "witch", an ancient inn and a castle, so buckle up!
Saknas det avsnitt?
Maggie is back this week with the second half of her tales!
She touches on the spirit of an old woman who haunts a bedroom in her family home as well as some experiences from her family members.
The terror train keeps chugging folks!
Just in time for Christmas, we've got Maggie's tales from her very own haunted house. This is part one of her two part episode so happy holidays and enjoy!
Another week another haunt!
This week we head over to Alina's haunted family home where she saw a ghost child, shadow figures and even a cursed ring. And that's only half of it...
Folks... This week we are talking about a haunted bathroom.
I talk with a Tiktok friend of mine named Jake who experienced some very strange things after a man died in the bathroom of his family's gas station. If you wanted a strange one... here it is.
This week we wrap up with Rick's ghostly tales and experiences!
He gives us a little more lore about the island's ghosts including a terrifying tale about "the long neck man", as well as some of his personal encounters.
This week's episode features paranormal investigator and Block Island Ghost Tours guide Rick!
Rick brings a different perspective as a tour guide of the supernatural and tells me about a few of the more notable historic haunts around the island.
From an actual ghost ship to haunted hotels and lighthouses, Rick has plenty of spooky lore to share...
He actually had so much to say I had to split his episode up into two parts as well. So make you you stick around for the conclusion of Rick's scary stories next Friday!
Carmine is back with more of his paranormal experiences!
We leave the shadow people at the hospital behind and head on out to a couple haunted locations in Connecticut where Carmine came across some more otherworldly beings.
And we finally come full circle when he comes face to face with an entity from his childhood.
We are BACK with season 3!
This week's episode features Carmine who is a doctor in Connecticut. After a strange encounter with a dying patient, Carmine begins to see shadow figures day and night in the hospital he works in. But things come to a head when those same shadow figures begin to appear in his house.
But that's not all! Carmine has had so many experiences with the paranormal that I had to give him a second full episode. So stay tuned for part two of his stories that will be coming out next Friday.
It... is... alive.
The finale of season two is finally upon us!
I had a couple different options on how to close out this season of The Grave. But as I looked back, I felt it was only right at this point, to make an episode that lets all our listeners know where I stand on certain subjects. It seemed unfair that I ask my guests to come on and put their beliefs out there for everyone else to judge while I merely sit back and listen. It won't do, I say!
Which is why, in this episode, Colin and I go in depth into my own personal beliefs about a great many topics concerning the paranormal. We also get into some of Colin's personal experiences and where he stands on the issues presented. The intent of this episode is to let everyone know where I stand on these issues and where I'm at so far in my spiritual journey.
With that said, I hope you all enjoyed this season and enjoy this episode! I do fully intend to launch season three but as to when that will actually happen is anyone's guess at this point. So, if you are a loyal listener or someone just stopping by, if you or someone you know has had a run in with the paranormal, I want to talk to you!
Email me at podcastthegrave@gmail.com or reach out on IG or Facebook!
After a bit of a hiatus, we are back with the second to last episode of this season!
This week I chat with my friends Felicia and Barnett about their experiences with sleep paralysis.
Sleep paralysis has been a fascination of mine for a while now and while it may seem outside the realm of the paranormal to some. It is my hypothesis that the two may be more connected than mainstream science gives credit for... Felicia starts off our first course of creepy sleepy stories chatting about her encounters with a shadow figure as well as an unseen force that decided to take a nap with her. After that, Barnett serves up some of his own shadow figure experiences and caps off our morbid meal with a little haunted house story of his own.
I hope you enjoy this weeks discussion and stay tuned for updated on the season finale!
Another week, another creepy tale for all of you! This week I'm chatting with Megan.
Megan and I went through the same school system. I actually posed as her boyfriend for 30 minutes or so during a basketball game once to keep some dude from hitting on her... one of my prouder moments. But apart from our (very) brief time spent together, we never spent too much time in the same social circles. So you can imagine my surprise when she reached out to say that she had some things to say on the paranormal. And folks... she brought the heat!
In this episode, we discuss her children and their sensitivity to things beyond the veil. We also delve into her own stories and experiences with what she calls spirit guides and how they have lead her to where she is in her life today. I don't want to give too much away, but Megan certainly delivered with her stories. Plus she's just a genuinely nice person. So I hope you are in a nice dark room or driving alone at night and enjoy Megan's episode as much as I did!
This week we are back with part two of Maggi's story!
Last week we heard about how Maggi was being visited at night by things that may very well come from beyond the veil... She has experienced shadow men standing outside of her window, watching her in her bed. She has also endured the image of an old woman staring at her from the other room. And while some may simply attribute these entities to her insomnia, I firmly believe that these encounters are more supernatural than scientific in nature.
In this weeks episode, we touch on one more presence that Maggi has repeatedly seen in her new apartment as well as a phantom knocking at her door. This episode also furthers a working theory I have concerning sleep paralysis and entities seen before sleep and after you wake. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the startling conclusion or Maggi's stories.
Welcome back to the second half of season two... After a brief hiatus for the holidays, we are back with the creepy stuff!
This week I introduce you to Maggi.
Maggi is my wife's best friend and also happens to be dating my best friend (weird, I know). But let it be known that I don't give preferential treatment depending on how well I know someone. On the contrary, I had initially planned to give Maggi a slot on the upcoming sleep paralysis episode. But as we got talking, I realized there seemed to be something a little more sinister going on than I think she wants to give credit for.
Maggi and I discuss her sleep troubles and her thoughts on the paranormal coming from her scientific background as an audiologist before getting into the things that seem to haunt her after the sun goes down...
This is part one of Maggi's two part episode, so please sit back and enjoy all the chills that she has to deliver!
This week we are talking to Deb Gowrie.
Deb is the mother of one of my sister's good friends and has lived in a haunted house for many years. My sister and brother had told me stories of The Gowrie home for a while now and have continually told me to have her on the podcast... Well, ask and you shall receive!
Deb's experiences in the home include drums playing on their own, a shadow man who seems to have taken an interest in her as well as premonitions of ill-fated events that haven't happened yet. She also tells a story from the former owner on Christmas day that shook me to my core!
So buckle up baby birds, for a hometown haunting...
We are back with part two of Jessica's story...
We are getting right back into Jessica's experiences as she details how she helped a family find the body of a young family member... Not by joining a search party, but by getting clues form the dead girl's spirit that had attached itself to Jessica. She then details how she helps a father communicate with his deceased son and discovers the secret gift one gave to the other.
I can only hope that Jessica's spiritual gifts impress you as much as they impressed me!
This week we are jumping into the world of a spiritualist...
Jessica was introduced to me via Stacy Christine from the first season of this podcast. I had initially expressed my hesitation about psychics/mediums/spiritualists etc. but figured it couldn't hurt to have a chat with her... and I'll say this, she did not disappoint! Jessica is not only an amazing person but, in my estimation, is an amazing spiritualist as well. She's a no BS lady who left me baffled as she recounted some of her experiences. Her and I discuss her early run-ins with the paranormal before moving on to her gift and some of her first experiences using them. These include finding a missing woman, channeling the Pope and her encounters with some darker forces.
Part two of Jessica's story will be coming next week and trust me when I say, she has saved the best for last...
Tammy is back with her spine-tingling conclusion to last week's episode!
To summarize part one of Tammy's story, she has been dealing with the paranormal since she was a little girl. A family curse has caused a dark entity to cling to her. And no matter where she goes, it always follows. Different houses, different states, it doesn't matter. Whatever this force is, it's not going down without a fight...
In this weeks episode, Tammy delves deeper into some of her work as a paranormal investigator. She discusses some of the haunted locations she's investigated and the ghosts she's encountered there. But she got into investigating the paranormal to help people, and tells the story of a troubled mother and son who seem to be dealing with something demonic. But what Tammy discovers while in their home will chill even the most seasoned paranormal enthusiast to their core...
Be sure to stop by Tammy's IG and TikTok accounts to stay up to date on all of her paranormal activity.
You can find her @screamqueen36 and @thehauntedone36.
We are back and creepier than ever!
Starting us off for season two is a wonderful woman I met through Instagram named Tammy. Tammy is not only a paranormal investigator but has also been haunted for the majority of her life. A family history of dark magic has seemingly cursed her and caused a malevolent presence to attach itself to her. No matter where she goes, it always follows. But instead of succumbing to the entity, she is fighting for herself and using what she has learned in her personal experiences to help others.
In part one of this two part interview, Tammy and I discuss those personal experiences. From seeing ghosts as a child to the apparent demonic force that has plagued her since she was a teenager, I think we can all agree she has had to deal with more than her fair share of spirits...
Be sure to stop by Tammy's IG and TikTok accounts to stay up to date on all of her paranormal activity.
You can find her @screamqueen36 and @thehauntedone36.
You can also check out some of her incredible paranormal videos on my blog: https://abridgetoland.wordpress.com/category/the-grave-podcast/
And with that, please enjoy part one of Tammy's two part episode!
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